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February 08, 1963 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-08

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Icers To Entertain Minnesota;
Rivalry Resumes at Coliseum

Even though the Michigan
hockey team has lost nine straight
games and stands 1-10-1 in league
play, there shouldn't be any lack
of interest in this weekend's series
with Minnesota.
The games tonight and tomor-
row night at the Coliseum at 8
p.m. are the first home appear-
ance of Coach Al Renfrew's team
since December 15. There have
been eight defeats on the road
since then and the coming two
weekends of home games should
bolster the' spirits of the Wolver-
Besides returning to familiar
home surroundings, Michigan has
other incentives this weekend. One
of them. is the traditional rivalry
with Minnesota and the other is
the Wolverines' chance for a third
straight Big Ten championship.
Old Rivarly
Renfrew commented on the
Michigan-Minnesota rivalry yes-
terday. "(Minnesota Coach John)
Mariucci says he'd rather beat us
than anyone," he said. "In our
position we'd be happy to beat
anyone. But the Minnesota is the

oldest with the most number of
games played. We'd like to win it
very much."
Included in this tradition are
four games that weren't played
last season due to violent and
rough play in the games the sea-
son before. On January 31, 1961,
Minnesota won the first game of
the series in Minneapolis, 4-2. This
game was hard fought and filled
with penalties. The outcome of the
game was uncertain until Min-
nesota scored its final goal on
an open Wolverine net with 17
seconds left in the game.V
After this contest, Mariucci call-
ed the Michigan hockey players
"dirty and vicious" among other
things. When the Wolverines took
the Saturday night game 4-2 on
Red Berenson's "hat trick," a
near riot occurred. Lines of police
were necessary to protect the
Michigan hockey players from the
outraged fans.
The defeat had knocked Min-
nesota out of first' place in the
WCHA and the fans responded by
throwing available objects like
popcorn boxes and programs at
the Wolverines. One spectator

even tried to punch Michigan Cap-
tain Dale MacDonald.
In the overall series between,
these two teams, Minnesota has a
slight lead having won 72 games
to 66 for the Wolverines with nine
ties. This record makes it the
oldest and most traditional of all
Michigan hockey conflicts.
Michigan has won the Big
Ten championship for two straight
seasons. The title is considered
won by the Big Ten team in the
WCHA which compiles the best
record against the other Big Ten
teams. Michigan, Michigan State,
and Minnesota are the teams in
contention for the honor.
Eventually all three teams will
play each of the other two teams
four times each. So far Michigan
has lost two games to MSU and
has lost one and tied one against
Minnesota. Two other games be-
tween Michigan-Michigan State
and Michigan-Minnesota plus a
four-game Michigan State-Min-
nesota series will decide the cham-
Must Win
To retain its championship,
Michigan would first have to
sweep the games against Min-
nesota and Michigan State. Then
the Wolverines could only hope for
a split in the Michigan State-
Minnesota series which would give
them the title.
For these reasons Michigan will
be going all out for victory. Ren-
frew also says that just because
Michigan's chances for a WCHA
playoff berth look grim, there can
be no giving up the fight for
league victories. "We can't quit
now just because we've been los-
ing," he said. "Not quitting is the
mark of a good competitor."
Goalie Bob Gray who was in-
jured in the Minnesota game of
January 4 and has not played
since then will miss this series
also. "Bob is alright," said Ren-
frew. "All he needs is an okay
from the doctor. We hope to be
able to use him in the Michigan
Tech series the weekend after this
Renfrew emphasized that sub-
stitute goalie Bill Bieber has been
handling Gray's position well.
"Bieber is doing a good job," the
coach said. "He hasn't played
much goal in the last three years
and he's come along well lately.
It takes game experience to de-
velop and Bieber has been pro-
gressing rapidly.
With the loss of Roger Galipeau
through ineligibility, Renfrew is
down 'to four defensemen-Don
Rodgers, Wayne Kartusch, Ross
Morrison, and Dave Newton. Mich-
igan operated all throughout last
season with only the first three
defensemen. The difference in the
Wolverines' defense between this
year and last is that "We had bet-
ter strength in the front lines
last season," said Renfrew.

Limit Gala to ,I Swimmers
Stager claims that this is the are going to be a lot closer
The NCAA-AAU squabble has most balanced freshman squad he most people realize."
figured in a change in the usual has had. "They have enough good Everyone connected with
structure of the Michigan Swim swimmers in almost all the events Gala-this is the 28th annus
Gala. to give the varsity a real battle. -is looking forward to it. E
The annual show features clown In fact, the varsity is actually mad is enthusiastic because it w
diving, tower diving, and a tram- at me because I told them the good for both s t
poline act, in addition to a swim- freshmen were the underdogs. chance to compt ougainst
ming meet. It is free of charge "Surprisingly enough, that first- other under nearly normal
and starts at 8 p.m. at the Matt year group also has a team spirit. conditions.
Mann Pool.Thscudb mranfrthr
In the past the Gala has been This could be important for their The freshmen will have
open to iterested universities, rchancesofwhipping the sopho- chance to show up the varsit;
swimming clubs and top high more-junior-senior team." the varsity in turn will ha%
school swimmers competing unat- Stager Figures... chance to maintain its pride
tached. However, tonight's meet As Stager mentally ran down a victory.
will only pit the Wolverine fresh- the list of events, he gave his ap- _________
men against their varsity counter- praisal of each squad's possibili-
parts. ties. "They will split the relays Take ag
No AAU (presumably the varsity will take
"A major reason for not invit- the medley relay with the fresh- trimming
ing the other non-university swim- men winning in the freestyle re-
mers is that by doing so we would lay). The freshmen should take and like it
have to let the AAU sanction the the sprints and the varsity should
affair," said Coach Gus Stager. counter by winning the backstroke
"And we don't want to do that. and diving.
"We can see no, reason why we "I have to give both the 200 anda
should open our facilities up to the 500 freestyles to the freshmen across from
the AAU at this time. But don't and the butterfly to the older HILL AUDITORIUM
overlook the fact that with this group. The individual medley and in basement of
year's freshman team we really the breaststroke will probably go Michigan Pharmacy
have nothing to gain by admitting to the varsity, too, but they sure


FRONT AND CENTER-Captain Larry Babcock scored two goals
Monday night against Colorado College after being switched to
the front line to center Gary Butler and Gordon Wilkie. Here he'
has manuevered himself li front of the net for a shot on goal
during one of the games against Queens.
This Weekend in Sports
HOCKEY-Minnesota at Coliseum, 8 p.m.
SWIM GALA-Matt Mann Pool, 8 p.m.
BASKETBALL-Indiana at Yost Field House, 2 p.m.
WRESTLING-Ohio State at Yost Field House, 4 p.m.
HOCKEY-Minnesota at Coliseim, 8 p.m.
TRACK-Michigan at Michigan State Relays, E. Lansing'
GYMNASTICS-Michigan at Ohio State


... tops on Tramp


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