EQUALITY OR BUST : THE BIRMINGHAM WAY See Editorial Page" II, SirA :4E a it~ MOSTLY CLOUDY High-s64 Low-50 Warmer with scattered showers toward afternoon Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 167 SEVEN CENTS ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1963 TWO SECTIONS SIXTEEN PAGES DELTA COLLEGE: Marble Suggests Private Basis State Surplus for Year By 'ANDREW' ORLIN.. At his Thursday meeting with Gov. George Romney, Delta Col- lege President Samuel Marble dis- cussed "an interim proposal con- cerning Delta as a private institu- tion," Marble confirmed last night. Although Delta College does not need Romney's consent to become a private school, "I wished to learn whether this action would preju- dice Delta before the governor's 'blue-ribbon' Citizens Committee on Higher Education," Marble said. All that Delta College legally needs to become a private institu- Ad Hoe Committee Reaches Compromise with Hinsdale By BURTON MICHAELS Hinsdale House in East Quadrangle and the ad hoc committee for the Pilot Project have reached a compromise on Hinsdale's in- clusion in the project. Both the Hinsdale Council and theg ad hoc committee have agreed that only two thirds of the 60 freshmen entering the house ., .. SYDNEY SMYER .. lpd bi-racial group Ne egroes lan Voter Drive By The Associated Press BIRMINGHAM An uneasy quiet reigned in Birmingham yes- terday as Negro leaders mapped plans for a voter-registration drive on the heels of a truce in the ra- cial crisis. Behind the scenes, Negroes said they were moving from house to house seeking renewed efforts to- ward voter registration. Despite settlement-on the sur- face-of issues in this city's six- week racial crisis, more than 500 Alabama highway patrolmen still patroled streets. New Violence Violence flared last night as two persons were injured when a bomb exploded at a Negro motel used as headquarters by integration leaders. At least two other explosions occurred in a Negro residential area. There were no reports of other injuries. Police said the home of the Rev. A.D. King, brother of the inte- gration leader, was heavily dam- aged. The second explosion occurred at a Negro apartment house. Ilogwash Meanwhile, city officials and Gov. George Wallace scoffed at a biracial citizens' committee agree- ment on proposals to end the con- flict, which has seen more than 2000 Negroes arrested and fire See Protest Pictures, Page 8 ?next fall will be in the literary college, instead of all 60, as the committee had originally planned. Although Hinsdale's staff "next year will include only graduate students, they need not all be in the literary college. Cooperative Courses In addition, "we hope to have cooperative courses - a m a t h course for both engineering stu- dents and literary college people, for instance. The committee is trying to set this up and is con- sulting with the engineering col- lege," Hinsdale president Gerald L. Solensky, '65A&D, said. "We feel this compromise will. be beneficial to literary college students and still retain diversifi- cation in our house. It's a step forward in cooperation between students and the administration," Solensky said. He added that HinĀ§- dale is "very grateful" to the ad- ministration and the members of the ad hoc committee for "their cooperation and understanding." As for Hinsdale's fear that the project would destroy its "engi- neering tradition," Solensky ex- plained that "we now feel it will retain our engineering tradition and build up a literary college tradition. By integrating them we can build complete loyalty- to the house.". Hale Agrees Assistant director of housing John M. Hale agreed that the com- proiise would. aid. the project. "We were not going ahead unless we found Hinsdale agreeable to it. If they are, this compromise may strengthen the project because the opportunity to 'have contact with students in other schools is very valuable." Hale added that the proposed cooperative courses "are in keep- ing with the total Pilot Project plan." le saw possibilities of stu- debts in different schools living in the same house and all partici- pating in a similar project. Reached After Meeting The compromise was reached after a meeting between Hinsdale men and the project officials Wednesday night. As a' result of the meeting representatives from Hinsdale m e t Thursday with John H. Taylor, resident director of East Quadrangle, and decided on the compromise. Both the ad hoc committee -and the Hinsdale House Council approved the com- promise Thursday night.y Before the compromise w a s reached, project officials had agreed to try to arrange priority in other living units for discon- tented Hinsdale men who wished to make other arrangements for next year. Since the compromise, however, no Hinsdale men have tried to change their living arrangements, Solensky said. tion is a private charter granted by the Legislature, Marble said. Get State Moving "We are following Romney's views to get Michigan moving by setting up a local educational in- stitution financed by private funds," he commented. However, plans are still tenta- tive and await further information from Romney and the "blue-rib- bon" committee. Although Delta College would be privately supported if it be- came a private local institution, "we would not wish to make it ineligible for public aid by pre- judicing ourselves before the blue- ribbon committee," Marble ex- plained. Former Bills Failed Two plans to make Delta Col- lege a --four-year degree-granting institution failed this year. One bill, establishing a state-supported senior college in the Delta area was defeated in the Legislature. The other proposal was to es- tablish a University branch at Delta. However, after RomneyI noted a desire to await the "blue ribbon" committee's report on higher education, the bill was' withdrawn in the Legislature. The new proposal does not envi- sion any type of participation by ,the University. Marble foresees some type of report from the "blue ribbon" committee by next fall. However, he refused to say whether or not Delta College would seek a charter before that time. Score Idaho Loyalty Act BOISE-Opposition to the new Idaho loyalty oath, signed into law Friday, is mounting on the Idaho State University and Uni- versity of Idaho campuses, The New York Times reported yester- day. The regulation specifically re- quires every employe of the col- leges to take the oath, containing promises to uphold the federal and state constitutions, pledges not to join any organization ad- vocating overthrow of the govern- ment by force, and statements of previous memberships. Prof. Albert E. Taylor of Idaho State predicted that the school would have difficulty in recruiting teachers because of the rule. William E. Drevlow, acting gov- ernor, announced that he was "very happy" to sign it. Two faculty members at Idaho have said they will resign at the end of the school year because of the oath: At Idaho State the Amer- ican Association of University Pro- fessors has retained counsel to attack the law. Prof. George Heck- ler, president of the local chapter, called the statute "thought con- trol." The provisions of the'law become effective next week but the state has not decided whether to re- quire the filing of oaths until July 1. USNSA structure and the National Student Congress held each sum- mer. These proposals can go into effect only if' they are adopted today by the plenary body which consists of all official delegates to the regional assembly. Student Rights Motion Toward furthering s t u d e n t rights, a motion listing "student rights and responsibilities" was accepted with amendments by one of the subcommittees. It holds the student responsible for devoting himself to increasing his knowledge and to supporting student government democratical- ly. He also should assume the re- sponsibility to respect the rights of faculty and administration, the motion states. Education a Right Defining education as a right- not a privilege-the, motion recog- nizes "the right of every indi- vidual to be educated to the extent of his intellectual potential." The motion also enumerates 13 other rights, including the right to clear statements of a school's, regulations, the student's right "to hear speakers of. his choice" and "to pursue change within his in- stitution." Turning to internal reform, the subcommittee considered a reso- lution submitted by Student Gov- ernment Council P r e s i d e n t Thomas Brown, '63BAd, a n d USNSA Michigan region chairman Howard Abrams, '63. Congress Reform Calling for reforms of the na- tional congress, the resolution criticizescte bulk of the legisla- tive agenda as too long, the power exercised at the congress by its top leaders and the general re- moval of legislation from the member schools' authority. The resolution asserts that all legislation should originate either with the student governments or official delegates of the member schools. It also would vest all legislative authority exclusively in the con- gress itself. Previously, the USNSA national executive committee had been given some initiative and legislative power. Civil rights motions and declar- ations also passed through the subcommittee. May Exceed Estimates, Approach $41 Million -Daily-Richard Cooper USNSA WORKSHOP-Mary Beth Norton (right) and Thomas Brown (left) and two delegates from other colleges in the state discuss proposed reforms of the National Student Congress, to be held this August on the University of Indiana campus. State USNSA Delegates Support Student Rights By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM Increasing student rights was the major topic considered yester- day as observers and'delegates to the semi-annual assembly of the Michigan Region of the 'United States National Students Association prepared resolutions and motions for plenary consideration today. The 28-man contingent from five Michigan universities and col- leges also discussed and recommended motions to improve the effec- tiveness of the Michigan regional Syria, Iraq Set Changes DAMASCUS OP) - Controlling revolutionary commands yester- day overhauled the governments of Syria and Iraq-two members of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser's planned Arab federation. The two nations agreed to unite with Nasser's Egypt after succes- sive revolutions in February and March. But a week-old Syrian po- litical crisis threatened to upset the union. A Baghdad announcement of the Iraqi shakeup gave no hint that the threat had deepened in that country. It said Iraq was going forward for Arab unity. Resignation After a week of pro-Nasser riot- ing in Syria, the National Revo- lutionary Council accepted, the resignation of Prime Minister Sa- lah Bitar,. a Ba'ath Socialist who took over in a bloodless coup March 8. The council then asked Sami Jundi to replace him and at- tempt to form a government. He has been a proponent of Arab uni- ty. The Syrian switch appeared aimed at solving the nation's poli- tical crisis but whether it would do so remained a question. In Baghdad, the cabinet of Ah- med Hassan Bakr resigned but President Abdel Salam Aref asked Bakr to form a new government, an Iraqi broadcast said. T Mission Accomplished The broadcast quoted Bakr as saying the cabinet, formed after the fall of dictator Abdul Karim Kassem on Feb. 8, had felt its missibn was accoiplished with the April 17 signing of the Cairo agree- ment for a federation of. Egypt, Syria and Iraq. In his resignation letter, Bakr said "Iraq is approaching an era ushering in the immediate rise of the United Arab Republic as well as the new stage of preparatory constructive work for the estab- lishment of the tripartite federa- tion. We feel this requires a new basis and a new government that can adapt itself to this new stage." Optical Astronomy By MICHAEL JULIAR (First of a Series) With the fantastic growth of radio astronomy since World War II, its observations of heavenly bodies formerly unknown to optical telescopes and its penetrations of some of the mysteries posed by the universe, optical astronomy has been pushed into the background-at least in the public's eye. And this branch of the oldest of the sciences may also be getting the poor man's share of the funds it feels it needs to make progress. Prof. Lawrence H. Aller, now at the University of California at Los Angeles, who left the University's astronomy department last spring after being here since 1948, raised this point in the January issue oScee, th wveekly journal of the American ~ Association for the Advance- ~ ment of Science, '"'. 'Dust of Obsolescence' i S "The opening of a new win- . dow in the electromagnetic spectrum (radio astronomy) does not mean that we should close one of the old ones (op- tical astronomy), or allow it to sblacken up with the dut ofl obsolescence," he says. Amnongf his main points are the need for more ground-based optical telescopes-bigger, better and up-to-date. . At the Kitt Peak Nationala Observatory in Arizona, there are telescopes available or un- der construction which staff RADIO TELESCOPE and students of many schools .rich man's share can use up to 60 per cent of the time. "It could just about handle the optical stellar needs of two or possibly three good graduate schools in astronomy," Prof. Aller says. Prof. Orren C. Mohler, chairman of the astronomy depart- ment says that "newness of equipment isn't important to us; it has to be appropriate. This Isn't the same thing as the need for big light-gathering equipment which Prof. Aller says is needed. He is talking about experiments that interest him and that are important to him. Men, Equipment, Time "There are thousands of problems in astronomy that need to be solved and'each of them needs its own equipment. You need the proper instrument for the problem, the right men, equipment and time,"..Prof. Mohler points out. S In his article, Prof. Aller points out that "the need for capital investment In optical astronomy cannot be'met at the local-university level; every college is pushed to the limits of its resources to provide buildings and staff to handle ever- growing numbers of students. "Substantial support should be given to an agency such as the National Science Foundation so that worthwhile projects requiring capital investments can be supported on their own merits."t .a WIN, THEN LOSE:R May Im1peril Income Tax Legislation Romney Declares Increasing Revenues Still May Fall Short By RAYMOND HOLTON Gov. George Romney announced yesterday that Michigan will have an estimated $40.5 million general fund surplus at the close of the 1962-63 fiscal year June 30. ,This is $7.5 million greater than the $33 million surplus Romney predicted in his budget message to the Legislature Jan. 30. However, Romney said the reve- nue from tax collections is in- creasing, but not as rapidly as the revenue required to meet the de- mands of a growing population. Still Need Session This revised surplus increase does not decrease the need for a special session of the Legislature next fall to overhaul Michigan's tax structure. Sen. Raymond' D. Dzendzel (D- Detroit) speculated that Romney "may be trying to evade fiscal- reform legislation by placing in the eyes of Michigan a rosy fi- nancial picture." Dzendzel added that Democrats will vote against any state in- come tax without "complete fis- cal reform" next fall. Complete fiscal reform must in- clude the removal of food and medicine from the sales tax and the elimination of many nuisance taxes, Dzendzel added. Fiscal Reform Problems Sen. Stanley G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor) said yesterday Romney's expected fiscal reform next fall will run into difficulties because of the surplus. "With two good back-to-back auto years, it will be difficult to get a state income tax through the Legislature because we're not on a lean year," Thayer said. However, Michigan 'cannot al-, ways depend onhhigh automobile sales and must adopt a much healthier tax structure, he added. News of the surplus reached Romney in a memorandum from state controller Glenn Allen. Allen said the increase is a result of higher tax collections. Romney warned that even if the entire surplus were applied to the state deficit it would still leave the general fund with a deficit of $45.1 million on June 30. Romney also indicated he was opposed to establishment of a state lottery to raise state funds. "I don't think a sound economy is built on. gambling which in- cludes lotteries," he said. Rep. Edwin A. Fitzpatrick (D- Detroit) had said he would ask Romney to back a renewal of his perennial efforts to set up such a lottery. As a result of the New Hamp- shire legislature's approval of a state sweepstakes in ' financing their government, lottery advo- cates in the Legislature here have found a new impetus in their ar- gument. Immediately after the New Hampshire decision, Sen. John T. Bowman (D-Roseville) announced he would ask the Legislature to make a study of lottery proposals. U.S. Asks Court To Release Men AGBomb CTase WASHINGTON (*P-The Justice Department brought court action yesterday for the immediate re- lease. of five Negroes arrested in Holmes County, Miss. on a charge of fire-bombing a Negro home. Local officials there accused the five of committing arson in an ef- fort to stir up sympathy for a voter-registration drive. In a suit filed in the United States District Court in Jackson, Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy call- ed the charge "false and baseless" and said it was an attempt to in- State' employes, who haver signed by then will have their s aries withheld, and persons, fusing to sign will be obliged resign., not sal- re- .to Wolverines' Title Hoes Hurt by Split with MSU i Unit-rule Found Unconstitutional Maryland's unit-rule in state- wide primary elections was ruled unconstitutional yesterday by a three-judge federal court. Mary- land, the last state to use the rule, was found to be violating the "equal protection" clauses of the United States Constitution in do- ing so. hoses and police dogs brought into play to control Negro demonstra- tors. Staunch segregationist Police' Commissioner Eugene Connor, who directed the arrests and repulsed the crowds, said the agreement was "the lyingest face-saving. statem'ent that ever was issued. In a radio interview later, Con- nor reiterated his statement and demanded, that merchants who would desegregate their facilities make themselves known so that the white people'could stay away from stores. Wallace called the agreement a "so-called truce," and said the ceasing of demonstrations was brought about by beefed-up law enforcement. "This show of strength;" Wal- lace said, speaking of 575' patrol- men and other officers brought in Tuesday, "has impressed on the leaders of mob action that such conduct no longer will be tolerat- ed." Four Points The agreement provides: 1) Desegregation 'of lunch coun-; to.., - ... ....w1 ila- -sn a +n r 'NOT WANTED' IN AMERICA: Gesensway Notes Modern Composer's D By PERRY HOOD Special To The Daily EAST LANSING-The Spartaps of Michigan State all but erased Michigan's hopes for a Big Ten championship baseball team by defeating them 3-1 in the second game of a doubleheader here yesterday. The Wolverines did win the first game 4-2, but were unable to combat the misfortunes which abounded. in the crucial second game. The Michigan batsmen drew blood in the first contest with two out "in the second inning, when Dick Post singled and was followed Im- mediately by another single to left center by Pete Adams, ad- vancing Post to third. State pitch- er Doug Miller fired a low pitch iem m as whichgot away from catcher George Azar and allowed Post to score. plentiful 30 to 35 years ago," but State was given a second chance because of mechanization, in- in the fifth frame. when Michigan dustry and the fact that people pitcher Fritz Fisher lost his con- who are using live music do not trol for a short while, after third pay well, "there are few good pros- baseman John Hines had doubled pects for today's serious musicians. to deep left field with no one on "Being a language, music, like base. Fisher walked the next three' spoken language, has it own litera- men, forcing in the run. Dennis ture. Beethoven and Bach and the Ketcham then grounded out to other greats lave a message vital retire the side. to life and experience. Getting the Michigan's chance came in the message firsthand makes the study seventh inning. Lead-off batter of music worthwhile." ' Dave Campbell reached first on Musical Prostitutes a short grounder plus a fielding Music can be compared to sex, error by third baseman Hines. Jim love and life, Gesensway pointed Steckley hit a short roller to the By RICHARD KELLER SIMON The serious modern composer faces a difficult time today be- cause he is "basically not wanted in the American social scheme," according to Louis Gesensway, composer and a first violinist for the Philadelphia Orchestra. The only place where there is need for musical composition is in advertising, the movies and mu- sicals, and even here this com- mercial side is overcrowded and, controlled by cliques, he said. Kedaly Student Gesensway, who studied under plight of the serious composer is further compounded by the large group of musicians who think they are composers but are not. To some degree ego is important, since compositions are a mani- festation of the self, he added. "In the serious field where one can be creative the composer is reduced to being a beggar. If Beethoven and Mozart were living today they would be forced to beg, conductors to look at their scores,"' he said. Most, conductors either reject' scores immediately, wait and then, imagine they are the 'greats'I whose music they are conducting,"1 Gesensway asserted. "When the honestly lazy con-1 ductors do pick something new,I they want all the glory . them-l selves." In defense of conductors, he: added that not all fit this descrip-1 tion, and when they reject worth-r less music they are acting quite1 correctly.I Underpaid Composers c "Most orchestras pay little to the composer in relation to the actual work involved in writingI , :::