THE MICHIGAN DAILY q.mDafAnm 0i £AJAuimmmFi, MY Z3 5, I (, i- "Kommunist," the Moscow organ which gives the Party Line inside the Soviet Union recently said this of Moral Re-Armament: ORAL RE-ARMAMENT is certainly the prominent association which aims to save Western civili- zation from Communism. It has staff headquarters in Europe, Asia and America. These people fhold assemblies in Latin America and even organize Pan-African conferences.... The leaders of Moral Re-Armament claim it is superior to capitalism and Communism.... At a time when the morals of the bourgeois world are bankrupt, the prophets of Moral Re-Armament say that the world requires an ideology to satisfy the longing for absolute standards, an ideology able to move the herats of the privi- leged as well as the under-privileged. . . . They train fficers, philosophers, film directors and move with 200, 300, or 400 people in strength with up-to-date technical equipment, radio transmitters, libraries.... Not long ago they issued a call to Communists through full pages in the pres.. In this the Communists are challenged to take part in 'the greatest revolution of all time.' These people say the problem is neither Communism nor capitalism, but the necessity to change human nature to the roots. They puff themselves up with pride and even suggest to Marxists they should change and take up an ideology that is for everybody. This is really the most bold stroke that has come from these propagandists of reconcilia- tion and forgiveness." As Mr. Khrushchev and his followers try to explain attitudes of Moral Re-Armament, it is important to state what Moral Re-Armament is for and what it is against. i I 1, I FOR INTELLIGENT NATIONAL SECURITY. A FREE PRESS. COMMUNISTS, FASCISTS, OTHER "ISTS," or anybody willing to pay the price of changing themselves in a revo- lutionary bid to change society. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to be a pattern of, unity and purpose for the world. A SOCIETY where no man is handicapped by color, race, background or upbringing, all have the chance of full, satisfying life. PEACE. A REVOLUTION OF CHANGE-social, economic, na- tional, universal, founded on personal change. FULL AND PERMAMENT EMPLOYMENT in industry that meets the needs of humanity rather than brimming the pockets of a few while the bellies of many stay void. GOD'S STANDARD OF HONESTY that means no skele- tons in any closet and a fair day's work for a fair day's wage. GOD'S STANDARD OF ABSOLUTE PURITY. MARRIAGES THAT LAST because they are a promise, for better, for worse, held sacred by partners and people. GREAT ART in theater, films, television. I AGAINST Sexual deviants in high places who protect potential spies. Those who bully newspapermen for obeying their con- science. And newspapermen who abuse their liberty by distorting or supressing news of Moral Re-Armament. Communism, Facism, or any small perilous "ism" which abolishes God, and sets race against race, class against class, color against color, man against man, in an atomic age. Debunkers of patriotism, who decry the past, debase the present and destroy the future; a United States which criticizes other countries but is itself deeply divided. Leaders of society and government who betray their trust, and use influence and power to force decadence upon us-bigots who try to persecute those unwilling to compromise or to cover up. Pacifism, which seems t make war certain. Leaders who cry "peace" but create conditions that lead to war. Phil- osophers and fools who cry "peace" but train men to live like a beast, and so doom him to live like a beast, treat others like beasts, and march the path to slaughterhouse or zoo. Reaction, which strives to change everybody else except itself. Steely selfishness of right, acid bitterness of left which create class war, lock-outs, unofficial strikes and lead inevitably to national bankruptcy and war. Human "honesty" which publishes other people's short- comings while covering up its own, tells men to get as much as they can in return for as little as possible. Homosexuality, lesbianism, pornography, adultery, lies which say sin is no longer sin when enough people come to like it. Preoccupation with dirt which robs a nation of sweat and skill and helps to lose its markets. Divorce by consent whether legalized or wangled. Producers and critics who uplift grime as genius and bar those who stand for decency, faith and honor. Human selfishness that elevates "number one" into the national idol, says all who refuse to worship it are squares. Human "love" that tells men evil is all right, cannot be cured and so says there is nothing to forgive and that man- can manage by himself. Lies invented by knaves, endorsed by the experts and swallowed by fools, which separate a nation from moral and spiritual rebirth. Those in and out of churches who use theology, science, personal compromise and position to rob the nations of 1 GOD'S STANDARD OF the pursuit of a goal all -the remaking of the men governed by God. GOD'S STANDARD OF forgiving it. UNSELFISHNESS which means humanity can accept and share world based on government by LOVE that cures evil as well as I TRUTH. GOD, CHRIST AS PERSONAL FRIEND AND SAVIOUR, a Church aflame with the Holy SDirit. I I