FOREIGN STUDENTS: IN FREE SOCIETY?9 see ka~ge 4 L 4ita Seventy Years of Editorial. Freedom ~Iati4 CLOUDY High-40 LOW--34 Rain, possibly mixed with wet snow. Am. VOL. LXXI No. 103 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1961 FIVE CENTS EIGHT PAGE Soldiers Employ Terror in Cong Congolese Attack UN Personnel As Kasavubu Seeks Aid in Katanga By The Associated Press LEOPOLDVILLE-Congolese soldiers loosed a campaign of terror against United Nations personnel yesterday in Leopoldville, already imperiled by the advance of leftist rebels. President Joseph Kasavubu and the United Nations command' in the Congo exchanged threats of force. At the same time, Kasavubu's government sought aid trom rebellious Katanga province against the rebels now reported only 280 miles from Leopoldville. In the midst of the tension, G. Mennen- Williams, 'Inited States' assistant secretary of state for African affairs, arrived in Leopoldville "on his African tour. He declined to Rusk Ass Larger NonAtomic Forc WSU Clubs Join To Fight a suspension By The Associated Press DETROiT-All three political clubs at Wayne State University have indicated that they will stick together in fighting the recent action of the supervisory com- mittee suspending their recogni- tion. This stand came in spite, of a statement by Acting Dean of Stu- dents J. Don Marsh, a committee member, that both the Young Re- publicans anil the Young Demo- cr,:Lats could regain recognition by simply applying, although the In- dependent Socialists would find it impossible. Petitions protesting the com- mittee's action continued to be circulated on the WSU campus yesterday. Sunday, the YD's state central committee petitioned the WSU' Board of Governors to "restore their right of assembly without ad- ditlonal harrassment and delay." (The entire matter of the coin- mittee's action is expected to be discussed at the Student-Faculty Council meeting tonight.) Sides Agree In, Fayette SOMERVILLE, Tenn. (M' - A compromise Saturday headed off a legal fight Involving a + faction- torn Negro civil rights organiza- tion. Attachment proceedings were dropped when it was agreed that tons of food and clothing held in storage be distributed among Fayette county sharecroppers im- mediately. Cars clogged the roads as truck- loads of clothing and food sent to the Fayette County Civic and Wel- fare League by sympathizers in the. North were given out near "Tent City." The league drew aid from groups in Chicago, New fyork and other Scities after charging that white leaders were trying to starve Ne- gro - voters out of the county. Whites vigorously deny it. Agreement Reached Scott Franklin, head of one league faction, said John Mc- Ferren, leader of the other faction, was reported still out of town but that agreement was reached with his lawyers. League money on deposit at Ne- gro banks in Memphis and Nash- ville will remain frozen pending, further negotiations, Franklin added. He estimated it at more than $2,000., Franklin was league president, and McFerren was chairman when the quarrel started. They fired each other last Jan. 28 and since 'have formed separate leagues. "M Argument Explained "My argument all along was that this money and stuff was given to the people of Fayette county and belongs to them," said Franklin. "McFerren kept it stored in his house, his barn, garage and a couple other buildings. He had people standing around in lines twice a week to get aid." Gain Approval For Judgeships WASHINGTON (P) - The Sen- ate Judiciary Committee yester- day approved creation of 69 more federal judgeships, adding nine to the list submitted by President comment on the latest Congolese developments. Troops Rampage Congolese soldiers, reported an- gered because the UN command Shas done nothing to stop rebel leader Antoine Gizengas troops in their march toward Leopoldville, went on the rampage Monday night and early yesterday. UN headquarters sent a stiff note 1 to Kasavubu that such attacks will not be tolerated and will be resisted with full force. UN trucks, armed with submachine guns, rumbled through the capital, em- phasizing that the command was ready to use the force authorized by .the Security Council last week to keeppeace in the Congo. Shortly thereafter, Kasavubu called for a general mobilization and in a radio address told each Congolese army military com- mander "to open fire if necessary against anyone who opposes the mission to which he is assigned." Rebel Threat His mobilization order, however, appeared concerned primarily with the rebel threat to-the province's eastern frontier. Meanwhile, Congo Premier Jo- seph Ileo and President Albert Kalonji of South Kasai's mineral state arrived itii Elisabethville last night for urgent talks with Katan- ga officials. Both came at the request of President Moise Thombe of the secessionist Katanga Province. Tshombe wants all rival Congo leaders to meet in Geneva next month. But diplomatic informants and sources close to TsIqmbe said Ileo came to seek mi" ,ary- aid from Katanga to meet the menace of Gizenga's army., Rajeshwar Dayal of India, UN chief in the Congo, disclosed he messaged Stanleyville "to take immediate steps to stop these units and return them to their original bases." There was no indication whether Stanleyville had replied, Pay Teachers Back Wages In Louisiana' BATON ROUGE ()-The Loui- siana treasury came through with two million dollars yesterday and New Orleans teachers had a pay- day. Paychecks went to 3,500 public school employes, including teach- ers at William Frantz and Mc- Donogh No. 19. The teachers at the two schools - integrated by federal court order Nov. 14-were among the first to receive checks. 'Some employes received pay due last November. Others had missed the Feb. 17 payroll and a third group had not beeh paid last Fri- day. The big money advance from the state administration-still battling to preserve public school segrega- tion-was viewed as a compromise to ease federal pressures. Lt. Gov. C. C. Aycock, Speaker of the House Thomas Jewell and State Education Supt. Shelby M. Jackson go before three federal judges Friday. They face contempt charges stemming from interfer- ence with the operation of New Orleans schools. The state money finally reached the teachers after the state ad- vanced the money to the city of New Orleans, which then turned it over to the school board. President Louis G. Riecke of the Orleans Parish School Board said "I think the legislators are begin- ning to realize now as we have realized after four years of fight- ing in the courts that the govern- ment is not going to brook any in- terference with the operation of New Orleans schools." WASHINGTON (M)- Secretary of State Dean Rusk has recom- mended a big step-up in non- atomic forces of America and its allies in order to lessen the dan- ger of a nuclear war. Rusk's views were given to Sec- retary of Defense Robert S. Mc- Namara in a secret paper. State Department Press Officer Lincoln White, while declining to specify what Rusk recommended, last night denounced as "the grossest distortion of the views of the Department of State" one ver- sion of the Rusk recommendations which was published by the Wash- ington Star yesterday. Position Described The Star described Rusk's po- sition as this: -1)Use of the big missiles and bombers carrying atomic weapons should be confined to deterrence of attacks on this country and de- terrence of 'nuclear blackmail.' "2) Attacks on Europe should be met with 'conventional,' non- nuclear weapons unless the ene- my started to use nuclear weap- ons. "3) Limited aggressions outside Europe should be handled by our troops, rather than those of our allies, and we should use non-nu- clear weapons in meeting such ag- gression.d Rusk favored retaining discre- tion as to the place and time nu- clear weapons might be used in case of Red attack, Policy Shift' But in a shift away from the "massive retaliation" policy once enunciated by the late Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, Rusk sought a strengthening of con- ventional forces to combat Com- munist aggressions that might'be staved off without unleashing atomic destruction. Rusk was said to have made his recommendations shortly after he took office for McNamara's use in the Defense Department's broad review of United States strategy. McNamara's studies have been completed and sent to the White House. Officials said there was no split between the views of Rusk and McNamara in this letter, and that the heart of it is implicit in moves already made by President John F. Kennedy. Deals with NATO Rusk's paper dealt mainly with the North Atlantic Treaty Organi- zation and the forces involving European allies, the core of the United States global defense set- up. Officials who disputed the Star story said:.h 1) No one has suggested that a massive attack on Europe should be met by conventional weapons alone. 2) It has not been proposed that Communist aggressions outside Europe be fought by American troops using conventional weap- ons, instead of bytroops of the country under attack. Senate Democratic leader Mike Mansfield (D-Mont) said Rusk would be asked about his views at a closed-door Senate foreign rela- tions committee meeting today. The session was scheduled before reports of Rusk's paper were pub- lished. * * * * *. * * Polley Predicts ' Fund 'To Arrive Before N eLegislators t See Defeat * * Group Sends, Corps Plans' To Congress An outline of the peace corps proposed by President John F. Kennedy was submitted to Con- gress yesterday by a private re- search group. The study was ordered by Con- gress last year. It was made by Maurice L. Albertson, Pauline E. Birky and Andrew E. Rice of the Colorado State University Re- search Foundation under a $10,000 appropriation. Corps Endorsed The report endorsed the peace corps idea as "advisable and prac- tical." The report made three major points. 1) The basic idea of the pro- gram should be to help under- developed countries, and to im- prove United States relations with them by sending Americans to work alongside their citizens. 2) The Americans should go not as advisors, as most technical as- sistants now do, but' as actual workers on specific projects where their skills are needed. They should receive rminimal pay and live under 'lo,'conditions. 3) The stuc., found support for the peacencorps idea in ten Asian, African and Latin-American coun- tries it surveyed. The greatest need was for teachers. Supported by Shriver The recommendations of the Albertson group have the general support of R. Sargent Shriver, Jr. who has been selected by President Kennedy, who is his brother-in- law, to get the peace corps going. The plan is to ask Congress for legislation authorizing an inde-, pendent agency to run the corps. But Shriver and his aides think that they can start some pilot pro- jects before any legislation is pass- ed. They belive that the mutual Security Act leaves ample room for a peace corps approach in its provisions for technical assistance. Sees Limited-Role The Albertson report envisages a limited governmental role in the peace corps, Instead, the governmental direc- tors of the peace corps would work through private organizations, universities, foundations, other Government agencies and even the United Nations. (Copyright 1961, The New York Times) IN TWO DECISIONS: Supreme Court Backs HUAC Righi WASHINGTON (-) - The Su- preme Court yesterday held the Committee on Un-American Acti- vities may investigate the danger of overthrow of the government, and said the Communist party is so closely related to this that the ,committee may ask a witness about past and present Commu- nist party membership despite ob- jections based on the First Amend- ment. In separate 5-4 decisions, the Court upheld contempt of Con- gress convictions of Carl1Braden of Louisville, and Frank Wilkin- son of Los Angeles. Authority Challenged In the case involving HUAC, the two men challenged the au- thority of a subcommittee 'of the House committee to question them during an investigation in Atlan- ta, July 30, 1958, about Commu- nist activity in the South. In their appeals they relied mainly upon the First Amendment which guarantees freedom of speech, press and assembly. The four dissenters were Chief Justice Earl Warren and Justices William O. Douglas, Hugo L. Black and William J. Brennan. Justice Potter Stewart spoke for the majority in both cases. He cited the court's 5-4 decision of June 8, 1959, in the case of Lloyd Barneblatt, a former educator. Wilkinson is field secretary for the national committee to abolish the House, Committee on Un- American Activities. Braden is an advocate of racial integration. In one dissenting opinion in the Dheny Chief's{ Life Sought: HAVANA (P)-An army captain was killed and a youth gravely, wounded yesterday in a street shooting believed at first to be; an attempt to assassinate Cuba's{ economic czar Ernesto Guevara. Authorities denied last night that there was any attempt onl the life of Guevara. He was sworn in shortly after the incident as the new minister of industry in the regime of Premier Fidel Cas- tro. The slain officer was Capt. Hec- tor Salinas. Wilkinson case, Black said that from now on anyone who takes a+ position contrary to that being' urged by the committee runs the risk of being jailed for contempt "if he refuses to cooperate with; this committee in its probe of his' mind and associations, and of be-' ing branded by his neighbors, em- ployer, and erstwhile friends as a; menace to society, regardless of the outcome of that hearing." Questions Positions of Editors In another dissenting opinion in which Warren and Black Joined,+ Douglas said that if Wilkinson could be questioned concerning his opposition to the committee, he saw no reason why editors are im- mune from questioning., "The list of editors will be long as evident from the editorial pro- test against the committee's acti- vities, including its recent film, 'Operation ' Abolition'," Douglas said. In two other cases the high court rejected anew contentions that the First Amendment shields witnesses from having to answer questions of Congressional Com- mnuist probers. Of Pro0grai Official Gives For Swainsona On State Cori Hope Plan Advisors, Deans Aprove Dress Recommendations Alice Lloyd resident directors and Assistant Deans of Women' Elsie Fuller and Catherina Bergeon approved recommendations for changes in dress.regulations at a meeting with the Lloyd house presidents last night. The presidents proposed that residents be allowed to wear slacks and bermuda shorts to breakfast every day. The resolutions will be presented to the Lloyd Intradormitory CouVil tonight. They will then be submitted to the resident direc- tors for approval and sent to the Dean of Women's Office. Befores offering their proposed changes, n the house presidents presented a "philosophy of the dormitory", which they believed served as aA basis for their requests. They said, standards for dress The Mary Markley snack bar and behavior in the dormitory opened at 5 p.m. yesterday instead should be based on respect for of its customary 8 a.m. and will other dormitory residents and continue to do so until further no- consideration for guests. A pleas- tice. ant atmosphere and consideration There has been no official com- should be the criteria for evaluat- met on the reasons for the ing dress. change in hours. Since there are 'no guests at Markley president Elizabeth breakfast, except for the weekend,Nutg,'1sadheblvste since many women have 8 a.m.Nutting, '61,tsaid she believes the physical education classes, and snack bar has been closed during since many girls who have no the day because the majority of classes until later in the day wish the people who use it then are not to study in shorts. or slacks, the' students or guests of students. presidents believed they should be Miss Nutting favors the new permitted to wear them to break- hours which she says "will not fast. be a great imposition on anyone." For Sunday night dinner, the Sallie Masserman, '63, Markley presidents again requested slacks vice-president said she had been or bermudas. They explained that told the snack bar was being many residents have been study- closed because it couldn't support ing in slacks all afternoon and itself during the day when only that there are very few guests. Markley students used it. By HARVEY MOLOTCH State Controller Ira S. Polkc predicted last night that fun 4for the, completion of three nte University buildings already ur der contract would le available time to meet July 1 payment dea lines. University administrators ha recently expressed "serious coi cern" that state money eeded f construction of the Institute' Science and Technology, 41 Physics-Astronomy Bldg. and ci; tinued renovation of the hospit would be delayed by Gov. John J Swainson's building 'corporatic proposal. Asks Corporation Expansion Swainson has asked the Legh lature to approve the expansion ! a state building corporation whic would float a single bond issue I raise $38.2 million for capital i provement. The Joans would. repaid by charging state agencl rent for the new buildings the would occupy. Lyle M. Nelson, vice-presider for University relations, warne Friday that if the funds.came lat contracts would have tobe te negotiated at "nquestonabj higher prices." The State Controller said he d "not understand" Nelson's appre hension "for there is norgoc reason to think that the Legb lature will not authorize funds. Legislatuire 'in Gear' Polley indicated that the Legi lature is now "in gear" to complel all major legislation by mid-Ma and thus allow the state adminls tration to issue funds to the Un versity "on or before July 1." Swainson's building progran which makes no provision for a new University buildings oth than those previously contracte for, was defended,'by Polley -a "the only practical way" tome current state construction oblig tions. Although Polley expressed hoi that the governor's request for tb expansion of the state buildin corporation would receive "care ful" and "sympathetic" study b the legislators, most Lansing ob servers have predicted defeat foe Swaason's plan. Porter Speaks "I don't think we want to creat a building authority which charge rent to the state to pay off re venue bonds," Sen. Elmer R. Por ter (R-Blissfield), appropriation committee chairman, said. Sen. Frank D. Beadle (R-S1 Clair) voiced opposition to an bonding plan. "Last year we were able to wor out $19 million in capital outla from, the general fund," he said Sen. Lynne o. Francis (R-Mid land), Senate floor leader, oppos ed Swainson's program as "defii spending" but added that "eco nomic conditions are too under tain now" for the Legislature t increase University building fund over the $6.5 million whih Swain son has requested. Center Plans Union Study The Michigan Union committe studying conditions in the Unio decided to engage the Survey Re an'1c..4.. 4 - -h- 'U' Band Goes Sightseeing in Kremlin - - N ~'Y,-'. 4:' NMM~ '