4r Alidigatt Bally Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FUNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinilons Are hi~eSTUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 23241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. 4 YEARS IN 4000 WORDS: Impressions and Reforms FRIDAY,=MAY 24,1963 NIGHT EDITOR: ELLEN SILVERMAN Not A Farewell: Just 'Passin THIS IS NOT A SWAN SONG. It is the be- ginning. Each year as The Daily senior editors write their farewell editorials, they attempt to tell everyone what they have learned and what, from their wise emeritus positions, they think the University needs. Somehow, I do not feel wise, nor bitter, nor discouraged, nor enthusiastic in writing this. I feel humble. For the Unive'rsity has given me what I came here for; not on a silver platter, but I found it here. I found the opportunity to learn. I found the materials, the books, the quiet and those more learned than I. I found real people, people I could be friends with. They were not plentiful, but they were here. I found that once I earned it, I could live as I pleased-.and I did, making my own mistakes and learning from them. RIGHT NOW I would like to ask you to let me be sentimental, a woman's privilege. There are many things wrong with the Uni- versity and I cannot try to cover them up or pass them off. Perfection should be an insti- tution's goal as well as a student's. I have met pettiness here, in every student organiza- tion as well as elsewhere-little politicians and little minds. But they have been balanced by persons with vision and by people whom I hope to see running the nation in 20 years. Loneliness is a part of every student's life. It is a necessary part because real scholarship must take place alone. Only the fruits of knowl- edge can be shared. This is a lonely campus; it is large and many come here and never meet anyone but the person next to them in lecture. Students cry on the campus benches under the memorial trees, but they also laugh, and final- ly walk home. Others leave here with only friends; they will be the lesser of the two. Any man can find friends of his own likeness but few can make friends with thought. HYPOCRISY, in both students and faculty as well as the administration, has marred the campus more than all the bureaucracy and misjudgment. If a man is wrong, it is no sin to admit it. He is just admitting that he is human and other men, being human, should be reluctant to cast stones. It is the deceit that brings mistrust and secrecy, which is the real peril in an academic world. There are those who lambaste conservatism as anything that keeps the world from being their oyster. Conservatism is a valid point of view. It says "show me that a change is better and I will make it, but I will not change for the sake of change." There is a place for initiators and there is a place for those who refine change. Nothing is done outs of context. Just as ig Through' the psychiatrist brings out the subconscious, so it will not bring trouble and regression later, so the conservative makes sure that nothing is suppressed in change. The liberal, the radical and the conservative can all work together. They each represent a valid point of view. It is only the obstructionist that must be weeded out and these can be found in too plentiful array on this campus. UOW DID I COME to these conclusions? What induced them. I suppose four years on The Daily, with dips into other activities and groups, made them. Many times I have been asked why I decided to work on The Daily and why I stayed. I did so because I thought its work was worthwhile. Communication is a major part of learning and of civilization, and The Daily, as much as peo- ple complain, is the major form of mass com- munication on campus. Although I did not make many friends there, I found the people as well as the work worth- while. No person can tell me that people who put in a 40 hour week at The Daily for pittance pay, and still keep up, however haphazardly, their academic careers, are not worthwhile. They compose a spectrum of politics, intellect, ambition and background. They are neverthe- less alike in their constant battles with fatigue, informed constructive conversation, real con- cern for the University and the world, and gen- eral addiction to cokes and "all nighters." I was "a Daily person" for four years. I am proud of it. LEARNED MUCH about the University, about the way the world goes and about myself. I learned how hard it is to live up to some of ' Kipling's "Ifs." I learned "To hear the truth you've spoken,/Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools," and "Watched the things I gave my life (here at the University) to broken," and "stooped to pick them up with worn out tools." I have tried, in my reportingt to live up to "If you can talk with crowds and keep your vir- tue,/And walk with kings-nor lose the com- mon touch,/If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,/If all men count with you, but none too much." I not only tried, but every person on The Daily tries: What more can the public ask? That is why this is not a swan song. I am not leaving the University. No one can make me leave or reject the things that four years of this university have shared with me. I will take all this with me. Swans only sing as they die. I have sung here and I will continue to sing. For I leave The Daily in good, competent hands. As I leave, a new group goes in. That is why this is a beginning. -CAROLINE DOW Personnel Director By MICHAEL OLINICK Editor Y EDITORIAl. WRITING dur- ing the last four years has not been characterized by the personal touch. I attempted to divorce my personality from the arguments and appeals I was presenting so that my editorials might have a greater general validity. When it comes time to write final words for publication before becoming an alumnus of the University, one can't help making this a personal testament. What follows will be approxi- mately 4000 words in The Daily Editor's traditional final remarks. Those who have read my earlier edits know that I am incapable of summing up my entire impressions of four years at the University in anything as short as 4000 words. I will try to present a flavor of the thoughts that are uppermost in mind today when I look back at my experiences here. * * * DURING THE LAST five weeks my editorial typewriter has gath- ered dust and I have led, more or less, the life of a typical student at the University. Myname re- mains in the staff box as Editor simply as a tradition; The Daily you have read since April 24 has been put out under the direction of an energetic group of young people who are called the acting senior editors. I begin with this apparent tri- viality because it symbolizes quick- ly and with little effort the dif- ference between those engaged in work for The Daily and those who are not. My life has been a rela- tively relaxed, one for the last month; I do things at a slower pace, retire at a somewhat decent hour, attend a respectable per- centage of my classes. What is amazing to note is that my day is filled with things to do: read- ing for course work, obligations to my apartment, ice cream dates with my fiancee. If someone asked me to change my life suddenly and find 60 to 70 hours of time each week to put in working for a campus newspaper, I would tell him that he was crazy, that it would be impossible for me to find an extra 10 hours a week to do anything. Yet I spent the months from April 20, 1962 to April 22, 1963 devoting 10 hours a day or more o The Daily and almost that much time from the day I joined the staff to the night I was named editor. The intensity with which a Daily staff member lives his life cannot be understood or appre- ciated unless one has been through the experience himself. Daily staff members, I am convinced, work harder than any other group of people. I have just completed the most intense year of my life; my only regret is that others cannot share my experience. WHAT DOES it all mean? Is there a qualitative difference as well as a mere quantitative dif- ference? Is it worthwhile? What does it all have to do with the University anyway? I saw some of thekdifference last Friday when I picked up that morning's issue of The Daily. Across the front page splashed a headline proclaiming that stu- dents would have to pay $12 next year if they wanted to see their university's football team in com- petition. Now this decision was reached by the Board in Control of Inter- collegiate Athletics which theore- tically is supposed to reflect my interests. As a male student, I was entitled to cast my vote for stu- dent representatives on this board. Unfortunately, however, the stu- dent members have never sought out any opinions from their con- stituents nor did they report to them that the charges were being considered. The board itself meets in secret; its minutes are not distributed publicly; its sessions are even closed to the press. Vexing as the decision was, it was even more disturbing to note the secretive manner in which it was arrived at. The question of whether or not student football tickets should cost anything is relatively trivial, although it contributes to the gen- eral trend of the University's driv- ing away certain economic groups from attending its campus. On the same front page, there appeared a small news article announcing that final examinations next year would be shortened to two hours because administrative problems made three hour finals impossible. It was regrettable, announced the administrator, that some students were certain to have three finals in one day. I have never been one to cham- pion the value of examinations as learning tools, particularly final exams as they are usually handled at this University. It does seem to me. however, that they have been are definitely not going to be able to utilize the final exam as an opportunity to draw together the material if they have three exams the next day-especially when the "reading perio" be- tween the end of classes and the beginning of finals is a single day. What is needed, of course, is expansion of the examination period or at least rearrangement of it to provide a good sized read- ing period between classes and the tests, not telescoping the whole period into five or six days. You can argue the merits or demerits of the final exam system until you are blue in the face, but most everyone, it would seem, would agree that the question ought to be settled not by what is expedient but by what is most educationally sound. And we would expect that the decision would be made by those involved in the administrating and taking of the courses and the exams, the fac- ulty and student body. * * * UNFORTUNATELY, this uni- versity doesn't always run this way. One administrator (more likely a committee so that respon- sibility is diffused and the chair- man can disavow the report even if he signs it) made the decision on the basis of an appeal to the Expedient Ethic. With no regard for or consultation with the' stu- dents or the faculty members, his simple decision will have great effect on the structure of many courses taught next year. Now, the average student read- ing his Friday Daily is apt to choke on his coffee and Danish when he reads those two stories, mutter a bitter curse against "them," and, realizing it is too late for him to do anything about it even if he knew how, accepts the situation with a shrug and turns the page to the personal classified ads looking for laughs. The Daily staff member, how- ever, is in a different position. He can rail at these manipulations of the student publicly, focusing the attention of those who can do something about changing such decisions on the problem. He can exert an influence for correction and reform. I find some comfort in reading about such abomina- tions in the knowledge that some- one on The Daily will do some- thing about it. Criticism of the University will continue as long as there are free and angry editors. I HAVE NOT LIKED a great many things that occurred at this University since September, 1959 or that had their inception a long time before that and persist an- achronistically today. What I find most disturbing, however-and what probably led me to continue to work on The Daily-are not the things in themselves, but the fact that they are allowed to exist, even encouraged to exist in some instances, in a community of such intelligent persons. I am frightened because I realize that the universities are the spots in the societies most devoted to intelligent values and the most open and honest of communities and I realize how cheap and shoddy and hypocritical univer- sities can be. There is little appreciation, for example, for free speech in the United States. Most Americans say they support the First Amendment in general, but a strong majority would deny that freedom to Com- munists or to neo-Nazis or to any- one who departs too much from the national consensus. The demonstrations over the past two years in protest of dis- crimination here and in the South have been accepted quietly by the community because the consensus is in sympathy with the picketers' aims. Peace vigils, however, are looked upon with a hostile and suspicious eye. The march oppos- ing the Cuban blockade last Oc- tober drew violent and crude an- tagonism. Universities are supposed to be institutions which help train young people to have an understanding and appreciation for basic human rights. Yet how can a student at an American university appreciate free speech and free press if the community in which he lives has a speaker policy and a controlled press? The norm encouraged by the administration is docile ac- ceptance of the muzzled campus. This acceptance will obviously continue when the student enters the larger society. I DO NOT accuse all adminis- trators of consciously undermining the educational base of operations of the University, nor do I believe they became institutional adminis- trators so they could bait students. With the execption of a few such persons (which the Office of Stu- dent Affairs refuses to discharge), I think most administrators are working in good faith. What I do charge is that the administration as a whole sees itself as running the University, OK, OLINICK, you're probably thinking, why don't you ever sug- gest anything positive or tell us how you would like to see the University run? I would like to propose some reforms grouped into six cate- gories: * * * I GREATER FEEDBACK from students in the educational pro- cess. The faculty should know what students are thinking about the instruction they are receiving. A student's semesterly talk with his academic counselor should be us- ed as an opportunity to discuss the student's view of his own edu- cation and what he thinks is go- ing well with it and what isn't. The counselors could transfer sug- gestions and criticisms up the line for possible implementation. Students should be encouraged to state their goals in a fairly sys- tematic manner during various stages in the University career. Questions on admission applica- tions should stimulate serious thinking about why a student is seeking a college education. His answers should be taken seriously and not used only as a test of his composition ability. Half of fresh- man orientation should be thrown out and a good deal of that time should be spent in discussing stu- dent expectations about their edu- cation and the University's expec- tation from them. S* M 4 GRADUATING seniors and other degree candidates should be in- vited to set down their thoughts about their education in lengthy correspondence with their dean or department chairman. Students, of course should be included on all major policy mak- ing or policy-advising groups that are concerned with the academic process. The issue of a vote is irrelevant; faculty and. adminis- tration committees rarely decide anything by casting a ballot, pre- ferring to talk until a consensus is reached. Conversely, students should be receiving feedback from the fac- ulty on the professors' worries about the University, his discipline, the performance of his students. This is not a simple request for "greater" communication among the University's constituent blocs, but an exchange of frank opinions accompanied by a willingness to listen and be convinced. II A GREATER diversity in in- struction. A university this large with such a heterogeneous faculty and student body should not be pushed into a Procrustean bed of credit hours, 15 week courses, min- imum full-time programs. Independent work of all degrees should be available for students who want it; the student who can learn more and accomplish more if he never has to be burdened by attending a class should have his needs recognized. There should also be a greater richness in the type of courses taught. Students should have an opportunity to elect a 10 or 12 hour course that offers a broad and penetrating attack on a major problem of a single discipline or that examines the area from an interdisciplinary approach. Sim- ilarly, one or two credit hour courses should be more frequently available. What is needed is not necessarily courses with every pos- sible number of credits from 1 to 19, but an approach to thinking about courses that realizes that all subject matter is not equally amenable to 45 one hour lectures. Sabbatical semesters should be available for students to do what they want in free reading or free research without loss of status. Teaching styles could also use re- examination, particularly from the aspect of team teaching and varying class sizes. * * * III RESPECT for the dignity and integrity of the individual. This is more of an attitude than a set of policies, but it can be reflected in all aspects of campus life. It demands that faculty drop their patronizing attitude toward students, that the administration level with faculty when explaining the reasons behind policy deci- sions, that students be willing to defend the rights of other stu- dents. The student's integrity is largely respected in the classroom, al- though the nature of many aca- demic assignments and the ego bruising experience of being only one of 1027 students enrolled in Psychology 101 certainly do not indicate respect. THE MOST serious neglect in this area rests with the Office of Student Affairs and its systema- tically ambiguous chief adminis- trator, Vice-President James A. Lewis. While pretending to be act- ing in a slowly deliberate manner, the OSA is deliberately slow in processing proposals for reform and does not hesitate to manipu- when they get into college, their professors will not give a damn whether their students learn any of the material or whether they pass or fail the courses. Students accept this sorry state without questioning why it is so, and some faculty members, feeling such an attitude is expected of them, act out the role. Is this necessary at all? I don't think so. Other than custom, the reason that stands between an exhibition of true concern for the student stems from the under- valuation of teaching in promo- tions. It is hard to judge who is a good teacher and research is con- sidered more important. The re- sult is that there is a higher pay- off for spending one's time in the laboratory. UNDER THIS general point, I would like to distinguish two sub- cases. The first. is a plea that teachers really care about what and how they are teaching. Teach- ers should want to know how the course material is getting across and what conceptual difficulties their students are having. I am not interested in coddling students, but I don't believe a professor's obligation ends in presenting lec- tures and grading examinations. The behavorial scientists tell us that going to college has little effect upon a student's beliefs and values and that the under- graduate years are largely regard- ed as a parenthesis in one's life. Much of this Is due to the stu- dent's expectation; but a lot can be attributed to the structure of the educational environment in the college. Few students have their minds opened during the process of earning a degree at the University of Michigan. * * * THE SECOND CASE is the treatment given to the student whose mind has really been open- ed, whose basic beliefs have been shattered and who is groping to- ward a better philosophy. I have seen a few, probably too few, stu- dents to whom the educational experience has meant something more than absorption of certain knowledge and skills, who have given their inner selves to the process and have returned as changed men. For these students, the result is often a cold treatment. Other stu- dents resent questions which make them uncomfortale and faculty memibers frequently dislike stu- dents who interrupt a carefully structured lecture with a chal- lenge. I am asking for more than tol- eration; I think that such stu- dents should be taken seriously and should be made aware of the opportunities that are open to them. The process of exposing and altering one's privately held con- victions has to be essentially a lonely experience. The faculty can- not solve every student's difficul- ties. The comfort that derives from knowing that other men have passed through similar periods, however, and a professor giving an occasional steer away from false starts is very helpful. * *, * V AN EDUCATIONAL commit. ment from the top down. The cen- tral administration,student affairs directors and deans and depart- ment chairmen should seek to minimize the noneducational as- pects of their work. Educational considerations should always get the ;top priority even if exper- ience demands something else. In a decentralized institution like the University of Michigan, the president cannot dictate pol- icy. He can, however, set the tone of the institution through his be- havior, public statements and ad- herence to principle. All-Univer- sity policy can be forcefully as- serted and it can be true to the ideals of academic freedom. * * * LAST YEAR three faculty mem- bers and three students sat down to discuss strategy for forcing the resignation of University President Harlan Hatcher. This year an- other group was concerned with the same problem. The general conclusion w a s that although there was widespread faculty dis- content (not limited, Mr. Radock, to faculty traitors') with Presi- dent Hatcher, it was next to im- possible to get rid of him. I have been accused of a path- ological hatred aimed at the pres- ident. I have nothing against Pres- ident Hatcher personally; he has always been gracious to me. I think, however, that his continued leadership jeopardizes the excel- lence of this university, that the value of his contributions to the community have already been realized and that newer, more dynamic personalities are needed at this stage in the University's life. Much of the faculty criticism of the central administration was assuaged by the appointment of Roger Heyns as Vice-President for presidency when President Hatch- er retires in 1967. * * * OTHERS TAKE a more cynical view, believing that overlong ex- posure to the bureaucratic mech- anisms in t h e administration building will 'corrupt' Heyns and that he was not a flaming lib- eral to start with. Some see the Executive Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss as replacing President Hatcher and offering the same style of leadership, slightly im- proved. There is also the school of opin- ion that Secretary of Defense Rob- ert McNamara would like the job. It is clear that at least until the state legislative districts re reapportioned fairly and a state income tax is levied, the Univer- sity will continue to receive in- adequate s t a t e appropriations.- This will almost surely necessi- tate the continued appointment of a top administrator who can raise funds from federal, industrial and alumni sources. It is equally clear that the Uni- versity needs a strong educational leader at the helm to guide it through the perilous decade ahead. Perhaps we will see a division of the University's top position into a presidency concerned with fund raising, public relations and offi- cial- ceremonies and a chancellor to direct academics. . . . THESE ARE some of the spec- ulations that editors of The Daily make among themselves from time to time and they ought to be shared more in the public columns of this newspaper. In reforming the present admin- istration, I would ask for a de- emphasized Office of University Relations. The task of the Uni- versity in information and news services is to acquaint the public with the implications of research findings developed at the Univer- sity so we will have a better in- formed citizenry. Its job isnot to impress the public or woo its dol- lars by the hard or the soft sell. R R VI REALIZATION that the problems of the University cannot be separated from the problems of society. The Universitydoes not. exist in Isolation from the rest of the world. It reflects in microcosm the society in which it exists. If secrecy and evasiveness charac- terize the relationship between nations or between individuals at- large, secrecy and evasiveness will not be escaped in the conduct of the affairs of the campus. This is a publicly supported university. It survives because of the financial and moral support given to it by the society. It dare not go too far from the norms of the society or it risks arousing anger and withdrawal of support. The University however, is in a good position to influence changes in the society, through its func- tion of providing trained personnel to fill vacated roles of service and leaersi n the community and: through its continued criticism and analysis of these roles. Those who wish to improve their university must realize that the job does not end with the physical periphery of the campus. To work for University reform demands working for society-wide reform as well. Unless the schools are good d honest and true ones, the society won't be and life won't be either. I think James Baldwin gave the proper response when he was ask- ed by a young student, "What would you do if your teacher told you that instead o picketing and engaging in sit-ins, you should get an education first?" "I would tell my teacher that it's impossible to get an education in this country until you change the country," Baldwin told him. * . . WHAT SORT of changes has the last four years induced in me, what does being the Editor of The Daily do to an essentially intro- spective mathematics major? I'm not sure I can fully answer . that question now even if I were given as much space as I needed. I can say that I have learned a lot of things in my days and nights at the Univeriity of Mich- igan; that I put a tremendously high value on the experience I have just been through; that my social consciousness has increased to the extent that I know I can never become an ivory tower pro- fessor (if I make it that far up the academic ladder). * . . I THINK I know better today than I did four years ago just what things should be regarded as relative and which things abso- lute, what I want to defend and what I am indifferent to. I do not think that I will be capable of hypocrisy and duplicity as an adult and I hope that I will be a demo- crat and be just. I did not act in a just manner in a dealing with a fellow staff member this year; the result was much self- The Big 'Ifs' InThe Shelter Program THE UNIVERSITY is now facing the dilem- ma of civil defense: how much money should be poured into fallout shelter preparations that will only work under certain nuclear at- tack conditions and that no one wants to see used in any circumstance. There are too many "ifs" in the shelter plans proposed for the University to justify the "colossal" expenses involved in adopting a technically adequate plan. For this reason the University should take a few minimum pre- cautions and do no more. The expenses are monumental. Merely to supply enough water for the 64,000 people capable to using University shelter areas, the administration would have to fill 26,000 17- gallon containers. These would have to be emptied and refilled periodically. THE FALLOUT SHELTERS would provide no defense against bombs falling in the Ann Arbor area, fire storms or extremely high fallout levels. The chances of a bomb falling in the area are not so remote. Such an ex- plosion would create a radiation cloud that the prevailing winds would carry directly to Wayne County and wipe out life in Detroit while pre- serving the property. Any question as to the usefulness of shelters by definition revolves around the probability of war. Fallout, especially in large quantities, respects no international boundaries. It deva- states friend and foe on its trips around the world, regardless of political system, social order or degree of industrialization. Thermo- nuclear war is possible, but not probable. THE FALLOUT PROGRAM will work if Ann Arbor is not hit by a bomb directly but only by an average amount of fallout. In addition, the, University, with one-sixth the resources of Detroit and more than twice as many resources as the rest of Washtenaw County, would have to overcome thousands of technical details to work its shelters at "per- fect" outside conditions. For example. effectiveness could be impaired If people are unable to break into the shelter areas, most of which are locked at all times; If the warning system fails, as the Heating Plant steam whistle, designed for the job, has never been tested; YIf the outside electrical sources fail, the city water pumping system stops which the heating plant relies on; If the heat fails in winter, thus bursting all University water pipes that would take decades to replace; If oxygen supplies in the air are depleted by fire storms; If there are insufficent shelter managers, directors and doctors; If not enough food is stored; If the water supply is contaminated; If a local "hot spot" develops near the cen- tral coordinating control headquarters; If too many people panic; If special medical attention is unavailable because of a high degree of radiation sickness; If people do not apply their "ingenuity." THE REPORT to the administration from the Sub-Committee on Special Hazards of the University Safety Committee presents the prob- lems well. It graphically points out the dilemma, the complexities and the underlying impos- sibility of the shelter program. The committee is well aware of the thou- sands of details and complications facing any civil defense plan. It has not attempted to justify fallout shelters on any moral, political or ethical basis, but has taken an assignment from the administration and treated the prob- lem as factually as possible. It has not made any recommendations. Its report is a well worked out analysis of the technical problems of survival. The committee has also pointed out that any safety measures, as civil defense is made out to be, invariably makes people feel more secure and therefore more antagonistic to other solutions to the problem, in this case peaceful negotiations of inr-ns iti 1 nt'nwlemns