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February 08, 1963 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-08

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~Elg aiAI an a4t1
Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail" :
lorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. Th4 must be noted in all reprints.

"How Long Do You Think Before They'll Crack Up?"

'The Devil's Wanton';
Magnificent Depression

W, FEBRUARY 8, 1963


Honest John's Proposal:
Well-Meant but Dangerous

EDUCATORS ENTER Confusion Stage on .
Campus Reds," screamed a headline in last
week's edition of a small west-side Detroit
iewspaper. The column beneath contained the
:rim warning of Rep. Richard A. H. J. Guzow-
ki (D-Detroit) to clamp down on state uni-
ersities which have been acting "in defiance
f the Michigan Legislature."
"Honest John" Guzowsk is upset by the
,ppearance of Frank Wilkinson, Carl Braden
,nd other highly controversial fellows at the
tate's institutions of higher learning during
he past few months. So he has proposed an
.mendment to the state constitution which
would prohibit universities from extending their
acilities to speakers "advocating, teaching or
irging subversion."
Honest John is serious about getting his
roposal through the Legislature. He has dis-
ributed hundreds of free copies of the news-
iaper in which he was so prominently dis-
4layed; he has testified before the House com-
ittee considering his bill; he has enlisted the
pen support of nine other lawmakers who
erved as co-sponsors.
1T'S ROUGH drawing up an amendment like
this," Guzowski confided recently. "We want
o keep constitutional rights in focus, so that
eislation is good for all the people"; he said
n acknowledging the danger in framing amend-
nents whose provisions, if not worded just
ight, could conceivably restrict the rights of
ormal, loyal citizens as well as subversives.
But legislation is unfortunately necessary,
luzowsk continued, because the Communist
'arty is engaged in a "world-wide" movement,
tarted in Prague several months ago, to win
ver the minds of youth. Right now, the Com-
munists are striving to "gain acceptability" by
peaking to student groups (Braden and Wil-
inson at the University last May, Herbert
Lptheker at Michigan State University Jan. 17,
arl Winter at Wayne State University the
ame day). How does Guzowski know all about
he Communists' secret strategy? Well, he
randished a pamphlet by FBI Chief J. Edgar
loover 'that revealed the Red strategy, and a
tter from noted Detroit patriot Donald Lob-
inger that "explained" Red strategy.
As the representative sees it, the new speaker
olicy adopted by the three universities "is
uposed to keep the Communists off the cam-
uses. But it's not working," he charged. He
Mood on what he told the Detroit newspaper:
It is obvious that the universities are attempt-
ng to get around assuming any responsibility
t all. Closed meetings are possible (meaning,
resumably, speeches at private groups or cam-
us political party meetings). If the state is
oing to supply facilities for Communist cells,
erhaps the people of the state should first
.ave something to say about it."
HILE GUZOWSKI'S patriotism is refresh-
ing and his enthusiasm commendable, his
eclaration undoubtedly stamps him, in edu-
ated minds, as a crackpot whose public com-
ments deserve only to be ignored. Nevertheless,
he major errors in his assessment of things
night as well be pointed out, especially since
uzowski is, after all, a legislator, and since
e shows not a whit of respect for facts and
1) The proposed amendment would bar
peeches urging subversion of the state or na-
tonal government. Unfortunately, the consti-
utional section to which it would be added
bates that "every person may freely speak,
trite and publish his sentmients on all sub-
cts, being responsible for the abuse of such
4nother bad problem involves the concept of
niversity autonomy. The state constitution
llows the governing boards of the three major
niversities "general supervision" over their in-
ernal affairs; the Legislature is given no such
2) Guzowski claims that the four speakers

were not clearly identified as Communists and
that their application forms to speak contained
Two of the four are admitted Communists:
Herbert Aptheker is the editor of Political Af-
fairs, an organ of the party, and Carl Winter is
head of the Michigan region of the party and
midwest correspondent for The Worker. It has
yet to be proved, however, that Braden and
Wilkinson are Communist, despite Guzowski's
saying that he has "no doubts" that they are.
He cites the numerous identifications made
under oath before certain congressional com-
mittees by ex-Communists that the two are in-
deed dedicated Communists. But "identifica-
tion" is not proof, and until a court of law has
established the fact that the Braden-Wilkinson
team is Communist, or until they themselves
have admitted it, no one should make an un-
founded charge of such a serious nature.
GUZOWSKI BELIEVES that the murky back-
ground of the four speakers was sneakily
concealed at the three universities, and in par-
ticular he waves a photostat of the speaker ap-
plication form filled out for the Braden-Wilkin-
son affair here last spring. To the question of
whether the speaker is or has been a Commu-
nist, the sponsoring Democratic-Socialist Club
answered "no" on the form. What Guzowski
doesn't say is that in a previous question which
demands relevant aspects of the speakers' back-
ground, the application form contains a clear
and direct answer, including the fact that
Braden and Wilkinson have spent.time behind
bars for refusing to affirm or deny their Com-
munist affiliation before the House Un-Ameri-
can Activities Committee.
Finally, the four speeches were amply ad-
vanced and covered by the state's'wire services
and the college newspapers; in fact, they at-
tracted attention only because the speakers
were Communist or controversial. Guzowski's
claim that their true political leanings were
hidden from an unsuspecting public therefore
is obviously spurious.
3) The proposed amendment parallels the
universities' own restrictions on controversial
speakers. Since the amendment wouldn't pre-
vent speakers from saying anything they can't
already say, it appears to be a most useless one
on that count also.
Guzowski, who approves of talks by Commu-
nists provided they are on academic subjects,
didn't attend the speeches by Braden, Wilkin-
son and Aptheker, and so he admits he doesn't
know whether they would have violated the
proposed amendment. At WSU, Winter sub-
verted his audience by telling it that "contrary
to public opinion, the Communist Party in the
United States, does not advocate the violent
overthrow of the government . . . it is devoted
to the expansion and strengthening of Ameri-
can democracy, to the fulfillment of the demo-
cratic ideal."
If Guzowski therefore cannot point to any-
thing even close to "advocating, teaching or
urging of subversion," he has not business em-
ploying scare tactics to get his legislation
through-unless "fulfillment of the democratic
ideal" is subversion.
AT PRESENT, however, it looks as if his
-amendment won't pass, but not because the
other legislators don't approve of it. They just
think it is sort of stupid to put an amendment
to the old constitution on the same ballot along
with the proposed state constitution, for if the
new document is okayed it naturally would
make Guzowski's amendment meaningless.
None of the legislators has risen to criticize
the substance of Honest John's proposal. They
think it is wonderful.
It isn't. Guzowski's educational prophylactic
against subversion is a contradictory, useless,
ludicrous scheme which constitutes a gross re-
pudiation of academic and political ideals.

INGMAR Bergman's "The Devil's
Wanton" is one of those films
that dumps a viewer into a state
of depression. It carries the same
atmosphere of doom, mystery, and
isolation that were unfolded in.
Bergman's two Academy-Award
winning films, "The V i r g i n
Spring" and "Through a Glass
Not only is its story a cynical,
wretched thing, built upon the
idea that the devil is not evil
because it i she who satisfies
man's inner desires, but so much
excellent acting and good direc-
tion and technical quality have
been put into it that its emo-
tional impact is extremely rare.
Some people, however, will not
want to stick around to the end,
for it is a pretty dull lot of horror
Bergman is dishing up-psycho-
logical, complex, and often diffi-
cult to understand.
Those, however, who grasp some
of Bergman's ideas, perhaps will
realize that he is only playing
with thehhorrible idea that the
devil rules the world and man
forever damns himself in his own
living hell. One player, in fact,
explains this ugly idea quite
"After life comes death," he
says. "That's really the only
thing you need to know. Those
who are sentimental or frightened
can resort to the church. And
those who are bored, tired or in-
different can commit suicide."
BIRGER Malmsten, in the role
of an alcoholic, and Doris Sved-
land, in the role of a young pros-
titute whose doom will leave most
viewers feeling sick, stand out
among these characters that have
the look of a demon.


Honors Council Plan Unfair, Misleading

Hasse Ekman, who portrays a
motion picture director, Eva Hen-
ning, an unfaithful wife, and Stig
Olin, a thief, are convincing in
their roles. And Erland Von
Koch's musical score sets the ap-
propriate tonal mood of evil.
Together the technical devices
and demonic characters give this
film its atmosphere of destruction
and mystery, plus the element of
surprise. It's strictly for those
intellectuals who think they un-
derstand Bergman and know hiw
his films reflect his personal views
of life, evil and immortality.
-Kay Anne Cooper
Steering Committee Concert
featuring Stu Aptekar and his
"Metropolitan Jazz Quintet" prov-
ed worthwhile to the 350 aficio-
nados who weathered the 20 min-
ute delay before the program got
The ingenuity of bassist Norm
Cohen and the originality of pian-
ist Steve Rabson's compositions
highlighted the hour and a half
show. After a somewhat shaky
start with a standard treatment
of "Tangerine" the group came
into its own on the Rabson orig-
inal, "Waltz Modale," in which the
solo work of trumpeter Aptekar
was a surprising combination of
Miles Davis and Dizzy Gillespie.
"Waltz Modale" led into a ren-
dition of "Milestones" with good
solo work by trombonist Bill Har-
Trio work by Cohen, Rabson,
and drummer Ralph Mallory on
a Rabson composition entitled
"Come Softly" was particularly
enhanced by a technically complex
and tasteful bass solo by ,Cohen.
* * *
AFTER A brief intermission, at
which time a spokesman for the
steering committee announced that
similar jazz concerts will be held
in the future, the quintet returned
with Dizzy Gillespie's "A Night
in Tunisia." Aptekar's terminal
cadenza, a la Gillespie, 'was his
most impressive solo work of the
evening. Employing several jazz
slurring devices and displaying
excellent control in the high regis-
ter, Aptekar demonstrated the
technical assets he used all even-
ing. His most important draw-
back, however, was also evident
on the final cadenza; he prolonged
the obligatomintohobvious repiti
tions utilizing; the same device
over and over.
Harman took over on the next
piece, "Easy to Love." His long-
adaited solo work was brilliant
in spots, exceeding some of the
better work of J. J. Johnson in
ingenuity by cleverly working
around the chording of the mel-
of the group's two encores,
"Four'" and "Sack of Woe," the
latter was articulated with the
most feeling. Beginning softly and
slowly, Mallory moved the group
through solos by Aptekar, Rabson,
and Harman with increasing fer-
vor. By the time Cohen, who was
a solid favorite with the audience,
began the artful bass climax be-
fore the number's denoument, the
emotional pitch was at a perfect
-Jan Winkelman
1HE ATTITUDES of parents and
collegestoward sex and mar-
riage have puta social shotgur
into the 'hands ofa the young

-Margaret Mead

To the Editors:
ing Committee recently sent
out a letter advising members of
the honors program that honors
housing was being planned for the
This is segregation. Honors
housing would be most damaging
to the honors student, as segrega-
tion in the South is most damag-
ing to the white man who believes
himself superior to the Negro. Why
should honors students live alone?
Does a three point average neces-
sarily indicate a compatible tem-
perament or even unusual intel-
ligence? The idea of a social-
intellectual elite is hollow and
SECONDLY, this housing, pro-
gram would probably cause jus-
tified resentment among those left
out. Even according to ;the Honors
Council's logic, if present housing
is of low caliber, is it not rather
selfish to abandon it and let it
become even more chaotic?
The letter implies, since no
reasons were given which just-
fied the program, that it is ac-
ceptable to all honors students.
In our experience this is most
certainly untrue. We would like
to hear the Honors Council's jus-
tification and we would like to
have many opinions expressed be-,
fore the program goes ahead.
-Roy S. Neuberger, '65
-Linda Villency, '66
-Lee Bromberg, '65
-Robert Wallin, '64
Strategy.. .
To the Editor:
A FTER VIEWING the Wolver-
" ines' frustrating loss to the
University of Wisconsin-a loss
which for all practical purposes
ended any hopes of Big Ten
prominence-I asked myself why
the adjective "frustrating" seemed
to fit so well a game in which
both sides displayed such fine
basketball. The answer was this:
that the frustration grew from
the fact that the University played
at least as well as Wisconsin,
showed some of its best shooting
of the year, carried a six point
lead into the waning moments of
the game, and then proceeded to
get outscored by nine points in
the last four minutes to lose by
Perhaps the players were at
fault. The answer tp this alter-
native, as far as I am concerned,
is definitely in the negative. All
five starters played most of the
game, played well, and each scored
in double figures. It is difficult
to see how the same team that
outplayed Wisconsin for 36 min-
utes could so easily throw the
game away in the last four. They
are human, we say, and made
some mistakes which will not
happen again. Well, friends, they
will happen again and the play-
ers are not to be blamed, for
these mistakes which continually
occur late in the game are the
result not of playing deficiencies
but a decided lack of effective
strategy when it is most 'needed.

whom Kunczy was guarding, to
drive for the basket. Such a stra-
tegy is common knowledge; either
Kunczy fouls Pomey and is forced
to leave the game or he must
guard Pomey loosely, giving Michi-
gan a much better chance to score.
But Pomey doesn't drive and
Michigan loses by three small
2) Against Wisconsin with one
and a half minutes to go the
Badgers had the ball, one point
down. If Michigan let their op-
ponents retain possession, Wiscon-
sin would be in an excellent posi-
tion-especially considering their
hot shooting-to score or get foul-
ed in the act of shooting in the
waning seconds receiving two
free shots and the chance to tie
and/or win.
Had Strack had a Michigan
player foul a Wisconsin man with.
over a minute to go and before
the shot, the Badgers would have
received only one shot. Thus, the
worst that could have happened
would have been a tie score and
Michigan, rather than Wisconsin,
would be in the advantageous po-
sition of having possession of the
ball, the last shot, the possibility
of being fouled and a minimum
guarantee of a tie game.
Next year, the University looks
forward to the greatest basketball
team in its history. It would be
a shame to see Dave Strack mis-
manage this fine array of talent
into mediocrity.
-Leonard M. Gomberg, '64
De Gaull .. .
To the Editor:
AS PHILIP Sutin cheerily wishes
Great Britain best of luck in
a search for new, non-EEC eco-
nomic associations, does he real-
ize that by his own reasoning he
is asking her to put the look on
the "door" the President de
Gaulle has closed?
Regardless of whether Mr. Sut-
in (in agreeing with de Gaulle)
is correct in his estimate of Bri-
tain's current non-European com-
mitments as being irreconciliable
with the interests of the Common
Market, it is obvious that the more
the country "links" itself with
other units the more it will alie-
nate itself from the EEC, thus in-
definitely postponing the prospect
not only of; a truly united West,
but even of the prerequisite united
Europe. But I don't think that the
prospect of an Atlantic alliance
can be dismissed so casually as
Mr. Sutin would like to think.
This vision has been a corner-
stone of American foreign policy
for years, not only as a military
design, but as an economic ar-
rangement that cannot help but
aid all countries involved, and
economic strength is in the long
run the most potent answer to
the "Communist threat."
In view of these considerations,
then, it would seem that President
de Gaulle's decision to end nego-
tiations now was undeniably pre-
mature and ill-considered.
-Michael Borgos, '66 A&D
Bicycles . .*

in notices posted on campus and
in the residence halls, are as fol-
1. Bicycles parked illegally on
sidewalks, under canopies, or
blocking building exits will be
2. Bicycles on University prop-
erty which do not bear a current
(1963) Ann Arbor License will be
3. Bicycles stored (left over 48
hours) in classroom areas will be
4. Bicycles left unlocked in
racks on University property will
be subject to impoundment.
* * *
WHEN I explained why my bi-
cycle was at South Quad, I was
told I could retrieve it at no
charge. The reason given for tak-
ing it in the first place was that
when boys' bikes are at girls
dorms, and vice versa, for a long
time; they are impounded.
I feel that the University has no
right to do this and think that
something should be done about
it. If this has happened to any-
one else, or if somebody knows
what can be done, please make
yourself heard.
-Mary Rapaport, '63
Octopus *. .
To the Editor.
AS A FISH that is unwittingly
lured by the bait of a fisher-
man, so is this nation unknow-
ingly lured by the commercial
drum-beat of that monolithic
octopus-like industry of the In-
surance companies. In an effort
to seek and cling to security and
comfort, it knows not that it is
losing its very security and com-
fort. This is a sad irony of our
Insurance, like a cankerous
worm that works from within, kills
that buyer-seller bargaining rela-
tionship which is an essentialrand
important prerequisite of any free
enterprise economy. Humans, with
the exception of a few rugged but
hapless individuals, psychologi-
cally tend to take the easiest
course, unless it affects them
directly. When an insurance com-
pany foots the bills, one is apt
to take the most convenient way
without having to bother with the
due process of bargaining. A few
weeks ago, during that cold spell,
two cars stalled in North campus
area. One car was insured for
road-tow service, and the other
was not. The first garage that the
owner of the first car called want-
ed $6.50 to tow the car to main
campus area, and he immediately
said, "O.K." The owner of the
other car called about seven dif-
ferent garages and got charges
ranging from $6.50 to $3.00 for
the same service. And naturally
he choose the one with the mini-
mum charge. Countless examples,
similar to the case of the owner
of the first car where absence of
the genuine individual bargaining
element, caused by insurance, re-
moves the essential base of free
enterprise, are happening all over
the country every day, in every
field of human economy-medi-
cine, house damage, etc.,.

with psychological forces and not
an angel) tends to take risks and
chances in every aspect of driving.
Granted that in a highly indus-
trialized mobile machine-trans-
ported society traffic deaths are
going to'occur, yet if every driver
knew consciously and subcon-
sciously that if anything happen-
ed, no insurance company will
foot anything but he has to starve
and struggle for years maybe to
pay it with his own pay-checks,
then he is apt to be ten times more
reduce the country's traffic death
cautious and less hasty. This will
toll by at least half. Though it is
hard to believe, it is true that the
insurance companies provide each
driver with a psychological ticket
to less cautious and more chance-
taking driving.
* * *
THE AVERAGE American fam-
ily, especially the one with chil-
dren, is finding it extremely hard
to pay the various insurance pre-
miums. Little do they realize that,
if no family was insured for any-
thing, the bargaining relationship
so essential to free enterprise be-
tween seller and buyer, between
hospital and patient, etc., will 'be
so strongly operative that all bills
will be very significantly reduced.
This alone will enable the average
family to havea more secure and
comfortable life in the true sense
of the term.
The insurance octopus is now
beginning to grow another ten-
tacle to further entangle the un-?
wary citizen. This time it tries
to reach him to the nethermost
end of human life, into the very
shadow of the valley of death.
Time Life Insurance Co., a Texas-
based concern, is drum-beating to
get people insured for their own
burial expenses. I am sure all
great and inspired Americans who
feel the thrill and joy of a life
well lived and a death well died
will break this, tentacle before it
grows too long and gnarled.
-Thomas S. David, Grad

Regional Collee Won't Work

NY PROPOSAL for regional financing of the
University takes a very narrow view towards
hLe interests of other states in the Midwestern
In short, such a proposal would turn the
niversity into a regional top-flight institu-
on financed by Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana,
linois and Ohio.
The United States is organized along federal
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
AROLTNE DOw ............... Personnel Director
UIDITH BLETER . ........ Associate City Editor
RED RrT8 FI L KRAMER .. Assoc. Editorial Director
YNTHIA NEU............. Co-Magazine Editor
ARRY PERLSTADT ............ Co-Magazine Editor
'O WEBBER................ .Sports Editor
AVE ANDREWS . .........Associate Sports Editor
AN WINKLEMAN ............ Associate Sports Editor

and state divisions. Regions exist only as geo-
graphical and perhaps sociological divisions, not
as governmental divisions. One of the functions
of a state is to provide for higher education
within that state. It would be financially unat-
tractive to a state to require it to become con-
cerned with the educational problems outside
its boundaries.
APPROPRIATIONS and tuition money paid
to the University remain in Michigan. Oth-
er states, following mercantilist policies, are
not able to pour $10 million or so into another
state. From their point of view, it would be
better to put the money into improving their
own institutions.
Also, the proposal completely ignores the
processes of forming a budget. How are states
going to agree on what constitutes an adequate
budget? As in Michigan, the budget would be
determined by the money available rather than
the needs. And since relative financial status
of in states will differ, the elements of the
Midwestern region would never be able to agree

Age limits Rubinstein
EN ARTUR Rubinstein last performed in Hill Auditorium in
November, 1960, I stated as reviewer that "It is remarkable how
a man 73 years of age can retain enough strength even to present a
solo piano concert." Now, having turned 77 last week, his feat appears
even more amazing. Rubinstein maintained his same superb mastery
over the keyboard, and was as usual, dynamically excellent.
Inevitably, though, the technical aspect of his performance has
changed markedly. Where, in the past, the Master would devote the
entire, or the major part of his programs to his favorite composer,
Chopin, he is unfortunately no longer able to do so. Demanding such
merciless strength on the performer's part, Chopin works occupied
only a lesser part of last night's concert.
Opening the program was the Sonata in C major, Op. 2, No. 3,
composed by Beethoven in his twenty-fourth year. Surprisingly, the
first movement was dotted with technical flaws, but after this, Rubin-
stein settled down, appearing to toy with the rest of the sonata. His
interpretations of the contrasting serious and Jocular moods of the
youthful Beethoven were extremely vivid and effective.
* * *
THE FOUR Chopin works-Fantasie in F minor, two Etudes, and
the G minor Ballade-brought out by far the best of Rubinstein.
He loves performing Chopin, and his distinctive style of raising his
arms and jumping off his chair appeared in full force. The performances

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