Sgg At{{ +gan Bath Smewty-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLCATIONS Where Opinions A re . STUDENT PUBLIcArIoNs BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MicR., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. "Ask The Un-American Activities Committee To Investigate What This Strange Flag Is Doing Down Here" AY', MAY 22, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: KENNETH WINTER Supreme Court Decision: Milestone to Integration , .; . ,.f; ,t : - _ , . . r .: ," .= I ALAFMA MONDAY'S DECISION by the Supreme Court clearly-declaring that government can- not enforce segregation-is a major milestone in the long road toward integration. While the court said nothing spectacularly new, its clear. statement forbidding governmentally enforced' segregation of any sort makes current de- segration attempts easier and opens the path for further integration attempts. Yet it is only a milestone, not the end of the road. While the court has definitively stripped governmental, sanction of public se- gregation, it has left privately enforced segre- efinition E RECENTLY-FORMULATED Definition of Authority of the Assembly Association is a clear, concise, important work. Praise by Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis confirms this. The proposed document, which Maxine Loomis and her committee of four drew up over a ten-week period unambiguously defines Assembly's position within the Office for Stu. dent Affairs structure. This position has never before been made in writing; the value of the definition is it tells Assembly exactly where it stands. d The major change from present policy provides Lewis with the right to veto any legislation passed or decision made by any Assembly group within two weeks. If he does not act to veto by that time, the proposal becomes law.. Fortunately, Lewis agrees that this measure will facilitate Assembly's im- plementation of its legislation and decisions. THRE HAS BEEN some opposition by AHC members to the provision in the definition that "AHC is authorized to express the opinion of the women in the residence halls on any issue." There is no reason for fear, however, because another measure provides that if the opinion is of a political nature, it must go back to the houses for an official house mandate. Misunderstanding is also the proble cause for the objection by some to delegating to AHC the power to approve changes in individual. house constitutions. Miss Hager declares that AHC is not interested in meddling in house affairs but, as a body experienced in reading and writing constitutions, it should study the house documents for clarification. THE ONLY serious objection one might have to the proposed Definition of Authority is the subservient attitude it assumes in its relations with OSA. Parts of the document, however, have been rewritten to clear up mis- conceptions about Assembly appearing to be a rubber stamp seconding anything OSA does. Although Assembly certainly is subordinate to OSA, it does have important responsibilities to raise public objections to any seemingly un- democratic treatment of independent women. On the whole, the Assembly Definition of Authority seems to be a valuable document and one that should serve as a model for other organizations to define their position within the University structure. -KAREN MARGOLIS gation in public-serving institutions untouched, waiting for future legal clarification. Hopefully, the next step will be the removal of all sanc- tions of segregation. The decision does not depart from court policy; it is a restatement and extension of its current thinking. Justice William 0. Douglas echoed the sentiment of the court, declaring, "There is no constitutional way . . . in which a state can license and supervise a business serving the public, on the basis of apartheid which is foreign to our Constitution." A RULING on the use of trespass laws and other subterfuges to keep privately-owned, publicly-used facilities segregated had been sidestepped until now. Previous court decisions paired where it does not affect the public. The laws to enforce segregation. The court has dealt mainly with education and publicly-owned facilities and most desegregation attempts had been in these areas. But the sit-in demonstration marked a shift from these areas to privately-owned, publicly- used facilities and a more intense drive to integrate Southern life generally. Monday's decision legitimized this attempt and gave it new legal strength. It provided a strong peace- ful weapon for Southern social change. This effect can be immediately seen in Birm- ,-Ingham where the Rev. Martin Luther King and other integration leaders decided to seek legal remedies rather than massively demon- strate against the expulsion of more than 1100 public. school students for participating in past demonstrations. Thesdecision will make it easier for Southern businessmen to desegregate their facilities for the court has clearly ruled thatsegregation laws are illegal. Trhey now have the force of law on their side in their battle with deep- seated social, custom. Hopefully, the influence of law will serve its traditional function and mold new customs in the South. Yet the private businessman, running firms that seek business from the general public, such as a lunch counter or a department store, still may segregate. He may maintain the con- tradiction of segregated facilities against a public policy of integration. His job will be harder for the government cannot help him with trespass laws; but segregation is still feasible. SEGREGATION must be eliminated from these vital institutions, yet the private man- agement of his business should not be im- paired where it does not effect the public. The court has shied away from this difficult decision and hopefully some new sit-in cases will force it to devise a rule that will end all public segregation. Integration of all public facilities, whether publicly owned or not, is in spirit the law of the land. State action is easily controlled through the "equal protection of the laws" and "due process" clauses of the 14th Amendment. Current interpretations put private action out- side this sphere. Integrationists will either have to force an extension of the Amendment or look to another part of the Constitution. When receiving new cases, the court should not put private action outside of the integration sphere. It is not the time to stop short. -PHILLIP SUTIN Acting National Concerns Editor DRAMA SEASON: Spirited 'Pal Joey' AT LAST an uncensored, hot and brassy "Pal Joey," a far cry from the tinsel and glitter Hollywood film recently here, has come to Ann Arbor. The Drama Season production of the John O'Hara- Rodgers and Hart musical is spirited and unabashed. Best of all is the melodious jazz score so appropriate for a musical se't in Chicago gangsterland of the '30's. Musical conductor Bruce Fisher's breezy orchestration was most suitable: the pulsating rhythm fit this lively sex-oriented story. Although it is set in the late '30's, for the most part it is not dated and it is easy to see why "Pal Joey" has been called the fore- runner of American musical theatre. The story of a fast talking man on the make is certainly not the usual genre for the musical stage: nor are the.slice of life lyrics. However, in the hands of the Drama Season it made for an enter- taining evening. FOR JUST ONE WEEK of rehearsals, last night's performance at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre was an effortless, smooth ensemble. The -part of Joey originally calls for a singer-dancer-actor. Ben Gerrard virbantly fits this bill in all departments. He has a very pleasing voice, dances with energetic intensity and does not make this conniving, self-centered, heel-of-a-hero obnoxious. He gets the musical off to a rousing start with the opening number "You Mustn't Kick It Around." Julie Wilson as Vera Simpson, a wealthy socialite and Joey's patroness, gives an excellent portrayal of a woman who, like Joey, is on the prowl but who is a much wiser and stronger person. However, she also makes Vera a charming person and sings the spicy, not often heard lyrics to "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered" without making them embarrassing for the audience. Rodger's razz-a-ma-tazz score, Hart's snappy lyrics, O'Hara's guttural comic story and the Drama's Season's bright production make "Pal Joey" a most enjoyable evening. -Richard Asch To The E&itw 1 VENEZUELA TODAY: Second Chance for Democracy __- U TE LIAISON Barbara Lazarus, Acting Personnel Director - .EI P .: _ - - - - _- ! i r By ROBERT SELWA ONE OF the most significant developments in Latin America today is the emergence of demo- cracy in Venezuela. "Little Venice" is in the midst of its second era of democracy; the firstrcame in 1945, following 134 years of tyr- anny; that era did not last-but it appears this one will. To appreciate how unusual de- mocracy is to Venezuela, an ob- server should examine some of the country's dictatorships. General Cipriano Castro, ruler from 1899 to 1908, was despotic, reckless, licentious and corrupt. His regime was characterized by administra- tive tyranny, inefficiency, graft, extravagence, financial chaos, al- most constant revolt and frequent foreign interventions. In 1908 Castro made the mis- take of taking a trip outside the country. He never made it back in, for while he was gone, Gen- eral Juan Vicente Gomez took over, for good. Absolute power and unlimited wealth were his chief aims and values. He ran the coun- try as the private preserve of his own family and the army. His re- gime was characterized by brutal- ity, terror, torture, censorship and the complete absence of civil lib- erties. ** WHEN GOMEZ DIED in 1935, General Eleazar Lopez Contreras took over. Like Gomez, he was secretary of defense for the dicta- tor he followed. Unlike Gomez, he encouraged a little political liberty, and he introduced some reforms. He had to do so- the people were in a rioting mood after decades of heavy oppression. To keep order, Contreras and his successor, Gen- eral Isaias Medina, engineered re- gimes that, while not as oppres- sive as those of Castro and Gomez, were nevertheless dictatorships. In October, 1945, a military jun- ta drove Medina into exile. The junta was in league with Romulo Betancourt, the leader of Accion Democratica party. Bjetancourt during World War II had traveled throughout Venezuela crusading for AD on a platform of electoral reform, representative government, administrative integrity, public welfare measures and taxes upon the foreign investors and wealthy Venezuelans. Betancourt took over the reins of government in 1945 but did not hold on to them. He held an elec- tion which AD candidate Romulo Gallegos, the novelist, won. This was the first meaningfully demo- cratic election in Venezuela's his- tory, an election that was free, direct and secret with all persons over 18 entitled to vote, including women (for the first time). Un- fortunately Gallegos served only one year of his five-year term; the government fell in November, 1948, Work IT IS REASONABLE to free so- ciety not to work at a job that realizes our human powers and to a new junta which ruled for two years until its president, Colonel Carlos Delgado Chalbaud, was assassinated. * * * COLONEL Marcos Perez Jimenez then emerged as the strong man. He allowed an election to take ROMULO BETANCOURT ... second hope UNIVERSITIES "E supposedly the places in our society where ideals can survive. In 3oth in the past and present to exalt the he United States there has been a tendency lollar above all else in life. This pervasive naterialism and absence of goals and ideals ave forced idealistic scholars and youth to >and together in university communities and ry to erect meaningful philosophyies for the uture. Yet unfortunately, even universities are suc- umbing to the same pressures that exist in oday's society and are sinking into the mire Af materialism. The University and other state institutions rave been forced to prove their worth to ociety by showing their practical aspects. The niversity president has to become a money rubber. He must cater to business interests y placating them at endless dinners and ecturing them on "what the university can lo for you" subjects. Nor is the university president allowed to tand above petty politics. He- finds himself orced to give demonstrations in the Legisla- u,-e which prove that the University is turn- ng out something besides educated, idealistic ouths. A university's pure research must be ustified by proving that practical scientific .iscoveries for business and defense do come orth from the ivory tower. The public university president nust literally is made to attend numerous banquets and make endless speeches pointing out the useful aspects of his university to its wealthy alumni and their corporation associates. He also tries to deny the ivory tower concept and convince these people that colleges are practical and useful. The university president should be a symbol of the institution he heads. Hopefully the president is someone to whom students and faculty can look with respect and confidence. He should be the embodiment of all the ideals that university holds sacred-ideals that are usually the antithesis of society's materialism. It is a disillusioning experience for a student to see his president beg for money and partici- pate in petty politics. A university is one of the few places in the nation where worthwhile values still cling and which should not be sacrificing its values to suit the outside world. To be realistic, one must ask who will get the money if the president doesn't. Ideally individuals, companies and legislatures should realize that money is well spent when it is put into educational institutions. This stage has unfortunately not yet been reached. The next best thing is to make the office of the president the intellectual center and stimulus for the campus. It should be divorced from its money grubbing aspects and turned into some- thing that expresses the highest values of the educational community. If handshaking and begging need to be done, they should be left place in 1952, and when he saw that he was losing to the Demo- cratic Republican Union party's candidate, he stopped the count- ing of the ballots and declared himself elected. The new despotic regime was as thorough and brutal as any that Venezuela ever suffered. It included torture and murder at a concentration camp, abolition of labor unions, removal from the schools of independent-minded teachers, jailing or exiling of news- paper editors, barring from the mails of critical foreign journals and closing of the Central Univer- sity at Caracas. Perez Jiminez paid the army well and indulgently courted its top officers. He should have courted the lower officers too, because they were the ones who provided the authority and power that, com- bined with the anger of the people, overthrew Perez Jiminez in 1958. This victorious military junta was led by Admiral Wolfgang Larraza- bal, an honest and conscientious ruler who arranged for free elec- tions within months. In December, 1958, came the second free, demo- cratic election in Venezuela's his- tory. It was an orderly and honest election in which Larrazabal, the URD candidate, was edged out by AD's Betancourt. Larrazabal ac- cepted his own defeat and did all he could to help Betancourt get on with the assignment of re- storing democracy to Venezuela. BETANCOURT has lasted four of the five years of him term and all indications are that he will make it-marking the first time in Venezuelan history that a gov- ernment whose power is based on political democracy rather than military oppression has lasted. The Betancourt administration has not been as democratic as it mittee to investigate these charges and the committee included people who were making the charges. Betancourt invited the committee to go anywhere it wished to in- vestigate. It did but found no evidence of torture, according to a recent report. * * * ON THE OTHER HAND, the Betancourt government is not an ideal democracy. It cannot be; it is battling guerrillas from the left and it has to maintain the support of the army from the right. Betan- court and whoever succeeds him face a situation in which the ruler, be he a democrat or a dic- tator, has to cajole the weapon- laden army. No ruler can cross it too severely too often because it has physical power as well as a tradition of using it. Thus, Betancourt has suspend- ed constitutional guarantees on occasion. One answer he has given to disorder has been to round up rebels and send them to penal camps in the interior. At least a mild sort of demo- cracy has had a start in Venezuela. It had a temporary start during the 1940's, whetting the appetite of the peasants so that it fared far better in its second trial. It has fared better because the great majority thirst for it-social as well as political democracy. Bet- ancourt has given his people a little to drink. They are still thirsty, and that, too, is part of the significant story of the devel- opment of democracy in post- World War II Venezuela. ART SHOW: Timid Echoes EVER SINCE World War II and the economic stresses that forc- ed Europe to shelve temporarily culture and devote itself to ma- terial reinforcement, this country has taken the lead in the ameni- ties that make life worth more than just living. Because this was a time of fierce national pride and national prejudice, the stars and stripes burst forth in genuine American painting. It was vigorous. It was strong. It was outrageously straightforward and unpretentious. * * * THE 53RD EXHIBITION for Michigan Artists opened at the Detroit Institute of Arts May 16. All the characteristics that have distinguished American painting were present, but something was wrong. In all those 1935 cowboy movies where Calamity Runs and Dakota Gulch look like real towns, behind the swinging doors of the saloon was nothing more than mesquite and tumbleweed. Facade: an imitation of the real thing. I must admit at first glance the show was quite impressive. Ini- tially, I was faked because I was looking at good imitations of Amant an...'n., n n r C tin' nny b h r 'nl - To the Editor: OVER THE YEARS I have de- veloped the ability to inhibit my reactions to articles and edi- torials appearing in The Daily with which I am in disagreement. However, the editorial by Mr. Harry Perlstadt published in the May 19 edition reaches a level of irresponsible criticism that can- not be ignored. Both the editorial and his acts of "irrational rebellion" described early in it seem to be criticism for the sake of criticism, criticism without direction, and in the case of the editorial the criticism is often misleading and incorrect. I would like to comment on some of the rhetorical questions posed by Mr. Perlstadt. "WHERE ARE the professors who strike out after new dimen- sions, and attempt to bring this quest back from the research cubbyhole to their undergradu- ates?" Many of them are at the University of Michigan. Some of the most distinguished senior fac- ulty, active research leaders of the country, insist upon teaching un- dergraduate courses at the Univer- sity. Some are so insistent upon teaching certain courses that they fight to have ,their courses drop- ped from departmental offerings when !they will be away for a semester. Mr. Perlstadt would do well to compare this attitude with ones held by professors of similar stature in other institutions across the country which have compar- able research orientation. "Where is the faculty which makes distribution changes be- cause the changes conform better to the idea of a liberal education and not because the mathematics department is operating beyond capacity and the removal of math- ematics as a distribution require- ment would lessen the load?" Mr. Perlstadt should remember the thousands of faculty hours which have been given to the revision of, the distribution requirements in the literary college. Both the na- tural science and the social science requirements have undergone con- siderable revision and examination in the past several years. The men who spent their time in this occupation were not concern- ed with the pressure upon one or another department. Their goal was only that of shaping the best patterns of liberal education for the students. Many faculty mem- bers give freely of their time in efforts to help other colleges and universities change their require- ments and others consult with na- tional committees representing academic areas which are under- taking revisions of training to meet thenew demandsrupon the individual in our changing cul- ture. These facts seem to belie Mr. Perlstadt's implication that our faculty is only concerned with "evening out" student enrollments. "WHERE ARE the brilliant be- haviorists who should be in the undergraduate classrooms or on PhD committees and not stuffed away in Mental Health Research Institute . . .?" It may come as a surprise, but many of the be- havioral scientists attached to the many institutes of the University are found just where Mr. Perlstadt would have them, that is, they are in the undergraduate classroom and on PhD committees. The Uni- versity has been a leader in for- mulating "joint appointments" between academic departments and institutes which permit all students to obtain the educational benefits derivable from institute personnel. with and learn from some of the- world's finest specialists in the academic areas; "challenging courses" can be found in many places. At Michigan a student with sufficient interest and moti- vation can seek out and learn from the top men in a field on an in- formal basis. Later on, Mr. Perlstadt suggests that the administrative officers act with little regard for the opinion of the faculty. On the whole it, is my impression that the Univer- sity is strongly faculty-oriented. Administrativedecisions are made with regard for the due processes established in the bylaws of the University and in the light of our traditions. The University Senate and toe Senate Advisory commit- tees have been chosen as models by many other institutions of' learning. This is testimonyto their effectiveness in making the development of the University a matter of Joint faculty-adinis- trative planning. * *. . IT IS REGR TTABLE that Mr. Perlstadt is cncluding his 'four years in Ann Arbor believing him- self to be nothing more than a phony, and that "schools and the means to education should for- ever be encouraged .-But not at the University of Michigan." No, educational system is perfect, to be sure, but it must be recognized that an institution of learning only offers the opportunity for growth and the acquisition of knowledge. -Prof. Robert L. Isaacson Psychology Department Sociology ... To the Editor: IN THE LIAISON Marjorie Brahms makes the pointthat sociologists are partly to blame for the lack of solutions to so- ciety's serious troubles because they refuse to turn theory and research into plans for social re- form and action. Such a viewpoint indicates a misunderstanding of sociology and of social action. I thoroughly agree that both plans for reform and action are needed and appropriate. However, this is the responsibility of all intellec- tuals, not only, of sociologists. So- ciologists deal in their discipline with only parts of reality. Political scientists, psychologists, historians, artists, and many others deal with the other parts of that same reality. A plan of action cannot con- fine itself to one kind of reality, but by definition has, somehow, to come to grips 'with the whole of it. A sociologist might be very good at making such a plan, but this would not be because he is a sociologists alone. He would be ef- fective because he is also a poli- tical scientist, pschologist, etc. In short, because he knows some- thing about the factors hich" operate in the world of action. ONE OF the reasons, I think, so many intellectuals have retreated into research alone is that when they did try to participate in the world of action, they did so as specialists and consequently were unsuccessful in making a contri-. bution. Many have solved this by being "consultants." This means they advise someone else, and thereby avoid the making of con sequential decisions. I would, sug- gest that this is only a partial answer to the problem of involve- ment in the 'actual world." The rest of the solution lies in under- standing that problems in that "actual world" are not neatly com- partmentalized by academic ds ciplines. As for the rest of Miss Brahms' I A