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February 28, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-02-28

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At irt t
Seventy-First Year
I Will Prevai"
itorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints.

Faces Multiple Charges

Do Foreign Students
Share the Rights of Man?

T IS TOO EASY for the United States gov-
ernment to gag the free political expression
the foreign student in this country. From
btle threats to direct action, the immigration
rvice has pressured many student aliens with
portation for a number of loosely construed
ubversive" activities.
The most recent example .of this kind of
essure was last week's "suggestion" by the
ternational Center that foreign students not
ke part in the demonstrations in Detroit
ainst the death of Patrice Lumumba. But
is action has a substantial precedent, both
.re and across the country.
Several years ago, according to Robert Kling-_
Head Counselor of the International Center,
veral African students wanting to protest
hru's attitude towards aparthied in South
rica were warned that their action might be
iisconstrued," meaning investigated. Nothing
er came of their plans.- A few months ago,
me foreign students wished to join the Fair
ay for Cuba group on a trip to survey condi-
ins in Cuba. They were warned by the Im-
gration Department through the Internation-
Center that this trip might provoke in-,
stigation as a communistic venture. It is
ie that the two foreign students who went
re not bothered, but it is equally true that
veral were scared off by the warning. Last
ek came the Lumumba demonstration affair.
HE BASIS OF THESE "warnings," is a law,
Sec. 241(a) paragraphs 6 and 7 of the Im-
gration and. Nationality Act, most recently
vised in 1952 in the middle of the McCarthy
This law, in part threatens deportation to
y alien who "advocates the economic, inter-
tional, and governmental doctrines of world
mmunism. . . either through their own utter-
ces or through any written or printed publi-
tions issued or published," which covers a
etty wide area. It also forbids aliens to "write
publish, or cause to be written or published,
who knowingly circulate, distribute, print or
;play ., anything communistic, fascist, or
archistic. Nor are aliens allowed to belong to
y organizations which do or advocate any of
e above things.
This law brigs up the very basic issue of
e4om of speech-one that has been fought
d re-fought over the past few moinths. But,
ice it concerns foreign students in America,
brings up an other equally important problem
are freedom of speech and freedom of

peaceful political expression given to a person
as a part of his citizenship, or are they basic
human rights, with which no state and gov-
ernment has a right to interfere?
THE LATTER SEEMS TO ME the only stand
appropriate to a free society. Freedom of
political "expression is an individual human
right, no matter what country happens to be
his homeland.
It does not comfort me when Mr. Klinger
says that a student could sit on the platform
of a Communist rally without arousing gov-
ernmental wrath, because he quickly added that
the student could not speak with immunity.
No country based on a constitution which
holds freedom of speech as a basic tenet has
the right to take this freedom away from any-
one. The argument which Mr. Klinger advanc-
ed, is untenable. He says, "the foreign student
in America is like a house guest-he has the.
'right to privately disagree with the hosts in-
terior decorating but no right to bust up his
Of course not. Sabotage is not permitted to
the citizens of this country as a basic right.
But freedom of speech, and freedom of peace-
ful demonstration, is. A foreign student, who
wants to blow up the Belgian Consulate has no
right to do so-nor would an American in the
same position. But if he wants to picket in front
of it till hell freezes over, this is perfectly with-
in his rights, as a human being.
T HE STAND THAT FREEDOM of political ex-
pression as a basic human right is not, in
practice, an easy one to take. If you say that
foreign students should have the right to
examine conditions in Cuba with a group which
may or may not be communistic, you must
also say that the German students here in the
late '30's had the right to agitate for Hitler.
You must say that of foreign students should
be permitted to picket the Belgian Consulate in
Detroit, you must also say that a man like the
neo-Nazi George Lincoln Rockwell has the
right to speak in Washington Square, and to
be protected while doing so.
The road away from McCarthy hysteria has
been a long and hard one. But not until, the
serious and restricting laws limiting the ac-
tivity of foreign students In America have
been revoked will we be able to say, once again,
that we are a free society.

(EDITOR'S DOTE: This is the
second of a three-part series on the
sheriff's department.)
daiy Staff Writer
CHARGES WERE hurled at the
Washtenaw County sheriff's
department-before the eras of Lil-
lie and Petersen.
Late in 1957, Sheriff Erwin L.
Klager's department received con-
siderable criticism, from the press
and the public about fixing of traf-
fic tickets and employees' washing
and servicing of their cars in the
County Jail Garage, eating meals
in the jail kitchen, and helping
themselves to gas at the expense
of the county.
Klager died early in 1958, and
new sheriff Robert E. A. Lillie es-
tablished the following standard
policies which raise serious doubts
as to the quality of the depart-
ment formerly:
Definition of minimum stand-
ards for employment,, a file on
personnel performance and his-
tory, and daily written activity re-
Definition of individual duties,
accountability for clothing and
equipment, uniform traffic viola-
tion and accident report forms,
weapons security regulations, con-
trot of vehicle operation, and ac-
countability for all cash handled
by department members.
** 4
changes were made, an auditing
firm studied the records of the
department and concluded "No
record of cash receipts was main-
tained . . , cash disbursements
were not recorded. It is impossi-
ble to determine what portion of
total disbursements are accounted
And this in a department which
spent over a quarter of a million
dollars of tax money annually.
Despite the sloppy bookkeeping,
the firm established that fund set
up by deputies for picnics, funer-
als, and hospital flowers had $1,-
804 accounted for.
The audit covered the period
when the late Erwin L. Kager was
sheriff, and the "flower fund" was
the responsibility of KMager, for-
mer undersheriff Charles W.
Shaw, and George Petersen, who
is now the sheriff of Washtenaw
The sheriff at the time of the
audit, Robert E. A Lillie, had fired
Petersen from his force Just two
months before the money showed
up missing. The firing was clear-
ly a political move against Peter-
sen, who had announced he was
going to run for sheriff against
Lillie, but if Lillie had waited un-
til the audit he would have had
a more legitimate excuse for dis-
crediting Petersen.
of the chief issues in the election
that year, in which Petersen de-
feated Lillie to gain the office
to which he was re-elected just
a few months ago.
An inventory conducted at the
same time was another interest-
ing commentary on the use of pub-
lic money.
Missing in this inventory were
a five-door refrigerator, micro-
phone and cable, two bullet-proof
vests, an electric fan, four step
ladders, eleven chairs, a portable
radio, a waffle iron, a shotgun, 15
revolvers, and ten pairs of hand-
Perhaps the quality of the books
reflects a general personnel prob-
lem in county law enforcement.
AT THE LAST Board of Super-
visors meeting, a county legislator
said he had received a number of
calls from constituents complain-
ing about loose dogs. When he
referred them to the sheriff's de-
partment as the proper agency
to handle the problem, the people
told him that the personnel at

the sheriff's department had told
them to call the supervisor.
It was an amusing interlude in
the meeting, but it raised serious
doubts as to the calibre of coun-
ty law enforcement men.,
And other doubts have been
raised about the morale in the
sheriff's department. In the after-
math of the 1957-58 disclosures,

sheriff Lillie reported that morale
was at a "low ebb," but indications
are that the problem may still
remain three years ?later.
Jerry H. Holtz, who had resign-
ed nine months before as a depu-
ty, charged during last year's
campaign that contrary to pres-
ent sheriff Petersen's claim that
morale "was never higher," morale
"among the officers was never
lower" than when he left the force.
Klump, who was Petersen's op-
ponent in the campaign, has stat-
ed privately that morale was very
* *' *
said that "if morale in any of
my Marine Corps outfits had ever
been as low as it presently is
among the deputies, there would
have been a mutiny."
One dubious method of raising
morale was documented by Holtz
in his charges-the fostering of
"distrust, suspicion, and an un-
healthy rivalry between (the sher-
iff's) own officers and Michigan
state police troopers."
Holtz said that Petersen pushed
'the rivalry theme to his depu-
ties and obtained a radio to in-
tercept calls from the Ypsilanti
trooper post so that sheriff's men
could race to accident or crime
scenes before the trooper car could
If allegations of interference in
ticketing by the sheriff are also
true, this could work against de-
partmental morale.
And hampering the process of
officers' giving information to the
press could be detrimental, as is
Petersen's desire to keep deputies'
names out of crime stories because
it makes them conceited.
there is no more turnover in the
force than usual. "However," he
said, "if someone doesn't work, is
a deadbeat, and doesn't pay his
bills, I don't want him on \my
"When a deputy wants to run
the County, it's time to get rid of.
him. I'm still the boss around
Explaining procedures by which
complaints from within the de-
partment are handled, Petersen
explained that he and some of his
assistants "sit down and iron it
out" with the man involved.
I asked, "What sort of things
do you do to keep high, morale
and discipline among the men?"
"I expect them to obey orders.
We have no trouble. If I do find
some I'll stop them quick."
"These morale charges are made
by jealous outsiders."
OF COURSE, any turnover at all
in a department is wasteful, be-
cause experience is lost, and this
is particularly important in a de-
partment which depends so strong-
ly on on-the-job work as a train-
ing mechanism.
In fact, there is no regular
training program for county law
enforcement agents, in startling
contrast to the practices of the
Ann Arbor police department and
most other agencies aware of con-
temporary criminological meth-
In 1958 sheriff Lillie instituted
"progressive training in the use
of equipment and firearms includ-
ing participation in training facili-
ties made available through Mich-
igan State University, the Uni-
versity of'Michigan, and the Fed-
eral Bureau of Investigation."
The present sheriff explained
that new recruits "must make a
formal application and have a
twelfth grade education." He looks
for "background, experience edu-
cation, and health" in men he
hires. Some of them, he noted, are
* * *

gram amounts to handing raw re-
cruits' guns and cruising cars with
little background.
Although they are sent to "any
school which comes up," the train-,
ing consists in having new men
work in teams with older men on
the force for 90 days. "By then.
they should know what they're
doing," Petersen explained.

The dangers in such a program
are enormous even if the men
have formerly been part-time dep-
uties. Petersen admitted that his
men handle more serious cases in
general than policemen, yet there
is no systematic training program.
Not only can modern methods be
ignored and malpractice be hand-
ed from generation to generation
under the present plan, but there
is danger to the deputies and citi-
zens alike in mishandling of cases.
For instance, former deputy El-
mer Klump told me that last fall
deputies answered a call on a man
lying on the ground in the Whit-
more Lake area covered with
blood. The deputies were heard to
say that it was almost time for
the new shift to come on.
They left the scene purportedly
to find the attacker of the man.
"They didn't call an ambulance
and they never came back," Klump
said, and no report was written on
the incident.
Neighbors waited awhile and
then called the state police who
took the victim to the hospital,
where he received 22 stitches in
the head. The person who infilct-
ed the wounds was arrested for
felonious assault, and was in a
condition requiring psychiatric
FOR THE past several years the
major efforts of Warner Bro-
thers have centered on their popu-
lar and profitable ventures into
the realm of hour-long television
series. In the process of develop-
ing these series, the studio has
created a legion of stars known on
the airways, but unfamiliar to the
But, now Warners has brought
two of its most popular video
heroes, Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. (77
Sunset Strip) and Jack Kelly
(Maverick) face to face in a me-
dium budget epic "Fever in the
Blood," currently holding forth
for brief inspection at the State
"Fever in the Blood" is a melo-
drama of politics, morals and mur-
der of considerable interest, until
the final minutes when an attack
of Hollywooditis leads to a horse
race conclusion of previous com-
plexities and a sugary finale that
pales Mother Goose.
* * *
THE FEVER of the title refers
to human lust iin general and
hunger for political power speci-
fically. The film is centered on the
triangular battle for the governor-
ship of a nameless state between
an uncorruptible, aristocratic
judge (Zimbalist), the District At-
torney (Kelly), who has fought his
way to the threshold of success
from the depths of poverty, and
the old professional politician
(Don. Ameche), the incumbent
The three men are pitted against
each other in terms of ideals or
rather the lack of them' as the
struggle for the nomination. To
complicate matters, there is a
lengthy murder case in which Kel-
ly is the prosecutor, Zimbalist the
judge, Ameche the political in-
truder, and the defendant, the ex-
governor's nephew.
Had the black sheep nephew
been played by Edd (Kookie)
Byrne, the hack situation might
have been more like a circus for
the Twelve Angry Men involved
and less of a trial for all con-
To add still another dimension
to the film is the romantic rela-
tionship between the judge and
the senator's wife. (Angie Dickin-

The film has a certain freshness
resulting from- the relative unfa-
miliarity with the leading players
and the professional direction of
Richard Sherman. This film will
not be long remembered, but it
beats a great number of the films
now forced on the public market.
-Harold Applebaum

Festival of New Music;
Complex to..Excellent
SOMEONE TOLD ME he was disappointed in Friday's ONCE concert
because there was no riot. I find it hard to be annoyed
that an Ann Arbor audience could be sophisticated, courteous o just
curious enough to sit through a concert of music for the most part
unfamiliar. In any case, the only walkouts were not until the last
composition played Saturday night, Robert Ashley's "The Fourth of
The organizers of the ONCE festival picked well when they asked
the Luciano Berio Ensemble to come. Berio is one of the leading
European composers, a fine performer and a connoisseur of new
music. Besides Berio, who played piano and celesta, there were flute,
harp, a whole battery of percussion instruments (with two players),
and Kathy Berberian-a native of New York and wife of Berio.
* * * *
THE MOST INTERESTING piece on the first half of the program,
perhaps the best of the evening, was "Frammento" for soprano and
piano by Silvano Bussotti. Those who attended David Tudor's recital
here last year will remember the same composer's "Five Piano Pieces,"
by far the best thing on that program. Bussotti, a musician, painter,
actor and puppeteer from Florence, arranged the text of the "Fram-
mento" from parts of Armenian proverbs, lines from a Genet novel,
and heaven knows where else-the fragments make no sense, I am told,
even if one understands the twelve languages they are sung in. The
mechanical peculiarities of the music- the pianist slams the lid of
the piano to get sympathetic vibrations from its strings-give a super-
ficial impression that it is 'avant-garde'. 4
Miss Be.rberian sang the "Frammento" admirably. She has a
beautiful voice, a wide range and almost incredible techinque.
It is a little hard to see why Debussy's "Syrinx" was put in a
concert of contemparary music, but Jacques Castagner proved it can
still sound good when a good flutist plays it. Edgard Vares'e "Density
21.5" is even better, and Berio's "Sequenza". is undoubtedly the best
thing ever written for solo flute.
BERIO'S "CIRCLES" is a very complex work for soprano, harp
and percussion. The text is three bad poems by E. E. Cummings. The
soprana-with voice, with gesture and with movement-controls the
instrumentalists The choreography did not come off too well, perhaps
because of the small stage, but the music was impressive.
The composition by Boucourechliev that Bero presented was
written for his American tour and that is hard to beat for contem-
poraneity; most of the works played Saturday, , however, are even
more recent and have at least one additional value: we can now see
for ourselves that local 'far out' composers stand up very well beside
prominent Europeans. The Dramatic Arts Center deserves most praise
for making this comparison possible. Incidentally, I understand one of
next Saturday's offerings is still in progress.
Robert Ashley performed his own "Sonata," Gordon Mumma's
"Suite for Piano" and Donald Scavarda's "Groups for Piano." It is a
good thing that Ashley is a first rate pianist, for all three of these are
severe and technically difficult. In the "Suite," where composer Mumma
has given at times alternate possibilities of pitch and rhythm, Ashley
has generally preferred the most complicated arrangement.
ROGER REYNOLDS' "Continuum" for viola and cello, like his
earlier "Situations" for cello and piano, begins with a banal statement
and develops in unbelievable directions. The alternation of set and
improvised rhythms needed a-little more delineation by the performers,
Elizabeth Lichty and Arthur Follows, otherwise excellent.
"The Bottleman," fragments of an unfinished film by George
Manupelli, was projected on two screens from two projectors and when
complete will take four screens. The obvious advantage of multiple
projection is that one can see more than one aspect of an action at one
time. The completed film should be well worth seeing. Manupelli is
also responsible for the fabulous statue called "Lincoln Forms his
Cabinet" on display outside the church entrance.
"The Fourth of July" by Robert Ashley, is already rather famous.
Milton Cohen used it as background for part of his recent show
"Manifestations in Light and Sound" and it got as mixed reactions
then as it did last ;Saturday, when several members of the music
faculty left before it was over.
"THE FOURTH OF JULY" begins with sounds apparently re-
corded at a large party. Gradually, purely electronic sounds creep in
and then take over completely. The structure is as much dramatic
as musical; it has been criticized as too long, but shortening it or
removing any. of its false endings would affect the drama. Part of
the subject matter is boredom, but boredom formalized, until it be-
comes interesting. It is the work of a great imagination, in perfect
Friday night the ONCE festival will continue with the pianist Paul
Jacobs. At the last concert, Saturday, Wayne Dunlap will conduct. a
chamber orchestra in works by local composers. Nothing of the scope
and intention of ONCE has been heard before in Ann Arbor or prob-
ably ever will be again. After all, what would we call it?



Furor Quiets, Issue Persists

r APPEARS that controversy over the free-
dom of the press has died clown on the
rkeley campus of the University of California.
Members of the senior editorial board who re-.
ned in October have ceased publication of the
-campus rebel paper, the Independent Cali-
'nian. The board resigned en masse, protest-
K censure from the executive committee of
e Associated Students of the University of
lfornia over the paper's endorsement of a
adidate in student government elections.
Also, the interim staff, which operated the
per after the resignations, has been replaced
a staff ofilcially appointed by the new con-
.tative board.
OPEFU LLY, uneasy relations between the
Daily Cal and Ex Com were smoothed over
the creation of the consultative board, which
der the bylaws is to "replace" Ex Com in its
atrol of the paper.,
The formal structure of the 11-man board
.s for one student representative each from-
lependent and affiliated housing, the foreign
dent association and the graduate division.
idents must petition and are chosen by the
ups they represent.
Also on the board are a member of the ad-
nistration and a professional journalist,
referably an alumnus of the University," both
pointed by Chancellor Clark Kerr.
Two "students at large" and on independent
mmuting student, appointed jointly by the
fly Cal editor and the president of ASUC,
d two faculty members named by the Aca-
mic Senate also hold seats on the board.
LTHOUGH THE consultative board was cre-
ated to replace Ex Com in its authority, the
ard is to be "rubberstamped" by Ex Com,
rry Timmins, present editor of the Daily Cal
d in a recent phone interview.
'The clause was a device to take away per-
aal difficulties between Ex Corn and the Daily
1," Tinmins added. Under closer observation,
Editorial Staff

however, this Ex Corn "rubberstamp" reflects
much more executive power than has been ad-
The consultative board can recommend a
senior editorial board, taking into considera-
tion the recommendations of the retiring senior
board. Appointments, however, are subject to
the final approval of Ex Com. The consultative.
board can recommend coverage and expansion
and amendments to bylaws, but again action is
subject to Ex Com authority. The only absolute
executive power that the consultative board
holds is the power to remove a senior staff
member with a two-thirds vote.
OF A MUCH MORE nebulous nature are the
functions of the board to "examine cover-
age and review day to day policy."
The editorial policy of the Daily Cal requires
signed editorials reflecting individual opinion,
no criticism on the basis of race or creed, and
adherence to "concepts of truth and fair play."
In addition, there is the restriction that the
Daily Cal express no preference in ASUC elec-
tions prior to the October affair. Nonendorse-
ment had been a tradition but had not been
specifically included in the statement of edi-
torial policy. This is very important because it
means that at the time of the mass resignation
there existed no written authority under which
Ex Com could censure Daily Cal endorsements.
In spite of the reviewing functions of the
consultative board and the control still vested
in Ex Com, Timmins maintained that "the
Daily Cal has "complete editorial freedom."
.There is no Ex Com control over editorials
, before they are printed, Timmins said. "Any re-
prisals which might come would come after-
ward and would be discussed through the con-
sultative board."
FORTUNATELY for the Daily Cal, there have
been no reprisals since the staff appoint-
ments, although several editorials have differed
with Ex Com opinions on campus affairs.
The principal issue remains, however: the
existence of final authority in the hands of
Ex Com, coupled with Timmins' admission of
the possibility. The consultative board, with
its theoretical assumption of control, is little
more than a public relations cushion between
the Daily Cal and Ex Com.
FX COM EXERCISED vague powers in Octo-



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before 2 p.m. two days preceding
General Notices
College 'of Literature, Science; and
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rai Resources,' Nursing, 'and Public
Health: Students who received marks
of I, X, or "no report" at the end of
their last semester or summer fsession

of attendance will receive agrade of
"W" in the course or courses, unless
this work is made 'up by March 13,
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(Continued on Page 5)


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