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May 24, 1963 - Image 16

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-24

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THE M".. ia14AN fl LANtll w"n V..
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Board Approves Report
Of Union-League Merger

U' Gains

Out with Old, In with New

<t) i I

(Continued from Page 1)


the Alumni Association hopefully
can work it out itself and present
a satisfactory solution to the im-
plementation committee.
"The same stipulation as the
League's could be added, but it
should be the Alumni Associa-
tion's decision. It's a matter of
principle," Rusnak added.
The Union Board also decided
to refer the present report to the
Regents "for their consideration
and possible comments." The Un-
ion and League have agreed to
refer the report jointly. Rusnak
explained that "rather than get
further into this we want to make
sure of the Regents' feelings."
Countered Comment
Rusnak also countered t h e
League's comment that the Union
suffered "shaky financial status."
"Unlike organizations that run to
make a profit, the Union is run as
a service organization, as close
to the break-even point as pos-
sible. Periodically there are defi-
cits, but periodically there are also
surpluses. In the long run we are
ahead, with a large reserve fund
which has financed such improve-
ments as the MUG remodeling."
Office of Student Affairs rep-
resentative to the Union Board
Walter B. Rea, special assistant to
the vice-president for student af-

fairs, mentioned the OSA's desire
for some cooperation between the
University Center student activi-
ties group and the OSA. He sug-
gested "prior consultation" on
activity projects as one possi-
Peculiar Independence
But former Union President
Robert F. Finke, '63, reiterated the
peculiar independence of the cen-
ter's activity group, and the fear
of OSA "empire building."
Some board members also ex-
pressed hopes that the new Uni-
versity Center will be able to
assume control of such service
facilities as the North Campus
student-faculty center which the
Regents authorized last Friday.
Through a mix-up in de-
livery, a copy of the "Peace
Corps News" was included as a
supplement in every copy of
Tuesday's Daily.
The inclusion of this supple-
ment in no way constitutes
Daily endorsement of either the
supplement itself or the Peace
Corps in general. The Daily, as
a newspaper, does not take
stands on issues or organiza-

By Hatcher
(Continued from Page 1)
priations commensurate with its
Because the budget was "pre-de-
termined before the University
even ventured up to Lansing and
because the new governor placed
primary emphasis on the economic
improvement of the state, "I de-
cided 'to focus the Legislature's
attention on the University's re-
search potential" in hopes of
changing the picture on appropri-
ation recommendations, President
Hatcher explained.
Research Image
The intent of emphasis on re-
search capabilities was simply to
demonstrate one aspect of the
University's many potentialities.
This emphasis is now "paying off."
President Hatcher cited an in-
creased interest in the University
on the part of industry.
* The creation of Gov. George
Romney's "Blue-Ribbon" commit-
tee on higher education was hailed
by the University's chief execu-
tive as one of the most signifi-
cant events of the year. The Uni-
versity is looking to the committee
for advice on the "division of la-
bor and financial support" among
the state institutions of higher
The University is also awaiting
the citizens' committee's recom-
mendations on creating a four-
year, degree granting institution
at Delta College-a project for
which the University sought leg-
islative support but failed to get.
This was one of the major disap-
pointments of the year, he com-
Student Understanding
The University and its student7
body have taken an increased in-
terest in "broadening the base of+
human understanding and broth-
First there was the issue of Ann+
Arbor's proposed fair housing ordi-
nance. Then this month the Re-+
gents gave a "clear, unambiguous
statement" of its delegation of au-
thority over the handling of bias
in student organizations to Stu-
dent Government Council..
The issue of bias in fraternities.
and sororities is a "sensitive prob-
lem," and "I believe that the Uni-
versity's atmosphere of reason-
ableness and goodwill is better in
the long run than other universi-
ties' authoritarian methods." "The
spirit is more important than the1
letter in this matter," he main-1

ON THE MOVE--The old City Hall is being vacated this weekend for new expanded facilities. The
new seven-story structure will house all facets of city government except the fire department and the
field equipment of the water department. Only the police department and the office of the treasurer
will remain in the old structure until the first floor of the new building is complete.
Mayr Finds Man at Intelligence Peak


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By The Associated Press
CAMBRIDGE - A disquieting
hint-that the human race may
already have reached its, peak in
development of brain size and in-
telligence and that the trend may
be in a downward direction-
comes from a famous evolutionist.
He is Prof. Ernst Mayr, director
of the Museum of Comparative
Zoology at Harvard University.
But he holds some hope for the
human. race if "the biological as-
pects of man's evolution are duly
taken into consideration by those
entrusted with the task of plan-
ning for the future of mankind."
New Rewards
He suggests that we start re-
warding and stop punishing the
superior. And that we take steps
to avert a "standing room only"
population on the earth.
Prof. Mayr has been a key con-
tributor to modern evolutionary
theory during the last 30 years-
a period during which biologists
have learned more about how ani-

mal species evolve than in any
other period since Darwin's time.
His views are embodied in a
monumental report on new de-
velopments in evolutionary theory,
"Animal Species and Evolution,"
which is acclaimed by such biolo-
gists as Sir Julian Huxley, George
Gaylord Simpson and Prof. The-
dosius Dobzhansky of Columbia
University. Prof. Dobzhansky calls
Mayr's report "a landmark in the
biology of our age."
Brain Size
The Harvard scientists says the
increase in human brain size-a
characteristic that sets man apart
from all other animals-stopped
nearly 100,000 years ago.
Declaring "one cannot avoid
feeling that man could still go a
long way on the road toward im-
provement," he adds, "neverthe-
less, there is no evidence of any
biological improvement in at least
the last 30,000 years."
He voices agreement with Hux-
ley that most likely "man's gene-

Just a 5-minute drive from the campus

tic nature has degenerated and is
still doing so."
How did all these things hap-
pen to us? Prof. Mayr takes us
back to man's ancestors 22 million
years ago, learning to walk up-
right, freeing their forelimbs to
make and use tools, but most as-
tonishing of all -their three-to-
four-fold increase in size of brain.
The need to communicate-to
speak--speeded up brain growth.
Those who could think best, sur-
vived and passed on intelligence to
their children. The children of the
brightest parents, since they re-
ceived better parental care, like-
wise survived.
Prof. Mayr suggests that when
men joined together in bigger
groups, the average and below-
average individuals became more
protected. Ultimately, the some-
what below-average individual
could survive and reproduce just
as successfully as the above-
average individuals.
Best Endowed
Now, "those who are intellectu-
ally best endowed contribute less
to:the gene pool of the next gen-
eration than do the average and,
indeed, most of the less-than-
average," although the high I.Q.
group may be above average in
physical health.
Prof. Mayr suggests that we en-
courage the superior.
"In our present society, the
superior person is punished by
the government in numerous ways,
by taxes and otherwise, which
makes it more difficult for him
to raise a large family. Why, for
instance, should tax exemption for
children be a fixed sum rather
than a percentage of earned in-

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administrative rules and laws .. .
discriminate inadvertently against
the most gifted members of the
"I firmly believe that such posi-
tive measures would do far more
toward the increase of desirable
genes in the human gene (inherit-
ance) pool than all the negative
measures proposed by eugenicists
of former generations," he says.





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