POPULATION GROWTH: AVOIDING THE PROBLEM fLwt~t 44&1v :43 a t I]q MILD, CLOUDY High--6O Low--42 Mostly cloudy and cooler today See Editorial Page Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 161 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1963 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES ACADEMIC QUAD: Hinsdale Fights Pilot Project By BURTON MICHAELS Hinsdale House in East Quad- rangle is lodging protest against being included in the literature college's' Pilot Project next year, Hinsdale President Gerald L. Sol- ensky, '65A&D, announced last night. =The Hinsdale Council learned of the plan to include it in the pro- ject \Wednesday, and it voted to protest. The house is presently drafting letters to Interquadrangle Council end Student Government Council. "We are trying to work through student-faculty relations," Solensky said. "They put this thing through without consulting us," he contin- ued. The house will meet with off i- cials of the Pilot Project next Wednesday to discuss the situa- tion. Started in Greene The Pilot Project was begun last fall in Greene House in East Quadrangle and Little House in Mary- Markley as a joint project of the literary college and the Office of Student Affairs. All freshmen coming into the house will be in the literary col- lege, and all staff members will be graduate students in the col- lege. Willing residents will be put in the same sections of freshman courses, while faculty associates will be integrated more closely with the house. The object is "a built-in intellectual atmosphere." "This is traditionally an engi- neering house. That's not to say we're all engineers, but we have an engineering spirit- which the Pilot Project. will, destroy. The project should be started in a pre- dominantly lit school house," Sol- ensky said. Chosen by Proximity Hinsdale was chosen as the house in which to expand the Pilot Project because of its prox- imity to Greene House. The two share dining-room facilities and are the only undergraduate houses on the north end of East Quad- rangle. "The project would also elimin- ate diversification of residents, as eventually it would be all literary college people. And we've learned a lot from the ;diversification of our staff," Solensky said. He also complained that present Hinsdale residents were notified of the plan too late to change their living arrangements for next year Laos Neutrals Charge Reds With Attacks VIENTIANE (M)-Neutralist Pre- mier Prince Souvanna Phouma charged yesterday that pro-Com- munist Pathet Lao shot up two peace mission helicopters near the Plaine des Jarres. He was threatening to abandon peace talks with Pathet Lao chiefs. Souvanna blamed the Pathet Lao for the incident after his return from truce talks at Pathet Lao headquarters. "I don't know " yet, but I may not return to the Plaine des Jarres," he said. Souvanna was shaken by the attack yesterday on the Inter- national Control Commission reli- copters, a Western diplomat re- ported,. Shot Point-Blank Souvanna said the Pathet Lao, who "shot point-blank," held a hill position at the site of the attack, near the neutralist-held plain 110 miles northeast of Vien- tiane. The ICC-made up of Poland, Canada and India-is stationed in Laos to serve as an internation- al watchdog. A French army sergeant guard- ing the truck also claimed the Pathet Lao opened fire. Three Frenchmen and an Indian major were injured. Conference The attack came while Sou- vanna and ICC commissioners conferred with Pathet Lao leaders at Khang Khay, a town southeast of the plain in north-central Laos. Souvanna earlier had expressed optimism that the talks could be concluded successfully in a- short time. Observers felt that any attempt to patch the shaky coalition gov- ernment would be doomed if Sou- vanna bowed out now. Johnson Lauds Cuban Policy MILWAUKEE (RP) - Vice Presi- "The people stuck here now will contribute to the failure of this project. They're going to oppose this," he said. Quite an Uproar When Greene House learned of its inclusion in the project about this time last year, "there was quite an uproar before people knew what was happening. Now there is very little opposition to the Pilot Project," Gerald W. Braun, '65E, Greenepresident, said. A recent survey of Greene fresh- men showed that 50 per cent found the Pilot Project beneficial, 2 per cent unbeneficial and 28 per cent registered no opinion. Eighty-seven per cent of the house's freshmen favored the idea behind the Pilot Project, while only two per cent opposed it and 12 per cent were undecided. Of Greene upperclassmen, 75 per cent favored the project's rationale and 25 per cent were indifferent. Staff Benefits Evaluating the Pilot Project staff in Greene, 67 per cent of the freshmen and 53 per cent of the upperclassmen said they benefited from contact with the staff. Indifference accounted for 28 per cent of the freshmen and 47 per cent of non-freshmen, while five per cent of the freshmen stated dissatisfaction with the staff. n~:.{v,.{:{:n:.::4?Y ikrvi"%i:% ..*.*.*%::*i7:: :.. ...... :.";": f v. . . . . . . ..i.Y~G¢s :::'h :""": fi:mv..4f",: -: Ruthven Recalls Years as 'U Head By RICHARD KELLER SIMON University President Emeritus Alexander G. Ruthven recalls the experiences and tribulations of his 22 years in office and com- ments on the present problems of the University in his memoirs to be published June 3. Ruthven, who was University president from 1928 to 1950, now lives in a farm outside Ann Arbor. His book, "Naturalist in: Two Worlds: Random Recollec- tions of a University President," is a 160-page account of his life in the University Museum and the President's House. He outlines his life as a se ries of six rebirths: boyhood, college, zoological specializa- tion, museum curator, Univer- sity president and retirement. Ruthven's comments on his University career cover Uni- > versity expansion, the Legisla- ture, the faculty, alumni, the <-'Uni'versity during the depres-< sion and through World War t.:, students, athletics, the pres- idency, daily problems, gifts and grants, the Regents, and The Daily ' . ALEXANDER RUTHVEN Role of the President _ ,:... memoirs On the'role of the presidencyr he writes, "One of the major - tasks of a president who would build an integrated institution is to keep the peace in the family by harmonizing, not compro-; mising, the different viewpoints. "Simultanieously he must train his trustees to' have confi- dence in their faculties and instruct the faculty in the problems: of a governing board." University administrators should delegatex authority without shirking responsibility, he remarks.c Athletic Dilemmas He explains his difficulties with the athletic program andl its influence in the University. "If one university activity more than any other is calculated to bring a president's gray hairs in sorrow to the grave, it is intercollegiate athletics. "Then there is the student newspaper," Ruthven exclaims. "If our embryo journalists write about anything but the weath- er they are certain to offend someone . . . Every president .-- knows that the only way the faculty or the administration could even be reasonably sure that nothing silly, libelous, or in bad taste appeared in print would be to put both students and paper~ to bed each night at an early hour." President's Teas Better He further explains that he got a better idea of student opinion from talking to students at President's teas than through the "ill-considered, half-baked and biased discussions" in The Daily. His advice to parents is that they "should be required to take a course in genetics before sending their children to college.' They should learn that the chips are not off just one of the old blocks but from a tree that may have defective parts. Ruthven also discusses the problems of many state-support- ed institutions. ". .. Voluntary cooperation between the schools See PAST.'U' PRESIDENT, Page 2 SORE THUMB: IYost Compares Poorly To Big Ten Structures (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second of a series of, nine articles analyzing the most pressing problems of the University's athletic plant.) By JIM BERGER Acting Associate Sports Editor Just how bad is Yost Field House compared with the indoor track and basketball facilities of other American universities? A recent Daily survey of United States universities shows that Michigan's indoor facilities are not too bad, but in the Big Ten Michigan's field house sticks outt , CohenFinds Agreement Over NDEA By RAYMOND HOLTON General agreement c a n be found in Congress on appropria- tions for the National Defense Education Act, Wilbur J. Cohen, assistant secretary of the health, education and welfare department said yesterday. President John F. Kennedy's Omnibus Education Bill calls for $5.2 billion over a period of five years. Rather than send 24 sepa- rate bills into Congress the ad- ministration decided to present them in one omnibus proposal, Cohen noted. HEW commands approximately half of Kennedy's total legisla- tive program and federal educa- tion is the central point in HEW's program. No Major Dispute "Appropriations for higher edu- cational facilities also stand a good chance of passage mainly be- cause there is no major idealogical controversy o v e r mortar and bricks in this area," Cohen said. As a result of the country's un- employment problem, Congress is in general agreement over pro- visions for vocational education and the retraining program, Cohen added. "However, d e s p i t e America's pride in her high educational standards I have found it is mere- ly lip-service when it comes to the pocket book," Cohen complained. Combination of Factors What makes educational legis- lation difficult to get passed by the Congress is a combination of factors, he noted. First, there is the "rigid econo- my" faction which takes the ex- treme stand that "the desire of the Communist Party is to have the United States spend more and more money." Second, there are those who are afraid that the federal govern- ment will become an "octopus" with its tentacles extending into every phase of American society, Cohen explained. States'-Rightists "Then there is the Southern group of states-rightists who com- plain that the ultimate purpose of federal aid to education and other social legislation is to eliminate segregation in the South. "This is shown by the fact that prior to the Little Rock and Mis- sissippi incidents the southerners were generally in favor of federal education programs," he explained. These first three groups by themselves are nearly a majority in Congress but there is still a fourth faction which increases the majority, he added. The northern Democratic Con- gressmen make up this fourth group and they are concerned over the government's exclusion of parochial elementary and second- ary schools as recipients of federal aid, Cohen said. When Cohen first entered the Kennedy administration in 1961 he was very much concerned over the government's role in scholar- ships and grants to the college students. But after his first year with1 HEW he found it virtually impos- sible to get the idea of scholar- ships across to Congress. "These Congressmen are afraid of giving the college student a 'free ride' through school at the expense of the federal government," he stated. "A number of them approach the issue with a somewhat Calvinistic attitude. They think it should be made tough for the student to get his schooling," Cohen stressed. Cohen finds a widespread an- tipathy in Washington, usually from the rural congressmen, to- ward the idea of federal aid to scholarships. "Unless a change in attitude de- velops the whole concept of fed- eral scholarships for undergrad- uates will fade," he explained. During the eight years of for- mer President Dwight D. Eisen- hower's administration there was. little domestic progress with hu- man resources, he charged. Rush Dominican Armed Units to f.'7 RIOT IN BIRMINGHAM: Racial Incidents Shake South By The Associated Press BIRMINGHAM, Ala.-A taunt- ing crowd of more than 1000 Ne- groes defied policemen, dogs and high velocity water hoses yester- day before their own leaders per- suaded them to disperse. Doused for about an hour with water, the Negroes gave ground grudgingly. Finally, two Negro ministers pleaded with remnants of the crowd to leave. Some of the Negroes threw rocks and others missiles. Police said nearly 200 Negroes were arrested-including 111 chil- dren under 16. More than 1600 have been arrested since demon- strations started April 3. JFK Dismayed The trouble broke out as Presi- dent John F. Kennedy expressed dismay over the situation and his brother, Atty. Gen. Robert Ken- nedy, dispatched two of his key civil rights aides.to Birmingham. The attorney general canceled a speech and stayed at his office. Burke Marshall, chief of the Jus- tice Department's civil rights di- vision, talked with several offi- cials, including Sheriff Melvin Bailey. "It was our feeling that law en- forcement was containing the sit- uation. For how long we don't know. There's a possibility it could get out of hand. My impression was that he thought that was a fair appraisal of the situation," Bailey commented. Savannah Protest Meanwhile, in Savannah, Ga., a mass withdrawal of students from Savannah State College for Ne- groes began yesterday to protest the dismissal of a professor who had sought to integrate his class- es. About 60 of around 1100 who had threatened withdrawal earlier sought to enroll at Armstrong Col- lege, which has. only white stu- dents. A limited number of appli- cation blanks available at Arm- strong was soon exhausted and registration officials were able only to take the names of Negroes seeking to enter. Florida Decision And in Fort Payne, Ala., a group of integration demonstrators, ar- rested near here Friday, chose to remain in jail rather than make bond pending their hearing June 3. The group, including 10 "free- dom marchers" and two addition- al members of the Student Non- viollent Coordinating Committee, were arrested at the Alabama- Georgia line 20 miles away. Carl Rachlin, general counsel for the Congress of Racial Equal- ity, talked with several of the group today. He said charges against the 12 of breaching the peace will be defended by Fred Fray, a Montgomery attorney. No Bond Seen Rachlin, of New York City, said there are no plans for the group to make $300 bonds on the charges at this time. Unless they are released on bond, the group would remain in jail until the next regular session of circuit court which could con- sider the case. "After talking with them, I am convinced that they intend to re- main in jail for the next month," Rachlin said. The marchers were carrying on a pilgrimage began by Baltimore postman William Moore. Moore was shot to death near Attalla, Ala., April 24. Eight of the 10 marchers peti- tioned U.S. District Judge Frank M. Johnson Jr. for a temporary restrainng order, a permanent in- junction and a speedy hearing. The request was filed almost sim- ultaneously with their arrest. -AP Wirephoto TORRENT RESISTANCE-Negro demonstrators protest for inte- gration in the face of high-velocity water blasts in Birmingham, Ala. Police turned dogs and hoses on the crowd of more than 1000 and arrested 200 Negroes, 111 of them children. TO SELECT PRESIDENT: WSU Facult Nominates Candidates for Advisors By ANDREW ORLIN Wayne State University faculty members have selected nine professors, three of whom will eventually aid WSU's Board of Gov- ernors select a new president. The Board will select three of the nine to sit on an advisory committee with three administrators and three governors, Prof. Glenn Howell, one of the nine faculty members, said yesterday. Although the Board will have final decision on WSU's next president, it is seeking advice from faculty and student groups. One of +l- airnnrmi~i.aa catim Kxt ,- Haitian, Frontier of the new committees set up ay WSU's Student-Faculty Council will try to define the necessary qualities of WSU's future presi- dent. Hilberry To Retire WSU President Clarence B. Hil- berry is retiring on account of age. Prof. Howell sees the committee as an investigative and advisory body. "The committee might sug- gest one, two or possibly three per- sons to the Board, each one hav- ing different qualifications but all being equally qualified for the po- sition." "However, it is for the Board to make the final decision and that's the way it should be-they have been given this power through the state constitution," he added. Howell in Controversy Prof. Howell was involved in controversy last week when he criticized much of the present work as wasted effort. "In seeking a new president, I am all for faculty ob- servations and suggestions on the needs of our next president, but I am completely opposed to rules being set now which supposedly will have to follow when he comes into office." Much discussion has gone on as to what role and what policy the future president should follow. Discussion of which way the new president should lead WSU is a waste of time, Prof. Howell assert- ed. Nominations for the advisory committee came from University Council's steering committee. University Council selected 18 names. These names were put to a general vote of the faculty who selected the nine professors. Prof. George Miller who served on the election committee said that 587 out of 877 eligible faculty members voted. Formation of 'the committee now awaits action by the WSU Board. Myrdal Blasts Wasting Cash For Defense By EDITH SCHACHLER of the Wayne Daily collegian Special To The Daily DETROIT-The wasting of de- fense dollars which could be used to solve many of this country's problems was pointed up yesterday by a panel of famed economists. Speaking at the Saturday ses- sion of Wayne State University's program on "Economic and Social Problems of Disarmament," Prof. Gunner K. Myrdal of the Univer- sity of Sweden said the United States is in a period of relative stagnation. "Not only is the United States wasting $22 billion, but there are also billions not produced because of unemployment," he declared. Wasted Engineers He expressed dismay that "such a large part of this country's en- gineers are working in military fields when they could be used to greatly increase the productivity of America." Prof. Seymour Melman of Co- lumbia University asserted that the present military budget-456.7 billion-could be cut by $22 billion without hurting United States de- fenses. "The condition of military tech- nology has, reached the point where there is no defense any- more," he said. I "Electric Effect" "The effect of reducing the mili- tary budget would have an electric effect on Russia" by turning at- tention to productive needs in both countries, Prof. Melman as- serted. Prof. Walter Isard of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania viewed the special problems that disarmament and arms budget cuts would bring to the country. He noted that Michigan had al- ready in effect made an adjust- ment to a defense spending cut as military expenditures dropped from 10.55 per cent of all defense expenditure to 2.8 per cent in ten years. Diversification Stressing the advantage of a diversified economy which is not Crisis Rises Over Safety Of Asvlees Call Move Defensive; Runor of Offensive Retaliation Persists SANTO DOMINGO (A) - The Dominican Republic rushed army troops overland to the Haitian frontier and mounted a seaborne tank assault force yesterday as the Haiti-Dominican crisis rapid- ly deteriorated. Authoritative sources said 1000 army troops were sped in buses and trucks to various border points while at least five and possibly many more medium tanks were loaded aboard navy landing craft In Santo Domingo and dispatched toward Haiti. Government sources described the moves as defensive, but there were persistent reports that Pres- ident Juan Bosch may take the offensive in retaliation for what he has called Haitian foot-drag- ging in issuing safe conduct pass- es to Haitians who had taken asylum in the Dominican embassy in Port-au-Prince. Asylees Depart Twenty Haitians wo had taken asylum in the Spanish and Bra- zilian embassies in Port-au-Prince left the Haitian capital by air yesterday under safe conduct pass- es issued by President Francois Duvalier's regime. But the Dominicans said Duval- ier has failed to live up to his promise to an inter-American peace commission to issue safe conduct passes for 15. of 22 Hait- ians who had taken asylum in the Dominican embassy. The Duvalier regime accused the Dominican Republic in charges published in Port-au-Prince of giving Haitian rebels training camps and planes and of massacr- ing other Haitians. U.S. Forces Alerted United States forces in the Car- ibbean also remained on the alert, ready, if necessary, to help pro- tect the lives and property of American citizens in Haiti. Reports circulated in Santo Do- mingo that the inter-American peace team here may be ordered back to Port-au-Prince, possibly to get Duvalier to carry out his agreement to issue safe-conduct passes for the Haitian asylees in the Dominican Embassy. Shows YD's Defense Cut Possibilities By ROBERT SELWA Special To The Daily DETROIT-The defense budget could be cut by 24 billion dollars and the nation still would retain all its military power, the Michi- gan Young Democrats were told last night. Addressing the annual YD con- vention, Prof. Seymour Melman of Columbia University noted that the proposed defense budget of 56 billion dollars is more than all federal government expenditures from 1933-1940. He said the United States has spent 450 billion dollars in the last 15 years building up a military machine that has now reached the point of "overkill." Other Purposes With a defense budget of only 34 bilion dollars this next year, the United States could main- tain full deterrence while using the other 22 billion dollars for industrial purposes, Melman said. Rep. James G. O'Hara (D-Mich- igan) also spoke to the YD's, dwelling upon the problem of the many young people "out of school, out of work, and out of luck." More Education Almost nothing, he said, is being done for them. O'Hara described the Kennedy administration's youth employment bill as "a mod- est bill that does not begin to meet the problems." He advocated more vocational education. like a sore thumb. Yost Field. House, besides being 40 years old, handles a maximum crowd of only about 9800. In the Western Conference, only Purdue can claim as bad facilities for indoor track and basketball as Michigan. Ohio State, Illinois, Minnesota, Indiana, Northwestern and Michigan State all have par- ticularly good and relatively mod- ern structures. Wisconsin and Iowa have older buildings, but -both have large seating capacities. Ppmrhane +the mnat faomn of EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS: 'Informal' Ensian To ArriveMonday __________________________________ By CARL COHEN The 1963 Michigenensian will be available beginning on Mon- day, Editor Linda S. Joel, '63, an- nounced yesterday. The new 'Ensian "exceeded our - -ra -ac -av ar -- f nn 1 %Xic n portion is a picture of the band in formation at a football game. "This leads naturally into the Sports pages," she pointed out. Also, she said, "We tried to establish informality and contin- ~iv by ,-,ca f rn nn und.rthe McLeary, '63, a first prize winner at the Michigan Union's Creative Arts Festival. Several pictures by Edward Langs, '65L, in this year's 'Ensian have also won prizes. "We have only printed 2500 f 7,0!