SACUA To Allow
SGC Participants
McKeachie Explains Advisory Role
Of Students in Faculty Government
Chairmen of the subcommittees of the Senate Advisory Com-
mittee on University Affairs now have the authority to allow students
delegated by Student Government Council to participate in commit-
tee meetings.
At its last meeting of the year, SACUA unanimously approved
the proposal.
"Senate committees are essentially problem-solving groups at-
tempting to find the best solutions to the major problems facing the
Sitr zgan
Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom
Ackley Asks,
Lower Tax
On Incomes
Reduction of tax rates is the
greatest contribution which the
federal government can make to-
wards building a more dynamic
economy, Gardner Ackley, a mem-
ber of the President's Council of
Economic Advisors, said yesterday.
Speaking on "T h e Federal
Budget and a Dynamic Economy,"
Ackley, former chairman of the
University's economics depart-
ment, discussed the Kennedy ad-
ministration's encouragement of
private investment as a means of
economic growth.
... tax cut
He said the administration has
promoted investment by proposed
alterations in both corporation and
private taxes. With the passage
of the 1962 Revenue Act, business
taxes were reduced by 10 per cent.
Proposed reforms include reduc-
tion in top-bracket income tax
rates, Ackley added.
Taxes "reduce purchasing pow-'
er and thus limit total demand,"
because the basic resources of
manpower and equipment are not
being fully used because of lack
of demand, he noted.
Reduction of corporate tax rates
and "penalty rates" at the high
end of the income-tax scale will
make investment more attractive.
Investment, in turn, will speed
growth of potential resources as
well as improve existing nroductive
resources, Ackley noted,
Federal deficits of recent years
have resulted from unemployment,
but higher taxes and lower federal
spending would not have avoided
them. Ackley asserted that gov-
ernment expenditures on research
and education directly contribute
to increases in production.
The government can influence
total demand through purchases
of goods, he commented. This in-
creases the individual's purchas-
ing power with social insurance,
relief payments and subsidies, as
well as lowered tax rates.
Duvalier Enemies
Unleash Bombings
President Francois Duvalier's po-
litical enemies let loose a series of
bombings Monday night and early
yesterday. There were unconfirm-
ed reports that at least six militia-
men were killed and a number
University," Prof. Wilbert J. Mc-
Keachie, chairman of both the
psychology department and
SACUA, said last night.
Students Contribute
"Student participation is not so
much a question of students gain-
ing power as of opportunity for
students to contribute to the prob-
lem-solving process.
"SACUA committees usually do
not take formal votes on issues but
rather try to arrive at some form
of consensus," he said.
"Faculty members are concerned
about the general problem of de-
veloping student responsibility as
citizens. We hope that the stu-.
dents will not feel that they have
solved this problem simply by par-
ticipation of a small number of
students in these committees," he
SGC Study
"We would hope that SGC would
continue to study the problem of
the relationship of the student1
representatives to the larger stu-
dent body, in the hope that a
large proportion of students wouldt
become informed and responsible;
citizens of the University com-
munity," Prof. McKeachie said.
SACUA also picked nine nom--t
inees for the SACUA Committee
on Conditions of Staff Excellence.
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Roger W. Heyns will appointf
six of the nine for the committee.1
The staff excellence conditions
committee was created in April at1
the last previous University Senate
Reed DiscussionE
The last meeting also included
i discussion with Prof. John W.
Deed of the Law School on the
general problems of faculty par-r
icipation in University affairs.t
"We are not working on a mech-
nism of allowing faculty control,
ut rather a mechanism for in-r
3reasing the involvement of fac-
ity in the processes leading up to
lecision," Prof. McKeachie said.e
'What we want is a system wheree
administrators can make decisionsC
with the understanding of facultye
viewpoints and with a contribution r
>f faculty skills, knowledge and
University President H a r I a nt
atcher also addressed the meet- e
ng on the University's past year
nd its future prospects.
SACUA also read a letter fromr
he Educational Policies Commit-
ee on the Academic Affairs Ad- $
risory Committee. 1
Elect Officerst
of Committee
New officers of the Senate Ad- b
isory Committee on University r
ffairs were elected at the last s
ACUA meeting of the year. d
They were Prof. William Kerr,
hairman of the nuclear engineer- V
rg department, chairman; Prof. t
tichard Wellman of the Law le
chool, vice-chairman; and Prof.:
aye McCain of the nursing i
chool, secretary. e
Attending the meeting were the f
ACUA members elected by the
Iniversity Senate for next year:
rof. Stanley F. Cain of the bot- 2
,ny department, Prof. Lee Daniel-
on of the industrial relations de-
artment, Prof. John Dempsey of
ie political science department,
rof. Otto Graf of the German de- a
artment, Prof. James N. Morgan k
f the political science depart- p
ent ,and Prof. William Musch- t
nheim of the architecture and g
lesign college. t
In other action, SACUA agreed C
o contribute $100 to the Confer- e
nce on the University and ac- f
epted an invitation to hold one a
f its fall meetings at the Flint b
ollege branch. e
Governor Set
To Overlook
Judges Rule L
End Durham Riots;
March in Greensboro
By The Associated Press
Gov. George C. Wallace of Ala-
bama pledged yesterday to "bar
the entrance of any Negro who
attempts to enroll" at the Univer-
sity of Alabama after a federal
court judge refused to delay de- DEFIN
segregation because of racial un-
rest in the state.
The move to invoke state
sovereignty to defy federal au- L
thority was made in the only re-Le
maining state in the nation in
which there is no public school in-
tegration at any level. Initial a
The new crisis was developing Association's
while the North Carolina cities of of Authorit
Greensboro and Durham were day by Vice
seeking to solve their racial dif- Affairs Jam
ficulties. An estimated 2,380 dem- In a me
onstrators have been arrested in President Ch
the past week.
Stand as Alabama
Wallace told a news conference P O w
at Montgomery- that he chose to
"stand myself as the state of Ala-F
board of trustees and other or
authorities of the university from
possible contempt action because
of a long-standing injunction Student
against discrimination,o tdent
The governor said 4the federal outlined yes
court "would not hesitate to jail, Regents' de
imprison and inflict severe punish- crimination
rnent against any lesser official "I am h
than the governor of this state." completed a
There was no immediate com- in the fall,"
ment from the justice department cil will wor
in Washington. , tion that th
Wallace's declaration followed be acceptabl
a ruling in Birmingham by Fed- implementat
eral District Judge H. Hobart Mus
Grooms, which opened the way for
enrollment June 10 of Vivian J. The Harri
Malone and Dave M. McGlathery. lishes proce
A poll at the university indicated discriminatio
the general feeling among the stu- plan for u
dents was that integration was in- Council ado
evitable and would be peaceful. b ViPre
Greensboro Incident fi.Vice-es
Meanwhile, in Greensboro, N. C., fairs James
Negro students seeking an end to Brown re
egregation demonstrated in force members wil
n Greensboro again last night, cussion meet
ut at Durham, the state's other members fro
racial trouble spot, an uneasy tee on mem
ruce was called. throughoutt
Police arrested 162 demonstra- fully, these
ors here during the 10th night be presente
if mass marches against segregat- proval in the
d cafeterias and theaters. This Brown ad
rought to more than 1400 the bugs and con
umber arrested since the demon- care of befo
trations got under way last Tues- Openo
Durham's newly installed Mayor, He noted,
Wense Grabarek, said he had ob- Council rule
ained a promise from integration it will holds
eaders to suspend demonstrations public discus
for the time being." He said he, plan.
n turn, had promised to continue
fforts to satisfy major grievances If the Har
or the Negro protest movements. the committe
initiate inve
defined area
4gree To Trim It will hear
with fraterni
Trade Barriers inform them
violation of
GENEVA W)P-The United States discriminatio
nd the European Common Mar- In addition
.et agreed yesterday on general cussion meeti
rinciples for trimming world mittee which
rade barriers, but some hard bar- iness during
aining lay ahead. A source said will consider
he United States and the six of'the Regen
Common Market nations had fail- Prior to th
d to settle their fundamental dif- of authority1
erences on the way the tariffs for five soro
re actually to be cut. Details will in membersh
e worked out by a committee of statements h
xperts. gality of the
To Bar Negro es 'Enrollment
ea g9ue
Directors Approve
wis Backs Assembly Statement
pproval of Assembly
proposed Definition
y was granted yester-
-President for Student
es A. Lewis.
eting with Assembly
arlene Hager, '64, and
other AHC members, Lewis made
only a few minor changes.
Before the Definition of Author-
ity becomes a part of the Assembly
Association constitution or bylaws,
however, it must receive formal
vn Outlines SGC Plan
Action on Harris Report
Government Council President Thomas A. Brown, '63BAd,
sterday the steps Council will take to implement the
legation of authority to SGC to review alleged dis-
in student organizations.
hoping that all plans to implement the decision can be
nd presented for approval at the second Council meeting
he commented. "Coun-
k under the assump-
.e Harris Report will
e as the basis for any
ion plan," he added.
i Be Approved
s Report, which estab-
dure for dealing with
on cases, or any other
mplementation that
pts must be approved
ident for Student Af-
A. Lewis.
ported that Council
.l hold informal dis-
tings with Lewis and
m the SGC commit-
abership continuously
the summer. Hope-
meetings will result
aplementation plan to
d for Council's ap-
fall, he said.
ded that "any little
mplaints will be taken
re then."
Meetings First
however. that before
s on the final plan
an open meeting for
sion on the proposed
ris Report is adopted,
e on membership will
stigations in "well-
s" of discrimination.
complaints and work
ties and sororities to
of what constitutes a
the Regents' anti-
)n bylaw, Brown said.
to the informal dis-
ngs, the interim com-
handles Council bus-
the summer session
the implementation
ts' ruling.
.e Regents delegation
to SGC, legal counsel
rities failing to turn
ip selection practices
ad questioned the le-
Harris report.
U.S. Rejects
Soviet Plan
WASHINGTONW)(- The state
department rejected last night a
Soviet call for an atom-free Medi-
terranean, saying the proposal
amounts to a propaganda bid to
a b o I is h a Western deterrent
against Soviet rocket attack.
The Soviet note delivered Mon-
day proposed that the Mediterran-
ean area be freed of nuclear mis-
The United States has just
assigned three nuclear missile-
carrying atomic submarines to the
Mediterranean as part of the
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
tion defense.
This Polaris missile force is;
slated to be part of the NATO nu-
clear strike structure being con-
sidered by the Atlantic Pact min-
isters meeting in Ottawa today.
"The Soviet note on nuclear de-
fense forces of NATO in the Med-
iterranean delivered to the. state
department last night is being
studied, but it appears to be typ-
ical of the moves that the Soviet
Union is in the habit of making
on the eve of NATO meetings,"
the department's note stated.
"What the Soviets are proposing
is that we eliminate our seaborne
nuclear capacity in the Mediter-
ranean, which is one of NATO's
most effective counters to repeated
Soviet threats to use their own
nuclear weapons against members
of the NATO alliance.
"Neither the Soviet Union nor,
any other country has anything to
fear from any defensive measures
of the NATO countries." .
The Soviet proposal said Russia
would agree not to put any nu-
clear weapons in the Mediter-
ranean if the other powers would
approval by Lewis and his col-
leagues. Lewis predicts that this
will be granted by the end of next
Between Women, OSA
Assembly has defined its posi-
tion as lying somewhere between
the individual independent woman
student and the Office of Student
Affairs. The proposed Definition
of Authority recognizes the flow
of power from Vice-President
Lewis to the Assembly Association
to the individual house councils,
to the independent women. The
flow of representation is in the
opposite direction.
Lewis was in complete agree-
ment with the provision that he
approve or veto proposed legisla-
tion within two weeks. Under the
measure, if he does not act with-
in that time, the said legislation
becomes official Assembly policy
This measure was the major
change from present policy con-
tained in the Definition.
Miss Hager had said earlier that
a two-week time limit "would
better define the relationship be-
tween the vice-president and As-
sembly and would facilitate imple-
menting any legislation passed."
The measure which proved to be
the most controversial at a recent
AHC meeting was the provision
that powers not specifically dele-
gated to the individual houses
would be the responsibility of the
Assembly Association. Miss Hager
explained that in order for the
powers to become house powers,
they would have to belong to AHC,
which would then delegate it ac-
The AHC is authorized to express
the, opinion of and recommend
regulations for the women in the
residence halls on any issue and
may serve in an advisory capacity.
Assembly may also aid in the
establishment of new house gov-
Romney Goes
To Washington
To Give Talk
University President Harlan
Hatcher will be among 48 lead-
ers in education, business, indus-
try and other fields who will ac-
company Gov. George Romney to-
day when he journeys to Washing-
ton to address the National Press
Club on Michigan Week.
President Hatcher will not take
part in the speechmaking but will
merely serve as a member of Gov.
Romney's entourage. The Gover-
nor will speak on Michigan's re-
sources and potential.
The purpose of Romney's speak-
ing engagement is to encourage
other Michigan industrialists and
leaders in other fields to seek sim-
ilar opportunities to carry word
of Michigan's resources and poten-
tial across the nation and the
'U' Conference
In other Michigan Week events,
a conference on "How To Finance
Business Expansion" has been
scheduled for today in Rackham.
Dean Floyd A. Bond of the busi-
ness administration school will
open the first session at 9 a.m.,
with Ralph Beuhler, vice-president
of Ann Arbor Construction Co.,
Robert A. Boyd, assistant direc-
tor of research administration, will
open the 1:30 p.m. general ses-
sion, speaking on "The University
as a Center of Economiv Develop-
... approves definition
Farm Vote
Kills Plan
tion's wheat farmers yesterday re-
jected a new and tighter federal
production control plan for their
With results from 43 states par-
tially or completely tabulated, only
46 per cent of the voters favored
'the program. It needed a 66.7 per
cent favorable vote for adoption.
The vote was 415,357 for the plan,
483,696 against.
It was the first time in 13 ref-
erenda that wheat growers had
rejected a production-control plan.
The plan had been advanced by
the Kennedy administration as a
measure to halt overproduction
and to stabilize prices.
The defeat carried implications
far beyond the wheat crop. Vic-
torious opponents had called for
the plan's defeat as a means of
heading off possible controls on
livestock, milk, poultry and crops
not now subject to restrictions.
President John F. Kennedy,
while urging approval of his wheat
proposal, had said the referendum
would be a test of his farm sup-
ply control policies.
The only part of the country
which gave the plan a top-heavy
vote was the Southeast-an area
which grows relatively little wheat
but which has become accustomed
to tight controls on cotton, to-'
bacco and peanuts.
The referendum outcome was a
personal defeat for Agriculture
Secretary Orville L. Freeman, who
had said defeat would bring chaos
to wheat growers. Likewise, the
results raise the prestige of the
American Farm Bureau Federation
and its president, Charles B.
Shuman, who opposed the plan.
Aides said Freeman would have
no comment on the outcome to-
Shuman issued a statement
from his Farm Bureau headquar-
ters which stated the results were
"a clear indication that farmers
favor a change in the" direction of
national farm policy."
"This is a bright day for agri-
culture," Shuman said.
Heyns Reveals
'U' Pro motions
Vice-President for Academic Af-
Accept Idea
Of Forming
Co-ed Center
Await Union Action;
Question Some Parts
Of Committee Plan
The Michigan League Board of
Directors has accepted-with some
changes and comments-the final
report of the Union-League Study
Committee recommending that the
Women's League and the Michigan
Union merge to form a co-educa-
tional University Center.
Board members also decided to
seek Regental approval of the re-
port before the implementation
committee is formed. Also, how-
ever,' it must be accepted by the
Michigan Union Board of Gover-
nors, which will consider the ques-
tion at its meeting tomorrow.
The Office of Student Affairs
also will submit a report on it
after studying' the Robeitson Re-
port, which proposes the merger.
Four Alumni
According to the proposed plan,
four alumni would be included on
the University Center Board of
Directors, but the proportion of
men and women is not specified.
The League Board alumnae asked
to change the report to give the
women equal representation on the
new Board of Directors.
The rationale given was that
alumnae, although smaller in
number and amount of funds
brought in than alumni, "have
more constant care and everyday
concern" and in general are hard-
er workers.
They also asserted that an or-
ganization is run better with wo-
men's aid, and cited the shaky
financial status of the Union as
compared to the more prosperous
Four Students
Similarly, the report provides
that students have four represen-
tatives on the Board, but sexes
are not specified. However, the
women students on the League
Board did not find it necessary to
insure that some of these represen-
tatives be women. Although it was
brought up that women must be
on the Board if the organization is
to be truly co-educational, League
' President Gretchen Groth, '64, em-
phasized that if the new organiza-
tion is a fresh one rather than
merely an amalgamation of men's
and women's organizations, all the
members of the Board will repre-
sent the student body as a whole
and not one sex or the other. She
showed nd concern that women
students would be overlooked but
expressed the hope that women
have an equal opportunity to reach
the top on merit.
Three Non-Students
The Board also questioned the
part on the faculty and alumnae
members of the League Board,
which requires that three non-
students sit with the four student
members of the selections com-
mittee, which would choose of-
ficers for the Student Activities
Committee of the new Center.
Some women thought that, since
the Student Activities Committee
was set up to be independent of
the Board of Directors, there was
no need for non-student participa-
Onemember expressed surprise
that the same students who are
demanding increased power in
other branches of the University
are "all of a sudden" requesting
adult council.
One Wonders
"It is not that we would not
like to join the committee; we
were just wondering why we
Annis Hits Medicare 'Misrepresentation,' Student Aid
The American Medical Association is opposed to the Medicare
bill because it provides help indiscriminately to senior citizens and
because it has been misrepresented to the American public, AMA
President-Elect Dr. Edward Annis said last night at the Michigan
The proposed King-Anderson Medicare Bill provides for everyone
over 65 including those who can adequately support themselves and a
large segment of wealthy people, he said. "Just because some citizen
has had a birthday, there is no reason to tax the working man to pay a
wealthy man's medical bills," he maintained.
"Medicare is not for medical care, but for hospital care," Annis
Acting National Concerns Editor
The American Medical Association supports federal medical
school construction aid, but opposes federal scholarship help for medi-
cal students, AMA President-Elect Dr. Edward R. Annis noted yester-
He explained that the AMA has long supported "bricks and mor-
tar" grants-in-aid for medical schools, but has drawn the line at
scholarships and teacher salaries.
With construction funds, all the government would need to know
is that the proposed building is structurally sound and money would
be given. But with scholarships, there is always the danger that the
- '