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May 10, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-10

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Si.Jr tigau


Partly cloudy
with scattered showers

See Editorial Page

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


Hatcher To Journey
To British Conclave

. I

President Clarifies Regental Role
With Reference To Harris Report
University President Harlan Hatcher yesterday announced that
he will be one of the 12 American university presidents to visit
Great Britain this summer for the annual joint meeting of the
Association of America Universities and the Association of Univer-
sities of the British Commonwealth.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the AUBC and as a
result there will be over 500 delegates from the Commonwealth
nations attending the meetings. The meetings will be held in London,
Oxford and St. Andrews, Scotland. President and Mrs. Hatcher will
" leave on July 4 and plan to return

Albion Panel
Argues News
Special To The Daily.
ALBION - As the government
and news are becoming more com-
plex, government secrecy and
censorship a r e increasing to
"create a gradual but certain ero-
sion into basic American rights,"
Basil Walters told the Albion Col-
lege Freedom Forum on "Govern-
ment Secrecy, Censorship and a
Free Press" yesterday.
The former Chicago Daily News
editor and president of the Ameri-
can Society of Newspaper Editors
discussed the degree and nature
of current "news management"
along with Hugh Robinson of the
defense; department, Frank S. Sie-
verts of the state department, De-
troit News Editor Martin S. Hay-
den, Rock County Star Herald
Editor Alan MacIntosh and Lans-
ing State Journal Managing Editor
Kenneth R. West.
Walters warned that the John
F. Kennedy administration was
"managing the news as a political
Vietnam Incident
He illustrated by pointing out
the congressional uncovering last
week of an administration docu-
ment ordering South Vietnamese
military leaders to "keep Ameri-
can . reporters away from situa-
tions showing the failure of the
Vietnamese military to win sup-
port of the people."
Outlining the basic informa-
tional policy of the defense de-
partment, Robinson claimed that
the public was "as fully informed
as the bounds of military security
and national interest permit."
In defense of the news censor-
ship during the Cuban crisis, Rob-
inson commented that withhold-
ing the news was temporarily nec-
essary in order to preserve the
element of surprise for the Rus-
sians, to keep them from seizing
the initiative and putting the
United States on the defensive.
Upper Hand
"The key element in our Cuban
success was that we were able to
confront the adversaries with a
plan of which they had no prior
information," Robinson said.
He told the newspapermen that
since the Kennedy administration
has taken office the flow of in-
formation from his department to
the press has increased 40 per
Hayden noted that it was only
through a recent news leak that a
Washington paper discovered a
congressional defense committee
had physically abused witnesses
to thespoint where they had to be
Brass Disturbed
When the Pentagon found out
the news was discovered, it was
in an "uproar," Hayden said.
"Why shouldn't the news have
been given out? This is the kind
of 'parental' decision against
which the campaign opposing
news management is directed.
"To be short and blunt about
it, who's Defense Secretary Robert
S. McNamara to say that the al-'
leged misconduct of a defense
committee should be kept a sec-
ret?" Hayden charged.
But Robinson said that McNa-
mara wanted the information to
remain secret fn order to "main-
tain the proprieties between de-
fense committees and the defense
Catholics Balk
At Bus Denial

ST. LOUIS (A)-About 500 Ro-

on July 24.
British Universities
President Hatcher noted' that
British universities are now faced
with many of the same problems
which first confronted American
universities a few years ago. "Up
until a few years ago the British
were not very interested in uni-
versity administration but now
that they are faced with increas-
ing enrollment and the need for
expansion they have becomedcon-
cerned with all the problems of
large universities," he said.
The AAU and the AUBC meet
every year alternately in Britain
and the United States. There are

City Leaders
May Reject
Racial Pact
Status of White Group
Clouds Acceptance
tin Luther King Jr., leader in the
desegregation fight in Birming-
ham, said last night a formula has
been devised for settling the dis-
pute, but contraditory statements
cast doubt on the outlook for a
Two city officials promptly said
they disassociated themselves from
King's announcement.
"The settlement has been sealed
except for minor details," King
said. He made the statement
shortly after a biracial committee
emerged from the second of two
long meetings yesterday.
The committee is unofficial. It
can only recommend that the city
adopt the formula.
Confusion Arose
Confusion arose when Mayor
Albert Boutwell and Police Com-
missioner Eugene Connor issued
statements on King's interpreta-
tion of the situation as it now
The confusion stemmed in part
from the unofficial status of the
The chairman is Sidney W.
Smyer, a prominent businessman.
The other members have preserved
careful anonymity but they are
reported to be influential Birming-
ham residents.
City's Position Uncertain
But in the welter of statements
that followed King's announce-
ment, what could not be deter-
mined was whether the city offi-
cials would go along with the for-
mula for peace.
A major point at issue appeared
to be ;the Negro demand that.
charges be dismissed against about
2400 persons arrested during the
demonstrations for parading with-
out a permit.
Connor repeatedly has said he
would not agree to this.
Bill of Particulars
There are three other main
points in the Negroes' bill of par-
They are for desegregation of
lunch rooms and other facilities
in downtown stores, imroved job
opportunities for qualified Negroes
in industry, and creation of a bi-
racial committee to cope with de-
segregation problems in Birming-1
It was not even clear whether
the city's merchants would agree
to concessions affecting the stores
and factories.1
"I have not been a party to the
recent negotiations between pri-
vate citizens of both races," Bout-
well said. "I have made no com-
mitment with reference to any
matter being negotiated. I regard
it as an unwarranted.presumption
for anyone to infer or suggest
that there has been a truce be-
tween the city of Birmingham and
any who have violated the law."
The biracial committee called
another meeting for 10 a.m. this










Fraternity Presidents Eliminate




Committee Evaluates Ideas

The Committee of Visitors of
the Law School has submitted its
first evaluation of Law School
Established last year in accord-
ance with the new bylaws of the
Lawyers Club, this committee will
"meet at least once a year to
examine the Lew School's pro-
gram of undergraduate, graduate1
and continuing legal education."
The committee's report encom-.
passed evaluations of Law School
admissions, curriculum, student
aid, research and graduate study.
The report stressed that the
Law School is a national law
school, and resolved "that it would
do the Law School, the Univer-
sity and the state a disservice to



impose arbitrary residence restric- I The report noted studies which

tions upon admissions to
School or to discourage
rollment of qualified

the Law
the en-

from other states."
Inability to Write
The report states that "the
greatest deficiency in the law
graduate today is his inability to
write the English language clear-
ly, simply and forcefully."
The committee suggested that
required non-credit composition
courses be given.
The law student should deal
"with actual legal documents,
contracts, leases, wills, records,
pleadings and briefs." He should
be "acquainted with the need for
practitioners in the arts of public
law at all levels, and with oppor-
tunities in government."

Plant Expansion Committee
Formulates New Approach
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fifth of a series of nine articles analyz-
ing the most pressing problems of the University's athletic plant.)
The construction of the proposed multi-purpose building seemed
no more imminent at the time the Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics submitted their annual report to the Regents in February
than at any time since the idea was first considered.
"A special committee has been studying the matter for some
years, but we have not as yet found the solution to the problem
of financing the structure," the board reported.
However, a fundamental change in the approach to the problem
now makes a workable plan for athletic plant expansion more possible
than ever. Dean Stephen H. Spurr,$

indicate no correlation between the
course of study in the undergrad-
uate program, and success in law
The committee reported that
aid for students in law school has
increased from $600 in 1950 to
$256,000 ' during the past school
year. The committee felt that one
of the principal hopes for provid-
ing needed funds is in use of
guaranty funds generating a lend-
ing power of 10 or 12 times the
amount of the fund.
The committee agreed that the
law school placement service
should be enlarged to aid the bot-
tom half of the graduating class.
Based on a report by Prof. Rich-
ard V. Wellman, director of place-
ment, the committee felt that "the
placement office finds its ener-
gies too much preempted by those
in the upper half of the class."
Impressive Numbers
The report noted that those in
the lower half of the class "would
De leaders in lesser law schools.
Experience shows that they con-
tribute annually impressive num-
bers of competent practitioners to
the ranks of the bar."
The committee endorsed con-
tinuation of the graduate program.
It proposed enlargement of this
program to provide practitioners
with short periods of intensive
study in many areas. It also called
for training in Anglo-Saxon law
for lawyers abroad, "to prepare
themto represent American inter-
ests in foreign lands."
Established last year in accord-
ance with the new bylaws of the
Lawyers Club, the committee will
"meet at least once a year to
examine the Law School's program
of undergraduate, graduate and
continuing legal education."
Members of the 43-man com-
mittee are members of the legal
profession and include Justice-
elect Paul N. Adams, Sen. Philip
Hart (D-Mich), Circuit Judge John
P. O'Hara, Supreme Court Justice
Talbot Smith, and Sen. Stanley
G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor).

... London, Oxford

rush changes
Judic Hears
Sphinx C ase
Joint Judiciary Council last
night established two precedents,
conducting its first open hearing
and then closing its doors to rule
on the first charges ever brought
against a student honorary.
In the open hearing, the Coun-
cil gave a $20 suspended fine to
John Wilson, '66, for "tampering
with a motor vehicle" that was
not his property.
Since he, along with a friend
from another university, had been
convicted and fined for the same
charge by the Ann Arbor Muni-
cipal Court, the Council suspend-
ed payment on the fine.
Behind closed doors, the Coun-
cil found Sphinx honorary guilty
of failing to uphold University
regulations by "disturbing the
peace while tapping in the resi-
dence hall," according to Joint
Judiciary President Lawrence
Schwartz, '63.
For this offense, the Council
levied a $50 fine, also suspended,
Schwartz said.
The Council refused to take in-
to consideration a second part of
the complaint, levied by Greene
House of East Quadrangle, asking
that Joint Judic consider the "in-
decencies" which occur when hon-
oraries tap their members,
Schwartz said.

39 members inthe AAU compris-
ing both private and public uni-
Discussing the Harris Report
President Hatcher said he wished
to clarify certain misunderstand-
ings about the Regents position in
relation to both the Harris Re-
port and Dean Smith's analysis
of it.
Harris Report
He pointed out that the Harris
Report is not a regental matter
but an administrative one and
therefore the question of whether
the Regents will come to a decision
on the validity of the report is
an erroneous one.
The only question that will be
brought before the Regents at
their next meeting is the question
of whether or not. the Regents
possess the power to recognize stu-
dent organizations and if so
whether they have the power to
delegate this authority elsewhere.
Once this has been decided Presi-
dent Hatcher said the matter be-
comes one of "administrative ar-
rangement" and probably will be
the concern of the vice-president
for student affairs and Student
Governiment Council.

the new chairman of the board's
Plant Expansion Committee, and
his committee have come to the
conclusion that the concept of the
multi-purpose building must be
Building Too Costly
Spurr points out that the multi-
purpose building would cost be-
tween $8 and $10 million. The
committee decided that in the
light of past efforts to finance
such an expensive structure that
this would be an impractical ob-
The committee feels a more
realistic goal would be separate
basketball and hockey arenas,
From this starting point, the com-
mittee is working to formulate
definite plans for financing and
constructing these structures and
other necessary physical plant ad-
Spurr hopes that his committee
will be able to finish its study and
have it approved by the board in
See ATHLETIC, Page 6

Leonard Airs Latin Potential

Group Ends
Work Delay
Construction on the new music
school building on North Campus
resumed yesterday after a one-
day work stoppage called by the
Washtenaw County Building-
Trades Council.
The walk-off was a result of
an accident at the project Wed-
nesday morning when a four-
story scaffolding gave way, kill-
ing one worker and badly injur-
ing another.
The Trades Council members on
the site, a group including elec-
tricians, carpenters, bricklayers,
pipefitters, teamsters and plaster-
ers, stopped work in protest over
"inadequate" safety provisions.
Police Investigate
The Ann Arbor Police depart-
ment made an investigation into
the causes of the accident yester-
day and sent the undisclosed con-
tents to the University.
Work began again yesterday
when the union came to an infor-
mal agreement with the construc-
tion firm in charge of the opera-
tions. Under the agreement there
will be a full inquiry into the
safety provisions and insurance
that such standards will be rigid-
ly enforced.
Jack Wheatly, business man-
ager of one local union, charged
that there have been more con-
struction worker deaths by acci-
dental causes in Washtenaw Coun-
ty in the past year than in the
past decade. He explained that
conditions at the music school
site are no worse than those at
other North Campus locations, in-
cluding the Science and Technol-
ogy Bldg.
Management at Fault
Trades Council Vice-President
Joseph Wojtowicz maintained that
the scaffolding collapse was clear-
ly a "fault of management" for
failing to construct and protect
the structure correctly.
Both expressed hope that the
accident would point up on job
ennc tinc tat+ nfvild ht, imrnupfiy


IFC Motion
On Biddin
Voted Down'
Plan To Let Women
Appear at Houses
Defeated at Meeting
Fraternity Presidents Assembly
last night accepted the Interfra-
ternity Council rush subcommit-
tee recommendation to eliminate
visiting requirements for next
fall's rush, but defeated the rec-
ommendations to abolish bidding
restrictions and to allow women
at rush functions.
FPA also approved September 7
as the first day of rush and agreed
to allow contact between actives
and non-affiliates during Orien-
tation Week. It decided that rush-
iIlg and pledge violations be refer-
red directly to IFC rather than
through the Office of Student Af-
fairs, while dropping the require-
ment to depledge superpledges
who maintain averages below a 2.0
for two consecutive semesters.
The requirement that each
rushee visit a house in each of
eight districts was eliminated by
a 28-10 margin. A two-thirds ma-
jority was required for all changes
in the bylaws.
Marginal Rush
FPA agreed with the rush sub-
committee that structured rush
deterred the "marginal" rushee
from rushing and created "artifi-
cial traffic patterns."
Large houses complained that
too many people visited them un-
der districting just to satisfy the
eight-house requirement, thus
making an effective rush difficult.
FPA members also thought that
districting , failed to lead each
rushee to a house .suited for him,
as evidenced by the depledging
rate. It has surpassed last semes-
ter's level already, "before the ma-
jor depledging wave during Help
Week," Psi Upsilon President
Christopher G. Farrand, '64, not-
Suggestions to replace district-
ing with another sort of structur-
ing were made and postponed.
"The old system was unsatisfac-
tory or we wouldn't have tried to
change it," Phi Kappa Psi presi-
dent Jack E. Mathias, '63, ex-
Mathias suggested that large
houses "adopt" weaker houses, to
whom they could refer rushees un-
suited for them. Another sugges-
tion was dividing the system into
two geographical districts which
would rush on alternate days.
Retaining the restriction that no
house may extend bids before the
second Sunday of rush derived
from PPA's fear that permission
to bid at anytime would lead to
''snowballing campaigns'' by large
Rare Chance
FPA also objected that all ac-
tives rarely had a chance to meet
all rushees before that time. That
early bids would influence rushees
to choose a house without suffi-
cient familiarity with that or
other houses was mentioned.
Women remain excluded from
rush functions because FPA be-
lieves the "social person" will rush
without coeducational functions,
while such functions might deter
the "more serious" rushee. Mem-
bers added that social functions
with women would unnecessarily
increase rushing costs.
The group also voted to permit
contactgbetween affiliates and
non-affiliates during Orientation
Week. This will allow "open rush-
ing" and social functions with
potential rushees at that time.

Perndize SAM
u -- 1T-*!I . r 1ie

Hispanic America, long a back-
water for scientific research, may
provide a new breed of scientist
who, because of his cultural back-
ground in humanism and philoso-
phy, will be able to take man's
future into account in hiswork,
Prof. Irving A. Leonard of the ro-
mance language and history de-
partments said yesterday.
Prof. Leonard, delivering the
Henry Russel Lecture, said that
the Hispanic-American culture is
in some aspects medieval in that
theology, philosophy, and discus-
sion are the stressed values rath-
er than experimentation and sci-
ence as in the North American cul-
"Mankind is. on the brink of
ultimate extinction," Prof. Leon-
ard said. "But, if there is still
time, the tardy entrance of His-
panic Americans and their values
into science may prove beneficial."

man church and the concept of a
holy Roman Empire. In 1607, Eu-
rope had split into two religious
divisions and nationalism was be-
ginning to develop." .
Education Change
Education also changed in this
hundred year period according'to
Prof. Leonard. At the end of the
15th century learning was center-
ed around theology and philoso-
phy, with the Bible, and Aristotle
as seen by .Thomas Aquinas as the
main reading matter. Education

was authoritarian and f r e e
thought was generally stifled.
Prof. Leonard noted, however,
that by the end of the 16th cen-
tury the physical and intellectual
world had expanded. Copernicus
had shown that the earth was
not the center of the universe and
the world had been found to be
Hispanic America, settled under
the feudal system, remained feudal
even after the rest of Europe had
abandoned the system according
to Prof. Leonard. The medieval
system of education became inte-
grated into the culture and its
values remain today.
Modern Atmosphere
North America, on the other
hand, was settled under a more
modern atmosphere and its. cul-
ture became achievement orient-
ed rather than idea-oriented, he

Research Park Heralds
Growth of Employmett
Ann Arbor's Research Park could add 15,000 jobs to the area
with a program of expansion in the building of research facilities.
This estimate stems from a study released recently by the
Bureau of Industrial Relations of the University's graduate
school of business administration. Prof. George Odiorne, director
of the bureau, and researchr g Y,;
associate Gerald Carvalho con-
ducted the study.
They contend that if Re-
search Park would construct
research facilities on the "us-
able" 180 acres of its land the
result would be new jobs for
5600 scientists and engineers;
2000 administrative and man-
agerial workers; 1500 clerical;
1500 craftsmen, machinists and
other skilled tradesmen; 3500
technicians and draftsmen and
700 building and grounds main-
tenance workers.
Part of Package
The 180 acres of "usable"
land is part of a 290 acre pack-
age owned by Research Park
near the site of its present_
location. In contrast, the entire GEORGE ODIORNE
University central campus is conducts study
only 40 acres.
Prof. Odiorne notes that the "expansion" discussed in the
study would "probably take ten years" but he emphasized the
difficulty of attempting a prediction.

....r ..,..... ...:.,.

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