Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS here OPinio. AreFre STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" torials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mnst be noted in all reprints. "The Delinquency Problem Must Be Faced' We've Got To Build More Jails" SIDELINE ON STUDENT GON 4.RUJ. \ 1V1 SGC Spri ng Pros pec tus Of fers Great Potential Y, FEBRUARY 10, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: RONALD WILTON Preclassified Chaos: Better Luck Next Time THE EFFECTIVENESS of preclassification is still an open question-dick it solve problems or only create them? It certainly was convenient to make the old trek through the basement of Waterman Gym- nasium to pay tuition in 15 minutes flat. But for many students the feeling of satisfaction was wiped out during the first few days of classes. Students in History of Art 101 and 102 arrivet at their lectures only to discover that somehow there were about 30 more students enrolled than seats in the lecture hall. THE PROFESSOR of History 380, supposedly a Wednesday class, meeting from three to 'ive o'clock, welcomed his class on Wednesday with the question, "Where are you on Mon- day?" Apparently, the preclassification time schedule and the final second semester time schedule did not jibe. Students had not been notified of the change. In courses in the English and economics departments, in the education school and in several other departments students arrived for heir sections only ?to have the instructors harangue for 20 minutes on how the sections were too big and how they wished the students wvould transfer to different sections or drop he courses all together. Some upper-level courses were so crowded hat the instructors categorically ordered all he juniors to drop. A few preclassified students received their schedules In the mail with two classes assigned for the same time. Counselors failed to inform students with jobs or special student activities-. who would have received early registration >asses under the old system--that a note ex- >laining the necessity of a special schedule could be attached to their class election cards. Consequently, many schedules were completely, unacceptable to students. SO JUST what problems did the preclassifi- cation system solve? The primary objective' f the method was not solely to make regis- ration simpler for the student, but also to distribute students more evenly in the sec- ions and help departments determine in ad- vance how many classrooms and instructors would be required to accommodate the stu- dents. Obviously, the first attempt at preclassi- 'ication was no better at distributing students han the old method. Under the old system even when the student was unable to obtain a desirable schedule, he new at less that he had gotten the best chedule possible under the given conditions. He would win or lose in fair and open encounter n the gym. But with impersonal preclassification, theo- retically the same students could have his schedule jiffled by impersonal forces every semester. There is no benefit to classifying early. There is no way of telling how many times in previous semesters a given student has had his schedule changed. Another problem created by the preclassi- fication system is the difficulty of changing course selections. Because students are asked to choose courses so early in the semester it is quite conceivable that a few students may wish to change courses; yet this was not per- mitted until after classes had started. HIS SEMESTER the preciassification sys- tem caused more problems than it solved. However, it has the potential to simplify the registration procedure for the faculty and the students in the future. Undoubtedly much of the administrative foul-up will be straightened out during the next semester. Preclassification administrators are going to have to pay closer attention to sched- uling so that sections are not overcrowded, or students assigned to two classes at the same time. It is obvious that a new way to make elec- tion Changes will also be necessary. The drop- and-add method is fine for last minute changes, but certainly there should be some way to alter course elections before the new semester begins. A week's period before the end of the previous semester should be specially designated for election changes. This would reduce the number of students trying to see their counselors on the first day of classes. Changes could also be made during the four-' day formal registration period. With more than 75 per cent of the student body preclassi- fying for their courses, counselors certainly cannot be too busy to see students who want to change their preclassified schedules. The students could then return to Waterman Gym and re-classify for their courses in the old manner. It seems ridiculous to make the stu- dent give up valuable study and class time on the first day of classes to stand in line outside of the counselling offices or run to three dif- ferent classes to get a green card signed, when during registration, the nearly vacant gym- nasium is all set up to classify students. DIRECTOR OF Registration and Records Edward G. Groesbeck predicts that in the next few semesters the entire registration pro- cess will be handled by mail-perhaps making possible a few extra days of vacation between semesters. Once the administrative problems are cleared up preclassification may develop into one of the best innovations introduced in recent years. --GAIL EVANS By GLORIA BOWLES AN OVER-ALL look at the fu- ture of student government at the University, and particularly at the prospectus for activity this spring, shows a number of oppor- tunities for concrete, meaningful action.{ Student government has seldom known such an opportunity to prove itself. The campus'has tak- en to thinking of student govern- ment in negative terms: there is this semester, the chance to stifle the cries of those who would call student government the ineffect- ive wasteland of the University structure.. In the space of a single semester, Student Government Council and its committees, as well as other bodies of student government, will be dealing with several proposals for m a j o r changes in University legislative and judicial bodies. These pro- posals strike at the heart of the problems of "the student role" which students have been articu- lating for years. Circumstance and indifference and lack of will and energy willhave up to now pre- vented action. FOLLOWERS OF the student government scene should, then, look to five areas for significant developments this spring: 1) The most forward-looking committee of Student Government Council, the Committee on the University, which has conducted a months-long study of the Stu- dent-faculty government will be reporting to SGC within a few weeks. The result of the long- awaited comprehensive study, is a specific proposal for immediate Council requests to appoint stu- dents to eight major policy mak- ing committee of the University Senate. The Committee will also recom- mend discussions between faculty members and students on that long-range concept.of faculty-stu- dent government, which sounds revolutionary and unfeasible to some, but which Ralph Kaplan and his committee see as a fact of the future. 2) Joint Judiciary Council has already proposed sweeping changes in the student judiciary system: this, too, is long-awaited reform. The Council has asked the mer- ger of women's and men's judi- ciaries, and provisions protecting the student's rights of due proc- ess. A mass meeting, for informa-, tional purposes and also aimed at "feeling" student opinion, is sched- uled for the near future. 3) Since last spring and Sigma Nu, there has been little direct ac- tion in the area of SGC recogni- tion of student organization. How- ever, consultations of the Com-~ mitteecon Membership, lawyers, and SGC members and officers, should result in a clarification of Council power to withdraw rec- ognition from organizations whose charters include bias clauses. Law- yers may recommend a new Re- gents bylaw to specify the Coun- cil's legal limitations and thus give the go-ahead signal to an SGC which has postponed action out of the threat of litigation. Five sororities have not complied with SGC requests for membership statements. We should see a re- statement of SGC demands this spring. 4) For the first time, the cam- pus will see SC activity that some like to call "p'olitical," but which others consider an important rec- ognition of its capabilities: the Council will participate in the spring campaigning for the Board of Regents. Two vacancies are to be filled. The Council will go to the parties with a statement of University problems, interview candidates, arrange Ann Arbor lec- tures, and consider endorsing par- ty nominees. The passage of this motion, coming in a surprise move at midnight on Wednesday, rep- resents an important turn of events in student government. The Coun- cil has at least assigned itself the task of informing the campus of the issues, and of candidates who are making decisions, intimately tied to the life of every student. Needless to say, few of them can even name members of the present board. 5) From the Honors Steering Committee, the Honors Council steering committee, will come fur- ther study on the concept of an honors housing unit. The group has progressed rapidly in the study of housing habits and attitudes of honors stundents, and plans more definite action for the spring. THESE FIVE AREAS provide a "student government prospectus for the spring" that is as important as any we have ever seen. Hope- fully, all five stories will "break." One who believes in student gov- ernment-and the assumption by students of a greater responsibility for their total educational exper- ience-may cite the unmistakable trend toward student autonomy, and look to the current semester for significanthsteps in that direc- tion. UNDERSCORE: Future of The Grand Design Bridging into The Gap SPEAK AS an ex-bridge-fanatic. Through a great deal of psychiatric advice, mostly rom girls, I have been cured. And as I now ee clear-cut elements of a bridge conspiracy reeping into our otherwise perfect academic ociety, I feel it is my duty as a students of ur University to enlighten others as to the xistence of this dreaded menace. I see it all around me. It is in the Union. It s in the quad rooms. It is in the lounges. The unenlightened individual will probably sk what possible harm could arise from a card Fun Games FOR THOSE interested in making small cash,'or observing great graduate minds at work, acting as a paid psychological subject is rewa ding. Each semester at registration, a small booth invites those with a sense of adventure to apply as a subject for the hundreds of pro- jects involved. Because. these applications are not thrust in one's mouth like others at registration, many incoming students miss the opportunity to take part in the experiments. These people miss an activity which is educationally and financially worthwhile. TO THOSE who know ittle about the experi- ments,: You are not brainwashed. ?sycho- paths need not fear: There is usually no prob- ing into your PQ. What makes these experi- ments worthwhile from the subject's point of view is that, in most cases, they impel one to be as fully conscious as one can possibly be-- fully aware of the conditions and alternatives that face one in these "games." Few campus activities do this. Most experiments involve "games," in which the subject exercises his judgment in various choices; the subject's desire to "win" (which sometimes determines his pay) is the motiva- tion. SUBJECTS ARE also occasionally needed by medical researchers. The time involved is longer and the pay is higher. The student takes almost no risk to his health. Besides applying at registration, or at the game which professes to give divine intellectual fulfillment-a lotus blossum of escape. To these naive persons I say bridge is nothing of the kind. It is, in fact, a method of existence which is ridiculous to say the least. ON-EOF the most objectionable forms of bridge-fanatic is the quad deviant. Take a typical entering freshman from, say, the Upper Peninsula. What does he know about bridge? You guessed it. But he has come to college with the impression that bridge play- ing is inherent in The College Life. This false association is the result of propaganda spread by foreign powers-no doubt flunk-outs. Anyway, if our UP boy is to be a fanatic, he begins with all earnestness his educational process-in bridge playing. Along with three other youngsters, he slaves away into the night, supposedly improving his judgment. But what does he really gain? There is always the table-talk. Worthless except for sex information and details of other people's hands. The result of table-talk is that all guessing is removed from the game, and the quaddie leaves the table after four hours' of "diversion" with no additional knowledge of the game. The one remaining possible gain is that his ego may have been raised if he avoided obvious idiocies. HOWEVER, SOCIAL degeneracy reaches its peak in duplicate bridge. Entrants actually pay for the privilege of having a chance to win their money back and perhaps a few slips of paper representing parts of master points. The only possible advantage to be found in duplicate bridge is one-upmanship. Take the frustrated nuclear physicist, who was unable to invent the hydrogen bomb before someone else did. Through diligent study, he is rated a life master by the national organization. Then at a small-time local duplicate bridge game, he "reluctantly" accepts an inferior partner. He spends the whole evening berating, belittling, criticizing and blaming his partner for gross incompetence. And here lies the real social evil of all bridge. Outside of the bridge world, the in- tinsic values of all time spent on the game, all knowledge and experience gained from play- ing the game, and all master points are noth- 4" ranh _ r O A fh By MALINDA BERRY U NDOUBTEDLY the Sino-Soviet bloc is making much political hay from the splits in the West- ern alliance between France and the United States, and France and Great Britain. French President Charles de Gaulle's Grand Design seems the biggest break for the Kremlin in years. De Gaulle has posed the most dangerous threat to the 17-year Western alliance since its incep- tion He is determined to alter the balance of power which exists in the world. He wants to institute a "third force" in the world now dominated by the United States and the Soviet Union. That third force would be that of a United Europe, which would begin as an arbiter between East and West and would eventually become a self- sufficient power capable of deal- ing with Russia on its own terms. The Grand Design eventually would see a Europe free of Ameri- can "encroachment," and the crea- tion of a European nuclear cap- ability sufficient to deter a Rus- sian attack. Naturally at the cen- ter of this new power structure would be France. Germany would be France's partner in the alli- ance which would form the cor- nerstone of the New Europe. * * * , THE NEW EUROPE, using the present members of the European Economic Community as the basis, is a potent force. The Common Market countries comprise a trad- ing bloc ranking third in the world behind only the United States and the Soviet Union in industrial strength. Its population is only slightly smaller than that of the United States (173 million per- sons, compared with 188 million in the United States). The biggest hurdle in creating the New Europe is in the area of defense. Defense of Western Europe rests for the most part on United States troops and United States tax dollars. And if de Gaulle carries through his plan for re- moval of American influence, he is left with no nuclear weaponry at all. It is an inherent flaw in his system that when he rids Eu- rope of United States "domina- tion" he also rids Europe of its only defense. The three major developments which have stirred up feelings in Europe to a hyper-tense degree all eventually come back to the feet of de Gaulle. *, * * FIRST CAME the exercise of the French veto which excluded Great Britain from the European Com- mon Market. Next, de Gaulle declared Britain unfit to be considered a part of Europe. He champions "continent- alism"-that is a continent look- ing inward guided by France. In Britain he sees the opening door to more United States influence over European affairs. The close Anglo-American ties suggest to de Gaulle that Kennedy will be slip- ping in the door on the coattails of Macmillan. The third major step was the signing of a Franco-German trea- ty on Jan. 22 of this year, which ments enough now considering the problems over Britain, NATO, and the United States. West Germans want Britain in the Common Mar- ket, support the idea of total Eu- ropean unity-not just continental unity-and above all want the pro- tection of United States nuclear forces against Soviet Russia. Even within the Franco-German pact there is no real protection for producing nuclear weapons. The treaty calls only for cooperation in new arms production. * * * DE GAULLE, possessed with dreams of the glory of France and determined to turn back the world clock, has shown himself to be more than a 'huffing and puffing old man with an overdeveloped sense of nationalism. He is a real threat. Since the end of World War II, the United States has poured more than $45 billion in economic and military aid into Europe. But the elder statesman of France is ig- noring all that in the face of a na- tionalism similar to that which has caused fighting for 500 years among the states of Europe. Has de Gaulle fallen back into that nationalism which excludes con- sideration of the setting in which the nation exists, and upon which it depends? Theoretically not-de Gaulle is loudly proclaiming the European- ism of his views, but -instead of a localized nationalism, they are simply a nationalism of a slightly different sort. De Gaulle's vision is that of a, Europe supreme in the world, and France supreme in. Europe. * * * FRANCE is truly out of date. She has never been'able to cope with the future without trying to return to the past. She has been floundering directionless since the French Revolution. She has done little or nothing for the good of Europe as a whole since the Rev- olution, and still she tries to stand at the fore of all European politi- cal activity. She fell in 1940 and it took the United.States and Brit- ain to get her out-but the mem- ory of the Frenchman is conven- iently lax when it comes to hap- penings of the last 200 years. There is no future for the su- premely selfish nation state of Europe any more. It is outdated. The only way any in which there is any hope or future for Europe is as the Atlantic Community, the European Common Market, or per- haps as World Civilization. It is to be hoped that the aging Charles de Gaulle, who has done so much for his country, is the last of his kind. Pressures are hitting at the Western alliance from all direc- tions, and the nations involved had better buckle down and sit tight, because the Western alli- ance's Cold War has only just be- gun. FROM NEW YORK: Subsidizing the Arts By MARK SLOBIN Daily Correspondent ONE OF the few beneficial re- sults of the New York news- paper strike has been a growing awareness among New Yorkers, a pretty provincial bunch, of the existence of the rest of the coun- try. Specifically, in the field of music, a pamphlet called "Econo- mic Conditions of Symphony Or- chestras and their Musicians" pro- vokes thought about serious na- tional problems. This 10-page report is the text of hearings conducted in the House of Representatives in 1961 (Select Subcommittee on Education of the Committee on Education and La- bor). The statement is by Mrs. Helen Thompson, Executive Sec- retary of the American Symphony Orchestra League, " a non-profit, membership, service and research organization . . . incorporated in the State of Michigan" (of all places). Here, for once, are the cold facts of the American symphony or- chestra business, facts which not only speak for themselves, but shout for recognition and reflec- tion. * * * BASICALLY, the information confirms S. J. Perleman's line: "The arts is a tough dollar," But how tough? There are about 2,000 symphony orchestras in the U.S. (not counting high school and col- lege groups), giving about 7,500 JOSE LIMON AND COMPANY eaning in Moveent and if one discounts the four elite groups (Boston, New York, Phila- delphia and Chicago) the average plummets to $3500. The reason for this pay scale does not lie in the hard-hearted- ness of orchestra managers, but in the plain fact that about 45 per cent of the orchestras' budgets must come from voluntary contri- butions or other means of fund- raising. Of this, endowments forh. a rather insignificant share. As a result, not only are salaries low, but seasons are short. Within the group of 22 major "non-elite" or- chestras, the seasons extends, on the average, exactly half the year, -26 weeks. Boston is the only city to manage the miracle of a 49- week season. * * * INDIVIDUAL MUSICIANS, of course, are hit hardest. After an investment estimated at $15,000- 20,000 for private lessons and four years at a college or conservatory, and after sinking in a sizable amount for his instrument, the symphony musician finds a meager salary and little chance to advance to higher earning levels. To fill the gap, an immense amount of "moonlighting" takes place.. Of course, there are many po- tential musicians who never be- come active in a symphony orches- tra, or limit themselves to com- munity playing as a spare time hobby. Result: "With the exception of the top five or six orchestras to which every symphony player . ninc norlyavor nrnipcfa i plexing, it is hard to see how im- personally donated money to fill the coffers of needy performing organizations-which, as we have seen, includes nearly all symphony orchestras- would introduce re- striction or censorship. * * BUT THE problem is a much deeper one, and rests not with a government dole but with a basic approach to music. The American Symphony Orchestra League sug- gests "A broad based program in which federal aid might be given to public schools and educational institutions for the purpose of .. . expanding and strengthening training opportunities for young instrumentalists, conductors, com- posers and solo artists." This hits closer to the dilemma: It is at the early stages of music training that so much is lacking. And going further, the program outlines the real problem under the heading "Need to enhance the prestige of the arts-locally and nationally . . . a federal program conceived at anything less than this level would serve only to downgrade the progress already achieved in many . . . cities and communities ..." In other words, the problems of the symphony, orchestra are only symptomatic of the general trou- bles faced by the performing arts in America. This is a simple state- ment, but has no simple answer beyond the outright donation of )np f1Y ,,t cl.Oabove: Te ne,. "IT IS impossible for the human body to be meaningless," Jose Limon told the students in his master class at Barbour Gymnas- ium last Friday evening. His per- formance with his company at Hill Auditorium last night was an exciting demonstration of mean- ing in movement. The program opened with "Night Spell," choreographed by the late Doris Humphrey. There are some wonderful moments of dance in this work. Perhaps more than any other piece on the pro- gram it displayed the power, the earthiness, and the savagery of Limon's movement. But the idea of the dance as a whole never quite comes off. Certainly, it is too tense a work to be a good curtain raiser, but it was a shattering in- troduction to Limon, the dancer. * * * THE NOVELTY of the evening was "I, Odysseus," the newest addition to the company's, reper- tory. The lights came up on the full company assembled on stage with Musical Director Simon Sad- off, listed in the program as Zeus, at the piano. In the first moments of the dance, the stark colored leotard costumes, the dead-pan experience of the dancers, and the apparently aimless, expressionless movement made one wonder if Limon had suddenly abandoned his belief in the essential humanism in dance and had gone over to join the ab- stract school of choreography. But it soon became clear that this was a satire, not just on the Odysseus legend, but also on the themes and techniques of some of the other leading figures in the modern dance world. In a giddy succession of scenes from the Odyssey passed across the stage, almost every member of the com- pany had a chance to display his or her talents as both dancer and comedian. Louis Falco as Hermes, Betty Jones as Athena, and Ruth Cur- rier as Circe made the most of their opportunities. But the high point of the work was the erotic and hilarious "My ' Imprisonment by Calypso," with Lola Huth's Calypso a perfect foil to Limon's Odysseus. ' * * * THE EVENING closed with "The Moor's Pavane," a retelling of the Othello story in dance terms. Out of the patterned fig- ures - of the pavane the crisis be- tween the Moor, His Wife, His Friend and His Friend's Wife de- velops. This work has become a modern dance classic and rightly so. -Kate O'Neill J WOULD not be in the least surprised if all of a sudden, I