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May 24, 1963 - Image 20

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-24

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enkowski Plans European Circuit

back-that shot would have beenc
a clear winner." Ray Senkowskit
sat for a half an hour after hiss
match was done unable to believe
that Riessen had come back to win
the second set, 6-4, and had rolled
to a third set victory, 6-1.E
"I really felt before the matchi
that I was going to beat him, and
then everything was going myt
way. I just couldn't believe thati
I had lost.1
"After that missed shot I hit
several more that just barely
caught the top of the net and fell
back, and Riessen hit exactly five
in the two two games which hit
the net and just rolled over. I felt
at the time that I didn't lose my
concentration-it didn't seem like
I was losing. But as soon as I+
started missing those close ones
the roof really fell in."
Doe's Tip
And as Senkowski sat and1
thought, his trip to the North-+
western health center the day be-,
fore must have come to mind. Ray
had been suffering from a virus
infection and had received shots
and a parting word of medical ad-
vice: "Now get plenty of rest and+
not too much strenuous physical
"Considering the way the breaks
didn't even out," philosophizes+
Ray, "maybe I should have stayed
in bed."
The Big Ten tourney 'closed out
a long and eventful net career at
Michigan for Senkowski, who play-
ed number one all three years.
Before Ray came to Ann Arbor
he picked up trophies for Ham-
tramck high school-a team that
was Michigan Class A state cham-
pion for'all four of his years there.
Senkowski won his first title at
River Forest, Ill., when he was 11,
and has since then compiled an
impressive list of Tpedals: he be-
c a m e Michigan, Midwestern,
Orange Bowl, Canadian, and U.S.
boys champion; he has taken the
National Interscholastic singles
and doubles crowns, Canadian jun-
ior singles, doubles, and mixed
doubles, National Indoor junior
doubles with Chuck McKinley, and
he was Michigan junior singles
and doubles champ for three
straight years.

circuit again this summer, trying
to boost his national ranking. It
will also give Ray a chance to get
some top day-to-day competition.
"I'm what might be called a
frustrated Midwestern tennis play-
er," says Ray. "I've always played
in Michigan, and with the short
season here it's been difficult to
develop naturally. I can only get
in about two months of competi-
tive tennis as compared to nearly
year around play in Florida and
Wildcat Pair
"And although I do have compe-
tition here, the nearest high-rank-
ed players in the Midwest are in
Chicago, and there are only two
of them there-Marty Riessen and
Clark Graebner (both of North-
Senkowski is "really sold" on
the net game. "Tennis is a great
divergent-it's a good, clean sport,
one that requires individual deci-
sions. The game is a great reflec-
tion of the people who play it.
I think that by playing a person
on the courts for ten minutes I
can learn more about him than
someone who has known him five
or ten years."
"Playing tennis gives me a good
opportunityl to travel and meet
people," says the Michigan senior.
Not only a top athlete, Sen-
kowski has been extremely active
in other areas on the Michigan
campus, including presiding as
head of the varsity "M" Club.

"I feel that Michigan has a great
deal more to offer than athletic
competition," comments Ray. "I've
made a decided effort to exper-
ience as many facets Of the Uni-
versity as possible. After all, I
believe it's more important for a
person to have an overview of
what's going on around him, allow-
ing him to gain a greater under-
standing of what it takes to reach
his full potential."

Mets Buy
Washington Senators yesterday
sold outfielder Jim Piersall to the
New York Mets for cash and a
player to be named later.
The deal apparently was tied in
with the Mets releasing Gil
Hodges, veteran first baseman, to
take over as Washington manager.
The sale of Piersall was the lat-
est in a series of swift 'moves by
General Manager George Selkirk
in his efforts to bulwark a team
that is anchored in last place and
has finished on the bottom the
past two years.
PITTSBURGH (R) - The Pitts-
burgh Pirates traded outfielder
Bob Skinner to the Cincinnati
Reds Thursday for outfielder and
pinch-hitter Jerry\ Lynch.
A Pirate spokesman said the
trade was a straight player deal.
The 32-year-old Lynch, noted
for his pinch hitting, thus returns
to the club with which he broke
into the majors.
Professional Fraternities
Delta Sigma Delta 6, Alpha Kappa
Phi 0
Misfits 6, Phi Chi 5
Phi Chi 8, Delta sigma Delta 7
Nu Sigma Nu 12, GA 0
Phi Rho Sigma over Tau Epsilon
Rho (forfeit)
Alpha Chi Sigma over Alpha Omega
Phi Alpha Kappa over Si Omega
Residence Halls "B"
Cooley 10, Wenley 7
Winchell over Van Tyne (forfeit-
fourth place playoff)
Williams over Michigan (forfeit)
Social Fraternity "B"
Sigma Alpha Mu 8, Lambda Chi
Alpha 7 (championship)
Sigma Alpha Mu 8, Lambda Chi Al-
pha 7

... Wolverine senior


Sports Calendar
Today-Michigan vs. Northwestern, here, 3:30 p.m.
Tomorrow-Michigan vs. Wisconsin, here, 1:30 p.m.
June 17-22-NCAA Tournament at Princeton, N. J.
June1-State Outdoor Federation Meet at Kalamazoo
June 8-9-National Federation Meet at Houston, Texas
June 14-15-NCAA Meet at Albuquerque, N. M.


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