N 'U' PRESS POLICY: CHAOS AND SECRECY See Editorial Page Y L git zgau :4Iad1t4 MILD, CLOUDY High-70 Low-45 Brief showers this afternoon Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 160 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1963 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES ALIGNED WITH NASSER: Report Syria Officers Resign BEIRUT M-)-Members of the Syrian government aligned with Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser of the United Arab Repub- lic were reported yesterday to have resigned, clouding the future of the proposed new Arab federation of Syria, Iraq and Egypt. The breaktip of the Syrian cab- inet and the ruling National Rev- olutionary Party left the nation- alistic Ba'ath Socialist Party in control of the country, reliable sources in Beirut said. The Ba'athists of Syria entered the federation talks reluctantly. Nasser has told them bluntly in unity talks last month that they will be submerged in his own one- Townsend Says Conditions Aid Today's Businessman By RUCHA ROBINSON Changes in theories and practices of business management make the present a good time for business men; Lynn A. Townsend, president of Chrysler Corp., said yesterday at the school of business administration school's annual awards program. Townsend, recipient of the award, noted three factors for LYNN TOWNSEND, S.. today's businessman 'U-M '63': Functionality Deterinines Construction By MARILYN KORAL "The major objective of the Uni- versity building program is to meet functional requirements which the faculty prescribe," Assistant to the Vice-President for Business and Finance John McKevitt told a group of alumni participating in the "U-M '63" program yesterday Toward meeting these require- ments, the physical campus is "always becoming something; it never stands still," McKevitt not- ed. He claimed that there are two possible considerations in Univer- sity building programs: "economic durability or the amenities." Since the University is a public institu- tion, the facilities are "for use rather than show. We achieve what refinements we can without extravagance," McKevitt said., Planning Stage Ile described the relationship of the various structures presently being built or in the planning stage to the over-all University needs. In the area of Monroe Ave. and the Business Administration Bldg. McKevitt saw possibilities for fu- ture building expansion, particu- larly to fulfill the needs of the Law School and the graduate pro- gram of the school of business administration. The Dental School plans to in- crease their freshman class from 97 to 150. To cope with the need for a higher :enrollment in th( dentistry school, the University intends to provide an addition to the present Dentistry Bldg. A bill has been introduced in the Legis- lature requesting appropriation for this addition, McKevitt told the alumni. North Campus With the increasing demand for research facilities, the fastest growing area in the University building program is North Campus This area also has a housing de. velopment for 860 married stu. dents. McKevitt called the women', Oxford H using Project to go into operation this fall "a response tc the students' expressed need fox variety in choices of living pat- tern." The project includes co-ops suites and apartment units. "We have to cope with a cos- mopolitan student body through school's sixth business leadership the improved business climate in yhis address at the 33rd Alumni Conference. As the first factor Townsend named the "acceptance of non-inflationary e c o n o miic growth as an agreed objective of our national policy." Reached Maturity "We have not always accepted economic growth. Shortly after the depression it was fashionable to say our economy had reached its maturity," he said. The United States has now re- jected the idea that slow, steady inflation will encourage buying. Because of foreign competition and tightening of foreign curren- cies the United States must live within its means, Townsend added, Broader trade relations forms the second factor in business growth. A quarter of a century ago there was no European market for American goods because of in- ternal political troubles, he noted. Gain Access With the establishment of the Common Market and the free trade area, American business men will gain access to many more markets. Townsend explained that1 Congress recognized this growth in trade with the Marshall plan in 1947-48. and the Trade Expansion Act of 1962. Townsend said that the third most important factor was growing confidence in private enterprise. It is this feature of capitalism which has most impressed the rest of the world. Recently a Russian economist asserted that private enterprise "encouraged production of better, sturdier a n d cheaper goods." Townsend called "the automatic correction of mistakes" of private enterprise the main reason for . respect of the system. Private Spending He added that efforts to reduce taxes would encourage private spending. New tax rates would re- sult in a "vigorous, non-inflation- ary economic growth." In an effort to create an even b e t t e r business .environment, Townsend listed three more fac- tors for improvement. He said that business men must "use a positive , approach in public relations." He added that business men "fre- quently appear negative." Private business is not only a profession Townsend said, but it should be the "foundation for society's activity." It is business which determines the strength of our nation. With "expansion of economic activity in the rest of the world," the American business man can use "free enterprise to better the world.", Townsend concluded that while military strength is necessary at s present in the cold war, victory will come through long-range planning in economic activity. party system under the projected federation. Quit Government There was no confirmation from Damascus that the pro-Nasser fac- tion had quit the government. But tight censorship was inposed in Syria. One Damascus dispatch, giving no hint of a split, said the revo- lutionary government had nation- alized Syria's banks and banned the export of all currencies as a step toward socialization of the country. The Ba'athists also dominate Iraq's revolutionary regime. If the reported shakeup in Damascus sticks, Nasser would have to forge his federation with six Syrian and Iraqi Ba'athists on the ruling 18- man presidential council. No Certainty However, pro-Nasser elements are strong inside both the Syrian political and military machines, and there is no certainty that the Ba'athists can keep their hold on volatile Syria. The presidency council, compos- ed of six members from each na- tion, is to begin function as a transitional government in Sep- tember. Nasser will be the transi- tional president. Elections are to be .held before the new Arab union becomes fully operational, 25 months hence. Sources in Beirut reported six pro-Nasser ministers and 6 of the 25 members of the National Rev- olutionary Council walked out. The Ba'athists in the army com- mand, in a bid to take control, pensioned off 47 non-Ba'athist of- ficers. YD's Stress Pamphlets By ROBERT SELWA Special To The Daily DETROIT-A group of Young Democrats last night called for the dissemination of information about birth control techniques at the YD state convention here. The motion was one of many passed by the resolution commit- tee. It goes to the plenary this morning. The Resolution Committee pass- ed it, 9-2, following discussion of the ethics of both artificial birth control techniques and the popu- lation explosion. Forestalling Progress The resolution states that "the explosive growth in world popula- tion is one of the most challeng- ing problems of our time and of significant influence in forestall- ing progress in our areas of human betterment." It would have Michigan YD's "support and encourage govern- mental involvement and leadership in the education of all people in the methods and availability of birth control techniques." The resolution was written and submitted by Etta Green of the 16th district YD's. Subversive Mailing Other motions passed by the committees and sent to the plen- ary include one against bans on "so-called subversive mailing." Passed without objection, it says that this practice is against free- dom of inquiry. Jordan Rossen was running without opposition for the chair- manship of the state YD's, follow- ing the refusal of Alan D. Cutcher to run for re-election. And the credentials committee voted 22-1 to except the voting rights of 13 districts and clubs. IU Students Get Backing From Unit BLOOMINGTON-Indiana Uni- versity took the position yester- day that three students indicted on charges of subversive activity were innocent until proved guilty. A spokesman said they would re- main in good standing. The students were charged with having violated a state anti- Communist statute by attending a campus meeting at which a speaker reportedly advocated the forcible overthrow of the govern- ment. three Surrender All three have surrendered. They are Ralph Levitt, James E. Bing- ham and Thomas G. Morgan. All are officers of the university chap- ter of the Young Socialist Alliance, youth branch of the Socialist Workers party. Monroe County Prosecuting At- torney Thomas A. Hoadley said he had sparked the two day grand jury investigation that resulted in the indictments yesterday. "The important thing in this case," Hoadley said, "is to get this organization off the campus. The university is a department of the state government." 'Unconstitutional Statute' Meanwhile, Robert Risk, head of the Indiana Civil Liberties Union, held that the 1951 state law the students were accused of violating was unconstitutional. It forbids advocacy of the vio- lent overthrow of the federal or Indiana government. Risk cited the 1956 case in which the United States Supreme Court upset' a Pennsylvania deci- sion against Steve Nelson. The court held that federal law pre- empted state sedition laws in mat- ters of national security. To Defend His organization will enter the case in defense of the students, Risk said. They are expected to be arraigned Monday. The indictments charge that the three "assembled" March 25 "for the purpose of advocating or teaching the doctrine that the government of the United States or of the State of Indiana should be overthrown by force, violence or any unlawful means, voluntarily participating therein by their presence, aid or instigation, and as officers of a Trotskyite Com- munist organization called the Young Socialist Alliance." The alliance denied today that the purpose of the meeting, at the student union, was to advocate the violent overthrow of either government. Political Career It called the prosecution a "witch hunt" and an effort to en- hance Hoadley's political career. Hoadley said Thomas C. Schreck, director of student activities, and Robert H. Shaffer, dean of stu- dents, had testified before the grand jury. They agreed, he said, that the way to settle the matter was for the grand jury to return indictments, thereby providing the first test of the law. The university said: "Our own attorneys advised us some time ago that the statute in question is of doubtful validity. It, of course, is basic to the American system that an indictment is sim- ply an accusation and not a con- viction." Morgan dropped out of school March 6. The others are graduate students. Copyright, 1963, The New York Times ti FORT PAYNE, Ala. (P) - Ten "freedom marchers," pelted by eggs in Georgia, were arrested yes- terday by Alabama highway pa- trolmen when the integrated group crossed the state line into Ala- bama. Shortly before the marchers reached the state line, one was knocked to the ground by a white man and another was hit on the head with a rock. Neither was in- jured seriously and continued the march. The hikers, five white men and five Negroes, also had been pelted with eggs when they stopped for lunch on the roadside, about a mile before reaching Alabama. Dozen Police Alabama patrolmen barred news- men accompanying the marchers from crossing the state line. A dozen patrolmen with clubs ex- tended before them, halted the newsmen. The freedom marchers were al- NO C Studies Post-Graduate Finance Plans More than 700 graduate stu- dents at the University are taking part in a survey conducted by the National Opinion Research Cen- ter to determine how students fi- nance their post-graduate work. The results of the survey, sup- ported by the National Science Foundation, will be used in deter- mining federal policy toward grad- uate scholarships and fellowships. The questionnaire, being dis- tributed, requests information con- cerning sources and amounts of stipends received by students, their academic workload and degree' programs, how much they earn' from outside employment and their career plans. Nationally, the NORC is polling 25,000 students at 130 institutions. lowed to pass and were told they were under arrest. Hundreds followed the marchers along the last few miles of their route between Rising Fawn, Ga., and the Alabama line. The in- tegrated group was carrying on a pilgrimage began by Baltimore Postman William Moore, who was shot to death near Attalla, Ala., April 24. Stopped on Line The attacks on the marchers yesterday occurred when they stopped on the roadside for lunch, about a mile from the Alabama line. A crowd- of about 100 white people gathered. One of the marchers was walk- ing across the highway when an unidentified white man hit him on the chin with his fist. He was helped to his feet by an officer. Two other persons were arrest- ed, the sheriff's office reported. They were in a car following the marchers, a deputy said. He said the sheriff would have to release their names. Although a civil rights organization in Atlanta said 16 persons were arrested, the dep- uty said only 12 had been jailed. Shortly before the arrests, a petition filed in federal court in Montgomery asked that Alabama's Public Safety Director, Al Lingo, be barred from interferring with the march. The integrationists asked a speedy hearing on their request. Eight of Ten The request for a restraining order filed in Montgomery named only eight of the 10 arrested. There was no immediate ex- planation why two of the march- ers were not included in the peti- tion. The petition contended that any interference with the march would be a violation of the 14th amend- ment to the United States Con- stitution which guarantees equal protection under the law. The march is important, the petition stated, because it calls "the pub- lic's attention to the problem ofi racial discrimination."7 The egg throwing came later as about 25 or 30 whites followed the+ group. A state patrolman walked in front of the white men, keep- ing them from approaching the marchers. The marchers left Rising Fawn about noon' Friday. Nearly 100 cars carrying white persons lined the road beside them as they left the village, five miles from the Alabama line. CCNC Request, Adds Precincts To Vote Retally By The Associated Press LANSING - T h e Republican- backed Coordinating Committee. for the New Constitution added 103 precincts to the recount of last April's constitution vote yesterday. The list includes at least one precinct in each of the 77 counties in which Democrats Thursday ask- ed for a recount of 1,891 precincts. The recounting, to be conducted by the State Board of Canvassers, is expected to begin May 13. Indeterminite Length The board has yet to determine recount procedures and the length of time needed. Secretary of State James M. Hare said this will de- pend on whether a few supervisors work in a number of areas or a lot work in one at a time._ CCNC executive director Edward A. McLogan filed the petitions late Thursday night on the advise of committee legal counsel Stan- ley E. Beattie. Beattie said the petitions should be filed Thursday to avoid possible confusion over the recount petition deadline. McLogan said the organization has appointed recount watching chairmen in ea'ch county and will train about 1000 volunteers and legal advisors for the recount. Fifteen precincts in Wayne County, eight in Washtenaw, six in Saginaw and one in each of the 74 other counties will be recounted under McLogan's request. Member Resigns Meanwhile, Republican Board of Canvasser member Carl C. Lind- quist resigned. He wrote Gov. George Romney that the press of business prevented him from mak- ing frequent trips from his Iron Mountain Upper Peninsula home to Lansing to attend board meet- ings. _ Washtenaw County has begun to prepare for a recount of 69 of its 77 precincts, including all pre- cincts in Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti and Saline and most township pre- cincts. Only Lyndon, amoung Washtenaw County's 20 townships will not have recounted precincts. The county recorded the heav- iest margin-12,091 votes--for the constitution in the entire state. -AP Wirephoto 'FREEDOM MARCHERS'-Nine of the 11 "Freedom Marchers" stand prepared to leave Chattanoo- ga Wednesday for their hike to Mississippi. They followed the route taken by William Moore who was shot to death on April 24. Violence erupted as they neared the Alabama border, and they were taken into' custody when they crossed the state line. Protest March Causes Violence Many Flee; Officers Use Fire Hoses Mayor Voices Appeal For Restraint, Peace Inl Demonstrations BIRMINGHAM (P)-Police dogs and fire hoses routed crowds of Negroes yesterday as hundreds of school-age youngsters attempted to stage anti-segregation marches." Five Negroes reported they were either bitten by the leashed dogs or injured by streams of water. Two policemen were hospitalized with injuries inflicted by rocks thrown by Negroes, officials said. 900 Arrested Despite criticism from Washing- ton, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. vowed that demonstrations today would exceed those of the past two days in which about 900 persons have been arrested. As Negroes stepped up demo strations, Mayor Albert Moutwll appealed for "restraint and peace." Boutwell, considered more mod- erate than his predecessors, pledg- ed "immediate and determined at- tention to resolving the difficulties facing us." But a two-government dispute has delayed his taking full authority. Future of School He urged a halt to demonstra- tions. "I hope and pray that the adult citizens, white and colored alike, will realize that the future of a great city, depends upon their good conduct and self-restraint," Bout- well said. Ambulances took four Negroes from the church where the demon- strations started near the down- town business district. Resist Officers Some Negroes, mostly onlookers, tried to resist officers and one pulled a pocket knife on an officer with a dog. Policemen grabbed several belligerents and at least one was caught around the neck by an officer. About 60 Negroes were jailed in the first series of attempted marches. Two hours later, 50 oth- er marchers were turned back by water hoses. Police jailed an estimated 200 Negroes on charges of parading without a permit. Nearly 700.dem- onstrators were arrested Thurs- day, bringing the total of arrests to 1300 since the desegregation campaign began April 3. In Washington, Atty. Gen. Rob- ert F. Kennedy issued a statement in which he said, "continued re- fusal to grant equal rights and op- portunities to Negroes makes in- creasing turmoil inevitable." But he went on to question the methods used by the Negro lead- ers and to say, "school children participating in street demonstra- tions is dangerous business. An injured, maimed or dead child is a price none of us can afford to pay." Kennedy spoke of "very real and deep injustices" that he said the city's Negro and white commun- ties know have been inflicted on Birmingham Negroes. He added, "I hope for the sake of everyone that this can be done in meetings." After two diversionary marches in the block around the church, about 50 teen-agers started march- ing toward the downtown area. They had skipped school classes. Police blocked off the entire section surrounding the church. Another group left minutes later, headed in another direction. An unidentified white man at- tempted to run his car into one group. He was jerked from the car and arrested by officers. Senate To View MSU Lobbying A special five-man Senate com- mittee has scheduled investigations of Michigan State University's Ex- tension Service for this summer, after the June 4 wrap-up session of the Legislature. The extension, service is charg- rti Sigratoic Muel / Z 3 e Y aI it s d r ;t NO SINGLE, SIMPLE SOLUTION:_ Bradley Views Complexity of Population Problems By KENNETH WINTER There is no single, simple solu- tion to the problems arising from the population explosion, Rt. Rev. Msgr. John F. Bradley told a Newman Club audience last night. "We must remember when seeking solutions that we are not dealing with inferiors, but with human beings with the dignity of God in them," he said. With this principle in mind, he went on to outline some possible courses of action. Take Care of Today Msgr. Bradley suggested that this generation should "take care of today," leaving the problems of the more distant future to the In addition, he suggested the cultivation of a greater part of the earth's arable land, seeking new food sources, and the more efficient use of present resources as a way of sustaining more people. Under this point he strongly urged that the "have" nations help the "have-not" countries by sharing their abundance with them. As a means of slowing the birth rate, later marriage would be effective - especially in nations such as India, where girls marry at around 15, Msgr. Bradley com- mented. Contraception Immoral "Contraception could limit oar Commenting on the seriousness of the "population explosion," Msgr. Bradley warned that "we should be wary of prognostica- tions concerning future popula- tion." Noting that even present population figures are prone to error, he pointed out that many things can happen to render pro- jectiosn into the future inaccurate. Projections of future population should be viewed most critically of all, for many things can happen that would make them wrong. For example, "Who says human beings are always going to be fer- tile?" Msgr. Bradley asked, citing scientific reports that radiation