THE MICHIGAN DAILY SAT 'T,M THE,..,.A..AL..A... M._ Gray Requests 'Public Policy' On Birth Control Instruction Dodge Plans To Leave; Tour, Book in Offing PROF. STANLEY DODGE ...retirement Frederick To Research Stress Noise Inaudible, high-frequency sounds emitted by metals under stress may indicate when they are about to "give," Prof. Julian Frederick of the engineering college says. A two-year, $35,000 grant from the National Science Foundation will enable him to investigate this hypothesis. "When you pull twist, squeeze or bend a metal, it makes squeak- ing or popping noises," which are too high-pitched and not loud enough for the human ear to per- ceive, Prof. Frederick explains. Molecules Vibrate These sounds are caused by mi- nute virbrations within the metal as the atoms and molecules of its crystal structure are displaced by the forces of stress. As stress increases, the move- ments accumulate and a sub-mi- croscopic crack forms. If the stress continues to increase, they get larger and fatigue failure follows. "We want to find out how soon these noises precede fatigue fail- ure," Prof. Frederick says. Piezolelectrie An ultra sensitive piezolelectric microphone, working on the prin- ciple of a phonograph cartridge, will be used to pick up the stress sounds. Preliminary tests were run on aluminum, zinc and brasses, but the forthcoming project will concentrate on steel because of its industrial importance, Prof. Frederick notes. Board Approves Rate Increase - In an effort to boost The Daily's circulation, the Board in Control of Student Publications has ap- proved a 400 per cent increase in commission rates on subscrip- tion sales. Effective next fall, the commissions go up from $.05 to $.25 for each subscription sold. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN OSA. SGC Votes To Maintain Advisor Role Student Government Council at its final meeting Wednesday night defeated a motion calling for the withdrawal of seven SGC members from the Office of Student Affairs Advisory Committee. The motion, submitted by How- ard Abrams, '63,* asked for the action because the advisory com- mittee "has proven useless. It has not been consulted on any of the substantive issues that have aris- en in the OSA during the past year," the motion stated. The advisory committee was cre- ated at the request of Vice-Presi- dent for Student Affairs James A. Lewis to afford him consulta- tion on decisions concerning stu- dent affairs. In other actions, Council ap- proved the new Interfraternity Council bylaws which eliminate the requirement for rushees to visit a minimum of eight houses in five districts. ENGINEERS Management Opportunity Because men in our industrial en- gineering groups are a prime source of management talent, we have con- tinuing openings for engineers for industrial engineering projects. Assignments are challenging and di- versified, enabling you to utilize your analytical ability to its fullest from inception to conclusion. Must have engineering degree and interest or experience in materials handling, space utilization, methods, and project analysis. Starting salary dependent upon education and ex- perience to $8,400. Job location: New York Syracuse, Cleveland, De- torit and Indianapolis. Send resume or write for application to W. W. La Combe, District Per- sonnel Assistant, New York Central Depot, Detroit 16, Michigan. 'DEPRIVED BACKGROUND': Morgan Links Success With Racial Background By RUCHA ROBINSON "The relatively deprived back- ground of non-whites has created obstacles to the economic and so- cial adcance of the non-white family in our society," Prof. James Morgan of the Survey Research Center reported recently. In a study on "Race, Economic Attitudes and Behavior," Prof. Morgan and Prof. Martin David of the University of Wisconsin an- alyzed the reasons besides race for social segregation of white and Negro families. Race begins a chain of causa- tion which may affect conditions in an individual's family back- ground such as "religion, place of residence, income, family size and attitudes." These background fac- tors in turn affect an individual's level of education, occupation and family planning, Professors Mor- gan and David asserted. Result of Achievement The individual's present be- havior is' a result of his achieve- ments and decisions. Present be- havior in turn affects present conditions, Professors Morgan and David said. Most non-whites are from the South and come from large fam- ilies of unskilled laborers. Gener- ally they have less formal educa- tion than whites. Economically "most non-whites reported that they felt less able to plan ahead," the report notes. Non-whites are more likely to be in favor of government sup- port of colleges, and aid to needy students.' 'They tend to make no distinction between those that academically deserved scholar- ships, and those in financial need, the study reveals. Non-Whites Earn Less Financially, non-whites earn 40. per cent less than whites. Women who are non-white are more like- ly to work than those who are white. Because of education, their jobs pay less and they work few- er hours. The report continues by show- ing non-whtes were more in favor of having the government support the aged. However, they had "the most favorable attitudes of any subgroups examined towards older people living with their children or relatives." The majority of whites opposed this arrangement. Non-whites are more likely not to own their own home. This fac- tor is probably caused by "dis- crimination, income uncertainty, and FHA regulations which fre- quently do not allow credit for the wife's income." Hectorians Tap .i f ! i Hungry for flavor? Tareyton 's got it! cTjmuuaq,*uunu'ce lp. 1ia.. i cline nrtp-cc rivisn eit 1"