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May 03, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-03

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May showers
bring glowers

See Editorial Page

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


Democrats Submit
Petitions for Recounit
Thurber Decides Not To Request
Similar Action Over Regent Loss
While fellow Democrats filed petitions for a recount of the
April 1 vote approving the new state constitution, Regent Donald
M. D. Thurber of Grosse Pointe yesterday officially abandoned all
attempts at a similar recount of his own loss to Regent-elect William
B. Cudlip of Grosse Pointe Shores.
Thurber noted that the margin between Cudlip and himself
had been so small that it was advisable to wait until after the
_official canvass and certification
a..before deciding on a recount in
his case. He added that he had
been offered much financial and
F legal backing for such an action.
"The issue is not whether or
not Cudlip or I should fill the
position but only whether the
people's decision on April 1 has
been accurately recorded," Thur-
;' t:'? ber said.

... bows out
Bus Servie
To Continue
Ann Arbor city officials averted
a crisis in bus service yesterday by
agreeing to a takeover of the bus
company by former driver Leonard
B. Jones.
The City Bus Co., headed by
Arvin Marshall, was forced out of
business as as result of increased
manpower costs arising from a
recently negotiated labor contract
with the drivers.
Jones' proposal for operation of
a new company utilizing old equip-
ment states that he will assume
all responsibility for continuing
mortgage payments on the buses
to a Lansing firm and to take
over full control of bus operations.
Acceptable Plan
Found acceptable to Mayor
Cecil 0. Creal, City Administrator
Guy Larcom, City Attorney Jacob
Fahrner and Marshall, the plan
will go before the City Council for
approval next Monday.
Strong support is expected in
council for the plan, as ,public
sentiment dictates that the ad-
ministration do everything pos-
sible to keep the buses running.
Jones said yesterday that he
would drop fares back to the 25-
cent level and ask that drivers
work a four-day week, 12 hours a
day. Most of the drivers seemed to
support the idea.
Creal noted that Jones' propo-
sition was not in a finished form
and that many details remain to
be worked out, including the
transfer of financing of the buses .
from Marshall's company to the
new one, purchase of insurance
and the dissolution of the City
Bus Co.
City Help
The mayor continued that the
city would do everything it could
to aid the new company. However,
Ann Arbor could not legally sub-
sidize Jones' company without a
60 per cent favorable vote of city
City administrators have point-
ed out the small number of people
requiring bus service in relation
to the number of fares necessary
to support bus operations.
Creal has expressed a strong
desire to serve this segment of the
community and advises that "co-
operative efforts be undertaken to
help keep the bus service."
School To Make
Loan Decision
The Medical School has not yet
decided whether it will accept
funds under the medical student
loan program now in Congress, As-
sistant Dean Alexander Barry said
xlast night.
"We have not yet discussed it;
we are waiting for final congres-
sional action," he explained.
The bill including the loan pro-

No Obvious Errors
"An analysis of the canvass in-
dicates no obvious errors. If there
are small errors, they are so scat-
tered it would take a complete
recount to find them. I do not
believe it is feasible or in the
public interest to l4ave a total
recount of the Regents election;
therefore, I have decided not to
petition for a recount," he ex-
"Instead of prolonging the un-
certainty of the election result, I
would rather spend the time help-
ing Cudlip to acquaint himself
with the many duties of the office
he will assume next January.,
"It has been a privilege to serve
the state and the University for
six years, and I wish Cudlip many
years of fruitful service in the
same office," Thurber concluded.
Recounts Filed
Meanwhile, State Democratic
Chairman Zolton Ferency was
leading a team of party workers
in the filing of constitution re-
count petitions in 1891 out of
5209 precincts scattered through
all but six Michigan counties.
Ferency noted that only "key
precincts" were chosen for the
recount, since not enough funds
were available for a full recount.
These precincts were selected on
the basis of possible areas in which
votes could be picked up as well
as those areas in which doubt
existed as to Lne accuracy of the
voting records.
Ballots in Doubt
Ferency explained that the ma-
jor point in calling a recount was
to check the figures tallied by
machine, adding that many people
have seriously questioned the ac-
curacy of such ballots.
He expressed "sincere regret"
that a recount could not be taken
on the Thurber ballot, but ex-
plained that funds simply would
not permit such an action. He
added that facilities posed no
problem, although the petitioners
had received a total of $9455 from
contributions "for constitution.re-
count purposes only."
Answers Charges
Answering to charges leveled at
him in a recent editorial to the
effect that if the Democrats were
really interested in getting an im-
proved constitution, they should
being discussing amendments to
the available one instead of wast-
ing time calling for a recount,
'erency stated that such a pack-
age of amendments had been in-
troduced into the Legislature sev-
eral months ago.
"These were the ones which
were generally agreed on and
which Gov. George Romney had
indicated he approved, including
a proper apportionment plan,"
Ferency said.

DIT Cace
A suit by five Detroit Institute
of Technology faculty members
who are trying to keep from being
fired was dismissed by Wayne
County Circuit Judge Neal Fitz-
gerald yesterday.
The attorney for the instructors
said an appeal would be taken to
the state Supreme Court.
One of the instructors involv-
ed said that, DIT's administration
was "just looking for an excuse
to fire us," and that the judge
was "very biased."
No Cause
Fitzgerald threw the plaintiffs'
suit out of court in the middle of
the first defense witness's testi-
mony, claiming the teachers had
"not shown cause."
The instructors claimed their
contracts were not renewed for
next year because- they helped
form the new DIT local of the
American Federation of Teachers.
State law prohibits anyone from
being fired for union activity.
A spokesman for the instruc-
tors said that the basis of their
appeal was in the interpretation
of this law.
Union Activity
According to the spokesman, the
judge interpreted the law to mean
that "union activity would have
to be the sole cause" for the
teachers' dismissal.
The teachers contend that "if
union activities played any part
in the administration's decision to
fire them, they should be rein-
The five instructors who were
fired-Joan LaFreniere, Albert
Eglash, Athalia Gentry, Victor
Wightman and Rose Shipper-had
picketed DIT last week along with
some Wayne State University fac-
ulty members, a Detroit common
councilman an dfive other instruc-
tors who were not fired.
Court Statement
The spokesman said also that
the record of the court proceed-
ings contained a statement by a
member of the administration that
"we'll get the other five later."
He further added that the un-
ion was backing the group in its
appeal to the Supreme Court.
Fitzgerald said after the trial
that he "would have put the stu-
dents out of this courtroom. It is
a shame they heard their teach-
ers tear themselves apart in pub-
lic," he added.
William Himelhorch, president
of Local 1458 of the AFT, releas-
ed a statement of rebuttal. It
read in part, "We are fighting not
only for our human rights as em-
ployes, but for our professional
rights as teachers to teach the
officials Set
YSA Leaders
Free on Bond
Ralph Levitt and Thomas Alor-
gan, president and treasurer of
the Young Socialist Alliance at the
University of Indiana, surrendered
themselves to authorities at
Bloomington yesterday.
The two were released on 1000
bond and no date for arraignment
was set. A third student indicted
by the court, James Bingham, sur-
rendered and was released on bond
A spokesman for the three said
that they "did not care to make
any statement."
The students are charged with
assembling for the purpose of ad-
vocating violent overthrow of the

government under the Indiana
anti-subversive act.

Small Margin for

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The. Founding of Ann Arbor?

Prof. Russell E. Bidlack of
the Library Science department
is the author of a new book
examing in detail the history of
Ann Arbor and its founder,
John Allen.
With little more than a grade
school education and married
to a wife his opposite in social
graces and educational exper-
ience, Allen came to Ann Arbor
to build a fortune from the
hazardous game of land specu-
Before Allen arrived in Ann
Arbor in the -early 1800's, Gov.
Lewis Cass had issued a proc-
lamation crating six new
counties, one of which was
Washtenaw, where the govern-
ment would try to bring
River Site
Spotting an excellent oppor-
tunity, Allen and his partner
Elisha Rumsey bought property
valued at $800 by the Huron
River, a site that was to later
contain the business district of
modern Ann Arbor.
The two men then wasted no
time in having Gov. Cass de-
tlare their land the location of
the Washtenaw County seat.
The way was clear then for
Allen and Rumsey to map out
"their town."

The name Ann Arbor evolved
because both men's wives were
named Ann and Allen and
Rumsey were fond of calling
the settlement "Ann's Arbour."
Liberal Terms
It wasn't long before settlers
began to pour into the town,
spurred on by advertisements
placed in Detroit papers stating
that "Ann Arbour" was located
in the heart of a rich and rap-
idly populating country and
that Allen and Rumsey were
willing to sell land "on the,
most liberal terms."
Coincident with Ann Arbor's
growth, John Allen and.Rumsey -
continued to buy new lots, sell-
ing them at a profit.
City Leader
As Allen's family moved from
Virginia to join him in Ann
Arbor, the city founder began
to take on the attitudes of a
statesmanlike city leader while
retaining his shirewdness and
an ability to spot a profitable
In September of 1827 Elisha
Rumsey died. Prof. Biblack
notes that "had he lived, Rum-
3ey might have left as marked
an imprint on Ann Arbor as
did John Allen, although he
owned far less land and seems
to have been less determined to
make a fortune than his

After some years of building
a vast personal fortune, John
Allen left Ann Arbor for New
York City, where he thought he
could better control his finan-
cial affairs.
1837 Panic
Shortly after his arrival in
the great city, Allen recognized
signs of the -impending Panic of
1837. But efforts to save his
empire were unsuccessful and
Allen was forced to stand by.
helplessly while his fortune
melted away.
Allen then returned to Ann
Arbor to face his debts. He was
welcomed as a man who had
fallen victim to the times and
not as a criminal debtor.
Unable to be content with a
mediocre law practice, Allen
decided to join the California
Gold Rush.'
Health Fails
Due to failing health, he did
not find the promised wealth
and was forced to leave the
gold fields for a surer enter-
prise, selling food to miners.
In March of 1851 John Allen
died in California of "inflam-
mation of the liver." Prof. Bid-
lack contrasts his early days of
prosperity and later times of
poverty by pointing out that a
stranger paid $5 for digging his

'U-M '63' Considers Student Affairs

Panhellenic Straw Vote Records


Fall Rushing

A presentation on "Student Af-
fairs at the University Today"
last night launched the two-day
"U-M '63" program designed to
show alumni the University in its
present state.,
Speaking at the informal dinner
for approximately 40 alumni were
Director of Admissions Clyde Vro-
man, Prof. Otto Graf, director of
the honors council and past Stu-
dent Government Council Presi-
dent Steven Stockmeyer, '63. Vice-
President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis presided.
Vroman traced the selection for
admission of a freshman class "by
multiple criteria." He emphasized
that although the major factors
are high school records, test scores
and high school recommendations,,
the "final decision is subjective."
Human Factor
He explained that in order to
get a complete record of the stu-
dent, "the human factor must be
kept in the picture."
Describing the general criteria
for admission, he said "we are
looking for how much ability the
student has, whether he has learn-
ed to use that ability and what he
is coming for."
Prof. Graf outlined the goal of
the Honors Council "to engage
the ablest students and advance
them as fast as we can."
Breadth and Depth
While the University recognizes
its mass education responsibilities,

it also strives "to enable the best
students to get the education,
which they deserve," he said. He
noted that the honors program
tries to give its students "breadth
as well as specialized depth."
Citing statistics he stated that
the median verbal Scholastic Ap-
titude Test of the 284 students
who entered the program last fall
was 680, while that of the math
SAT was 670. Seventy per cent
of the students were in the upper
five per cent of their graduating.
class, he said.
Stockmeyer described the cur-
rent campus picture as having
"problems much the same but
with different solutions."
As the University has increased
in size both the living and social
activity have become decentralized,
he said.I
Turning to student opinion he
said that students "are more apt
to criticize and question what is

going on, not only in the Univer-
sity community but in the world
community as well."
For the future he predicted that,
sororities and fraternities will have
"the problem of accepting the
academic challenge." However the
Greek system "is not on the way
but," he said.
Suggest Topic
For Challenge
Elizabeth Nusbaum, '66, will
present a suggestion for Challenge
topics at the meeting this after-
noon, in an attempt to save the
It is The American Dilemma,
Integration in the North and
South. Suggested speakers
are Rep. Adam Clayton (D-NY)
and Malcoim X, leader of the
Black Muslims.

... rush revisions
"The creation of the Federation
of Malaysia will almost certainly
materialize this August," Prof.
Robert Tilman of Tulane Uni-
versity said last night.
It will emerge, in spite of cer-
tain complications which have
arisen during the past year, he
A conference in London last Au-
gust decided that Malaysia would
come into existence before August
31 of this year. For two months
following that decision, it appear-
ed that the states were proceeding
smoothly toward federation, Prof.
Tilman said.
Upset Plans
"However, the abortive revolt in
Brunei last December initiated a
series of developments which per-
iled the supposedly secure plans."
This revolution was instigated
by an anti-alliance political party,
and its ideals quickly spread to
the Malayan peninsula, where
popular support for the federation
began to wane, Prof. Tilman not-
"Malaya had possessed a na-
tional inferiority complex which
prompted its desire for political
alliance with the other Malay
states in order to insure domestic
security. However, its continued
prosperity led Malaya to flex its
nationalistic muscles, and the
strongly pro-federation elements
relaxed their influence," he said.
Chinese Minority
Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak,
Brunei and North Borneo, the five
proposed members of the Malay-
sian Federation, all possess a large
Chinese minority. Another prob-
lem facing the forthcoming mer-
ger is the fear of many Malays
that these Chinese would hold too
much political power, Prof. Tilman
Despite this growth of anti-fed-
eration feelings, the Malayan con-
sensus still favors the alliance in
order to. lessen the influence and
contain the prosperity of Singa-
pore, he said.
"The Malays regard Singapore
as a cancerous growth which can-
not be killed, but they believe that
the acquisition and maintenance
of a healthy body will prevent the
cancer from spreading."
The British government is en-
couraging the merger, because it
is part of their post-war policy to
grant self-government to their
colonies and mandates and also
the upkeep of their colonies on
Borneo presents a serious drain
on the colonial exchequer, Prof.
Tilman stated.
Grant To Help
WSU Get Land
A federal grant will help Wayne
State University acquire and clear
62 acres of Detroit real estate to
build dormitory and physical-
education facilities.
The Urban Renewal Administra-
tion announced yesterday that it
would finance two-thirds of the
project, which will cost an estimat-
ed 912.6mionnTheremainer

To Consider,
Plan for '64
Urge IImprovements
In Present Method
Instead of New Date
Sorority women have voted by
a narrow margin of 36 in favor of
the concept of fall rush.
Ellen Brockman, '64, Panhellenic
Association rush chairman, re-
ported to yesterday's Panhel Pres-
idents' Council that a total of
1,018 women participated in the
straw vote. Although 11 houses
voted for and 11 against the con-
cept of fall rush, 527 women voted
yes, while 491 said no.
"Since fall rush has passed by
a majorityof only 36 votes, it is
apparent that this is not strong
backing," Miss Brockman con-
Cites Reasons
Panhel president Patricia Elkins,
'64, cited two probable reasons
for the votes s.gainst the measure:
the principle that first-semester
freshman are not prepared to rush
and the fact that houses did not
have enough time to consider the
proposal before they voted.
As a result of the vote Miss
Elkins announced that a commit-
tee would study the merits of fall
rush beginning next week and
would work through the summer
contacting other campuses to see
how fall rush has affected incom-
ing freshmen's grades and adjust-
ment. There was little further dis-
cussion on the merits of fall rush.
The presidents generally agreed
that lack of time makes 1963 fall
rush impossible but that the com-
mittee should look into the pos-
sibility of a 1964 fall rush, so that
if it were deemed desirable there
would be sufficient time to im-
plement the program properly.
Spring Rush
A straw vote at the meeting re-
sulted in overwhelming support
for improving the spring rush
structure, or as one president put
it "to cut the superficialities out
of spring rush."
Arguing. against fall rush, one
sorority president reasoned that if
a new freshman rushed in Sep-
tember and then was not asked
to pledge, it would be a greater
blow to her than if she had had a
semester to adjust to college life.
On the other hand, another presi-
dent pointed out that by rushing
in the fall girls have fewer pre-
conceived ideas about houses.
Another said that with deferred
rush, the woman has the whole
semester to make friends in the
dormitory system, where t h e
people are not yet "typed" by
social affiliations.
It was asserted by another that
fall rush may be detrimental to
the sorority system as well as to
the individual. Women who have
hurried to join the system without
sufficient consideration mi g h t
cause a high de-activation rate
later on.
As an alternative to full' fall
rush, it was suggested that upper-
classmen be allowed to pledge in
September. It was brought out
that if upperclassmen did pledge,
they would still have to live in the
dorm all year.
Elizabeth Leslie, office of stu-
dent affairs advisor to Panhel,
said that she had discussed the
problem of upperclass fall rush
with other OSA staff members as
to how it would affect the year
contract in the residence halls.
The problem is still in a highly
"speculative" stage.
House Benefits
It was brought out that even

if upperclassmen did have to live
in their dorms all year, they
could benefit as members by com-
ing to dinner at the sorority house
and could participate in the cul-
tural programs of the house.
A sorority president suggested
the alternative of informal fall
rush, which would be of special
interest to those houses that still
have quotas to 'meet.
However, it was agreed that the
informal rushee should not be al-
lowed to take her own initiative

Cooperation Gr oup To Hold
Rotating Language Session
The first of four rotating Far Eastern Language Institutes spon-
sored by the Committee on Institutional Cooperation will be held at
the University this summer.
Financed by a $256,000 Ford Foundation grant, the institute is
offering an intensive beginning program in the Chinese and Japanese
languages and higher level courses in phonetics, linguistics and com-
Qparative studies. The project re-


Gargoyle Editor, Discusses New Issue

Acting Magazine Editor
"Dear Editor," says a letter in the new Gargoyle, "is it true
that Gargoyle is a humor magazine?"
After the November issue there was some question. But the
Gargoyle that will hit the stands today is "better than the last
one," opines its editor John Dobbertin, '64. "It's funny."
It's also bluer. "We've come as close to the blue line as we
can on this one," the Garg editor says. "In fact, I've already noti-
fied the wire services that the magazine has been banned, as we
jump the gun on the Board in Control of Student Publications."
Co-ed Housing
Gargoyle leads off with a cover on co-educational housing and
a story on the subject which may cause the University to give the
proposed Markley-South Quad experiment a second thought.
A large spread ("Have some madeira, m'dear") detailing "a
girl's first step toward degradation: her acceptance of a coffee date

sulted from two years of discus-
sions among the liberal arts deans
of the 11 CIC colleges, Prof. Jo-
seph Yamagiwa of the Far East-
e language department and in-
stitute director commented recent-
Receive Grants
Approximately 80-100 under-
graduate and graduate partici-
pants are expected with two-thirds
of them receiving scholarship aid
either from the Ford grant or a
National Office of Education fund.
"There are 30 Ford Foundation
scholarships still to be awarded."
"The beginning intensive cours-
es are open to any sufficiently in-
terested students. Applications are
available up until the May 15
deadline," he added.
Year's Work
The 20 hour a week programs
will cover a year's work overr the
summer in an attempt to have

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