1963 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1963 THE 1WICHJ(rAN A~wI-LY~ Survey I Steel Hi 0 . eOther P NEW YORK-President John steel companies raise prices did cat a Wall Street Journal survey report In the survey of 40 industrial was found that about half of th raised prices in the last month, V products accounting for about 39 plan to do so. Moreover, the increas ....... AMINTORE FANFANI ... defeated Reds in Italy Give Support To New Front ROME (P)-Flushed with na- tional election gains, Italian Com- munists on May Day boosted the idea of a new leftist front that could replace the Christian Demo- crat Party as Italy's major politi- cal force. "The cause of unity,. democracy and socialism advanced," the Com- munist newspaper L'Unita declar- ed in a headline on the selection of a new parliament at the week- end. "Italy goes left." For the first time since World War II Italy, a partner in the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- tion, had to face up to! the possi- bility of a united Marxist left backed by more popular votes than the Christian Democrats, the Ro- man Catholic party of Premier Amintore, Fanfani. The Communists and Marxist socialists -- campaign opponents but once allied-won a total of 12 million votes in the balloting for a new senate and a chamber of deputies. The division of votes was roughly 2 to 1 in favor of the Communists, who lured a million more adherents than they did in 1958. The Christian Democrats, los- ing followers to other parties, poll- ed 11.7 million. This was a drop of nearly 750,000 from their show- ing in 1958. The party maintained its standing as-the audience for the premier's son-in-law, Alexei Adzhubei. They said times had changed since 1948, when Pope Pius XII threatened to excom- municate Red followers. l Popolo, the Christian Demo- crat organ, said the reasons for the Christian Democrat losses and Communist;gains were "complex and not yet clear."I "But among these one cannot exclude the effect of the atmos- phere of no confidence and criti- cism around the Christian Demo- crat party," it said. ". . . We will force ourselves to do all possible to confront the dangers." Announee Plan To Speed Mail WASHINGTON (IP)-The Post Office Department announced yes- terday its new nationwide zoning plan to speed the delivery of mail will go into effect on July 1. t's a voluntary program called ZIP (Zoning Improvement Plan). Postmaster Gen. J. Edward Day said the five-digit coding system is expected to save the govern- ment about $15 million in its first year. PUBLIC WORKS: Discloses Senate Defeats Attempt Committee Submits Reapportion Plan By RAYMOND HOLTON Gov. George Romney set popula- tatives, proposed the Danholf Detroit) found the typographical A joint House-Senate conerencetion standards which allowed var- Plan. error in the plan as it was in the committee has submitted the Dan- iation of 20 per cent, above or be- This plan includes Gratiot House for a vote, the Senate had acompromise meas- low the population norm of 411,- County with Saginaw, Tuscola, passed the measure with a 21-10 WASHINGTON (M)-The Senate yesterday smashed with a solid ure to reapportion the state's 19 000. Huron, Sanilac and St. Clair Coun- vote. / 60-26 vote a Republican attempt to cut $200 milion out of $450 mil- congressional seats. Robert's plan would also have ties to make up the 8th District. Pass Measure lion tagged for President John F. Kennedy's stepped-up public works made significant changes in the Montcalm County The error, which listed Bloom- program. It also adds Montcalm County to field Township in two district, Ignored were protests by Senate Republican leader Everett M. is allowed another seat in Con- become a separate district with a 9th District Congressman Robert prevented any further action. At ialoeantesetiCo-population of 405,804. This leftP Grfi'(R raeeCty the time the error was discovered, F. Kennedy's consent to let the Dirksen of Illinois that pressures from communities to get in on the gress. SanlacPon. Tusco,8 and Sag- erriffin s (R-Traverse City) e e the o a e use price boosts in other industries, program would snowball into demands for more millions. "They are Last year the Legislature failed iaw CHuron Tuscola an tS g- territory. it appeared the House had the 5 ed yesterday not going to let this grab bag go to propose a successful reappor- District. It tries to satisfy 10th District votes needed to approve the mea- companies from coast to coast, it by without getting their share," tionment plan which resulted in Congressman Elford A. Cederberg ure. ese concerns either already have F rance Sets Dirksen declared the election of Neil Staebler (D- been changedt include St Car r levoity) adiKkas seno ahe pl e int comitte e when steel mills put up quotes on Public Works Ann Arbor) as congressman-at- Lapeer, Genesee and Shiawassee Missaukee Counties to his district, and corrections made. Then on per cent of their production, or - The showdown'vote on efforts Nerous redistricting plans Counties. The new 19th District The 10th District has the largest June 4 when the Legislature re- es reflect something more than the\to trim the public works outlay have been proposed this year. The would have been made up of the number of counties of any other convenes for a four day wrap u simple impact of rising steel costs. T r ff .a n g I hwowhoeanefot vue erosred isctng answudhv enmd po h brocuniehoeaystesconen il esortdfourdyw. pu smem cIrsgsec s IL came shortly after floor action reason the Legislature cannot northern part of Oakland County district in the state with 22. session it will be voted on. They extend to such products as opened on a $1.4-billion supple- agree on any one plan lies in the joined with Livingston County. The Danholf Plan seems to be In the meantime, however, there aluminum sheet, copper and brass By The Associated Press mentary appropriation bill which legislators' concern for their jobs. Upper Peninsula the answer to the ticklish problem. is the possibility of different plans tubing and electric wiring. PARIS--France yesterday rais- includes an unusual provision to Turned Down Rep. Henry M. Hogan (R-Oak- Before Rep. Joseph A. Gillis (D- arising. Steel Products ed anew obstacle to the success- cut off fees to a Washington lob- TurnedDownrpoerya.Han n -Oak-e eforeRp oehA ils(-aiig eful conclusion of tariff-cutting ne- byist. On February 26 Sen. Farrell E. laderose a plan H n swerto And on products which use steel, gotiations under the Tariff Ex- A threatened civil rights wran- Roberts (R-Pontiac) proposed a that the Upper Peninsula ete some current boosts exceed the in-pansion Act between the United gle faded when the Senate tabled plan that was approved by the ade into one district. This would ER aver-adetwhtnons Sunder athedtate ithe UesricPenTisul be MA ST dl~ crease in steel itself, which aver- States and the European Common 47-38, an amendment by Sen. Ja- Senate but turned down in the have been a violation of the pop- aged 3.4 per cent on products af- Market. cob K. Javits (R-NY) to withhold House. bn nad ino the pop- C fected. The new obstacle involves "ex- funds for a rural housing program It was proposed that eight coun- lation would have been 26 per cent u FABRICS For example, A. O. Smith Co. of ceptions" to the general rule on for the elderly where there is any ties from the Lower Peninsula be4, Milwaukee announced yesterday a across-the-board reductions by all taint of racial discrimination. merged with 15 from the Upper H below theh410LEATHnErR see e et rc nras ueprie.Udrte em fteto form one district. The Upper His plan would have combined ..LE THE seven pervcentspriceeincreaseoJunefparties.nUndernthehterms of th 1. In addition, Anchor Post Prod- Trade ExpansionhAct, President avits said he would not offer Peninsula now has tw districts, the northern section of Oakland WOOD ucts Co. of Baltimore has just John F. Kennedy is required to a n o t h e r anti - discrimination the 11th and\ 12th, both having a County with Lapeer and Living- mailed notice 'of a five per cent exclude some products from his amendment relating to the agri great amount of representation for ston Counties to make up the 18thRN increase on metal fences and posts offer of tariff reductions. Accord- cultural extension service, since the population. District. n sSPRINGS effetiv Ma 15 in toFrenh oficals ths culdthe Senate had expressed its mood. The 12th District has a total 8th District Congressman James These increases add to a num raise almost insurmountable prob- Last Year population of 177,000 which is far R. Harvey (R-Saginaw) objected berse nast mnh t n lems m The stepped-up public works below the ideal representation of when Roberts plan moved his dis- many cases not announced. Some The French position apparently program, a Kennedy attack on the 411,000 per district. In contrast, trit to the east. Therefore Eo-DE L'- samples of these: A two-four per has considerable support in oth- unemployment p r bh e m, was h one representative for approx- by including the western county of cent boost in metal stampings for er Common Market countries in launched last yea when Congress has epresentativePforlapp Gratiotobn gtw e uy the auto industry by Mt. Clemens this, the fourth snag to confront authorized $900 million and ap- ately 800,000 people. - Joint CommitteeCN- Industries, Inc., of Philadelphia, the negotiators thus far. Further- propriated $400 million. Finally since both plans came effective July 1; a three per cent more, France has been a leader in The President asked Congress FEt a stalemate, a Joint House- QUALITY WORK FOR OVER 35 YEARS rise in office desks and other fur- developing a joint Common Mar- for the remaining $500 million Rom ney Tabs Senate conference committee was niture by a Midwest producer, ef- ket position on three other points, this year, but the House Appro- .eappointed to ron out the differ- fective this week; and an increase The first point they had to cope priations Committee turned him Onpnrnsuness enTes. up to seven per cent on dental with occurred when the Common down. Then Democratic leaders enT committee, composd o DISCOUNT DRUG S machinery and tools by S. S. White Market countries declared that waged a House floor fight that re- t Dental Manufacturing Co.-of Phil- trade in farm products could not stored $450 million. WASHINGTON (A)-Gov. George three senators and three represen- adelphia, effective "in the next be profitably discussed until they Administration forces argued Romney told businessmen yester- few months." have fully developed their own col- that the appropriation will pro- ay ti dgetinto publd o Possibility lective agricultural policy. d.affairs.but doing so shoud ye-ab e It is possible, of course, that The second point was tariff re-i o re tan 2h0 obstry take off their business hats and Iisoe otductions. The United States' plan communities across the country. participate as citizens. C m u some of these increases might h calls for a tariff reduction by both Dirksen recalled that Kennedy Addressing the annual meeting been posted even if steel hadn't parties of 50 'per cent. France's originally had sught a $2-billion of the United States Chamber of gone up. partners, calling this plan unfair, authorization and predicted that Commerce, Romney deplored what But many of the increases do approve another plan rejected by the administration will be back he called the trend since the 1920's Reg. 89c Reg. $1.50 provide examples of what Kenne- the United States asking for large "for the rest of it." With all the toward massive federal govern- dy has called the "psychological" reductions for high tariffs and applications piling up for federal ment.P n NOXZemo effect of steel boosts. Executives small reductions for low tariffs, grants, he said, the sum requested Ps of several companies raising prices with the ultimate aim of a level may eventually total $5.4 billion. Cover G irl increases, besides further raising cent BETWEENU GIRLSM ke-u their costs in many cases, gave The third point is that the ne- Laos Leaders Date CaseMp them both an excuse to move and gotiations must include "non-tar- m"' *" the hope that their boosts would iff obstacles to trade," such things F m Grou Hair Sha pingtc1.47 stick- as anti-dumping laws, "Buy Amer- The increases hardly add up to ican" legislation, customs evalua- Before having It's ., our hair cut, c 50cAa9 an inflationary spiral. It's far from tion procedures and taxation. The On Cease-Fire Reg. 50c Reg. $1.00 and 75c certain whether they'll all stand American side has agreed to nego- decide exactly up against Intense competition, tiate, but there is still no formula By T*.Asocw.e.Prss hat you want. and they may be at least partially for linking tariff cuts with the ByeAssociatedPesseAmne haro M ybeRol-enS ec r t balanced by price cuts elsewhere. non-tariff negotiations. VIENTIAN-Laotian neutral- s bound to pro- C am Mascara Roll-On Deodorants Makers of water meters, for ex- Yesterday in Geneva a com- ists and proCommuists video andSHOES ample, have been giving price con- mittee of the General Agreement yesterday on the formation of an- cessions up to five per cent since on Tariffs and Trade reported a other civil and military group to goutlook Hatr FREEi late last year, and an official of disagreement between the United work out a new cease-fire formula. shaping is the American Meter Co., Philadelphia, States and the Common Market A meeting between the neutral- foundation for " Reg. $1.00 Reg. $1.00 fears more price-shading may on the question of a tariff cutting ist premier, Prince Souvanna any styling. It must be done with take place despite the steel boost. formula, Phouma, and leaders of the pro- the greatest care and skil to createB C o m n s e a a a tp r h a t d e f c . T e e i nne i d e o n th is a c tio n to re tu r n a rra n g e m e n t to su it y o u . A n . e x - the situation in Laos to "normal." pert in this field can bring out a Shampoo Super Blues W ~orld /N ew ~s IR ounfldu~p The premier met with his half- natural wave or make straight hair brother, Prince Souphanouvong, easier to curl. It will odd sparkle and other pro-Communist leaders to your life. whose army, the Pathet Lao, at- A new hairdo, when becoming and By The Associated Press tacked the neutralist Northeast professionally arranged, can bring Our Everyday Discount Prices MIAMI-The United States has withdrawn its support of the military positions for a month. out the best that is in you. For a C aRevoltionaryouncil whh ithdprewnviosuregded hs The site of the discussions was flattering new coif, make arrange- Cuban Revolutionary Council, which it had previously regarded as the Pathet Lao military headquarters ments now. SoS. KC voice of approximately 200,000 Cuban refugees in this country. in Khang Khay. * * * * The acceptance of pro-Commu-/1/_i___ ___ TRENTON, Ga.-Nine freedom marchers trudged on yesterday nist leaders' suggestion for a new I tari Wn IF6ark - .. - , towardAlabama, where eight others were jailed for attempting to committee of neutralists, leftists N > , N complete the pilgrimage of a Baltimore integrationist. and rightists was interpreted as HAIR STYLISTS * * *, meaning that the pro-Communists 548 Church Street, Ann Arborsto SEATTLE-The AFL-CIO machinists' union called off a strike had succeeded in their objective NO 2-3055, NO 2-4276 shoe store AR-EX Cosm etics esined against the Boeing Co. yesterday 14 hours before it was scheduled t of broadening the cease-fire talks Hurn Towers08 S. MAIN to include a full review of the poli- NO 3-8155, NO 3-97381 M * * * * tical scene, including the coalition For A ll Sensitive Sk s vernmentTeCmuithar WASHINGTON-The Senate confirmed by voice vote yesterday made that demand Saturday; it AREX Cosmetics were de- President John F. Kennedy's nomination of Chester Bowles to be had been hoped that the premier signed originally for women ambassador to India. Confirmed at the same time were the nomina- could limit the talks. who found ordinary cosmet- tions of retired Adm. Jerauld SAE' icsri nhrk Wright to be ambassador to Na- iFor years, physicians rec- tionalist China ommended AR-EX in cases M w / where regular beauty prep-. LONDON-Sir Winston Church- Warations were injuring once- il yesterda y announced thattl hea lWhiteielovely complexions. Today, sfrtirmret6m0ac e poitica r- * Blue Cord continuous research unveils after more than 60 years in Par- Cord 'more and more proof that liament. s" Pink Cord every woman has sensitive * * *. skin. Thus AR-EX Cosmet- TOKYO-Rescued crewmen of a ics have come to the fore as AR-EX Cosmetics are a Chinese Communist freighter said0 a n unie mrne r IAaU fldgetIpriced the safest and most profes- whole line of beauty aids pedoed and sank their ship yester- Lionally acceptable cosmet that will make you lovelier, day in the Yellow Sea, the Japa-.ti...... ..ics available. give you beauty insurance n ese M a ritim e S a fety A g en cy re- y ,f r m t p t a . o nmkpo t d y s e d y . ya £ f s YC a m eti CLA,8a o f r t n e r A- X M i t r nee rt2y yJust what makes AR-EX from top to toe. For in ported yesterday. 4" .-,.. stance, try AR-EX Moisture SCoeti so safe f Lotion that does so much * *y\ nit skin? Because they Lion that ds sm ch LONDON - Canadian Primemoei are truly hypo-allergenic . , . . . Minister Lester B. Pearson arrived P ,....................safe for women whoa Its a dry skin moisturizer here yesterday for a four-day visit rgd e for the face and neck. Wear t and political talks with Prime ali toc orar comet- under make-up or alone. ics. Each AR-EX product Provides invisible all-day MinisterHar-ldMacmillan.________ has been successfully pre- protection and gives skin a Stested on women known to lovely, luminous look. Never be allergc to the particular greasy, the petal-pink lotion -product being tested. Over .s ava:a e c'ted'r u - \ 60 ingredients commonly isaaCEilte e.50lus tax. A- used in ordinary beauty nowPepreparations were omitted And look at the AR-EX STYL S A D CO ORSfrom AR - EX Cosmetis to beauty aids for complexion meet the strictest standards,. care: A R - E X Cleansing Cream to gently cleanse; What's more, for those AR-EX Cream for Dry Skin - Owho may be irritated by the and AR-EX Enriched Night perfumes in scented cosmet- Cream to maintain supple- SizAs ics, AR - EX products are ness of dry, sensitive skin. s 4to available iunscented as well Stop in to d ay for your as delicately scented. AR-EX Cosmetics, . *,. -chhr NrM i Petitioning M MICH GeneanI C ,I ."