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May 15, 1963 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-15

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Seventy-Tbird Year
Truth Will P revail"'
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Government Must Aid
Birmingham Negroes



Romney for President?
Only He's Uninterested

JUDGING BY the amount of newsprint and
attention devoted to the matter in recent
days, every person of any stature in the
Republican Party is in favor of nominating
Gov. George Romney to oppose President John
F. Kennedy in the 1964 presidential election;
everyone, that is, except Romney himself.
Just why so many people should be so whole-
heartedly in support of a candidate as reluc-
tant as Romney is hard to say. Perhaps they
feel (and with some justification) that even
a reluctant candidate is better than one who
wouldn't stand much chance of obtaining the
party's support. This is the case with the other
candidates who have been proposed thus far.
That any candidate the GOP comes up
with might stand a chance of beating Ken-
nedy in 1964, however, is remote.
Jpp UNTIL fairly recently, the man who
stood the greatest chance in capturing a
majority of GOP supporters next fall has
undoubtedly been New York's Gov. Nelson
Rockefeller. Indeed, many pundits still con-
sider him a frontrunner in the race. But his
recent divorce and subsequent marriage to a
divorcee cannot be passed over lightly. Ac-
cording to a recent survey of top party officials,


provide 28 foreign students with room,
board and social privileges in fraternities will
be beneficial to all concerned.
There has long been the problem of foreign
students at the University becoming isolated
from the rest of the campus. They tend to
group together in apartments and do not
really get to know the rest of the University
community. Often they perceive an attitude of
coolness and hostility which they remember
long after returning to their native countries.
With this new program, the fraternity system
is taking a positive step toward alleviating this
problem. Fraternities, because of their close,
small group living and participation in all
campus activities, are uniquely well suited for
bringing the foreign students out of isolation
and into the mainstream of campus life.
pE IOREIGN STUDENTS, on their part,
will bring new ideas to the fraternity system.
Usually they represent the top intellects of
their respective countries, and their contribu-
tions to the fraternity system will be consider-
But the most important potentiality of the
program is that it could do a great deal to
bring about a better understanding between
American and foreign students. Despite all the
recent furor about anti-discrimination legisla-
tion and regulations, the fact remains that
prejudice is a personal thing. In its simplest
terms it is a deep unreasoning fear of people
whose color, customs or religion seem strange.
Such prejudice can never be legislated away.
Prejudice will diminish only when intelligent
members of different races and religions are
brought together under controled conditions
where they can east, work and relax together.
It is then that they really begin to know and
understand each other.
Under these conditions, the conditions of the
IFC program, prejudice will gradually be re-
placed not merely by tolerance but by true
The fraternity system has designed a very
commendable program.

Rockefeller sentiment in the East has "dimin-
ished terrifically" since his trip to and from
the altar; and the predominantly Roman
Catholic voting populations of those areas
which express this view are not likely to change
their minds too readily.
Another stumbling block to Rockefeller's
chances is the recent scandal over New York's
liquor commission; several officials of that
body were fired for refusing to testify before
a grand jury on graft in New York. Although
the governor was not personally involved, the
fact that his name was linked with the matter
will not help his chances.
hardly the ideal candidate to represent
the GOP, being ultra-conservative. That support
which he might get will come mainly from
those people eager to give a conservative the
chance to show what a man holding suchj
views can do against a Democratic candidate.
The generally held opinion is that Goldwater
will sweep the South and West; indeed there
seems to be a concerted "draft Goldwater"
effort in these areas.-But Goldwater .has as
yet withheld open approval for such a move-
ment and denies that he is a candidate, al-
though perhaps not to the extent Romney has.
For those who find Goldwater too conserva-
tive and Rockefeller too liberal, there is always
the middle of the road. There are a few in-
teresting possibilities. There is Sen. Thruston
Morton of Kentucky, whom party officials in
at least three states regard as a potential dark
horse. There is Gov. William E. Scranton of
Pennsylvania, who does not seem at all in-
terested in the idea. There are any number
of other individuals whom one person or an-
other has suggested as a nominee-everyone
from Gov. James Rhodes of Ohio to evengelist
Billy Graham. Bnt mainly, there is Gov.
FOR HIS OWN PART, Romney has done
little to indicate he wishes the nomination.
Even if he were out to become the next presi-
dent, there still would remain two well-nigh
insurmountable barriers. The first of these, and
the one which GOP leaders should keep fore-
most in their minds, is the exceedingly slim
chance Romney or any other Republican can-
didate would hale against President Kennedy,
who undoubtedly will run for re-election.
But the major reason why rumors of Rom-
ney's being presidential timber are absurd is
that he owes a far greater debt to the people
who elected him Governor of Michigan. Nobody
will deny that Gov. Romney's practical exper-
ience in the area of politics is not the most
abundant and being defeated by President
Kennedy would not help his future chances
any. It is far better that Romney stay in
Lansing and solve the many problems at home
than taking an ill-fated crack at the presidency
and possibly ruining his political career.
Another factor in Romney's reluctance to
accept the GOP nomination at this time is the
current hope that Detroit will be the site of
the upcoming GOP national convention. Tra-
ditionally, the convention is not held in the
home state of a potential candidate. Romney
does not wish to endanger the chances of such
an event by throwing his hat in the ring now.
Romney has done everything possible to
avoid becoming the GOP's Judas goat in 1964,
and there is no reason to suspect that his
refusal is anything less than sincere. The
political bigwigs of the Grand Old Party would
do well to take note of this and waste no more
time making overtures to a man who has
nothing to gain and everything to lose by
accepting their offer.


A Victim of McC arthyism

+E ' tqb3 1 ,
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To the Editor:
coverage concerning the indict-
ment of the members of the
Young Socialist Alliance at Indi-
ana University has not been as full
as should be to present a better
picture of the assault on civil li-
berties at IU.
The three YSA members were
being persecuted by Monroe Coun-
ty Prosecutor Thomas Hoadley un-
der Indiana's 1951 anti-Communist
Act. This law, a residue from the
McCarthy period and similar to
the Pennsylvania law declared un-
constitutional by the United States
Supreme Court, forbids an organi-
zation to "engage in or advocate,
abet, advise, or teach activities
intended to overthrow, destroy, or
alter, or to assist in the overthrow,
destruction or alteration of the
constitutional form of government
of ... the state of Indiana by rev-
olution, force, or violence." The
act further declares it Indiana
state policy "to exterminate Com-
munism and Communists and any
or all teachings of the same.
Hoadley called upon IU to out-


King's Success Unclear

THE SPIRIT of Christ walked the streets of
Birmingham yesterday as the Rev. Martin
Luther King toured Negro neighborhoods
preaching non-violence and collecting pocket
knives. His audience appeared to heed his
words and the non-violent attitude of recent
demonstrations seems to be maintained.
Sunday night the relatively peaceful nature
of the protests broke down just as it appeared
to have won the day. Friday Rev. King and
Birmingham businessmen agreed on a four-
point program ending the city's rigid segrega-
tion. While it was not the total integration the
demonstrators called for, it was a significant
first step.
However,+ the home of Rev. King's brother,
the Rev. A. D. King, and one of the integra-
tionists' headquarters were bombed. Patience
was shattered and violence ensued, bringing
federal troops to the edge of Birmingham.
Thus went Rev. King's mission of non-
violence. Hopefully, it will draw off the ten-
sions that wracked the city over the weekend.
The non-violent approach has succeeded so far.
A race riot now would eliminate most of the
current gains.
DT PWERE massremonnstration tactics the:

ports that the "Senior Citizens," a Chamber
of Commerce committee, had been working
behind the scenes to 'desegregate slowly the
city. They had already planned to upgrade
Negro workers in their stores and pushed the
moderate administration of Albert Boutwell.
The group worked hard to install the mayor-
council system to replace the moribund three-
man commission system, then to place the
proper moderate leadership in it.
But the white group did not talk with the
Negro community, ' the Journal reports. The
"Senior Citizens" were tightly secret. Execu-
tives of Birmingham's two daily papers were
on the committee and kept this news out of
their papers. The committee also assiduously
kept out of the political limelight.
So this communications breakdown occurred.
It was aggravated by the failure of Rev. King
and his Southern Christian Leadership Con-
ference to feel out white attitudes before they
started their demonstrations.
CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE is not enough. It has
to be flexible and have a shrewd political
leadership. Once the demonstrations got under-
way, Rev. King displayed talented leadership
but his timing seems as much determined by


combination of Socrates, H. L.
Mencken and George Washington.
Then imagine Cleopatra as a San-
dra Dee-with-Brains and you have
George Bernard Shaw's "Caesar
and Cleopatra" as it is appearing
today through Saturday at the
Cinema Guild.
Shaw had his own unique meth-
od of interpreting the past and he
was never hindered in his brilliant
handling of historical themes by
such things as facts. Shaw didn't
have to be: if things didn't hap-
pen exactly the way he wrote
them, it was only because he
wasn't around at the time to see
them done properly.
Gabriel Pascal, however, goes
Shaw one step further. Where
Shaw changed history to suit his
plays, Pascal changes Shaw to suit
his movie. One slight little differ-
ence; Shaw was a genius and Pas-
cal isn't.
* * *
as a middle-aged man, wise and
humanitarian in a day when great
battle leaders were characterized
by their cruelty and strength.
Shaw makes Caesar the first pre-
Christian Christian. Pascal follow-
ed this concept of Caesar to an
extent in this direction. He simply
neglected to retain the great war-
rior that both history and Shaw
saw in Caesar. By casting Claude
Rains in the title role, Pascal per-
verts and misrepresents Shaw and
simultaneously weakens the en-
tire movie.
Cleopatra is also mishandled by
Pascal in a manner that would
shock Marc Antony, Plutarch,
Shakespeare, Shaw and Richard
Burton. Vivian Leigh couldn't se-

law YSA and admitted that while
the law "may be unconstitutional
. .. in the meantime it is a valid
law, making illegal an 'organiza-
tion declared legal by the univer-
sity. Obviously Hoadley has no
use for such "formalities" or "lux-
uries" as due process of law. To
him, it was not necessary for an
organization to be tried and con-
victed of violating a law before he
could label it illegal.
Hoadley feels little responsibil-
ity to IU, which did not legalize
YSA by permitting it to use cam-
pus facilities as other youth groups
do. The university hit Hoadley
with criticism for not having con-
sulted them before making his
absurd charges of YSA subversion.
While Hoadley did, as The Daily
reported, state that he was reluc-
tant to prosecute and that he
"would have preferred that the
school handle this affair," he stat-
ed in a radio interview that IU--
whose appropriations come before
the state Legislature at this time
-could have saved\itself embar-
rassment by dropping its recogni-
tion of YSA on his word that it
was subversive.
* * *
IU REFUSAL to ignore due
process confirmed in Hoadley's
mind an opinion shared by Tom
Houston, a member of IU's Young
Americans for Freedom, that IU is
"in the vanguard" of institutions
giving "the green light" to "ex-
treme left-wing organizations" to
use the campuses "as bases to un-
dermine traditional American in-
stitutions." IU, he states, is guilty
of giving "Communists" free ac-
cess to the campuses by its rec-
ognition of a Fair Play for Cuba
group, Young People's Socialist
League, Student Peace Union and
IU Prof. Norwood R. Hanson de-
clared in a letter: "Every member
of the university, faculty and stu-
dent body ought to wake up to
what is happening. If we cannot
have a reparation of ideas from
local politics, if we cannot allow
student discussion groups to dis-
cuss what they please.., then we
are really on our way to Munich."
Support for YSA was not only
limited to elements from the uni-
versity. Senator David Rogers,
Bloomington C i t y Democratic
chairman, said in the state Gen-
eral Assembly that Hoadley's at-
tempt to ban YSA was "ridicul-
ous." Further, in the Bloomington
Star-Courier, R. P. Stein, United
States district attorney for the
Indiana Federal Courts, pointed
out that the 1951 anti-Communist
Act was probably unconstitutional
but that it remained on the books
because it had never been tested.
Nonetheless, Hoadley pushes on.
the '60's McCarthy who will save
this country from those groups
who preach and work for integra-
tion, peace and a better society.
His indictment of YSA is a typi-
cal tactic used by the ultra-right
to intimidate and smash the spirit
of free thinking. It, Hoadley and
the forces he represents must be
fought and defeated on every lev-
el in the United States. This coun-
try and the security of the world

changes in Joint Judic constitu-
tions, and as far as I know, neither
has acted on the proposals now
before them.
And under the present constitu-
tion, Joint Judic is specifically
charged wth the regulation of
men's honoraries and their tap-,
ping procedures. Joint Judic has
never taken this extremely spe-
cific charge much to heart, how-
ever, so it was to be expected that
it would again disregard its duties,
even in the face of Greene House's
demand that they be performed.
It might be interesting if The
Daily would find out who inherits
the legislative power Joint Judic
now holds in this area if and when
its new constitution is approved
and let its readers know.
--Robert L. Farrell, '63
Machinery . .
To the Editor:
IT IS HIGHLY disdainful that
the educational machinery of
the University cannot be halted
for even one lecture period in re-
spect for the passing .of one of its
Prof. Hugh Z. Norton of the
speech department was taken ill
by a stroke Sunday night. He died
shortly before his scheduled class
at 2:00 p.m. Monday. My class-
mates and myself were under-
standably stunned by the an-
nouncement. But that shock was
not as difficult to accept as the
educational perseverance of the
speech department in holding Prof.,.
Norton's class that very afternoon.
I don't think that the admini-
stration would have reprimanded
anyone had the class been can-
celled -- although nothing must
stand in the University's way, not
even the memory of one professor.
I don't want to hear about the
size of thet University and the
problems it creates for the "educa-
tional process", or that there is
little tirne left to cover the ma-
terial of our Speech 231 class.
One class hour in respect for
Prof. Norton was all I expected.
Was that asking too much?
--James M. Wechsler, '63

ONCE AGAIN the federal gov-
ernment is being compelled to
intervene forcibly in the struggle
over the rights of Negroes. As in
Little Rock and in the University
of Mississippi, and now in Birm-
ingham, the controlling fact which
has led to the federal intervention
is the open defiance of the federal
law by state governments.
In Birmingham, a moderate and
modest accommodation was arriv-
ed at by Asst. Atty. Gei. Burke
Marshall's successful mediation
between the Negro leaders and the
leading members of the white
community. But the accommoda-
tion was denounced by the city of-
ficials who are still in office and
received no support from the gov-
ernor. These authorities are mor-
ally responsible for therbombings
which then led to the rioting.
There is no hope that reason
and sanity and good will can pre-
vail as long as the constituted
authorities are opposed to accom-
* ** *
SO THE NATION is defied by
a state government attempting to
nullify the federal law. The Unit-
ed States government cannot sub-
mit to nullification in Alabama.
Even if , the federal government
were unprincipled enough to be
willing to look the other way, the
mounting desperation of the Ne-
gro people, so brilliantly reported
by Robert S. Bird in the New York
Herald Tribune, would make it
impossible. The mentality of this
generation of Negroes is far re-
moved from that of their ances-
tors, and they are shedding very
rapidly the docility of the slave
We must have no illusions that
the Negro protest will subside
even though the disorders In Birm-
ingham are overcome. There are
very difficult issues ,ahead in Ala-
bama. In the coming months there
is almost certain to be a con-
frontation between the state gov-
ernment of Alabama and the fed-
eral government over desegrega-
tion in the university. Probably
before the opening of the univer-
sity in June, the federal district
court will hand down an order to
admit to the Huntsville branch of
the university two : Negro em-
ployees of the Marshall Space
Center. One of the Negroes is a
mathematician and the other is
an electronics engineer. The
Huntsville branch of the university
was set up in order to enable the
employees of the space center to
continue their education.
That is not all. There will prob-
ably soon be a federal court order
to admit a Negro to the university
in Tuscaloosa and also a court
order to desegregate the Birming-
ham public schools.
ALL THIS makes not only a big
bag of problems but also a dis-
orderly one. In a state like Ala-
bama, it is unreasonable to begin
the desegregation of the public
schools and of the university at
the same time. The enforcement
of the . law of the Constitution
against segregation in public edu-
cation requires a plan, a program
and priorities. The hodge-podge in
Alabama is due to the fact that
THE ENTIRE purpose of exter-
nalizing the Communist danger
is to draw the attention of the
American people away from the
fact that the greatest Communiz-
ing force in the world today is not
the Soviet Union with its over-
publicized missiles and rockets, but
the, United States government. Ex-
cept for the conquest of Eastern
Europe, which was done with our
approval and cooperation, the
Communists have not conquered
one single square inch of territory
by pure military, invasion. The po-
litical conquest is first made by

the state department-either in
the forth of a sellout, a betrayal
or a coalition government. The
Soviets enter the picture sonly to
consolidate the political takeover.
-American Opinion

the enforcement of the law is not
proceeding according to a national
plan but has been left almost
entirely to litigation initiated by
the Negro organizations.
Gov. George Romney told us
recently that "the big issue today
is whether excess concentration of
federal power and sovereignty is
going to destroy state, local and
individual freedom and respi-
sibility." That is indeed a wor'i-
some issue. But Gov. Romney
ought now to apply his theory to
the facts in Alabama and say
what the federal ;government
should do when the federal law is
openly defied by a state govern-
He will be compelled to say, I
think, that, as the ultimate re-
sponsibility for law and order
within the union Is in the federal
government, it 'has a duty to use
its rhoral influence and its ma-
terial power, which are very con-
siderable, to promote gradual and
peaceable achievement of equal
rights in public places and in pub-
This is a solemn national com-
mitment from which it is impos-
sible to turn away.
(C)1963, The Washington Post Co
States Stan
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is an ex-
cerpt from an editorial in Micigan
Fraternities Report by John Meyer-
holz, former lnterfraternity .Council
dent Government Council has
the power to recognize and with-
draw recognition from student or-
ganizations on the University cam-
pus . . . At this point, there is
definite legal question as to
whether or not the Regents have
delegated power for SGC to work
in this area; and there also seems
to be a very basic. philosophical
problem as to whether or not this
area is the proper concern of a
body such as SGC. It will become
necessary for the Regents and the
.administration to clarify this en-
tire area both as to the legal
problem and as to the broader
problem, that' of SGC working
further in this area.
The problem is not an easy one
to solve once the legal difficulties
are resolved.; SGC demands, on
the one hand, that it be given full
authority over the area of fra-
ternity and sorority bias. Many of
the fraternity and sorority under-
graduates and alumni, on the
other hand, believe that their
problems should be resolved by a
more responsible group than SGC.
Based on my experience as both
a member of SGC and president of
Interfraternity Council, I see a
very definite need to remove this
area from SGC and create a more
responsible body to work with the
Greek organization on this prob-
There are several immediate
reasons why SGC has not demon-
strated to the campus its ability
to operate in this area. Its struc-
ture lacks continuity from year to
year. There is a complete turn-
over of ex-officios every spring
and an almost complete turnover
of the other Council positions in
a year's time. This necessitates an
entire reindoctrination of the
Council each year as to the nature
of this problem . . . While this
rapid change in thought may be
understood to reflect correctly the
changing nature of the student
body, it hardly leaves the frater-
nities and sororities with any idea
of the long range goals of SGC.
' m* * *

THERE IS a real lack of con-
certed direction in the goals of
SGC in this area. SGC has never
made it clear as to the entire
methodology and ultimate goal
that it is operating under . . . In-
formation has been demanded by
SGC and then after it was receiv-
ed, standards have been set up
to judge the adequacy of the in-
formation. The Committee on
Membership in Student Organiza-
tions has always felt insecure when
working with a group because SGC
has failed to indicate clearly its
position in this area
SGC lacks qualified and respon-
sible members to work in this
area. In the first place, I have
a feeling that some of its mem-
bers are more interested in elimi-
nating fraternities and sororities
than in solving their problems. It
would appear to me that these
members cannot give adequate at-
tention and concern to the prob-
lems when their goal seems not to
be a solution but elimination. To
further demonstrate its irrespon-
sible nature, SGC members are
proceeding with the Harris Re-
port without a clear indication of
Regental backing.
... To point out the problem is
one thing and to find a solution
to it is another. IFC is going to
have to take a stronger position
in this area than it did under my

"Onward And Upward, But Not Too Far"
r, z
ff.- -..-

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