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February 13, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-13

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Seventy-Two Years of Editorial. Freedom

:4Ia itli

Continued cold with
scattered snow flurries

See Editorial Page



'U'May Not Offer
Delta Merger Bill
Niehuss Informs House Committee
Can't Meet This Week's Deadline
It appears that the University won't present a bill enabling it to
establish a branch at Delta College during this year's Legislature.
At a hearing of the House Committee on Education yesterday,
Executive Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss told the legislators that
it would be impossible to have any legislation in time for this year's
deadline, which falls this week.
The committee's inquiry was prompted by a message to the Leg-
islature from Delta's Board of Trustees who said it is "possible to es-

'U', Groups
View Union
Merger Plan
Continuing its deliberations on
the desirability of a merger be-
tween the Michigan Union and
the Michigan League, the Union-
League Study Committee during
discussion yesterday broke into the
open with some clear-cut lines of
agreement among most of its
These lines of agreement at
present include:
The need to effect a merger
between the Union and the League
organizations by the creation of a
supervisory administrative body
of some sort which would con-
cern itself with the business oper-
ations of what are now the Union
and the League plants and which
would work closely with the Uni-
versity Office of Business and Fi-
The need to establish a co-edu-
cational board of students whose
concern, in the main, would be
the management of the student ac-
tivities program;
Some Kind
The need to establish some kind
of relationship with the Office of
Student Affairs, preferably one in
which the role of that office would
be an advisory, rather than super-
visory one; and
The need to make provision for
the evolutionary inclusion of oth-
er student groups within the struc-
ture while first resolving the pri-
mary 'problem (that of merger)
presently before the committee.
These points of agreement evoly-
ed during a discussion designed to
ascertain some basic philosophy
to serve as the pedal point of a
first-draft recommendation (pres-
ently being considered by a sub-
group of the study committee)
which will be presented to the
Union and League governing
boards later this spring.
Appointed in mid-January, the
sub-group of the committee con-
sists of League President Mar-
garet Skiles, '63; Union President
Robert Finke, '63; member of the
League Board Prof. Claribel Baird
of the speech department, and
member of the Union Board Prof.
Richard E. Balzhiser of the chem-
ical engineering department.
During yesterday's session of the
entire committee the question of
where to house the proposed co-
educational student activities or-
ganization arose. Two solutions
were offered: the Union building
alone and the combined Union and
League plants. The second of the
two proposals was more popular
with the committee members.

4tablish a junior year under their
(the University's) supervision this
coming September."
Although, legally speaking, no
formal legislative act would be re-
quired tto establish the Delta cam-
pus, the University would have to
seek an addition to its 1963-64
budget if it intended to annex
Delta by next fall. This appropria-
tions request was the potential bill
in question at the hearing.
Rep. Raymond C. Wurzel (R-
North Street), committee chair-
man, asked Niehuss and Vice-Pres-
ident for Academic Affairs Roger
W. Heyns if the University was
planning to start operations at the
thumb-area, college this fall. Nie-
huss replied that this is "highly
unlikely," and said that "if things
go smoothly, we might aim at the
fall of 1964."
Meanwhile, talks between Uni-
versity and Delta officials are con-
tinuing, and Niehuss said that,
while no formal bill will be sub-
mitted this session, "if the two
schools reach agreement on a plan
this year, we'd like to give it to
the Legislature" to seek its reac-
Delta officials, however, are
seeking faster action. Delta Presi-
dent Samuel D. Marble comment-
ed, "we need a university now,
not in some indefinite future."
Though willing to go along with
Gov. George Romney's suggestion
that his newly-announced "citi-
zens' committee" on education
make a study of Delta's expansion
in a statewide context, Marble ask-
ed the Governor "to permit Delta
to develop on an interim basis,
with the understanding if a new
study is made Delta will fit into
the findings."
The Delta Board's message to
the Legislature advocated the Uni-
versity-branch plan over an alter-
nate proposal endorsed by Wurzel.
If Delta, presently a tri-county
junior college, becomes a Univer-
sity branch, "we believe we can
supply $4 million from private
sources" to support it, the Board
Both Niehuss and Heyns, who
have been working the past week
to squelch rumors that a final
merger agreement has been reach-
ed. emphasized that the plans are
only in the talking stage and that
neither school's governing board
has taken action.
Conventional Role
'May Well Be Best'
OTTAWA (R)-Liberal Leader
Lester B. Pearson said yesterday a
conventional role "may well be the
best" for Canadian forces in the
Western Alliance.
The country's present role, call-
ing for defensive nuclear weapons
both at home and in Europe,
should be discharged until it is
changed in consultation with Can-
ada's allies, Pearson said.

LONDON ()-Prime Minister
Harold Macmillan's government
turned back an opposition assault
last night and won parlamentary
approval of the emergency eco-
nomic program he drew up be-
cause France blocked Britain's
entry into the European Common
At the end of a two-day debate
in the House of Commons, Mac-
millan's Conservatives defeated-a
Laborite motion of no confidence,
333-227, and went on to win sup-
port of his program, 330-227.
The Conservatives have a mar-
gin of some 100 votes over their
Laborite and Liberal opponents
in the house, and had been expect-
ed to win the parliamentary tests
Was Viewed
But the size of the govern-
ment's majorities was viewed with
surprise because of the opposi-
tion's strong attacks and the dis-
sension in Conservative ranks
over Macmillan's foreign and do-
mestic policies.
The Laborites charged that the
Macmillan government's handling
of the Common Market negotia-
tions and subsequent develop-
ments is threatening the basis of
the British economy and the At-
lantic Alliance.
George Brown, a leading con-
tender for the Labor Party leader-
ship vacated by the death of Hugh
Gaitskell, assailed the govern-
ment's action in advising Princess
Margaret to cancel a visit to Paris
in view of strained British-French
relations over the Brussels break-
Risking Split
Brown charged that Macmillan
is risking a split in the Atlantic
Alliance by "a reckless policy of
an insult a day to France."
Laborites cheered wildly as
Brown declared Britain needs new
men at the helm-"untainted with
the duplicity, deception and
double-dealing universally regard-
ed as the hallmark of this ad-
Soviets Close
NBC Bureau
In Moscow
MOSCOW (k-The Soviet gov-
ernment yesterday ordered the
National Broadcasting Co. to shut
down its Moscow Bureau, charg-
ing NBC with "a recent series of
anti-Soviet broadcasts."
One broadcast cited was an NBC
documentary titled "The Death of
(See Related Story, Page 3)
Stalin" broadcast Jan. 27, the
other "The Rise of Khrushchev"
on Feb. 3.
NBC correspondent R u s s e 11
Jones' was called to the foreign
office, told to close up shop and
leave the country. Jones said he
was treated courteously and given
assurance that the order was not
directed at reporting by himself
or Frank Bourgholtzer, who has
been the American network's cor-
respondent since June, 1961, and
is now traveling in Spain.
(In New York, NBC President
Robert E. Kintner protested in a
telegram to Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev and called upon the
United States State Department
for assistance in bringing about
the prompt reestablishment of the

LSA Keeps
Number of




Berle Lands Foreign Policy

.. out-of-state enrollment

"The Alliance for Progress pro-
gram is a direct contrast to the
Communist attack on Latin Amer-
ica and offers a positive program
for Latin American improvement,"
Prof. Adolf A. Berle of Columbia
University and the William Cook
lecturer said yesterday.
Prof. Berle said that the Com-
munist attack has not reached its
full intensity, and it may come
later this year or next year.
"This attack will be trained
and financed in Cuba and will
probably be directed against Ven-
ezuela and Central America. It
could precipitate a crisis even
greater than the Cuban affair."
Keating's Criticism
Commenting on Senator Ken-
neth Keating's criticism of the
Kennedy administration's policy
in the Caribbean, Prof. Berle said
that Keating is fairly correct on
his facts, and, in general, the ad-
ministration agrees with him.
Troops are stationed in Cuba, and
the real question is what the Unit-
ed States is going to do about
"I don't think that Keating
wants to make this a political
fight, although it may reach that

stage. He is mainly worried about;
the safety of the Caribbean." 1
Prof. Berle said that he is in
favor of the proposed tax cut and
believes the plan is a good one.
"It will probably need and getI
some revision, but the general con-
cept of putting more purchasing

Full Year'
Plant Starts"
DEARBORN -The University's
Dearborn Center will go on a
complete year-around operation
beginning this summer.
The Center, opened in 1959, has
operated since on a 12-month
schedule in Business Administra-
tion and Engineering. Vice-Presi-
dent for the Dearborn Center Wil-
liam E. Stirton said that "The
extension of the LSA program
completes the triangle with Busi-
ness Administration and Engi-,
With the addition of a full sum-
mer program, the LSA division
will now be complete and stu-
dents may, if they desire, attend
classes throughout the year and
shorten the time necessary to earn
The summer program will be
divided into two eight-week parts.
The first will correspond to a reg-
ular summer session and the sec-
ond will extend well into Octo-
ber. The second session will in-
clude many late afternoon classes
for school teachers wishing to
further their education and not
interfere with teaching. A teacher
certification program is also con-
ducted by the new LSA division.
Course offerings this summer
will include mathematics, educa-
tion, English, history, psychology,
speech, chemistry, economics and.
political science.
Stirton admitted that the Busi-
ness Administration and Engi-
neering divisions with their co-op
features have attracted more pub-
lie interest. "But," he added, "the
plans for the Center have always
included a strong LSA program
and we are pleased to announce
its completion."
OAS To Dis
On Red Teri



. alliance for progress

Committee Urges Steps
To Revamp Government



power into the market, making it
turnover faster, is a sound one."
Such a Plan
Most economists, including the
ones who advised former President
Dwight Eisenhower during the
1956 recession, favor such a plan.
It is very similar to an experiment
that has been operating in Japan
for the past seven years and which
has worked well, he noted.
"The subsidiary question of
whether the new spending will go
into consumer goods or capital ex-
penditures will be decided by con-
sumers, by either spending their
money directly or placing it in
banks which will in turn create
more capital investment," he not-
Viewing the steel industry, Prof.
Berle commented that it needs a
certain amount of capital over-
haul, and it is possible the indus-
try can be made more efficient
than it is.
Less Labor
"We could probably get steel
more cheaply by using less la-
bor. The greatest problem of the
economic republic would then be
what it is going to do with this ex-
cess labor. If there could be a
value system shift so that we
would want to rebuild cities with
greater beauty, it would not only
boost the economy, but also'make
greater use of talent and individ-
ual capacity."
In reference to the Federal Aid
to Education proposal, Prof. Berle
believes that there is no consti-
tutional barrier on the federal gov-
ernment spending money for pub-
lic education.
"Federal aid would probably help
the school system. The United
States is now one large piece of
economic'machinery which has be-
come more centralized and which
makes federal contributions and
controls more logical," he explain-
Possible Dangers
There are possible dangers from
this centralization such as decay
of local government, a large, cum-
bersome bureaucracy and power
control from Washington, but all
these can be countered by people
working hard and insisting on their
own individual interests.
Evaluating labor unions, Prof.
Berle said that they have been
increasing in power, but not in
membership. He believes that the
same thing that happened to busi-
ness administrators after 1929 will
happen to the union.
"In the decades after 1929 the
business firms have come to some-
thing approaching a professional
service. Today the President can
intervene in the steel industry,
whereas 30 years ago he could not
have done this."
Smiilar Experience
Labor must change its views, or
a similar experience will happen
to it. Government can weaken un-
ion methods by eliminating such
things as the checkoff, but it must
also investigate why such provi-
sions were invented in the first
place, he noted.
"A climax in the labor situation
is slowly building, but no one
knows how it will come or how
much controversy will result in
how the changes are developed."

Had Favored
Lower Quota
Acting Dean Thuma
Says 'U' Tried Holding
Minimum Enrollment
The Literary College Executive
Committee has decided to hold
the line on admissions and out-
of-state student ratios for the
coming academic year, Acting
Dean Burton D. Thuma said yes-
Admission of freshmen will re-
main constant at about 2200 for
next fall with approximately one-
third of them out-of-state stu-
dents, Dean Thuma said.
On the out-of-state student
question, Dean Thuma noted that
the executive committee felt that
"there was no rational basis" for
deciding on any particular per-
centage of out-of-state students.
Therefore, the group decided to
maintain the status quo.
There has been considerable agi-
tation in the Legislature for re-
duction of out-of-state student ra-
tios at the University and other
publicly supported universities
and colleges.
He noted that "we are trying
to keep enrollment down" because
of a combination of budgetary and
space problem. In past years, the
committee has recommended sta-
bility in admissions for several
years. However, it has been found
in recent years that the percent-
age of students who are accepted
by the University and then do not
come has declined. This has caus-
ed an unwanted increase in the
enrollment of the University.
Last year, the literary college
accepted approximately 200 more
students than it had wanted,
Acute Space
Dean Thuma cited an acute
space problem that wil only be
partially alleviated by the open-
ing of the Physics-Astronomy
Bldg. this year. Some classroom
space in West Physics Bldg. will
be converted into office space, al-
so some classrooms in Angell Hall
mill be used for office space. And
some additional clas room space
will be used to expand the Mathe-
matics Library.
Also, there is a need to in-
crease faculty salaries in the com-
ing year which cannot be met if
a substantial number of new fac-
ulty is added.
"Faculty salaries are skyrocket-
ing especially on the lower levels.
If we use added money to hire new
junior faculty members then we
cannot give a pay increase and
some faculty will leave. But un-
less we add junior faculty mem-
bers, we cannot expand, Dean
Thuma said.
Another problem in maintaining
stable enrollment is that students
admitted to other colleges often
have to take courses in the liter-
ary college thus increasing the
teaching load, Dean Thuma said.

The Committee on the University will urge that Student Govern-
ment Council take the preliminary steps in "testing the feasibility of
student-faculty government," at tonight's meeting.
Included on SGC's heavily crowded agenda is a proposal by the
United States National Student Association Committee calling for
the direct election of National Student Congress delegates.
Also at tonight's meeting, action will probably be taken on last
week's motion to change women's hours. The motion on student-fac-
ulty government states that the',

problem of student and faculty
apathy towards current University
issues cannot be solved under the
present system.
The motion mandates the SGC
president to seek permission for
the appointment of students to
eight policy making committees of
the University Senate. Meetings
between SGC and various faculty
and administrative groups are also
called for.
According to the USNSA com-
mittee motion, four delegates will
be elected in the fall by the stu-
dent body. The other four dele-
gates will be appointed by SGC.
A motion will also be submitted
to Council by the 'special commit-
tee set up to decide the criteria
for regental candidates.
cuss Report
oar Activities

Soviet Union
rejects UN
Russians have rejected three new
proposals for paying costs of
United Nations peacekeeping op-
erations, informants said last
All three proposals would mean
heavier assesments for the United
States, which has borne more than
45 per cent of the costs of the
U.N. forces in the Congo and the
Middle East. The Soviet Union has
refused to pay a cent toward these
Members of a 21-nation com-
mittee studying how to finance
the peace machinery said Russian
rejection of newt plans was the
effect of a speech by Soviet dele-
gate Platon D. Morozov at a meet-
ing last week.
Informants quoted Morozov:
"Only imperialists and aggressors"
should pay for the two forces be-
cause they created the need for
Sources said the Soviet diplo-
mat claimed that to dun all U.N.
members for any future peace-
keeping operations would be legal
only if the money was appropri-
ated by the Security Council
(where the big power veto rules)
rather than by the General As-
sembly (which can only recoin-

WASHINGTON (R)-A confidential report on Communist activi-
ties in the hemisphere, including what one source called a terror
campaign to overthrow Latin American governments, will be dis-
cussed by the Organization of American States next week.
Ambassador Gonzalo Facio of Costa Rica, president of the OAS
Council, disclosed this yesterday after contents of the report became
<a matter of controversy.



Jacobson Says U.S. Must Control Arms


It was presented last night to
a security committee by a special
OAS fact-finding group.
One Latin American source is
known to have stated it contains
indications the Kremlin is plan-
ning the high priority effort to
upset Latin governments through

Berle Gives Leture
On U.S. Economics



The United States must put a
brake on the arms race if nuclear
war is to be prevented, Prof. Harold
Jacobson of the political science
department and Richard Flacks,
Grad, agreed last night.
Prof. Jacobson stated at the
Voice Forum that "neither side
would agree to unilateral disarm-
ament." Arms must be maintained
"at whatever level they are."
Such an agreement would re-
quire the mutual confidence of
the United States and Soviets in a
control organization. The basic.
technical difficulties in such an
yorganization make its outcome pes-

Still the United States must rison state," Flacks explained. terroristic activities.
maintain a military force as the Thus while people starve we are Facio, said, however, that "as
only method to stop Soviet ex- putting millions into defense, al- far as I know the report contains
pansion, he added, though recognizing that nuclear nothing new on the matter."
"The complex of things that war is to be avoided. There was no confirmation from
make up 'American society are If the national government is other sources either that the
well worth trying to keep," Prof. limited by such views, then it is Soviet Union is planning such
Jacobson continued; expansion of for the intellectuals and humanists moves.
the USSR endangers these things. to seek out their counterparts But still another informed Latin
The Bad everywhere and make their own , diplomat said "after Soviet Pre-
Such decisions on an interna- separate peace. mier Nikita S. Khrushchev pro-
tional level often envolve doing If these people are truly human- vided nuclear rockets to Cuban
as much good as possible, while ists they should try to build inter- Premier Fidel Castro it appears
minimizing the bad. national programs which will sur- old and obvious that the Soviet
No human action can envolve pass nationalism, Flacks contin- Union is giving priority to Latin
absolute good or completely pre- ued. America."
vent any sacrificing of values, Prof. Society must be reorganized so Peru's OAS ambassador, Juan
Jacobson noted, that human needs take precedence Bautista de Lavalle, chairman of
Flacks commented that use of! over military needs, the Security Committee which re-
Sl ..---- - 01 1'A'%-_ .~',,,i,,~,A ha infrmfv.yatiovn csaid it


mend) as is the practice now. The head of the organization of the American economic re-
Informants said United States public is the President whose power comes from his position as chief
Delegate Francis T. Plimpton re- of state and the Employment Act of 1946, Prof. Adolf A. Berle of
portedly postponed giving Wash- Columbia University said yesterday.
schemes until next week. Speaking on "The American Economic Republic" as part of the
The assembly has accepted a William Cook lecture series, Prof. Berle said that the Council of
World Court opinion that peace- Economic Advisors, in assisting the President, makes up a monthly
keeping costs are an obligation report called the Economic Indicator and drafts the President's eco-
of all U.N. members just like nomic report,
regularly budgeted U.N. costs. "Two great tools which effect the total economy are fiscal
-and monetary policy. The director of the budget, working with the
* 1 secretary of the Treasury and the Council of Economic Advisors can
Association use a deficit budget to start the economy working again. The in-
creased purchasing power and resultant industry growth will gen-
0 ens a erate higher productivity, which will, in turn, be recouped by the
government in more revenues."
The Alumni Association of the The Federal Reserve Board, which is responsible to Congress,
University will open its new directs monetary policy and attempts to maintain stability in the
Alu~mni 'F~amil c'amn on Walloon Ieconomy, he stated.

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