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May 19, 1963 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-19

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INTERESTED, INTRIGUED--Youths from the Dominican Republic watch as former University student Benjamin J. Barela, now a
member of the Peace Corps, tests soil. Barela is presently working in Boni, a town in the Dominican Republic. The youths are members of
a 4-H club which Barela organized as a part of the community development work he is doing for the Corps. The testing of soil, taking
place in the school garden, is part of the youths' training given by Corpsmen to help them in improving agriculture in their country.

Peace Cori
The one-hour examination which
will be administered to Peace
Corps applicants from the Univer-
sity next week is a "sophisticated
version" of the former four-hour
examination, Norman Shavin, a
special assistant in the Corps's
public information division, said
"By correlating his test with the
questionnaire filled out by the ap-
plicant, we can find out his prob-
able chances for success in the
Peace Corps," he noted.
"The test has been changed for
a number of reasons. First, the
demand for volunteers has risen
tremendously in the last few
months." To meet the demand, the
test has been' structured so that
it can be administered more read-
ily, he said.
"Secondly, by shortening the

Osman Explains New Policies


test, we hope it will attract more
people. It will be less burdensome
to take since it will not require
so much time.
"Finally, within two weeks, we
will be able to tell an applicant
who has taken the test whether
or not he has been invited to join
the Peace Corps."
The main objective of the short-
er test is to be able to give appli-
cants a quicker answer, he pointed
"Anyone who takes the test to-
morrow will know by early June
whether he has been selected by
the Peace Corps. Theoretically, if
accepted, he could begin training
in June and be working abroad by
September 1.
Corps Opportunities
"We have 4000 Peace Corps op-
portunities this summer in 44
countries. In each of these coun-

tries, we have already begun at
least one project. These same
countries have requested two or
three times as many volunteers. If
we are to keep our standards high,
we must recruit many more quali-
fied people," Shavin said.
He noted that only one out of
ten persons who apply for work
in the Peace Corps is selected. At
present, there are 5000 working
The Peace Corps is trying to
send abroad "the very best people
to represent America. If these peo-
ple cannot communicate, cannot
survive frustration, cannot inte-
grate themselves into the com-
munity, they are not going to be
successful," he said.
Low Return Rate
"Only 150 volunteers, about
three per cent, have left the
Corps for various reasons. This
remarkably low rate of return is
due to the stringency with which
we select volunteers," Shavin as-
Even after a volunteer has start-
ed training, he can be "selected
out" if the training reveals some
deficiency in his ability to per-
form in the country, such as learn-
ing the language.
To fill the demand for 4000 new
volunteers, the Corps has intensi-
fied its recruiting procedures.
While the Corps used to send one
or two people to various campuses
to recruit, it is now sending eight
to conduct a 10-day drive.
Address Students
Peace Corps officials will be
addressing fraternities, sororities
and dormitories at the University
as well as administering tests here
throughout the week.
"Liberal arts graduates are very
much in demand in the Corps,
contrary to many misconceptions.
The applicant need not have a
special skill; the aptitude test will
tell us what he can do," Shavin
There are over 300 types of jobs
in the Corps, including teaching,
farming, medical work and vari-
ous skilled and professional posi-
tions.P k
Pick Placef
"An applicant can pick the placeI
and time of his service. He signs
up for two years but can leave at1
any time.t
"Now we are allowing, on ant
individual basis, volunteers to re-t
main in the Corps from six months
to a year after they have com-
pleted their two years. If the per-
son has been a success and thet
country wants him to stay, we
usually allow him to continuec
there," Shavin remarked.I

The three-year period is a maxi-
mum of service, he pointed out.
"We regard a Corps volunteer not
only as someone who can con-
tribute his services to other coun-
tries, but as the type of person
who can reinvigorate American
Dual Value
The corpsman has a dual value
-through his experiences he can
help Americans to understand
other people. As a volunteer, the
individual is not only involved as
a professional, but as part of a
community-speaking the lan-
guage, eating the food, and parti-
cipating in the life of the nation-
Alumni Join
The University ranks sev-
enth among American universi-
ties in the number of alumni
who have joined the' Peace
Corps for work overseas.
Michigan State University
ranks 11th. The universities in
order of the number of former
students now in the Peace
Corps are: the University of
California at Berkley, 135; the
Universit of Minnesota, 75;
Columbia University, 72; Stan-
ford University, 70; the Uni-
versity of Illinois and Harvard
University, tied at 70 each,
and the University, 69.
But the University ranks sec-
ond in the number of its alum-
ni who obtained their degree.
before joining the Peace Corps.
Of the 70 Harvard alumni in
the Peace Corps, 55 have de-
grees; of the 69 University
alumni in the Peace Corps, 52
have degrees. Stanford has 71
alumni in the Peace Corps, 52
of whom have degrees.
American business firms are
deeply interested in Peace Corps
members because they have such
a broad base of understanding,
as well as ability to speak the
languages, of other countries. Vol-
unteers are of particular value to
the United States government
which cannot find enough people
who are trained as well, he added.
Fifty college campuses have
been used as training centers for
Corps volunteers. Two groups, to-
taling 100 Corps members, sent
to work in Thailand, were trained
at the University.
Of 147 volunteers from Michi-]
gan, 68 have been students at
the Unive'rsity. These students are4
working overseas in 26 of the 441
countries in which the Corpsl

Hit Policy
Associated Press News Analyst
ed States may have stubbed its
toe again in the Caribbean, this
time in Haiti.
Some educated Haitians with no
love for Haitian President Fran-
cois Duvalier's repressive regime
refer to the latest crisis as a
farce that made the United States
look silly in the Western Hemi-
sphere. Certain Latin American
diplomats share this view.
They say the United States, in
its eagerness to see Duvalier oust-
ed as an unacceptable dictator
and nuisance in the hemisphere,
tended to help him keep his shaky
hold on the government.
Crumbling Regime
United States spokesmen seem-
ed to feel Duvalier's regime was
crumbling and ready for collapse.
Dominican troops - a relative
handful-moved to the frontier as
a gesture to back up Santo Do-
mingo's protests against an inva-
sion by Haitian militia of the Do-
minican embassy in Port au
The United States made it clear
it supported the Dominican pro-
tests, although not the threat of
force. Dominican President Juan
Bosch indicated later there, never
had been an intention to invade.
The Dominican aspect of the
crisis probably helped Duvalier. It
afforded him an opportunity to
crack down hardest on the faint-
est trace of opposition. Any Do-
minican threat tends to unite the
"You can send United States
troops to invade us," one anti-
Duvalier Haitian said. "We can
be invaded by Venezuela, by al-
most anyone and the Haitians
will still be disunited. But don't
threaten us with the Dominican
Republic. That unites all Hai-
The neighbors have been fight-
ing off and on for more than a
Critical Day
Duvalier on Wednesday weath-
ered the most critical date of his
career as president of the impov-
erished Negro republic of 4 mil-
lion people. That was the begin-
ning of his new term. He now is
in office as a result of a subter-
fuge in 1961 when, in the midst of
his first term, he suddenly inform-
ed the nation it had re-elected
In Port au Prince, it was like
living in the midst of a grim but
giddy ghost story as the fateful
Wednesday approached and broad-
casts from the United States car-
ried a torrent of reports about
censor-bound Haiti. None seemed
to match what was going on.
Latin American diplomats criti-
cized the Voice of America for
carrying reports of Duvalier's es-
cape to Europe.
Receives Correspondents
On Wednesday, the dictator re-
ceived a score of foreign corres-
pondents in his palace. He lifted
censorship so word could go out
that the reports of his downfall
had been exaggerated.
Duvalier's chief enemy inside
Haiti, Clement Barbot, apparent-
ly still is at large. If he leaves
Haiti there will be no organized
opposition inside the country. Bar-
bot once was Duvalier's right-hand
If Duvalier falls eventually, it
likely will be the result of in-
trigue among those who profess
to be his supporters. That makes
it unlikely that the man who takes

over will be any more acceptable
to the United States and the hem-
The democratic pattern has
hard going in Haiti, whose people
remain the poorest and most illit-
erate in the hemisphere. The best
that may be hoped for seems to
be a sort of benevolent dictator-

By The Associated Press
HANNOVER-West Germany's
dominant Christian Democratic
Party today faces its first test
at the polls since it chose Eco-
nomics Minister Ludwig Erhard to
become chancellor when Konrad
Adenauer retires. The test comes
in the election of a new state leg-
islature in Lower Saxony, which
the opposition Socialists and their
coalition allies have controlled for
years. The Christian Democrats
hope the people's regard for Er-
hard will help to check a trend
to the left visible in state elections
for several years.
LONDON - Western diplomats
arranged yesterday to confront
the Soviet Union with a new drive
for disarmament and reminded
the Russians that little time re-
mains to halt the spread of nu-
clear weapons. Simultaneously, the
American, British and West Ger-
man governments, in notes deliv-
ered in Moscow, defended the
West's right to provide the At-
lantic alliance with a strategic
nuclear force and said such a
step would increase world stabil-
NAIROBI-The people of Ken-
ya began voting yesterday in a
general election to give that Brit-
ish East African colony self rule.
It is a step toward the independ-
ence Britain has promised. Afri-
cans are certain to run the new
government. The leading parties
are headed by two colleagues in
the old anti-white Mau Mau ter-
rorist movement, Jomo Kenyatta
and Paul Ngei. A legislature to
be made up of 41 senators and 117
house members will choose the
new regime.
* * *
MOC HOA, Viet Nam - In the
smoothest military operation seen
in South Viet Nam in months,
government forces scoured the
Cambodian border along the
Plain of Reeds yesterday, killing

... Saxony election

at least 40 Communist guerrillas
and capturing a dozen.
BUENOS AIRES-Followers of
exiled ex-Argentine dictator Juan
D. Peron will ignore a government
ban on Peronist candidates for
executive offices in Argentina's
national election July 7. This word
came Saturday from Paul Matera,
secretary-general of the Justicial-
ist-Peronist movement. He said
"We will file candidates for every
post as we have anhounced." Ar-
gentine President Jose Maria Gui-
do, under pressure of anti-Peron-
ist military leaders, signed the
decree Friday. It limits Peronists
to legislative offices.
* * S
VIENTIANE-Mortar fire was
reported on the Plaine des Jarres
yesterday. It was the fourth
straight day of some kind of
shooting in the tense area and
diplomats in Laos expressed con-
cern. Informed sources receiving
reports from the plaine said they
could not determine whether neu-

Vote 'To Test Erhard Prestige

tralists or pro-Communist PathEt
Lao were responsible for the new
outburst of mortar fire.
* * S
NEW YORK-Two United States
airlines are fighting a retreating
action in resisting a general trans-
'Atlantic fare increase, yielding
only country-by-country as the
United States government advis-
ed. The pattern became clear yes-
lines and Pan American World
Airways-the only American car-
riers serving Europe-announced
5 per cent fare boosts for flights
to France and Germany.
nied yesterday new Communist
claims that the undersea research
facility to be built in the Bahmas
will be a Polaris submarine base
to menace Cuba and Latin Amer-
* * *
NEW DELHI-Communist Yu-
goslavia is' selling about $6 mil-
lion worth of arms and ammuni-
tion to India for defense against
Red China, which has made Yu-
goslavian President Tito's regime
a whipping boy in its ideological
dispute with the Soviet Union. In-
dian and Yugoslav representatives
signed the agreement in New Del-
hi yesterday.

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CARPENTRY-Former University student Charles H. Pell works
with a 4-H project in Venezuela. The Peace Corps volunteer is
aiding girls making furniture in a class run by his wife. Classes
are held In the southwestern area of the country to help train
youths in vocational skills.
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Begin Recount
On Constitution
A recount of the constitutional
vote will begin in 24 counties on
tomorrow with three weeks alloted
for the entire recount by the State
Board of Canvassers.
Michigan Democrats have se-
lected 1,869 precincts for the check
in 77 of the state's 83 counties.
Teams assigned to conduct the
recount will split up with one
county to each where the county
has a large number of chosen pre-
cincts. Washtenaw county was
named by the Democratic state
organization and it is estimated
that recount activities will take
nine days here.


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A,. N. Anderson, Vice President



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