rTHE MICHIGAN DAILY iEIl V, FEBRUARY 28, 194 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN .axw.a: .. f,'Y7..: ' r axc" ic ..''"v a- n av~sn..n t, w-.-p-. -'*"' . 'i 3v''s V:e' f"9Fa' a z . wf . te 'S:,..es; ? & s""rax an . , I from Page 5) are being made by the International of law, Kyushu University, Fukuoka Center and Mrs. Henry J, Meyer. City, Japan, will visit Feb. 28-March 2. Associa- Mr. Rajai Hakki and Mrs. Hakki,, embership in Student The International Student Chief Inspector of English Teaching, tion is sponsoring the visits of Chilian Syrian Region, Damascus, United Arab Jnversity Regulations, students Andres OJeda Urzua, Rodrigo Republic, will be here March 3-11. student Organizations Hurtado Morales, Hugo Villar Valdes, bership lists; Univer- Sergio Ravanal Valenzuela and David Revision of Section 4 Silberman Gurovich. Group escort fora these students is Manuel Aragon, Jr., of Even s Tu sd y constituents and Mem- the USA, and they will be on campus Concert. Brian Sullivan, tenor of the ouncements, Adjourn- from Feb. 26-March 2. Metropolitan -Opera Company, will be, Mr. Josip Zupanov, Chief, Sociological heard tonight in Hill Aud. at 8:30. Mr. - Deut., Institute for Social Self Gov- Sullivan replaces Jussi Bjoerling origi- ernment, of Zagred, Yugoslavia, will nally scheduled for the same date; I Visitors visit for three weeks beginning Feb. 2. therefore, ticket-holders are reminded Arrangements for his visit were han- that the same ticket (No. 8) is to be he foreign visitors who dled by Dr. Angus Campbell, Director, used for admission. Mr. Sullivan will mnpus this week on the Survey Research Center. - be accompanied at the piano by Rich- Program arrangements Kanesaburo Gushima, Dean, faculty ard Tetley-Kardos. The program will consist of songs by Schumann, Richard Strauss, Donaudy, Lehmann, Bridge, Quilter and Malotte; and operatic arias from Handel's "Semele" and "Judas Maccabaeus"; Cilea's "L'Arlesiana"; La- Slos "Le Roi d'Ys"; Bizet's "Carmen."! Tickets are available at the' offices of the University Musical Society until 4:45 p.m. and at the Hill Aud. pox office after 7 p.m.D Mathematics Colloquium. Dr. M. S. Ramanujan, Department of Mathemat- ics, will speak on "Banach Fundamen- tals and Summability Methods," on Feb. 28, 3011 Angell Hail at 4:10 p.m. Refreshments in 3212 Angell Hall at 3:30 p.m. L EEvents Wednesday Sociology Colloquium: Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the Economics Department will speak on "Economic Theory and 'Sociological Theory" on" Wed., March 3?1 at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. C., Angell Hall. A 1EEBotanical Seminar. Dr. Margaret B. Davis, Yale University, will speak on "Sources of Error 'n Pollen Analysis" on Wed., March 1 at 4:15 p.m. Refresh- ments at 4 p.m. in 1139NS. Mechanical Engineering Seminar: e! Yt1 te Cmmunty or Btte Heath'Wind Tunnel Studies of Aerodynamic rving the Commun ty for Better Health Behavior of the Atmosphere as Related to Industrial Stacks" by Ass't. Prof. F. K. Boutwellon Wed., March 1 at 4 p.m. in 229 West Engineering Bldg. Placement Notices Placement Interviews -- Seniors and your stay in Ann Arbor make the graduate students please call Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 3371 for inter- , view appointments with the following: SLLAG E APOT H ECARYWEDNESDAY, MARCH 1 Ohio Oil Co., Findley, 0. (Home Office). Men and Women graduates for SD g positions in Accounting, Procedures Rej ur Dru Store search ad Secretarial in addition to Svarioussales training programs previ- ously announced. THURSDAY, MARCH 2 il go out of our way top ase l eyou. Laboratories for Applied Science, Mu- g O ut O OU rW~y O p 056 OU.seum of Science'- & Industry, Chicago. Operations Research (Weapons Re- search) for U.S. Air Force Research and Development Plan. Men and women CR IPT IONS with a MS or PhD in Mathematics or Physics. Service Bureau Corp., Detroit. Men AEDICINALS with degrees in Econ. PoliSci, Eng., rESForeign Languages, Geo., Soc., Psych., Anthro., Fine Arts (Design), Hist., Phil., Speech and Educ. for Mgmt. Trng., territory sales.' Men with a Li QUOR, BEER, ,W INE degree in Mathematics or Physics for L(II erEr. Electric Computing. Subsidiary of IBM Corp. FRIDAY, MARCH 3 American National Bank & Trust Co. ee Del ivery -- Charge Accounts of Chicago, Il1.-Men with degrees in , Econ., Engl., or Acctg. for Banking pen from 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. *and Accounting Programs. Engineering Placement Interviews- 128 West Engrg. Bld., Ext. 2182. For seniors and graduate students. S. University Ave. NO 3-5533 MARCH 1 Campbell Soup, Napoleon, Ohio. BS: ChE, CE, EE, IE and ME. Des., Prod., ?r. -4 R F,1;?. .L- ??: ? ~s E r eM~k8n: 5 : .; oMaint. Container Mfg. Ohio Oil Co., Findlay, Ohio; BS: ChE, CE and ME. Tech. Serv. and Pipe Line Engrg., Polaroid Corp., Cambridge and Walt- ham, Mass. All Degrees: ChE, EE. BS- MS: EM and ME. BS: E Physics. Des. Procter & Gamble Co. (SUMMER EM- PLOYMENT ONLY): Must be within 1 yr. of receiving a BS or MS degree in Sngrg. or Science. See folder on Place- ment Bulletin Board. R. & D., Engrg., Ind. Engrg. & Mfg. Stauffer Chemical Co., Chicago Hts., and N.Y.C. All Degrees: ChE. for Dev., Prod. and Power Plant. Sun Oil Co., Phila., Pa. All degrees: ChE for R. and D., Sales and Prod. West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co., Covington, Va.; Charleston, S.C.; Luke, Md.; Tyrone & Williamsburg, Pa.; and Mechanicville, N.Y. BS-MS: ChE, EM, ME. BS: E Math., E Physics. All De- grees: Chem. Des., R. & D., Sales, Prod.. and Tech. Serv. Whirlpool Corp., St. Joseph, Mich.; St. Paul, Minn.; Evansville, Ind.; Clyde, Ohio. BS-MS: EE, IE and ME. Prod. Worthington Corp., N.J , N.Y., Mass., Pa. and District Offices in all major cities. BS: AE, ChE, CE EE, IE and ME. Des., R. and D. for ME only. Sales-'All Engr. rPod. for IE Trng. Frog. U.S. Gov't-Defense (AF) Aerospace Technical Intelligence Center, Wright- Patterson AFB, Ohio. BS-MS: AE, EE. BS: E Math, E Physics and Nuclear. Des., R. and D. MARCH 1-3 Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich.; Freeport, Tex.; James River, Va.; Baton Rouge,La.; Pittsburgh, Cal. All Degrees: ChE, CE, Istru., ME, Met. BS-MS: Mat'Is. BS: IE. MS: Municipal and Sanitary. Des., R. and D., Sales and Prod. E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Company-wide. BS-MS: ChE, EE, EM. IE, ME, Met. and Chem. and Phys. BS: E Physics and Science. MS: Nu- clear. Prof.: Applied Mechanics. R. and D., Sales and Prod. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: Reminder to seniors, recent grads., Federal service entrance exam, sched- uled periodically, to be given March 18. Applications must be filed by March 2. Mich. Dept. of Social Welfare, Lans- ing-Scholarships for grad. study in soc. work for 1961-62. Allowance for dependents in addition to basic sti- pend. Case work positions in Children's Div. available following 1 yr. grad. trng. Nat'l. Foundation, N.Y.C.-Grads in Lib. Arts, Bus. Adm., or Educ. as State Reps. & Chapter Executives to raise funds and carry on chapter pro- grams. Should have public contact ex- perience. Foun. engaged in res., prof. educ. and medical care. New Jersey Machine Corp., Hoboken, N.J.-Recent' grad. (exper. not req.) as Sales Engnr. Firm supplies machinery to packaging industry. Farmers Insurance Group, Detroit- Liability Adjuster. LLB preferred, but will consider outstanding grads in other fields. Large Corp., Pasadena, Calif.-Physi- cist, to have charge of adv. dev. prog, PhD and res. exper on project level, either in Univ. or scientific co., and some exper. i industry beyond PhD level. I Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colo. -Tech. Librarian for Engrg. Lib. 24 semester hrs. in Lib. Sci. req. MA not' essential, Some lb. exper, preferred. Manufacturer's Life Insurance, South- field, Mich.-Agency. Stac Asst.--Admin. Trainee to handle Agency Services Dept. Recent grad-any field. Louis Fogel, Detroit (Mfger's Reps.- 4 st. area) Recent grad for sales posi- tion in Cleveland area. Time, Inc., Chicago-Women grads, any field, to train as Supervisors in c.-.> ".".". ' .ar x.".v. .x,'.x .".+.rrxa:.s^:vgarsr.nx. ..1.v .+.ir.SS.+ ::::sY 7s:":4'.'.'.".";T.'.' :A^«.>:"?iX^..'^«t{{.:Ct?: Wi{ov.:."'+3?eir.1F Cori':"''SM: .'.C :""",'.'v°"'i$Ys'i :°'".. t:""'i''+ ':'. n4't}: i ,''*.:Usti: '. 's' * ''v ii:iti , +.''i' a\?'2?.'4 ia!:! si "' S 'y' '. '! +'%"s.'aJ. Subscription Service Dept. Interest, aptitude for detail work, business or- gan. necessary. Gulf Oil Corp., Pittsburgh-ChemE's; BS, MS for work in Process Dev. Section of Gulf Res. & Dev. Co. Representative will interview interested candidates on campus March 15. Pleast contact Bureau of Appts., 4021 Admin., Ext. 3371 for further infor- mation. SUMMER PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: Feb.. 28-Camp Sea-Gull, Charlevois, Mich.-Coed. Camp. Mr. and Mrs. L. Schulman interviewing today from 1:30 to 4:55 p.m. March 1-Win Schuler's Restaurants, Marshall, Jackson, Traverse City, Mich., Michael lurst interviewing Wed. from 1:30 to 4:55 p.m. For further information go to Sum- ;ner Placement Service, D-528 SAB. Open every afternoon from 1-4:55 p.m. and all day Friday, Student .Part-Time Employment The following part-time jobs are avail- able. Applications can be made in the Non-Academic Personnel Office, 1020 Admin. Bld., Monday through Friday,. 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Employers desirous of hiring part- time or temporary employees should contact Jack Lardie at NO 3-1511, Ext. 2939. Students desiring miscellaneous jobs should consult the bulletin board in Rm. 1020 daily. MALE 1--Room in exchange for light work. 2-Dark-room technicians, afternoons and week ends. 3-Social photographers, mostly week jends. 1-Experienced radio and TV repair- man, hours to be arranged. 2-Experienced camera repairmen (min. 20 hours per week). 9-Psychological subjects, hours to be arranged. 38-Psychological subjects, two 1?1 hour periods. 2-Salesrhen, commission basis, must have car. 1-Full - time temporary electronics technician. 2-Experienced house painters, for sev- eral week ends. FEMALE 2-Saleswomen, commission basis, must have car, 12-Psychological subjects, two llj hour periods, total time. 8-Psychological subjects (21 or over, for drug experiments), 1-Room and board in exchange for light work. Daily Classifieds Bring Results CELANESE INTERVIEWING ON CAMPUS'^"vthh For dates{ Land arrangements, see your Placement' Director Where chemistry means business ..-'. there's more room to grow, ', . In the past few years Celanese' wide ranging opera- tions in chemicals and plastics, as well as in chemical fibers, have broadened into new areas, and this for1 ward looking, diversified company foresees an evens greater range of products, markets, and interests com ing tomorrow from today's scientific research and' development, engineering and production skills. You needn't be "slotted" at Celanese. There's plenty 'of room for you to grow-not only room and oppor- .tunty, but encouragement to grow. For only with individual growth will this vigorous young company) tbe able to meet its great, diverse tasks oftomorrow. Wherever your technical interests lie-in chemicals, plastics, or fibers-there are opportunities for chem- ists, physicists, and engineers of all kinds-in research and development, in manufacturing, in technical serv- ice, in marketing. l i CORPORATION OF AMERICA' NEW! 6,800 ft. double chairlift -- one of nation's highest. New expanded lodging accommodates more skiers than ever before! .~ - - s r Thrifty Ski Weeks ''I on The Big Mountain at Whitefish, Montana ... three-time site of National Ski Championships , SPCIL 9 68 81per person plus rail fare SPECIAL ALL-SEASON RATE INCLUDES: Six days of skiing on finest powder snow-over 15 miles of open slopes, trails . Lodging at Big Mountain Chalet, Ski Lodge or in- town (free bus to slopes) w Three meals daily " Unlimited use of all lifts " Six ski lessons, 29 HOURS FROM CHICAGO -^. on Great Northern EMPIRE BUILDER Leave Chicago 3 P.M. Arrive Whitefish next evening. Great scenery from Great Domes. Passenger Traffic Manager, Great Northern Railway, 175 East Fourth Street, St. Paul 2, Minn. I CApitol 4-6588 '' I Please supply further information on Great Northern trains to I Whitefish and on The Big Mountain "Thrifty Ski Weeks". 5M4 NAME3 it 1 ADDRESS CITY "STATE_ __ i 4 1 I' wil interview on campus MARCH 6 B.S. and M.S. candidates in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Physics for Design and Development Specialized Training Program, Direct Assignment, Graduate Study Program See your placement officer now to arrange an interview with the RCA representative. Q~N~ 1101 are ellytvlu. i