Seventy-Third Year " EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS here Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3 241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. PURITAN ETHIC OUTDATED: Tax Cut Necessary for Prosperity )AY, MAY 7, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: GAIL EVANS Hinsdale Protest Ignores Pilot Project Benefits HINSDALE HOUSE in East Quadrangle un- fortunately has seen fit to protest against is inclusion in the Pilot Project, one of the ew good things ever to happen to the quad- angles. The Pilot Project, brainchild of the literary ollege and the Office of Student Affairs, aims ,t "a built-in intellectual atmosphere" in se- ect quadrangle houses. It finds a sound hilosophical basis in the "dedivorcement" heory of Prof. Theodore M. Newcomb of the ociology and psychology departments, which mphasizes that the educational atmosphere f the classroom should not be divorced from he living situation and peer group. The idea is excellent. What students need pore than anything else-and lack more than nything else-is some integration between heir classwork and their social life, which a ing arrangement like project houses can N r THE UNIVERSITY is host this week to a conference on a serious but often ignored national problem. The 100 delegates at the National Conference on Outdoor Recreation Research are facing the problem of what to do about our disappearing natural areas. We live in a nation whose highways, shopping centers, junkyards and factories are multiply- ng even faster than its people. Urbanization s rapidly rendering inaccessible many pleas- ures which our ancestors took for granted: na- ure, fresh air, solitude and even adequate liv- ng space., At the same time technology is gobbling up he supply of these irreplaceable commodities, t is increasing the demand for them by pro- viding Americans with more leisure. Secretary >f Agriculture Orville Freeman predicted yes- erday that this demand will increase at least hreefold in less than, 15 years. Thus, we have beaches that look like Grand Central Station, ampgrounds that have aptly been described as rural slums" and boaters regulated like rush- iour freeway traffic. These are the formidable "givens" the con- erence delegates face. American society has eft them, and ultimately itself, in quite a di- emma. It is too late to stop the population rowth that has already occurred or to turn existing factory sites back into virgin forest. But hopefully,, the research work emerging or this conference will find some answers to hese problems-or at least help America the 3eautiful to make the best use of what little beauty she has left. --K. WINTER I. provide. The peer group exercises potent in- fluence which should be put to good use through a built-in intellectual atmosphere. THE PROJECT was introduced last fall in Greene House in East Quad and Little House in Mary Markley. A survey taken by the Greene House staff shows that the project has won the favor of a majority of both the freshmen and upperclassmen who have ex- perienced it this year., In contrast to its present acceptance of the project was Greene's opposition last spring, which resembles the opposition of Hins- dale this spring. Both protests came before the students were fully informed about the project and were based on prejudgement and emotion. Hinsdale's reasons for protesting include the fear that the project will destroy its "en- gineering tradition and spirit," according to Hinsdale president Gerald L. Solensky. What exactly does an engineering tradition involve- panty raids, perhaps? At any rate it is doubt- ful that an engineering tradition is superior to the intellectual atmosphere at which the project aims. HINSDALE ALSO OBJECTS, more validly, that the project will destroy diversification. But those who desire diversification can live elsewhere, leaving project 'houses for those who prefer a more concentrated intellectual atmosphere. In addition, there is plenty of diversification among literary 'college students, who range from micro-biologists to poets. Hinsdale's final-and best-argument is that it was not consulted about its inclusion in the project and was told about it too late to change living arrangements for next year. This was an unforgivable disregard of student rights by the OSA, which should now allow discon- tented men who arranged to live in Hinsdale next year to change their arrangements. But an OSA mistake should not cause the whole project to fail. Nor should the OSA change its decision to include Hinsdale in the project. When the Board of Governors approved Greene as the first project house, it left any expansion to administrative discretion. The administration was correct in choosing Hinsdale as the logical place to expand because of its proximity to Greene. The project's officials are meeting with the men of Hinsdale Wednesday night to exchange viewpoints. Hopefully the men will listen to reason and not jeopardize a project which, through a better staff and closer contact with faculty associates, will benefit them as well as next semester's incoming freshmen. -BURTON MICHAELS By ROBERT SELWA ALMOST EVERYONE is for a tax cut. President John F. Kennedy is proposing it. Demo- crats and Republicans alike are supporting the idea. Both business and labor leaders are for it. And naturally most taxpayers would not mind paying a smaller income tax. What is the problem then? It is twofold: President Kennedy wants tax reform to go with the tax cut, and he wants to increase government expenditures which in turn would increase the federal deficit. Tax reform would elimi- nate some ways in which many people avoid paying taxes. These taxpayers could end up paying even more despite the tax cut if it were accompanied by reform. The hesitancy about increasing federal expenditures and deficit is a result of the Puritan ethic, a name aptly coined by Walter Hel- ler, chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisers. Those caught up in the Puritan ethic transfer the traditional American notions about personal saving to the realm of government policy. Because individuals earn a penny every time they save one, government should do the same, according to the Puritan ethic. The legend goes that since it is good for a person to save money and bad for him to lose it, it is good for a government to run a surplus and bad to run a deficit. Combined with thisfallacy of composition is the fear some people have concerning the grow- ing national debt-largely an ir- rational fear. * * * THOSE WHO HOLD to simple old myths should look at the his- torical record of economic growth and should reason out the benefits from the combination of a tax cut and increased government spending. As Prof. Paul Samuel- son of Massachusetts Institute of Technology points out, England in 1818, 1923 and 1946 had an in- ternal debt estimated at more than twice national income, and her in- terest on the debt as a percentage of national income far exceeded anything that we need look for- ward to; yet, the century before World War I was England's great- est century- greatest in power and material progress. The argument for tax cuts over- laps the argument for gov- ernment expenditure. Each can assist economic growth in its own way and the two together offer the best prospect of speeding up growth. Statistically, what President Kennedy is proposing is a $13.3 billion reduction of taxes for low- er, middle and upper income earn- ers and for corporations. His pro- posals for tax reform would bring back to the government some $3.3 billion of the $13.3 billion. The tax cuts would be phased out over three years beginning this year with a $2.7 billion reduction. For the family earning $7500 this would mean a tax cut of $220 for the year or $4.25 more a week in take-home pay. * * MEANWHILE, the government is running a deficit this fiscal year of $8.8 billion. President Ken- nedy estimates that, with the tax proposals in action and with the $98.8 billion budget he seeks, there would be a deficit of $11.9 billion -the second largest in peacetime. The important figure to look at is that additional $4.25 that the average father would bring home each week. Chances are that Dad's marginal propensity to save will be about one-third which means that he would put $1.50 more with a required reserve ratio of one- fifth, the bank will keep 30 cents on hand and lend out the rest for investment. The process keeps on going until the $1.50 does $7.50 worth of work. Some $2.75 of Dad's $4.25 is left and the kids know it. They move in quickly. Junior asks for $1.75 for a new baseball bat and daugh- ter Sue takes the rest of it for a Peanuts book. Across the land, the demand rises for bats, books and countless other products. Noting this increased demand, manufacturers will feel encouraged to raise the prices of their pro- ducts and to make more of them. i./ a l. ~r"' , 4 .1 N7 IM /.i ny ± . J t ,cY',.1' 1 , _,4!° lt +ts1 ++,; ; yit ,..'s..M} 'p" d ' 4 Sg s 9 'BIRDS': A Cheap Thrill T SUPPOSE that someone once asked whether success would spoil Alfred Hitchcock, and, at last, here is his answer. With "The Birds," Hitchcock has driven his art to its farthest extreme: nothing matters any more but the scary parts. By "nothing" I mean trivia like a structure for the plot, or acting which, while it doesn't"have to strike you dead in your chair, ought to be some- how believable. Gone also are all traces of wit from the dialogue. * * * ALL THESE things conspire to cloak the film in the kind of un- reality which normally would make you wish you had brought along a flashlight and a, comic book. Now about those scary parts: I must concede that I was awfully frightened, butIam not at all sure that those were not the cheapest thrills that Alfred Hitch- cock ever got. It's one thing to enjoy being frightened half to death but quite another to hate yourself for it the morning after. Like most cheap thrills, the reason why is simply that you have been to0-k. If the limitations of the movie made it necessary to achieve the terror at the .expense of all the rest, then there would be some sort of low-grade aesthetic ques- tion as to whether it was worth it. But since there was no such neces- sity to sacrifice anything, a view- er is left to decide whether Hitch- cock has transcended conventional cinematographic considerations and is now directing from a pin- nacle of horror which leaves the rest of the dramatic terrain flat- tened out far below and insin fiatin perspective, or whether Hitchcock knows easy money when he sees it and is playing his sys- tem for a winning and his au- dience for a fool. SINCE the former alternative is patently unlikely, Tut the latter doesn't square with your opinion of yourself, a certain tension is set up somewhere around the pit of your stomach. To relieve it, you may invent ingenious symbolic devices to fill the vacuous plot. Most likely you will prefer to forget the entire affair, leaving behind the maze of meaningless clues, the impotent parody of small town life, the worst child actress° of the year, and the fashionable forecast of world's end. After all, these are the trappings of all that's worst in Saturday matinee horror festivals, and those movies, by their simple un- pretentiousness achieve a perfec- tion which Alfred Hitchcock can never hope for. --Dick Pollinger -4 ',IRUMMtESS IS TERIBLE." HE LIAISON Philip Sutin, Acting National Concerns Editor They will buy more primary ma- terials and will employ more work- ers. The chain reaction promotes greater production and higher em- ployment throughout the economy since each product and each job is dependent on another product and another job. And consumption and investment and net national product rise not only because of the higher disposable incomes of individuals, but also because of the greater activity of corporations who are also using their tax break. WHAT ABOUT the third com- ponent of net national product, government expenditure? Presi- dent Kennedy's budget would in- crease it several billion dollars. This would entail a large deficit since the government would take in only an estimated $86 billion. This deficit and the possibility of inflation open the way for ob- jections. The objections to the deficit are partly a Puritan myth, as noted, but' the danger of in- flation is real. A manufacturer as he observes demand pushing up price might let it go at that, con- tinuing the same rate of supply. The result would not only be in- flation but also continuation of high unemploymept, which is 5.6 per cent today, and a failure to spread the new prosperity. Still the overall pattern would be a greater flow of goods and services, stimulation of the econ- omy and some increase in the net national product. Since the tax cuts would be phased out over three years, these benefits would continue for a fair length of time. But three years and $13.3 bil- lion in cuts are not really enough, as some critics have pointed out. W. P. Gullanders, president of the National Association of Manu- facturers suggests a $20 billion tax cut spread over five years. He warned Congress that 10.5 million, Americans-more than double the present number-will be out of work by 1970 if the economy pro- gresses as slowly as it has for the past five years. THE WASHINGTON POST also, finds that President Kennedy's program is too mild. His goals of lowering unemployment to four per cent and of raising investment from nine to 11 per cent will not be reached by the proposed tax reductionbecause this reduction will be more than offset by in- creases in taxes elsewhere, the Post predicts. For example, state and local taxes are expected to rise by at least $3 billion as the. result of, legislative sessions in 47 states., LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: 'Gargoyl e':How Amusing BIRTH CONTROL is moving from the shad- ows. After years of remaining the private solution to overpopulation fears, the issue has exploded into front page stories as its pro- ponents are attempting to make the propaga- ion of birth control a public policy. This occurence is long overdue. Social sci- mtists have been pointing with varying degrees )f alarm to the world's expanding population ;ince World War II. Yet the public has failed o see the long range threat and has tended to beep talk about birth control to the privacy of the bedroom. Several major scientific organizations, in- luding the influential National Academy of Sciences and the American College of Obste- ricians, have commended birth control as a neans of meeting the population problem. They tressed the need for intensive research to per- fect contraceptives. SHE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is also modi- fying its diffident stand toward birth con- rol. Since last fall, it has authorized giving echnical advice on birth control to foreign ountries that request it. The government is actively sponsoring fertility research that may ead to new or more effective contraceptive neasures. It spent $4.1 million on such research ast year. There are even indications that the Catholic Church may change its adamant position gainst birth control and go beyond the hit- r-miss rhythm method. Science magazine re- ently reported that a "number" of bishops at ast fall's Ecumenical Council sought to modify ;e Church's position. Pope Pius XII left an pening for change when he hoped that "med- cal science will succeed in giving this permis- ible method a sufficiently safe basis." This 2-year-old statement has been interpreted to nean that if an alternate method that is suf- iciently "natural" is found, the Church will nodify its anti-contraceptive stand. Professor Emeritus John Rock of Harvard, an mportant gynecologist who led the develop- nent of the contraceptive pill for women, is attempting to find a loophole. In a recent book, he argued that the "pill" would allow women to Catholic position, he did not denounce the book's thesis, seeing many good points in its description of fertility research needs. This at- titude, following other recent statements, in- dicates that the Church, in its tradition bound, slow way is attempting to find a way out of its implacable position. HOWEVER, THIS HAS NOT hindered the fight against birth control. An attempt by Illinois Public Aid Commission chairman Ar- nold H. Maremont to support 'Cook County's program of supplying contraceptives to un- wed mothers on relief was a major factor caus- ing him to lose his job. The harsh criticism he and the Chicago program have received seem to place it in jeopardy. Opposition to governmental birth control programs is unfortunate for the population ex- plosion makes it imperative that public action be taken. Birth control can no longer remain a private matter to be discussed by husbands and wives alone. Government must attempt to elim- inate blind spots-like Chicago's welfare re- cipients whose birth rate equals that of India-- and make sure that information and contra- ceptive devices are readily available to every- one. The population explosion is continuing to mushroom. Experts claim world population is growing at an exponential rate and many cur- rent problems are caused or aggravated by it. These difficulties may be as close as the Uni- versity, struggling to accommodate the baby boom, or as far away as India where an ex- panding birth rate is eating up advances made by foreign aid. GOVERNMENT SHOULD NOT require birth control; it should only promote and facili- tate it. Federal, state and local governments should make sure birth control devices and in- formation are easily available to all its citi- zens. They should actively sponsor research to perfect new and more acceptable methods as well as means for extending popular support. Use of contraceptives should be left to in- dividual conscience, but birth control opponents should let government proceed with its pro- For best achievement of nation- al growth, all three national pro- duct components shouldt grow. 3overnment expenditures will grow and the nation would benefit through an expanded program of public works. Investment and con- sumption will grow througha fed- eral tax cut which is larger than other tax iftcreases. If justice is to be served, tax reform should be enacted as well as tax cuts. But. these are separate needs that should be met individually and the first need is a huge tax cut. To the Editor: WOULD like to commend the editors of the latest issue of, Gargoyle on their absolutely splen- did production of a campus humor magazine. It isn't - perfect, of course, but it isn't far away from perfection in its marvelous dis- play of fine writing, fine jokes, fine pictures and a very fine over- all display of good humor. I especially liked the way it extracts humor from life, showing people in their natural situations, subject to their natural idiocyn- crasies, stumbling into natural everyday dilemmas which just happen to be very funny because they are so incongruous and un- planned. Such is what most people at the University would probably call good humor and I'm happy to see this magazine has truly caught the sparkle of "good hu- mor." An admirable quality of this edition is its subtle treatment of sex humor, presenting the material, with a double-meaning, or by im- plication, where one meaning sug- gests a more elusive opposite one. This treatment, of course, appeals to educated people (which Gar- goyle recognizes there are at this University) more so than the gross unimaginative and single-meaning humor in which others, less artis- tically oriented and more devoted to wasting their and other's time, will indulge. * '* * THERE IS, I imagine, always the tendency in a humor maga- zine to simulate humor, out of phony, unlifelike situations, show- ing distorted and perverted pic- tures and photographs, writing jokes which border on the teen- age standard of obscenity and which tend only to lay bare to the public the irhibitions which lie inside the mind. This portrays, the ugliness rather than the hu- mor of life, and I'm glad to see Gargoyle has carefully avoided such a tendency. If the editors had not so pains- takingly limited their humor to very witty and intelligent journal- ism and to conventional require- ments of good taste, they might have run the risk of compromising even more the already compromis- ed American college student in the eyes of the non-collegiate popula- tion. They might have compromis- ed the reputation of the Univer-, sity. They might even have com- promised their own standing as thinking members of the Univer- sity community. They assure their magazine as long a life at the University as. it deserves. --Arthur J. Levy, '65L To the Editor: N THE MAY issue of the Gar- Boyle, I am listed as managing editor. This was apparently a copy-reading error as I resigned from the staff of Gargoyle on April 17. I do not, wish to take any credit away from the true editors. I resigned my staff position for two reasons: 1) The editor of Gargoyle had had , much of the copy already type-set before I had been given the opportunity to edit or even select it. 2) At that time, I read the remainder of the copy and made a number of criticisms, all of which were ignored. I would like to say again that I had virtually nothing to do with the May issue as regards copy selection, editing and page lay- outs or the job of a managing editor. -Lynne Friedrich,'6> I FEIFFER FAR OF W tOAV6 O C0 }SUL)N L aVJTgqALt /ja6 JAI1 '4! .& W6 tv OLTIRATCMI Bove 1 % & 4/j uOA1 VRWE / vJ6 HU~f FOIAM.~ COlJSLMtA/. /1 / VAP90('OU -AO NOli1bJ /4>2 i