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February 09, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-09

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Increasing cloudiness today.
occasional light snow tonight

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Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


Pro-Nasser Coup Overthrows Iraqi


-AP Wirephoto
REVOLT IN IRAQ--Rebel forces from Habbaniya are reported to
have led the revolt which crushed the regime of Abdel Karim Kas-
sem in Baghdad. The air base at Mosul is said to be supporting the
Grassmuck Sees Revolution'
As 'Mere Change in nPalace'
The Iraqi revolution which erupted yesterday was interpreted by
Prof. George Grassmuck of the political science department as "prob-
ably a mere change in the palace."
He predicted that the opening of fire would hardly resolve the
conflicts between Baghdad and Cairo because "Iraq has oil and Egypt
does not.
"There has been a persistent historical conflict between Iraq
and the Arab world. There is no reason to assume that the bitterness

ITAL. Recognizes
New Government
By The Associated Press
BEIRUT-Iraq's Premier Abdel
Karim Kassem was reported over-
thrown and assassinated yesterday
by the same coterie of young army
officers who helped him destroy
the Iraqi monarchy and rise to
power four and one-half years
The coup was regarded as a
triumph for the Nasserites of the
Arab world.
The rebels announced they had
crushed Kassem's rule with tanks
and planes and "destroyed the
tyrant." The Cairo-headquartered
Middle East News Agency said
there was no doubt about Kassem's
Transitional President
The insurgents ordered a crack-
down on Communists and named
the pro-Nasser former co-leader of1
Kassem's own revolution to serve
as transitional president.
United Arab Republic PresidentS
Gamal Abdel Nasser, arch enemy
and rival of Kassem, hailed the
Iraqi coup as a victory for the1
"Arab struggle." Nasser's bid fors
Middle East supremacy, bolsteredi
by the Cairo-oriented Yemen re-
volt last fall, was seen on the
rise again.
The UAR, it Yemen satellite
and Algeria-three revolutionary
governments-quickly recognized
the new Iraqi regime. Kuwait also
extended recognition with the ob-
vious hope that Kassem's claim to
that oil-rich neighboring sheikdom1
now was buried and forgotten.
Established Supremacy 1
However, Iraq's borders weret
sealed amid indications thatbthe
revolutionaries had not establish-
ed supremacy throughout the
Middle East nation. ;
Abdel Salam Mohammed Aref,
once Kassem's deputy premier and
later his prispner for a reported
assassination attempt, was ap-
pointed transitional chief of state."
In Washington, the state depart-
ment has scant information on
Mustafa, but believes his move-7
ment is basically anti-Communist1
in character.c
Little Newsx
As of late yesterday, the United
States government had no firm1
news of whether Kassem was'kill-1
ed by the rebels, as reported byv
Baghdad Radio.
State department officials basee
their early estimate of the revolu-1
tionary movement on reports fromx
Baghdad that the rebel command1
has purged the army of Commun-1
ist officers, some of whom had
been appointed only recently byf
Otherwise the state department1
knows almost nothing about Mus-
tafa and his immediate associates,x
most of them under the rank of a









WSU Seeks
State Money
For Centers
Desires To Receive
Research Largesse
Wayne State University Thurs-
day became the first state-sup-
ported institution to submit a
proposal for tapping Gov. George
Romney's proposed $750,000 fund
to sponsor research on pepping up
Michigan industrial development.
WSU proposed a three-year, $2
million "crash program" to es-
tablish space physics, mechanics
and medicine research centers. The
cost of the first year operation
would be $525,000.
The initial investment would
set up an institute for biological
systems and engineering and an
institute for surface studies.
Extension Scheme
The fruits of the research would
be passed on to state industries
through an "industrial extension
The proposal was presented to
the House Economic Development
Committee Thursday. Rep. Gilbert
Bursley (R-Ann Arbor), its chair-
man, praised WSU for the speed
and quality of its proposal.
However, the University has not
given any consideration to asking
money from the fund yet, Vice-
President for Research Ralph A.
Sawyer reported.
Still Nebulous
"The proposal is a little 'iffy'
yet. If the money is available the
University will ask for things it
considers desirable and which do
not get federal support," he said.
Sawyer said University partici-
pation in the fund will also de-
pend on the nature of the fund
and its operating provisions.
The fund, details of which are
expected to be spelled out by
Romney in an economic expansion
message Monday or Tuesday, will
be managed by the newly-created
Economic Expansion Council. This
group of 25 citizens from various
facets of state life will oversee the
spurring of state development,
Bursley explained.
He speculated that a subcom-
mittee composed of scientists as
well as laymen will specifically
consider requests.





Delta-U' Discussions C

Discussions of the possibilities of
incorporating Delta College as a
University branch are continuing,
despite lack of support in this
year's Legislature for such a mer-
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Roger W. Heyns explained
that since the Delta-branch idea
is only in the talking stage, the
question of whether or not this
year's session would endorse the
plan "is not significant."
The aim of the present Univer-
sity-Delta negotiations is "to work
out an educational plan involving
the cooperation of Delta and the
University," which would also be
acceptable to the various groups
These groups include the gov-
erning boards of the two institu-
tions, the Legislature, and the res-
idents of Michigan's thumb area
where Delta is located.
Hilberry Cites
Budget Deficit
By The Associated Press
LANSING-Gov. George Rom-
ney's budget figures for Wayne
State University leave the insti-
tution $150,000 short, WSU Presi-
dent Clarence B. Hilberry said
Last week, President John A.
Hannah, of Michigan State Uni-
versity, said that MSU's share was
$1.5 million short of its needs.
Both presidents are basing their
budget differences on Romney's
promise to continue last year's
level of service although keeping
a tight budget for colleges and

Offers Plan
To .ad Idled
By The Associated Press
LANSING-Gov. George Rom-
ney yesterday offered what he de-
scribed as a "workable proposal"
to enact legislation on the state
Supreme Court's controversial
Ford-Canton decision.
Romney's proposal, submitted
to a group of leaders in labor and.
industry, makes any worker eligi-
ble for unemployment benefits who
is out of work because of strikes
in another plant owned by his
company, provided he did not par-
ticipate in or benefit from the
It further specifies that union
dues payments do not constitute
participation in a strike.
MESC Decision
The Michigan Employment
Security Commission would be em-
powered to evaluate each case on
its own merits with the privilege
for the worker of appealing the
decision to the courts, Romney
The proposal met with the ap-
proval of the representatives from
both labor and industry, the gov-
ernor said. Members of the group
which met with Romney were ask-
ed to submit a wriften report, de-
tailing their opinions of the pro-
Haber Picked
Romney also asked a group of
three labor experts from Michigan
colleges to work on the final draft
of the proposal with Romney-aide
Richard Van Dusen, one of whom
is ;, cPf William haber of the eco-
nomies departiner.t.
Prof. Haber nt I t.lat although
Romi. ey has one approach to the
p obi em, the g,)erar-s answer is
not necessarily the only one to a
highly controversial problem.
Medical School
Revises Policy
Revising its announcement of
Thursday, the Medical School said
that only courses in pathology and
pharmacology will not issue half-
year grades.
Grades for other courses are
available, Richard H. Emmons,
public relations aide of the Medi-
cal School, explained yesterday.
The Medical School had indi-
cated that it had abolished half-
year grades. Dean William N. Hub-
bard of the Medical School de-

between the two areas has been
eradicated. Diversive religious and
racial forces are still at odds with
one another," Prof. Grassmuck
Commenting on reports that the
revolutionary regime instituted
playing of United Arab Republic
music over the national radio as
a friendly token, he noted that
"when Kassem came into power,
Egyptian music was played also."
Iraqi students on campus con-
sidered the revolutionary effort
more serious, and feared wide-
scale violence and bloodshed.
"I am against all forms of
change in Iraq if they are in-
stituted by violence. But, if my
people are to lose their lives for
some cause it might at least be a
worthwhile one. With the faction
that is taking over, I do not be-
lieve it will be worth the sacri-
fices," one commented.
Army May Install
Agents in Panama
By The Associated Presi
States Army is planning to form1
a new group of anti-guerilla ex-
perts and base it in the Panama
Canal Zone, in position to help
Latin American nations cope with
any Cuba-fomented uprisings, it
was learned yesterday.+


...to merge or not
Only when and if some concrete
proposals emerge from the nego-
tiations will the problem of Lans-
ing support become relevant. Al-
though, in legal terms, no legisla-
tive act would be required to im-
plement the merger, Heyns as-
serted that the plan would never
be adopted if the Legislature op-
posed it.
"We don't need legislative ac-
tion, but we need their support,"
he commented, noting that the in-
creased appropriation which would
be needed to operate an additional
University branch would not likely
be forthcoming if the Legislature
opposes the merger in the first
Four-Year Degree
Delta is now a junior college
supported by three thumb-area
counties. If it were incorporated
into the. University structure, it
would become a four-year degree-
granting institution.
Heyns believes that having all
four undergraduate years at a sin-

Educators Fail To Resolve
Differences on Federal Aid
WASHINGTON W-)-Representatives of 21 national educational
groups met behind locked doors yesterday in an effort to resolve their
differences on federal aid to education.
A reliable source said they failed to reach any agreement.
At the end of a three-hour session in a Washington hotel, the
groups issued a joint statement which said only that they had
" centered their discussions on
President John F. Kennedy's edu-
cation program, sent to Congress
last week.'
Federal Aid

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Could Supply
ontinue More Funds
itution is more likely to For Colleges
students than offering
n-sophomore and junior-
instruction at different Propose To Earmark
He suggested that this is Canines' Revenues
more and more high
graduates today plan to For Scholarships
through to a four-year
nd want to spend all four By MICHAEL HARRAH
one institution. City Editor
idence he cited the fast and WILLIAM BENOIT
of Michigan State Univer-
ur-year Oakland branch The special House Committee
ared to the relatively slow on Greyhound Racing has report-
n of the University's two- ed favorably to the state Legis-
arborn and Flint branches. lature on legalizing dog racing in
Time to Time Michigan on a local option basis
and has specially recommended
rning the present status of that part of the revenue be set
versity-Delta negotiations, aside to aid state-supported col-
aid that the negotiators leges and universities.
eting fro time o e, The committee has also specifi-
ers tcally recommended that special
papers. days be designated from which
nal agreement has been the proceeds would go to scholar-
on some aspects of the ship funds for higher education.
However, he declined to Rep. Frederic J. Marshall (R-.
e until a more comprehen- Allen), chairman of the group,
n is ready, because such has recommended that the Legis-
uncement might be inter- lature "give serious consideration"
s meaning that final and to enacting legislation which would
action had been taken on permit the sport to join now legal
ger. horse racing in the state.
Economy Benefits
Pact The report recommended that
Michigan investors "should be
given prime consideration and
( o a o e) protection' and so should Mci
gan workers, distribution of rev-
enues should be allocated equit-
ably between state and local gov-
major universities re- ernment, and racing dates for
greed to a plan to reduce dogs should not conflict with dates
act of "faculty raiding" - for horses.t
ng away of a university's The committee took special note
members by lucrative of- of the economic plight in the Up-
m other schools, per Peninsula, and the report com-
ig Ten schools and the mented that the advent of dog
ty of Chicago-which com- racing would have a favorable ef-
the Commission for In- fet in the UP. This has been the
ah Cooperation-have es- stand of Rep. Joseph S. Mack (D-
3 a "closed season," dur- Ironwood), the UP member on the
h they will not extend job special committee.
o each other's faculty No Strong Opposition
s. ~Rep. William D. Romano (IS-
this agreement, after May Warren), also on the committee,
h year, no offers will be noted the feeling in the House
)r employment beginning that "if you've got horse-racing
wing fall, Vice-President in Michigan, you might as well
demic Affairs Roger W. have dog-racing."
xplained yesterday. According to Romano, Michigan
act is not intended to horse-racing officials are strongly
e faculty raiding, but "to opposed to the possibility of legal-
the disruption that oc- ized dog-racing in the state be-
en a man leaves late in cause it might cut into some of
n" Heyns said. their profits.
resident and Dean of The Warren Democrat said he
sdeysonS.WildDfNorth-plans to introduce a resolution in
Payson SWld of ot the House that would call for ad-
Universitys said reentvery ditional contributions to the pro-
11 at faculty raiding be- posed educational fund in the
s pay alyrakdnighetcommittee's recommendation from
pay scale ranks highest the horse-racing industry.
ning teSnowball to Million
noting that "such com- Romano said the revenue to
are tricky" because the education from legalized dog-
universy e sch tohoracing would probably not be too
uneritestUimaedsith high until the business had a
,ategories the University's chance to grow-probably in the
iong the Big Ten schools. neighborhood of $100,000-$150,000
__ng___h__B__gT__n s .-but it is likely that it could
,* snowball to almost $1 million in
a few years.
Although dog-racing bills have
been buried in committee with
Track Post great regularity in the past, this
is the first time the proposal has
1171 received serious legislative sane-
Wesleyan Lion.
Proceeds for Education
y BILL BULLARD Former Speaker of the House
Don R. Pears (R-Buchanan), who
Swanson's resignation as established the special committee,
track coach was accepted enthusiastically endorsed both the
t by the Board in Con- racing proposal and the proceeds
ntercollegiate Athletics. for higher education.

9-year-old Swanson, as- "With education so badly :n
to Coach Don Canham need of funds to meet the demands
48, will become the new of our ever-expanding student
ch at Wesleyan Univer- population, should the proposal be
ctive June 30. As Swan- adopted no better use could be
cessor, the Board recom- found for a part of the racing
Dave Martin, '61, former proceeds," he said. Pears now
e track star. seeks to become the state's racing
an ,,nr3Pr1orAvndto.o xo..

Limon Calls Modern Dance 'A


Jose Limon prefers to speak of modern dance as the American
The renowned dancer-choreographer, who will perform with his
company at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Aud., said that what he and his:
company do is done as 20th Century American dance and is some-
thing with which they are still experimenting.
Limon believes that modern dance has taken root in America
because, unlike Europe, which had developed the traditional ballet
from Italian peasant dances, and refined it in France and Russia,
"America was a raw land with no tradition."
Modernist Idea;
An American, Isadore Duncan, instigated the modern dance . " ;:
movement at the beginning of the century. The modernist idea was
carried on by Martha Graham, Doris Humphrey and Charles Weide--
When Isadore Duncan first performed in Chicago and New York ,
she was ignored, so she went to Paris. Dancing to Beethoven and
Chopin with unconventional technique and costume, she "brought
Greece back to life and although Paris was shocked, it went wild over f'
her dancing," Limon said.
She rejected ballet completely; some hated her, claiming that it
was not dancing, but the performance of a naked woman with no
technique, Limon said.
Ballet Now Friend

The major point at issue con-
cerns federal aid to private and
parochial schools and colleges.
One source said the meeting be-
gan with a representative of each
group outlining his organization's
position. Then President Charles
E. Odegaard of the University of
Washington, chairman of the
meeting, made a plea for some
easing of differences.
The rest of the time was spent
in.discussing the various positions,
with no yielding on any side.

NEA Against
The meeting was called by the
National Education Association
and the American Council on Ed-
ucation. These organizations were
at sword's points last year after
the NEA sent telegrams to every
member of the House of Repre-
sentatives, saying that proposed
federal grants to private colleges
would violate the American tradi-
tion of separation of church and
The House, shortly afterward,
killed a proposed bill which would
have provided federal grants and
loans to both public and private



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