34t Atrgan t .l Seuenty-Tbird Yeuer EDITED AND MANAGED UT STUDENTS OF THE UNIVEPsrTY OF MuCiuicAw UNDER AUTHORiTY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Fre STUDENT PUBLICATIoNS BLDG., ANN ARBOUR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This 'must he noted in all rebrints. TODAY AND TOMORROW: A Muddy Brawl And a Cool Wash ,, 4 NIGHT EDITOR: KENNETH WINTER TURDAY, MAY 18, 1963 'UT' Expansion Plan: Public or Private? U pen.. . T HE ADMINISTRATION' is covering up plans for long range development of central cam- pus until the Regents approve the final form within the next few months. In the words of one administrator, public discussion would "ruin's the report.', The University is again playing the old game of secrecy and again treating student opinion as a meaningless factor in University affairs. When students return to Ann/ Arbor in August the administration will inform them of the plans, attempting to prove that they have student welfare at heart. Since the Uni- versity still holds the antiquated and doctrin- aire view that students have no say in im- portant decisions and University affairs, stu- dents will learn of the decision when their opinions will be of no use. The administration has already consulted several faculty members and several members of the Ann Arbor City Planning Commission for comment and criticism before the proposals are put in final form for the Regents. Each group has had some say in the plans while they were in working form, but not students. THE UNIVERSITY learned the hard way that' the faculty has to be consulted. Last fall the Office of Academic Affairs inadvertantly revealed its new small college plans before in- forming the faculty, and there was a minor faculty explosion. The administration has to remain on decent working terms with the city, for if the city tried hard enough i could make completion of the development plans for campus expansion,. extremely difficult. The city will be directly affected by any such plans. Closed .. . THOSE WHO BELIEVE that the University should make public all its expansion in- tentions and policies are getting just what they want. One of the major purposes of the central campus planning study is to show what is recommended to the University before final action is taken. The other purpose of the study is of course to find the best means of ex- panding without conflicting with outside in- terests. To ask the University and Johnson and Johnson-the company that is directing the study-to make known all their deliberations would be to ask for a planning study for the planning study. There is a time for announcing recommendations to the University. and that time comes after the minor difficulties have been ironed out. Releasing the study before 1 then would create a great deal of unnecessary friction and ill feeling. ONE SHOULD DISTINGUISH, however, be- tween making the deliberations public and allowing student participation in the formation of recommendations to the Regents. If a repre- sentative organization of students could be found that would present a viewpoint without changing it every few years with the members, there student consultation would be a definite possibility. The broad functional concepts found in such a study will not in general conflict with stu- dent interests. Since few students own cars and fewer own land around the campus, they would not be too concerned with traffic flow and access planning. However, Johnson and Johnson is consulting with planning groups before they come to their final conclusions. UNIVERSITY faculty planning groups have had a chance to voice their recommenda- tions. On the issue of facility expansion, stu- dents' and faculty members' interests do not conflict. Furthermore, faculty members are more consistently concerned with expansion since they are more likely to be present in the city when plans resulting from the study are. put into effect. .The company also presented aspects of the planning study. to the Ann Arbor Planning Commission for Its reaction. At present, the University administration is obligated to show the study first to the Re- gents, who originally commissioned Johnson and Johnson to do it. If they find the recom- mendations adequate, the University can then consider public reaction in accepting and im- plementing the recommendations. TO OPEN the study to outside criticism be- fore the Regents have a chance to accept or reject the recommendations would be a viola- tion of the administration's obligations to them. -MICHAEL SATTINGER *LP NORT14 Wi SORT oF N131LE AEM TO DEATH''0 ASTRONOMY:f Problems Ma Hinder Science. BUT THE ADMINISTRATORS cannot see a reason. to consult students. According to this theory, the University. is a university for students not for administrators. In practice however students are merely cogs in the machine, with no say in the destiny of "their" university. They are passive mem- bers of the University community who are expected to take what they are given, like it, or at least have the courtesy not to complain or ask for more, The administrator who insisted that the plans would be "ruined" if students were con- sulted could not explain why or how. He only stuttered. Perhaps he thinks the Regents plan it all as one big happy surprise. THE PLANS under discussion, being drawn up by a local architectural firm, include a 20 to 40 year expansion for central campus with major streets closed off, and a directional growth for the area. The study presumably includes buildings to land ratios, planned new buildings and locations, removal of old build- ings on a priority system, and traffic and pe- destrian flow reroutes. Such plans are long overdue. The University is one of few major educational institutions without long range development plans. HOWEVER, there is no reason why the plans must be secret until the Regents set the proposals. University secrecy is an old story. It is a poor way for an institution to imbue "democratic" ideals in its citizens and it sets administrators up on pedestals-thin-skinned administrators who would rather not face possible criticism. Another old story is the "in loco parentis" role of the University, guiding its hapless students along The Path for the outside adult world, to be able to join it as decision making individuals of responsibility with worthwhile contributions to society. BUT THE ADMINISTRATION is not prepar- ing them. A philosophy professor at the University once maintained that education was life-he was John Dewey. The administration does not agree. Or per- hiaps it does. Perhaps it is preparing students' for their place in the next machine as cogs who will not expect to be treated as individuals capable of anything more than following or- ders. --RICHARD KELLER SIMON Editorial Staff MICHAEL OLINICK, Editor JUDITH OPPENHEIM MICHAEL HARRAH Editorial Director City Editor CAROLINE DOW...............Personnel Director JUDITH BLEIER.............. Associate City Editor PRED RUSSELL KRAMER ... Assoc. EditoriAl Director CYNTHIA NEU................ Co-Magazine Editor HARRY PERLSTADT...........Co-Magazine Editor TOM WEBBER......................Sports Editor Obstruction N O LONGER need we be afraid that the "Sovvun" state of Mississippi's Gov. Ross Barnett has captured all the honors in the race campaigns. Now Gov. George Wallace of Ala- bama has stepped up and made it clear that he, too, can use his office as an obstacle in the way of lawful, orderly settlement of the Birm- ingham crisis. While Martin Luther King hasn't been lead- ing the Negro protesters with clean hands, we do think the Birmingham, Jefferson County and Alabama state governments have done an injustice to the white and Negro business leaders who calmly have been trying to nego- tiate a peaceful, workable settlement. President Kennedy has shown sympathetic patience during the present turmoil and in past racial conflicts, including the Oxford days. His decision to move federal troops into the vicinity of Birmingham was one prompted not only by the bombing and rioting of the past weekend, but by the realization that he could not depend on Alabama's government to control the situa- tion. A SURPRISINGLY LARGE number of Birm- ingham citizens on both sides of the issue have taken it upon themselves to salvage some peace, knowing they could not look to their local government to do so. Had the biracial group not tackled the problem as it did, no doubt, the violence would have been even greater. At the University of Mississippi riots, white agitators started the trouble. In Birmingham, it appears that much of the blame must be shouldered by King's peaceful agitators, who obviously weren't as manageable as the in- tegrationist leader expected. Peaceful protest activities are the upright means of working toward improvement of conditions, but there is no such thing as a By MICHAEL JULIAR SPACE IS LIKE the environment that first greeted man when he became an intelligent inhabit- ant of the earth. It is vast and hostile, with widely scattered is- lands that are not quite so hostile. It is mysterious and intriguing. And, in a sense, it is an uncon- taminated wilderness. Man is just starting to send his' rockets and probes into space. Scientists have warned engineers tp sterilize their probes to the moon and the planets lest some worldy organism. contaminate the environment before man can study it. But there are more ways of. contaminating space than with bacteria. AFTER ONE unsuccessful try in October, 1961,, 400 million little "needles" were pit into orbit last week to act as a jam-proof, pas- sive relay system for communica- tions. According to the New York Times, the project has provoked one of the biggest scientific con- troversies of the space age. Both foreign and domesticastronomers contend that the, needles might interfere with radio and optical astronomical observations. The controversy reached such proportions that the issue was car- ,ried to the President's Science Ad- visory Committee, whiph conclud- ed that the experiment could be conducted, "without danger to science." The Air Force-sponsor of the program known as Project West Ford-has made assurances that "careful advance study indicates that the possible interference" of the orbiting "needles" to optical and radio astronomy and "other radio and radar systems is neglig- ible.' * ' 4 ' MAYBE the needles aren't as dangerous to scientific progress as astronomers contend they might be. But, as Prof. Fred T. Haddock, director of radio astronomy, says, "Radio astronomers are still mighty concerned about the prece- dent established and about the possibility of future growth of ex- periments of this type-when a large number of objects are put into orbit." Scientists have also pointed out that giant rockets of the future could contaminate the air far above the earth with their exhaust gases. Carbon dioxide is part of the rocket exhaust. Small amounts of this gas are known to affect temperatures in their local en- vironment. What would happen in thin air of the upper atmosphere is unpredictable.' A kind of giant smog could be produced, resulting in unknown meterological effects on the at- mosphere and maybe even prob- lems for astronomers trying to see through the smog with their telescopes. * * * AFTER ALL, scientists were told last year not to worry about the effects of exploding a nuclear bomb above the earth. But these assurances were wrong, and the REVIVALIST: Political Satire? duced by the project is a reminder that space in an unknown quan- tity. Leaping into before taking a good look may render insignificant many possible future gains in sci- entific knowledge. Astronaut Gordon Cooper has completed a most successful mis- sion. The United States has moved another step forward in the' race to the moon. Superlatives have been tossed around by officials and commentators alike. Much overblown romanticizing and emo- tional cacophony has been fed to the nation. But there is a much more sobering background to the race in space that will have a greater impact on man's future thanall theclamorous applause and verbal diatribe that has met space programs to date. By WALTER LIPPMANN THE GENERAL EFFECT of the meeting at Hyannis Port be- tween the Canadian Prime Minis- ter and the United States Presi- dent has been that of a good scrubbing and a cool shower after a muddy brawl. No doubt it takes two to start such a brawl, and a lot of explaining and counter- explaining would be possible. Botlh governments know that such brawls are intolerable. The President went as far as proud governments ever go in acknowledging a fault when he joined with Mr. Pearson in stress- ing "the importance of each coun- try showing regard for the view of the other where attitudes dif- fer." The Canadian Prime Minis- ter for his part scrubbed out the suspicious nationalism of his pre- decessor by his very presence at Hyannis Port. For Lester Pe rson does not merely approve, after a lifetime of experience, he incar- nates, thehope of building "a true community of the Atlantic peoples." ALTHOUGH he and the Presi- dent promised to settle a number of practical matters, such as the nasty mess about continental de- fense, they agreed that "the two countries will inevitably have dif- ferent views on international is- sues from time to time." It is all to the good that they should have differing views. Nothing could possibly be worse for Canadian- United States relations than that Canada would automatically agree with us. In many ways, the greatest ser- vice that Canada has done the United States in this generation is to produce a .crop of first-quality diplomats who have been able to give independent, expert and quite candid advice. Though on funda- mentals they have always been with us, they have stood away from us enough to be free of our own prejudices and excitements. Mr. Iearson is himself one of these diplomats, and from them we have received the kind of intel- lectual and moral help which can come only from a true ally, never from a sycophant or a client or a satellite., This is a time when the United States, with its global commit- ments, is very specially in need of the kind, of wisdom and candor which Canada, pre - eminently among all of our allies, can give us. The postwar structure of our foreign policy in Europe is pro- foundly shaken, and the problem of what to do and what comes after is as much Canada's problem as our own.- e At the same time, the old isola- tionist pattern of hemispheric re- lations is dissolving in the Carib- bean and South America, and we shall need greater Canadian par- ticipation in hemispheric affairs antI the good offices of Canada in persuading the Europeans and other countries to play their neces- sary part in this hemisphere. IT WILL BE a mistake, however, if we concentrate our' whole at- Mention on foreign policy. There is a serious problem in the relations between Canada and the United States which is not referred to in the Hyannis Port communique. It broods over all our relations. It is the problem of the great United States economic penetration of Canadian industry. It should be said at once that the United States investment in Canadian industry is not sinister. Canada, like the United States in its own period of industrial devel- opment, has had to draw capital from abroad. The problem is pri- marily, perhaps wholly, one of in- ducing the great United States' interests in Canada to proceed with all deliberate speed to Cana- dianize the ownership and the direction ; and the operation of their companies. It cannot make for the kind of good relations we need to have with Canada that a total. of _.52, per cent of the capital invested in manufacturing and in mining is controlled in the United States. In certain key industries, the con- trol is even greater: rubber, 90 per cent; agricultural machinery, 55 per cent; automobiles and parts, 96 per cent; electrical apparatus, 67 per cent; smelting and refining of non-ferrous ores, 66 per cent. * * * I HAVE an impression from talking to certain Americans with interests in Canada that they are beginning to realize haw unde- sirable and potentially dangerous LETTERS to the EDITOR To the Editor: AMONG the responses to my recent epistle to the Laodi- ceans is one from Prof. John Mil- holland, which I cannot forbear passing on. I sincerely trust his By LLOYD GRAFF THE POLITICAL SATIRE of frReverend Carl1McIntirefloweth forth to. the delight of his listen- ers every weekday morning from 6:30 to 7. For those who have never had the unique experience of waking up to McIntire's "20th Century Reformation Hour," let it suffice to say that his political platform could be succinctly summarized, as anti-United Nations, anti- Communist, pro-Christ and pro- American. He is a revivalist of the Billy James Hargis, Dan Smoot variety who can call Pope John "a dupe of the Communist con- spiracy." McIntire could aptly be describ- ed as the Joe McCarthy of poli- tical comedy. The Reverend's eye- sight does not match his tongue, however, as all hues and tints look the same color to him, blood red. McINTIRE'S "Reformation" pro- gram generally begins with his own personal interpretations of the Bible. For instance one day he stated unequivocably that the Book of Jeremiah denounces com- munists in general and' Nikita Khrushchev in particular. "Docu- mented" exposes of communist in- filtration into prominent places in church and state usually follow. He delivers his radio oratory in loud shot-gun style except when he makes his daily eight to twelve minute plea for funds. When the fund raising begins the Reverend shifts into an almost folksy tone, often readingra couple of touch- ing letters. from aging grand- mothers or innocent school child- ren who have saved their pennies and sent them to him to pursue his "holy mission.- The scope of McIntire's opera- tion, however, would indicate that his revenue is not coming only in nickles and dimes. He frequently mentions $1000 contributors on Mixed Bag, W HEN GEORGE ROMNEY ran for governor of Michigan last fall, his theme was "leadership." He put himself above unpleasant party bickering. This rather non- partisan appeal was and is partic- ularly attractive in a state which for 14 years was a battleground between a Democratic governor' his sponsorless program and has a list of over 2000 persons who have contributed $100 or more to his "Reformation." * * * McINTIRE has bought time on 457 radio stations at a cost of $1000 per station plus a recently acquired short-wave station in Red Lion, Pa. He modestly explains his startling rise in popularity by tell-' ing his followers that "God com- mends our program to listeners." On each broadcast he solemnly gives thanks for "every station God has given us." There is certainly no doubting that McIntire is an exceptional showman. He could have been a great vaudeville performer.' In fact, the show reminds one of a showbusiness act with a partner "planted in the audience. The part- ner's name in this case, is Charles Richter, better known as "Amen Charlie," whose job it is to inject. Amen or Yes or No When the situation presents itself. Charlie adds a bit of audience participa- tion to the comical proceedings., One of Mclntire's newest ac- quisitions is the Christian Admiral Hotel, a rambling wreck in Cape. May, N. J., near the headquarters of the 20th Century Reformation Hour in Collingswood. The relig- ious reactionary tells his follow- ers that the hotel is a "gift of God to his people in a time of crisis," which 'was founded to meet "the great need of bringing Chris- tian and patriots together that they might be informed,'inspired, comforted and challenged to face the issues which confront free men today." CURRENTLY Carl is pushing a conference to be held at the hotel during the summer. It will feature that "Christian statesman" Sen. Strom Thurmond (D-SC) and other reactionary luminaries like' Milton Lory, president of the American Coalition of Patriotic Societies, and Harvey Spring, an- other conservative crusader. Mc- Intire himself will give several ad- dresses during the political sum- mer stock program. One cannot laugh at Carl Mc- Intire indefinitely because of the astounding rise in his listening audience. There can be no doubt, that he does have a kind of ir- rational appeal to many people. He can mesmerize a receptive au- dience with his continuous on- slaught of verbiage. is the excessive United States' control of Canadian industry. I hope nobody will fly off the handle at that remark. Nobody is talking of confiscation or nationalization. But the fact that more than half the capital of Canadian industry is controlled in the United States is a perpetual irritant. The solution of the problem is not one for legislation or treaty, but for voluntary action by the United States' interests in co- operation with their Canadian as- sociates. Canada is the kind of country with which this kind of problem can be handled un- excitedly in a spirit of mutually- enlightened self-interest. (C) 1963, The Washington Post Co. CINEMA GUILD: 'Out'cast'. Subtle "OUTCAST of the Islands" is a deceptive film. Appearing at first to be a time-worn, worthless clam it soon reveals itself an oys- ter yielding the viewer a rare and valuable pearl. The plot .concerns a crooked clerk (Trevor Howard) who flees Singapore aboard the ship of a wealthy captain who it seems has discovered a trading site unknown to any others and has kept the secret well hidden. Howard helps the captain in navigating the treacherous river that leads to the trading site where resides the cap- tain's partner, a stuffy obnoxious Englishman who has managed the captain's business and married his foster daughter. The priggish partner Is exact and worn in his ways and resents the intrusion by Howard. He needles and pesters Howard but to no avail; Howard has become enamored of the daughter of the 1chief 'of a local bandit tribe, IN HIS SUDDEN driving need for her, the dutcast trades the secret of the river to a rival ship- per, and in 'doing so destroys not only the village and the captain, but himself. "Outcast of the Islands" at first seems just another Class 'B Eng- lish south sea adventure. But as was said, this is deceptive.ro the point in the film where .the outcast first sees the quiet and powerful native girl a subtle psy- chological drama' reveals itself. The "Outcast of the .Islands Is indeed a pearl, a powerfully beautiful and evil pearl. -Hugh Holland AT THE MICHIGAN: Ugly 'Ugly A merican'. "WHATEVER Man can Imagine, Man can do" they say, and thus we have Marlon Brado in the "Ugly American" at the Mih- igan Theatre., Brando plays MacWhite, the new ambassador to Sarkhan (read Troubled Asian Country). Deter- mined and profiled, pipe in one hand and wife (read animated de- partment store dummy) in the other, Brandofwins the nomination through'his war-timefriendship withuthe local popular leader and his smattering knowledge of Sar- khanese. Don't worry if he doesn't speak it much, look how long it took him to learn English. The old native buddy. is played by a reject from either "Surfide Six" or "Hawaiin Eye."After hav- ing led his people to their freedom, he retired to advise them. He is now a nationalist (read Commie) and a neutralist (ditto) and he speaks better English than Brando (read no mumble). He is also funnier. IN FACT, there are only two serious reasons to recommend "The Ugly American" and they are in order: a beautifully realistic riot scene at the airport and the excellent portrayal of the prime minister. As a boob the "Ugly American" distorted the facts. As a movie it distorts the book. The two authors wished to expose the alleged bung- ling of our foreign policy in Asia. They presented a new hero; the individual American who devotes his time to help the people direct- ly on his own. The movie empha- sizes the villians.. In reality, however, our Foreign Service is not peopled by incom- petent'fools. It is primarily man- ned by dedicated, intelligent and trained men. By generalizing the exceptions into a glaring rule, the "Ugly American" viciously maligns these men and misrepresents the actual situation. BY ITS EMPHASIS on the shining knight (read Sir 'Marin) 4