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February 13, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-13

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MY 13., 1963


_______________________________________________________________________________________________ U U

Soviets Introduce Plan
For On-Site Inspection
A t GeeaCneec

U.. Faces
With Bases
ROME (JP)-The United States
was reported last night encount-
ering political problems in finding
a Polaris submarine base in Spain
or Italy.
But an. American source said
Washington is going ahead with
plans to station three Polaris subs
in the Mediterranean starting
April 1.
The source said the three will
run long-distance patrols out of
Holy Loch, Scotland, until a Medi-
terranean base is found..
Italy Is Eager
Premier Amintore Fanfani's
left-leaning government faces. a
general election in late April or
early May and is eager to go to
the voters with an Italy free of
American mibsile bases. Jupiter
land-based missiles are being with-
drawn from Italy.
Gen. Francisco Franco of Spain
is said to be demanding admission
to NATO as his price for permit-
ting use of the base at Rota, Spain.
United States Deputy Defense
Secretary Roswell Gilpatric dis-
cussed the Polaris problem with
Fanfani and Defense Minister
Guilio Andreotti. The source said
Gilpatric told the Italians that
Washington wanted to maintain
April 1 as the target date for
closing Jupiter missile, bases in
Italy and Turkey, with the Polaris
subs taking the place of the Jupi-
ters in NATO defense lines.
The informant said Gilpatric
and Andreotti .discussed alternal-
tives of the Spanish base if Rota
remained unavailable to the Polar-
is subs.
Washington, the source said,
w'as not prepared to promise NATO
admission to Madrid as, the price
for a five-year extension on Unit-
ed St'ates use of the Spanish bases.
In Italy, the problem was one
of domestic politics. Fanfani and
Andreotti are Christian Demo-
crats and staunchly pro-NATO.
But the government needs the
backing from the leftwing Social-
ist party, which is neutralist and
Fanfani opponents have accus-
ed the premier of playing a dou-
ble game-pretending to get rid of
NATO missile bases while plan-
ning to let Polaris subs operate
from Italian bases.

. . .renews talks
Laws Lag
ATLANTA ()-A world hasten-
ing to find a link with the future
is lagging in efforts to improve
the law which must rule these
amazing discoveries, Chief Justice
Earl Warren said yesterday.
"The law lags behind until crisis
stirs it into action," Warren said
in an address to an audience of
students and faculty at Georgia
Tech's Alexander Memorial Coli-
Warren spoke at a ceremony
commemorating the 75th anniver-
sary of Georgia Tech, which de-
segregated in 1961. It was Warren's
first visit into the deep south since
the United States Supreme Court
issued its school desegregation
ruling of 1954.
The Chief Justice arrived Mon-
day night and left the Atlanta
Airport under heavy security guard
as posters calling for his impeach-
ment were raised on private prop-
erty in some sections of the city.
Warren emphasized the close
connection between science and
the law. If science is to serve the
peaceful purposes of mankind, "it
must be given a peaceful setting.
in both domestic and world law,"
he declared.
"A society that is governed by
law will not permit these great
discoveries to be used for destruc-
tive purposes," he said. "A world
without law is hell-bent for de-
struction with or without scien-
tific discoveries."

West Rejects
Latest, Offer
From Russia
Kennedy Encouraged
On Test Ban Treaty
GENEVA (P)-Thie 17-nation
disarmament conference resumed
yesterday with a call from Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy for a safe-
guard nuclear test ban agreement
that would show "confidence and
trust among the nations." The
Soviet Union promptly threw in
a blockbuster.
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Vasily V. Kuznetsov followed up
President Kennedy's message with
a proposal that would deprive the
United States of the use of foreign
bases for its nuclear deterrent
Kuznetsov's proposal - coming
after United States and British
expressions of optimism over a
nuclear test ban-caught Western
negotiators by surprie. The Soviet
plan has no chance of acceptance
by the Western powers.
East-West Treaty
The plan provides for an East-
West treaty calling for a per-
manent ban on "the use of foreign
territories for stationing strategic
means of-delivery of nuclear weap-
Kuznetsov accomplished his pro-
posal with an attack on nations
that have established submarine
and other strategic nuclear bases
on foreign territories "for the pur-
pose of dealing a nuclear blow on
vital centers of other states." This
meant the United States.
The bases, he charged "greatly
aggravate the international situa-
tion and increase the war threat."
Kuzntsov repeated Moscow's
position offering two or three on-
site inspections a year in the
Soviet Union under a test ban
treaty. The United States position
is that eight or ten are needed.
But he put most of his emphasis
on the new Soviet proposal and
his remarks on the test ban treaty
'contained 'no new element giving
rise tohopes for an early pact.
President Kennedy's message
was read to the conference by the
chief American disarmament ne-
gotiator, William C. Foster.
"The prospects of agreement on
a test ban treaty now seem some-
what more encouraging than be-
fore because of the acceptance by
the Soviet Union of the principle
of on-site inspection," the Presi-
dent's message said.
But Kennedy stressed that the
Soviet Union must show a genuine
willingness to negotiate.
Foster told Kuznetsovthat two
or three inspections a year were
not satisfactory.
He asked the Soviet Union to
bargain on this point and on the
number of black boxes-robot re-
cording stations-which would be
allowed on Russian soil.
Kuznetsov merely restated the
old Russian position and displayed
no trace of a willingness to com-
Kuznetsov s a i d immediate
adoption of his treaty draft
"would be a major contribution
to averting war." He said he hoped
the conference would consider it.
5:00-7:00 p.m.
Michigan Union Cafeteria
with Buttered Noodles

New Plans.
On Defense
Not Definite
TORONTO (P)-Prime Minister
John Diefenbaker said Monday
fast-changing defense decisions
among Canada's allies prevent any
final decision being made now on
Canadian defense policy.
"All is not black and white:
in this field there is change," he
said in a luncheon speech to a
combined meeting of the Canadian
and Empire Clubs and the Toron-
to Board of Trade.
Must Be Studied
Diefenbaker said Canada's com-
mitment in the North Atlantic
Treaty Alliance must be studied
at a NATO ministerial meeting at
Ottawa next May. Whatever deci-
sion's taken there, Canada "as al-
ways" will stand with her allies
"and at no time in any weaker
position than they are," he added.
At only one point in his speech
-the first since three resignations
... defense policy
from his cabinet-did Diefenbaket
refer directly to the issue of ob-
taining nuclear warheads for Ca-
nadian forces. But the issue was
implicit throughout his references
to Canadian defense policy.
In a Small Area
He said Canada's two Bomarc
intene aiat mt ini a small area,
a bomber threat that is being re-
placedby the threat of intercon-
tinental ballistic missiles, against
which Bomarcs are useless.
He said the government is con-
tinuing negotiations to have ready
access to weapons for the Bomarc
-he didn't refer directly to nu-
clear warheads-"in case of need."
In these negotiations the govern-
ment "will insist that Canada's
sovereignty and rights as a na-
tion will be upheld at all times."
As for Canada's NATO com..-
mitments, he said, "We have car-
ied out our commitmets and
arber no e ht isfalting any
U S Charges
States accused Russia yesterday of
attempting to "exercise indirect
censorship" on the National
Broadcasting Co.urby codering
NclersareaMo ncsco ueuoclosed."
The press department of the
Soviet Foreign Ministry has or-
dered NBC correspondent Russell
Jones to leave the country.

Associated Press Foreign Correspondent
BAGHDAD (P) - Baghdad ap-
peared quiet, restrained and un-
der full control of Iraq's new mil-
itary leaders yesterday.
Observers who should know said
that although there are undoubt-
edly pockets of Communists still
resisting the revolution which
overthrew Premier Abdel Kassem
Feb. 8, the entire country is effec-
tively controlled by the new gov-
In Baghdad national guard
youths with green bands on their
sleeves and rifles in their hands
were halting cars and scrutinizing
the occupants.
About Three Miles
A taxi coming approximately
three miles from Baghdad Airport
to a hotel was stopped four times
by these anti-Communist vigilan-
When they saw foreigners in-
side they waved them on in a
friendly way.
Heavy tanks, half-tracks and
jeeps with recoilless rifles were
scattered through the city. Sol-
diers-seemed almost as numerous
as civilians.
For the second day in a row
almost all shops were open except
in Communist areas, and civilian
cars and trucks bustled along the
Heavy Firing
Monday night for the first time
since the revolution heavy firing
was heard in areas where national
guardsmen were rooting out Reds.
In other parts of , the city ob-
servers said they had heard no
Two planeloads of foreign news-
men arrived in Baghdad as revo-
lutionary President Abdel Salam
Mohammed Aref let down the bar-
riers which had blocked them-
since the uprising.
Officials greeted them with more
opurtesy than old Baghdad hands
Hodges Sees
Business Loss
As Possible
WASHINGTON (R) - Secretary
of Commerce Luther H. Hodges
said yesterday the nation could
lose business to foreign competi-
tors unless more money goes into
development of its own industrial
Hodges; at a news conference,
repeated the administration's in-
sistence that a tax cut is ,essen-
tial to put new life into the econo-
A tax reduction probably would
not have a significant impact this
year, he said, but over the long
pull would encourage business
Without a cut, Hodges said, the
government might have to increase
its own spending. He said he hopes
this will not be necessary.
Hodges said he would rather
"leave it to the private community
to make decisions as to what they
do with the money rather than
leave it to the government."
The main problem, Hodges said,
is finding and developing techni-
cians for research and develop-
"We are actually in danger from
competition abroad if we keep
spending so much money and man-
power on defense and space and
so little of it in industrial devel-
opment," Hodges said.

Baghdad Reported 'Restrained'

who traveled here during Kassem's
suspicious regime were used to-
and lined up a news conference
today with Foreign Minister Taleb
Hussein Shabib, Iraq's new press
Column of Smoke
From the air, newsmen could
see a column of smoke rising from
the area of the defense ministry,
where Kassem fought for 20 hours
until his ammunition ran out and
where he was executed.

Iraq Under New Rule,
Reds Clamor To Leave
BEIRUT MAP)-East European Communists who swarmed into
Iraq during Abdel Karim Kassem's dictatorship are reported clamor-
ing to get out now under harassment by the revolutionary council
that is killing home-grown Reds.
Whatever the implications, Red China yesterday joined more
than a dozen other powers in recognizing the new regime. The United
States, Britain and the Soviet

The ministry was in ruins, like
many of the nearby buildings.
A taxi driver, hailing the new
regime, told his clients:
"Kassem, he asleep. They kill
lotsa Communists. People out of
jails now and everybody happy."
There are no firm estimates of
the casualties in the fighting here,
but one source said the attackers
lost 15 men and Kassem's defend-
ers 100 during the siege of the

Union extended recognition Mon-
Gunter Stocker, a West German
businessman, said the Iraqis have
begun cracking down on Eastern
Communists who entered along
with the millions of dollars worth
of arms that Kassem brought
from the Soviet Union.
Lebanese Airliner
Newly arrived by a Lebanese air-
liner from Baghdad, he said:
"They are treating the Western-
ers excellently, but for people from
the Eastern European Communist
countries it is a very different
"I was told that so far three
East German military advisers at-
tached to the Army under Kassem
have been arrested. The East Eu-
ropeans are trying to get out of
the country."
There are hundreds of East
Europeans in Iraq, including arms
specialists, technicians and busi-
New Regime
Stocker reported, that, in the
new regime's continuing effort to
wipe out domestic opposition, "four'
more Communists were executed
this morning."~
A fellow German, Kurt Gartner.
of the Lufthansa Airlines, told
newsmen Iraqi troops pulled down
hundreds of portraits of the exe-
cuted Kassem and also ordered
withdrawal of photographs of
President Gamal Abdel Nasser of
the United Arab Republic and
Iraq's new president, Abdel Salam
Aref, that had been put up since
the revolt Friday.
"They seem to be trying to avoid
the personality cult that Kassem
created," Gartner said.

Soviets Keep
Past Demands
In Negotiations
By The Associated Press
The latest Soviet proposal at the
Geneva disarmament talks is a
restatement of an old position
with a Polaris twist.
A constant Soviet demand in
the long history of East-West dis-
armament negotiation has been
that the United States give up its
overseas military bases.
The Soviet shifted gears in
Geneva Tuesday to demand that
the United States liquidate nuc-
lear deterrent forces on foreign
lands and on oceans.
That would mean an end to
Polaris submarine and rocket
bases abroad, and pull the. teeth
of U.S. fleet units in the Medi-
terranean and elsewhere.
The Russians have been pro-
testing to Japan and other na-
tions about letting the United
States use their port facilities.
It's Hairstyling
" No Appointment Needed
" Expert Cutting
The Dascola Barbers
Near Michigan Theatre




World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
THE HAGUE-The Dutch government announced yesterday it
will form a volunteer corps patterned after America's Peace Corps.
Foreign Minister Joseph Luns said the first 50 members will go to
LANSING-Norman O. Stockmeyer, Detroit leader of Republi-
can party circles, has turned down Gov. George Romney's offer of
a post on the State Liquor Control Commission.
* * * *
UNITED NATIONS-The United Nations announced yesterday
the first major reduction in its Congo military force since the end
of Katanga province's secession. It said the entire 5,626-man Indian
contingent will begin withdrawing in mid-March.
WASHINGTON-The Navy will offer Vice Adm. Hyman G. Rick-
over an opportunity to stay in service after retirement next year,
either in his present three-star rank or as a highly-paid civilian, it
was learned last night.
WASHINGTON-The British embassy issued a formal denial
yesterday to persistent reports that weapons are being shipped from
Cuba to British Guiana.
** * *
CAIRO-Bidding for friendly relations with Iraq's new regime,
Kuwait announced its decision to dissolve Arab League security force.


InterQuadrangle Council
and Assembly Association




This Week-End HILLEL Presents

DR. LEONARD A. GREENBAUM, Editor of Phoenix Publications
and Assistant to the Director of the Phoenix Project
FRIDAY, FEB. 15, after Sabbath Services which
start at 7:30 P.M.
IRABBI HAROLD D. HAHN, Temple BethEl Detroit

EXCLUSIVELY ONO Warner Brothers Records
Saturday, March 2, 8:30 P.M.
Tickets $3.00, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50
- --I



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