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February 07, 1963 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-07

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___________________________________________________________________________ AARJZ..I~uJr).L a

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Booth Cites Significant
Spiritual QuestNovels

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The novels of spiritual quest are
too important to be ignored if one
is to be truly alive in our time,
Prof. William C. Booth said at
an English department lecture
Prof. Booth from the University
of Chicago said that these novels
have no established name, that the
names that have been applied do
not always correctly describe all
the works in the group: metaphys-
ical, existentialist, philosophical.
He put critics into two groups-
splitters and lumpers. The split-
ters make extra categories where
there are none, and the lumpers
place significant independent cat-
egories into larger and more vague
Attracts Lumpers
Since this particular group of
novels has attracted large num-
bers of lumpers, Prof. Booth be-
lieved that some splitting was in
order. He then proceeded to elim-
inate the works which did not fit
into the specific category of spiri-
tual quest.
The first group he eliminated
were those novels which, although
there might be some spiritual im-
plications, had no character con-
sciously seeking spiritual satisfac-
tion. Further narrowing reduced
the group to only those novels
whose heroes were involved in a
*quest for maturity and identity, as
James Joyce's "Portrait of the Ar-
The final reduction was to nov-
els which contain a hero searching
for meaning and identity, not only
for himself but for society. A piece
of this type must not be a religious
work giving pat answers to exist-
He said that the invasion of
metaphysics into fiction in the last
25 years has been one of the most
important developments of the
period. It is obvious, he noted,
Name Haber
To Help Plan
Prof. William Haber, chairman
of the economics deartment, has
been named a member of the
committee planning the national
observance of the 50th anniversary
of the United States Department
of Labor next month.
He also serves as a member of
the Federal Advisory Council on
Employment Security of the Labor
His invitation to serve on the
committee came from Sect etary of
Labor Willard Wrtz.
President John F. Kennedy will
address the national observance
of the Labor Department's an-
niversary on March 4 in Washing-
ton. Wirtz and business and labor
leaders will also take part in the
A special Michigan observance
will be held on March 13 which
will have as its theme "Further
Development of a Manpower Pol-
icy in the United States."
Katharine Gibbs
Full 'tuition for one year
plus $500 cash grant
Open to senior women interested in
business careers as assistants to ad-
ministrators and executives.
Outstanding training. Information
now available at the College Plac-
mant Bureau.
BOSTON 16, MASS. . 21 Marlborough St.
NEW YORK 17, N. V. . . 200 Park Ame.
MONTCLAIR, N. J. . . 33 Plymouth St.
PROVIDENCE 6, R. I. . . 155 Angeli St.
- - - - - - - - - - - -::- : - :.- - ::: ::- - - -

that there is a definite need for
this type of literature. Men are
at sea in a Philistine world, with
no definite or always acceptable
answers to the perennial questions
of "Who are we?" and "Why are
we here?" he continued.
Prof. Booth listed several criti-
cal demands and pitfalls. He was
careful to define his term critical.
"Every time I say critic I'm talk-
ing about you," he explained to
the audience.
The first of these was the dan-
ger of the writer over-estimating
his importance. Many times these
novels take on more values than
they are supposed to handle. "Art
is not the only kind of meaning."
The traditional religions and phil-
osophies are ignored. Fiction is not
designed to do what religion and
philosophy are designed to do, and
should not.
Critics who advocate this as-
similating of extra meanings are
just as bad as those who accept
the Bible without question. In or-
der not to be swayed by false
prophets, the reader needs a cer-
tain amount of sophistication.
Another pitfall Prof. Booth cit-
ed was under-rating the need for
craftsmanship. Artistic problems
don't solve themselves no matter
how profound the content of the
novel may be. Some of today's
highly regarded authors have styles
that wouldn't have been third rate
40 years ago.
Novels must not be prejudiced
on the basis of doctrinal accept-
ability. Some semblance of an
open mind must be retained.
Attention also must be paid to
critical lumping and splitting. "We
must keep in mind how we are
grouping and why," he said. Crit-
ics must not fall victim to inaccur-
ate generalizations
Many Demands
There are many formidable de-
mands placed upon the shoulders
of the critic, or reader. He must be
able to judge craft, validity of
ideas, whether or not the ideas
expressed are appropriate for fic-
tion, and if the novel is truly one
of spiritual quest.
The reader must also make a
judgment of the general signifi-
cance of the author. Too many.
modern writers involved in "fic-
tional scripture" take on the air
of omnipotence. Their right to this
glory must be affirmed or denied
by the critical reader.
Prof. Booth concluded that in
general, never has more crafts-
manship and sensitivity been ap-
plied to the narrative arts than in
this specific 'type of novels.
Can Determine
School Habits
Many of our deprived young-
sters come from homes in the1
upper-middle class or high eco-
nomic class but live in "poor"
family surroundings, according to1
Prof. William Morse of the edu-
cation school.
"These children may have fine
clothes and many of the material
necessities of life, but are de-'
prived of love, intellectual stimu-
lation, good nutritional habits,
positive attitudes and other phe-
nomena found in a rich home at-
mosphere," Morse says.
Teachers realize that deprived
youngsters many times do not ad-
just too well to classroom situa-
tions and show, little inclination
to learn, he says.

nouncements is available to officially
recognized and registered organizations
only. Organizations who are planning
to be active for the Spring semester
should register by Feb. 25. Forms
available, 1011 Student Activities Bldg.
Cercle Francais, Baratin, Feb. 7, 3-5
p.m., 3050 FB. Venez Tous.
Christian Science Organization, Meet-
ing, Feb. 7, 7:30 p.m., 5280 SAB.
Near East Club, Feb. 8, 8 p.m., Rack-
ham Bldg., East. Lecture Room. Speak-
er: Sami MaKarem, "An Illustrated Talk
on Arabic Colligraphy."
WAA Coeducational Fencing Club, Or-
ganizational Meeting, Demonstrations,
Instructions by Istvan Danost & Pat
Jennings, Feb. 7, 7:30 p.m., WAB. Stu-
dent fencers and interested students
are welcome.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPE WRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
Day Calendar
Artur Rubinstein, renowned pianist,
will be presented in recital tonight in
Hill Aud. under the auspices of the
Univ. Musical Society. Mr. Rubinstein
will play the following ,program: Sonata
in C major, Op. 2, No. 3 (Beethoven);
Chopin's Fantaisie in F minor, Op. 49,
Two Etudes and Ballade in G minor,
Op. 23. After intermission: Ravel's
Valses nobles et sentimentales; De-
bussy's Prelude in A minor, Hommage
a Rameau, Poissons d'or; Liszt's Hun-
garian Rhapsody No. 12.
Tickets may be purchased at the
offices of the Univ. Musical Society in
Burton Tower during the day; and
after 7:00 in Hill Aud. box office.
Meeting of the Economics Club:
The first meeting of the spring sem.
of the Univ. of Mich. Economics Club
will be held (jointly with the Univ.
of Mich. Economics Society) on Thurs-
day evening, Feb. 7, at 8:00 p.m. in
the Multipurpose Rm. of the Undergrad.
It will be our honor to have as our
guest Prof. Abba P. Lerner of Mich.
State Univ. His subject will be: "An
Economist Looks at Disarmament."
Film Showing: Holloman-the Fron-
tier of the Future, the story of this
research center, and Air Force News
Review 76, featuring recent develop-
ments and events, will be shown in
the Multi-Purpose room of the UGLI
at 4:05 p.m. on Feb. 7 by the Arnold
Air Society.
General Notices
The first meeting of the co-educa-
tional fencing club will take place in,
the women's Athletic Bldg. on Thurs.
evening et 7:30 p.m. The Women's Ath-
letic Association has invited Mr. Ivan
Danosi to conduct the activities.
The Centro Colombo-Americano an-
nounces opportunities for residence and
study in its eight centers in Colombia,
with tenure normally starting on July
1. Teaching Fellows are expected to
teach English as a second language to
adults for 20 hours weekly, the re-
maining time being free for research
and other activities. Knowledge of

Spanish not required. Information and
application forms may be obtained
from: Teaching Fellowship Committee,
Centro Colombo-Americano, Apartado
Aereo No. 3815, Bogota, Colombia. Dead-
line for applications is April 1.
Graduate Student Council: The Feb.
meeting of the Grad. Student Council
will be held Thurs., Feb. 21, at 7:30'
p.m. In the W. Conference Rm., fourth
floor of the Rackham Bldg. Elections
for new officers will be conducted at
the meeting.
Dept. of Psychology Colloquium -
Sponsored by the Dept. of Psychology.
Dr. Arthur Melton will speak on "Im-
plications of Recent Research on'
Human Short-Term Memory." In Aud.
B, Angell Hall at 4:15 p.m., Feb. 8.
Coffee hour will preceed at 3:45 p.m.
in 3417 Mason.
Colloquium-Sponsored by the Dept.
of Biological Chemistry. Dr. John H.
Law, Harvard Univ., will speak on
"Enzymatic Synthesis of the Cyclo-
propane Ring." At 4:00 p.m. in M6423
Medical Science Bldg., Feb. 8.
Astronomical Colloquium--Fri., Feb.
8, 4:15 p.m., The Observatory. Dr.
Donat G. Wentzel, Dept. of Astronomy,
will speak on I. "Dissipation of Mag-
netic Fields in Solar Flares" and II.
"The Interplanetary Magnetic Field
and Its Effect on Cosmic-Ray Elec-
Doctoral Examination for Charles
Arthur Stickels, Metallurgical Eng.;
thesis: "The Effects of Temperature
and Hydrostatic Pressure on Interfacial
Tensions in the System Solid Nickel-
Engin. Bldg., at 1:15 p.m. Chairman,
LiquidLead," Fri., Feb. 8, 3201 E.
E. E. Hucke
Student Recital: Sheila Bates, pian-
ist, will present a recital on Fri., Feb.
8, 4:15 p.m. in Lane Hall Aud. She will
play the compositions of Bach, Bee-
thoven, Brahms, and Carlisle Floyd.
Miss Bates is enrolled as a doctoral
student in Music Performance (Piano)
and her recital is open to the general
Degree Recital: JoAnn Deabler, or-
ganist, will present a recital on Fri.,
Feb. 8, 8:30 p.m. in Hill Aud. in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree Bachelor of Music. Compo-
sitions she will play are by Buxtehude;
Bach, Franck, Piston and Langlais. Her
recital is open to the public.
of Appointments-Seniors & grad stu-
dents, please call Ext. 3544 for interview
appointments with the following:
MON., FEB. 11-
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission -
throughout U.S. 1. Men and women
June & Aug. grads. Various locations
with MS or PhD in Chem., Physics,
Bacteriology for Professional Intern-
ships. 2. Men and women with degree
in Public Admin. or Bus. Ad. for jobs
in Mgmt. Trng., Office Mgmt., Per-
sonnel, Public Admin., Public Rels.,
Purchasing, Ind. Rels., or Accounting.
CIA-June & Aug. grads for positions
in Wash., D.C. and Domestic and For-
eign field locations. 1. Jr. Officer Trng.
Frog. Grad work helpful. Knowledge of
a foreign area and foreign lang. help-
ful. Women must have MA. 2. Geo-
graphic Research & Cartography posi-
tions (BA, MA or PhD). 3. Economic
Research Positions. 4. General Research
Positions, (International Rels., Poli.
Sci., Hist., Sociol., and Anthro.). 5.
Clerical & Secretarial positions for
women. 6. Editorial positions (Social
Sciences or English). Must be U.S.
Eli Lilly & Co. (At Chem. Placement)
-June & Aug. grads. Men and women.
BS or MS in Chem., Bacti., or Biochem.
for positions in Res. & Dev. Also those
with BS in Journ. or MS in Lib Sci.
for Library & Public Rels, positions.
TUES., FEB. 12-
J. Waiter Thompson-June & Aug.
grads. Locations: N.Y., San Fran., Lon-
don, Chicago, etc. Seeking men with
Liberal Arts bkgd. for advertising, de-
sign, writing-general and journalism.
CIA-(see Mon.)
International Milling Co.-June grads.
Men with Liberal Arts degree, esp. maj-
oring in Econ., Poli. Sci. or Psych. for
Management Trng. Will be in 2-yr.
job rotation trng. prog. and then be
promoted to admin. or supervisory
positions. Location: Midwest & East.
KVP Sutherland (a.m. only)-June
& Aug. grads. Men with degrees in

Chem., Physics, or Math for Research
and Dev. & Production. Location: Kala-
mazoo area (primarily).
Agency for International Dev. -
June & Aug. grads. Location: Wash.,
D.C. and Overseas. In March '61 Pres.
Kennedy establishedthishorganization
to help nations help themselves by
long range planning socially and eco-
nomically. Seeking Economists and
Anthro. majors. Pref. upper 1/3 of class.
Also summer work for secretaries and
WED., FEB. 13-
Texaco Inc.-June & Aug. grads. Men
with BA in Liberal Arts, esp. in Math
& Accounting for Sales & EDPM Comp-
troller's Dept. Also Engineers for Sales
& Research & Tech. Dept. Location:
Sales-Midwest; Research-Texas.
Sears, Roebuck & Co.-June & Aug.
grads. Men and women in Liberal Arts
or Bus. Ad. for Mgmt. training, Mer-
chandising, Retailing, Acct. & Audit-
ing Trng. Prog. Location: 11 midwest-
ern states.
J. Walter Thompson-(see Tues.)
CIA-(see Mon.)
J. L. Hudson Co.-June grads. Men
and women with degree in any field
of Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. for Exec.
Training & Development. Candidates
are recruited for this prog. for specific
openings-this is not just a trng. prog.
from which to fill positions. Openings
in Control Div., Merchandise Div., Op-
erating Div. & the Publicity Div. Loca-
tion: downtown Detroit and suburban
U.S. Army Engineer District - Men
and Women. Interviewer is seeking
seniors who will have a BS or MS de-
gree in Chem. or Math for Research &
VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please
sign interview schedule at 128-H West
Engrg. for interview appointment with
the following:
FEB. 7 (a.m.)-
American Oil Co., Standard Oil Div.,
Detroit, Mich.-BS: IE. Sales.
FEB. -7 (p.m.)--
Magnavox Co., Fort Wayne, Ind.-BS-
MS: EE. Men & Women. R. & D., Des.,
FEB. 7-
Automatic Electric Co, Northlake, Ill.-
All Degrees: EE BS: ME. R. & D., Prod.
or Patent Law for BSEE.'
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, Training
hdqts. in Baltimore, Md.; placement as-
signments after trng. in various locales
over our 13 State System-BS: CE, EE,
IE & ME. Tech. Grad. Trng. Course-
a 2 yr. formal trng. prog. leading to
managerial positions.
Cummins Engine Co., Inc., Corporate
Hdqts. & Main Plant in Columbus,
Ind.-BS-MS: EE, IE & ME. R -& D.,
Des., Sales & Tech. Service.
National Castings Co., Co. as a whole
-BS: EM, IE, ME & Met. R. & D., Des.,
Prod. & Sales.
Republic Steel Corp., Central Alloy
Dist., Danton & Massillon, Ohio-BS:
EE. ME & Met. R. & D., Des., Prod.
Surface Combustion Div., Midland-
Ross Corp., Toledo, Ohio-BS: ChE &
ME. R. & D., Des., Prod., Sales., Pro-
posal Engrg.-(pre-engineering).
Toledo Edison Co., Toledo Ohio area
-BS: EE & ME. R. & D., Des., Prod. &
U.S. Navy, Civilian Personnel Div.,
Wash., D.C. area & selected openings
throughout country-BS-MS: AE & As-
tro., CE, EE, ME, MS: Construction,
Pub. Works Admin., Sanitary & Nu-
clear. BS: IE & NA Marine. Men &
Women. R. & D., Des. & Project Mgmt.
FEB. 7 & 8-
California Institute of Tech. Jet Pro-
pulsion Lab., Pasadena, Calf.-MS-PhD:
AE & Astro., ChE, CE, Commun. Sci.,
EE, EM, ME, Chem., Physics & Math.
Prof. Degree: Applied Mech. PhD: Met.
Men & Women. R. & D., Des.
Ford Motor Co., All Company Com-
ponents-BS-MS: CE, EE, EM, IE,
Mat'ls., ME. Prof.: Applied Mech. BS:
E Math, E Physics & Sci. Engrg. MS:
Instrumentation. R. & D., Des., Prod. &
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 Student Activities
Bldg., during the following hours: Mon.
thru Fri. 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30
til 5 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary

work, should contact Bob Hodges, Part-
time Interviewer at NO 3-1511, Ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Rm. 2200, daily.
4-Childcare workers. Must be current-
ly attending school and have at
least 60 credits in field related to
disturbed children. 40 hours per
week, morning or afternoon shift.
Transportation needed.
2-Eng. or tech, students to sell slide
rules. Substantial commission.
I-Senior with Micro-Biology back-
ground. 20 hours per week
1-Who is at the M.S. or Ph.D. level
in Physical or Organic Chem. 20
hours per week.
-There are several current openings
for full-time temporary and per-
manent half-time secretaries and
clerk-typists. Requirements vary,
but each opening will involve good
typing skills and some office ex-
perience. Skilled applicants who
are presently available, apply only.
4--Childcare workers. Must be current-
ly attending school and have at
least 60 credits in field related to
disturbed children. 40 hours per
week, morning or afternoon shift.
Transportation needed.
2-Eng, or tech students to sell slide
rules. Substantial commission.
I-Dental Assistant to work all day
Thurs. only.
--Several Waitressing and baby sitting

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Miner Says
Training Lack
Causes ,Strain
The shortage of trained man-
power places an added strain on
Africans because of their eagerness
and their tendency to run their
own affairs, Prof. Horace M. Miner
of the sociology and anthropology
departments said recently.
According to Prof. Miner, who
spent four years conducting re-
search and teaching in Africa,
Africans prefer to fill technical
and professional positions with na-
tive Africans even though some
of them may be poorly qualified.
He added that the African lead-
ers realize the importance of skill-
ed Europeans in their economy,
but they have a responsibility to
the people to improve the status
of Africans in the economic sys-
tem as rapidly as possible.
As a result, efficiency standards
sufferand African nationsbrun
the risk of taking a step back-
ward rather than forward, Prof.
Miner said. He added that mem-
bers of the African political elite,
desirous of attaining a high level
of development in a hurry, some-
times appear naive about what is
necessary to achieve progress.
Prof. Miner cited as an example
the case of Nigeria, whose new
six-year economic plan, developed
with the aid of foreign technical
assistants, calls for a four per
cent annual growth rate of the
gross national product. But the
plan was criticized by some Ni-
gerians who wanted a 15 per cent
growth rate.



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