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February 28, 1961 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-02-28

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Freestylers Lift 'M' Hopes

Faculty-Student Games Open

(This is the first of two articles
analyzing Micihgan's strengths and
weaknesses in the upcoming, Big
Ten Swimming championships. To-.
day's article deals with the five
freestyle events, tomorrow's with the
specialty events and diving.)
If Michigan is to retain its Big
Ten swimming title, it will Grob-
ably have to score very heavily in
the five freestyle events to offset
such great individuals as Mike
Troy, Chet Jastremski, and Frank
McKinney of Indiana, undoubtedly
the only other serious title conten-
The Houston stars flexed their
muscles two weeks ago as they
swept to a 62-39 dual meet victory
over the Wolverines at Bloom-
ington. As in the' dual meet, it
will be Michigan freestyle depth
vs. Indiana individuals.
However, three factors at the
conference championships should
make the title contest much closer
than the dual meet: First points
are awarded on a 5-3-1 basis in
a dual meet., In the champion-
ship meet, the first six receive
points as they finish and the next
six on ;the 'basis of -qualifying
r Second, each school may enter
a miximum of four competitors
in each event. In a dual meet, the
limit is two. Third, five events in
the championship meet are not
included in dual meets; the 1500-
yd. freestyle, one meter diving,
100-yd. breaststroke, butterfly, and
backstroke. Michigan should bene-
fit by the addition of at least the
first three and possibly the fourth.

Wolverine Captain, Frank Leg-
acki is the defending conference
champion at both the 50 and 100-
yd. freestyle sprints. Bill Darnton
is a prime contender at 220, 440,
and 1500 yds. In addition, Coach
Gus Stager has excellent depth
at the 50, 440, and,1500-yd. events.
Legacki will receive stiff compe-
tition in the 50 from Minnesota
sophomore Stave Jackman who
has equalled his conference re-
cord of :22.0. In the Michigan-
Minnesota dual meet, Jackman
won the 50 and Legacki the 100.
Wolverine Juniors Jim Kerr and
The Scuba Diving Club will
hold its first meeting of the
year tonight at 7:30 in the 3rd
floor conference room of the
Michigan Union.
Dennis Floden could both place
very high. Kerr took third place
in the conference meet in 1960.
Others to watch include Jeff Matt-
sone and.MikeWood, Michigan
State, ;Ron McDevitt, Wisconsin,.
all of whom have done :22.7 or
better this year in a race in which
an uneven start or missed turn
can spell the difference between
first and last place.
Legacki Fastest
In the 100, Legacki's :48.9
against Michigan State and :49.0
against Ohio State are the two
fastest times recorded in the con-
ference this year. But close be-

hind are Jim Spreitzer of Illinois
and McDevitt with :49.1 and Wood
with :49.2. Indiana's Pete Sintz
has done :49.4. Steve Thrasher
and Dave Heizer are Wolverine
point possibilities.
Sintz, Troy if he enters, and
Alan Somers of Indiana should all
place high in the 220 although the
best time, 2:02.0, belongs to
Spreitzer with Sintz, 2:02.3 and
Danrton, 2:02.8 next. Billy Steuart
of Michigan State is a strong
threat and so is his teammate
Dave Brackett.
Owen Klienschmidt of Michigan
is bracketed with Orrin Nord-
strom, Ohio State, and Bill Claer-
hout, Iowa. All have sub-2:06.0
clockings. Klienschmidt carries a
reputation as a clutch swimmer
and might bear watching.
Good Depth
Michigan dominates the 440 with
four of the top eight men in the
conference. The situation is vir-
tually the same in the 1500 in
which most of the same swimmers
will be competing.
Darnton finished second in the
conferenceh440 title race last year
and fourth in the 1500. However,
in both races he will have to do
battle with Somers, the defending
AAU champ at both distances, and
Steuart, who won both races in
the 1959 NCAA championships.
Teammate Win Pendleton fin-
ished third in the conference 1500
race last year and is also a threat
in the 440. John Dumont and War-
ren Uhler will probably be the
other Wolverine entries in the dis-
tance events.

ELEVE, GOING ON?-Coach Charlie Pond (left) will lead his petct'tLi ri U W. r Fwiuiyaarne -rvnn- "y
Illinois gymnasts in their quest for a 12th consecutive Big Ten faculty petters against various Faculty strength perennially lies
student players, in the racket and paddle games
championship this weekend in Ann Arbor. With him is sophomore All-American tennis, badminton, table tennis,
Hal Holmes, undoubtedly the top tumbler in the Big Ten. Andy Kozar, an all-American squash, and paddleball.
Gymnasts Seek To End lini om11nato1

Michigan Icers Due To End Up Third
A W HCHA Is All But Decided

Newt Loken has been gymnastics
coach at Michigan since the sport's
inception here 13 years ago.
For most of these 13 years, the
last 11 to be exact, the Conference
title has been the soul possession
of Charles Pond and his remark-
able Illinois gymnastics squads.
This week-end in Ann Arbor,
Pond and friends will be attemp-
ting to make it 12 in a row, and
Loken's Wolverines are thie best
bet to stop them.
The last time the Illini failed
to win the Conference crown was
in, 1949, when Minnesota edged
them, 62-61. Curiously enough, the
meet washeld in Ann Arbor that
year, and one of the outstanding
Gopher performers was Herb Lo-
ken, younger brother of the cur-
rent Wolverine coach,
Long List
Since then, led by a list of stars
that reads like a combination of
United States and Canadian Olym-
pic squads, the Illini,have always
been threatened in their quest for
Big Ten titles, but have never

The WCHA playoff positions!
were all but decided last week-
end, when Michigan split with
Michigan Tech, and Minnesota
plowed /through Colorado.
Saturday's 6-1 loss to Tech,
coupled with, Minnesota's 7-2
blasting of the CC Tigers, has
put Michigan in third place, and
has lifted the Gophers to the cov-
eted second place slot.
And unless the "impossible"
happens, this is the way it is go-
ing to end up. The Huskies of
Michigan Tech will end up in
fourth place and will play first
place Denver at Denver, while
second place Minnesota will host
the Wolverines..
However, with a Michigan State
sweep of Michigan in this week-
end's home and home series, the
Wolverines would land in fourth.
A North Dakota sweep of the
Gophers at Minneapolis, coupled
with a Michigan series sweep with

f o

last place State, would give the
Michigan squad second place.
This situation is very highly hy-
pothetical, and it is quite obvious
that the race is all but decided.
Although Coach Al Renfrew's
strategy of switching the lines,
proved unsuccessful in Saturday
night's lopsided affair, the Michi-
gan mentor will stick with his
newly formed combinations.

As far as injuries for the week-
end are-concerned, the Wolverines
were fortunate in this department.
Defenseman Bernard Nielson
and forward Joe Lunghamer were
shaken up in Friday night's con-
test, but both -recovered suffi-
ciently to play on Saturday, and
both will see full action against
State this weekend.

yielded. The list includes names
like Dolan, Culbertson, Grossfield,
Tonry, and present-day stars like
Hal Holmes and Ray- Hadley.
As a consistent winner, Pond
qualifies as a Big Ten version of
Casey Stengel, and like "Ol' Case,"
"O' Charlie" is not adverse to
saying what's on his mind.
About eight years ago, he claim-
ed that one of his tumblers, Skip-
py Browning, could high jump
seven feet with a little practice.
This was a swell idea, but it was
abandoned when it was learned
that a high-jumper must take off
from one foot. It seemed "tumb-
ling" over the cross-bar didn't
Casey' Talks
After Michigan upset the Illin,
621-39%, February 11 Pond noted
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Read the Classifieds


Clark's Tea Room

r 7 .U


/ .

Since the beginning of his intellectual awareness, Man he
looked upward to the outer void surrounding his plan
Earth. He has watched the twinkling stars and wondere
at the never-ending dance of the planets around the Su
He has dreamed and written of the possibility of explorir
outer space and speculated endlessly on what he mig
find could he but explore those silent spheres.
A practical beginning to these century long yearning
teas already been accomplished with man-made satellit
already girdling the Earth. Now, the next stage is und
yvay-the daring attempt to explore the Moon and tI
planets of our Solar System and their environments.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administratic
1ias assigned Caltech's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPI
the responsibility for the Nation's program of unmanne
lunar, planetary, and interplanetary exploration. TI
objectives of this program are to contribute to mankind
fundamental knowledge of space and the space eni
ronment and to the development of the technology c
space exploration. For the next ten years, as larger boosts
vehicles become available, spacecraft with ever-increa
ing scientific instrument payloads will be developed.
JPL will conduct the missions, utilizing these spacecra
to orbit and land on the Moon, to probe interplanetar
space, and to orbit and land on the near and far planet
Earliest of these spacecraft will be the "Ranger" serie
,t6w being designed, developed and tested at JPL Th
mission of this particular series will include first, explora
tion of the environment and later the landing of instru
nent capsules on the Moon.
Subsequent steps will continue a constant probing fc
the knowledge of what is beyond and will require all th
skills, ingenuity, courage, endurance, perception anc
imagination that men can bring to the task.

EHntire Sudnt Bod f Ly

d ,.......


Illustrated is a "Range"
proof.tst model undergoing
design verification testing in
one of the laboratories of JPL.
Here design features are
tested and prayed, operational
procedures developed and
handling experience gained for
the actual construction of the
initial flight spacecraft:
These spacecraft will be among
the earliest pioneers in the


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