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April 30, 1963 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-04-30

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Undeclared Wars Ravage
Southeast Asia Countries


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. two days preceding

- I

(Continued from Page 3)
In Malaya the years long battle
against jungle Communists is all
but won with only a few furtive
rebels in the deepest jungles of the
north border area.
The Southeast Asia Treaty Or-
ganization, designed to counter
these wars of stealth and infiltra-
tion, is weak enough as is, but
there is a further weakening fac-
tor. This is the American reluc-
tance to make an unalterable com-
mittment in these primitive, hard
to defend areas.
Security Threatened
The United States could hardly
give way before Communist en-
croachment in Cuba. Its very se-
curity was endangered. Hence the
blockade last fall.
In Berlin the United States has
committed its prestige and prom-
Wilhelm Hits
The small town in America will
become a ghost town unless lead-
ers of small communities develop
a 20th century place for them-
selves, Prof. Ross J. Wilhelm of
the b u s i n e s s administration
school said at a retailers' confer-
ence recently.
The conference, devoted to the
theme, "Meeting New Competi-
tion," was sponsored by the busi-
ness administration school, the
Michigan Retailers Association
and the Michigan Retail Hard-
ware Association.
Drastic Action
Drastic action by community
leaders is necessary to keep their
small towns from dying, he said.
"It is clear in the evolving in-
stitutional scene that the Ameri-
can agricultural town is dying. The
typical town came into being, in
an economy that was based upon
railroads, horse transportation,
dirt roads and group entertain-
ment on Saturday nights such as
the square dance, the church so-
cial, or even the movies," he ex-
He added "small towns are not
withstanding the long run effects
of high speed roads, cars and
trucks, television, and the shop-
ping center-discount house revolu-
Severil Suggestions
Prof. Wilhelm suggested improv-
ing parking areas, fair trade laws,
"Simple unintegrated approach-
es are as futile as were the efforts
of the buggy makers who sought
to make their buggies lighter, more
comfortable and more durable as
an answer to the automobile," he

ise. It cannot back down without
fatally cheapening both.
But Southeast Asia is a gray
area as far as security and prestige
are concerned. How much can the
United States see fall to the Com-
munists before saying "so far and
no further"? When do the vital in-
terests of the nation become im-
President John F. Kennedy's
bold words but modest actions in-
dicate Washington does not think
the place is in Laos. He blustered
but accepted a neutralist settle-
The size of the American com-
mittment in South Viet Nam and
the quick dispatch of Marines last
fall to Thailand when infiltration
threatened, indicate Washington
is not willing to back much further
in that area.
But far to the south the Ameri-
cans have not stood so steadfastly.
The Dutch are very unhappy
over American pressure on them
to cede West New Guinea to Indo-
nesian control. The Dutch wanted
the primitive area to be indepen-
And Washington has been very
discreet in handling Indonesia's
President Ahmed Sukarno who has
been making noises similar to an
Oriental Castro.
Sukarno has moved forces north-
wards in Borneo and indicated he
would not be reluctant to use them
to aid rebels in the British terri-
tories of Brunei, North Borneo and
Many Problems
Sukarno, whose island nation
has ample political and economic
problems of its own, is firmly op-
posed to the Malaysian Federation
of Malaya, Singapore and the
three British Borneo colonies.
The Federation is due to be
formed later this year.
America's strongest ally in
Southeast Asia, the Philippines, is
also at odds with the West over
the Federation. The Philippines
claim it, not Britain, holds title to
North Borneo. So far, it has been
willing to negotiate.
Whether Sukarno would stop at
just talk is unknown. He has re-
ceived more than 100 Russian
MIG jets as well as about 30 So-
viet bombers. His navy numbers
two cruisers, 20 submarines-all
from Russia-and over 200 other
vessels. The army has over 250,000
If Sukarno uses them, it would
skewer the United States on a
wracking dilemma. The United
States would have to choose be-
tween two old allies as well as
the risk of driving Indonesia into
the Communist camp and thereby
outflanking American friends and
its own forces on the Southeast
Asian mainland.
That's why this is an area to
watch and worry over.


Day Calendar
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.-Bureau of In-
dustrial Relations Personnel Techniques
Seminar No. 87-Dr. Dallas Jones, Asso-
ciate Professor of Industrial Relations,
Grad School of Bus. Admin., "Evaluat-
ing and Improving Disciplinary Policies
and Practices": Room 3D, Mich. Union.
4:00 p.m.-Bureau of Appointments
Lecture-William D. Broderick, U.S.
Dept. of State, "Foreign Service as a
Career": Aud. A, Angell Hall.
8:00 p.m.-University of Mich. Profes-
sional Theatre-"Who's Afraid of Vir-
ginia Woolf?": Mich. Theatre.
8:30 p.m.-School of Music Lectures-
Hans David, "Little Longhair's Debut
in Print" (1566), and music by James
Miller, tenor, instrumentalists: Rack-
ham Aud.
Mathematics Colloquium: Prof. Kurt
Schutte of the Univ. of Marburg and
Pa. State Univ., will speak on "Prob-
lems of Discrete Geometry," today at
4:00 in Room 3201 A.H. Coffee will be
served at 3:30 in Room 3212 Angell Hall.
The Spanish Dept. Presents "La Barca
Sin Pescador," by Alejandro Casona,
this evening at 8:30 p.m. in Trueblood
Aud. Tickets may be purchased in
the Romance Languages Office, in the
Frieze Bldg., or at the door before the
Doctoral Examination for Eugene
Hamilton Pattison, English Language
& Lit.; thesis: "William Dean Howells'
'The Leatherwood God': Genesis, Ar-
tistry, and Receiption," today, 2601
Haven Hall, at 1:00 p.m. Chairman, R.
F. Haugh.
Senior Women are invited to attend a
dessert in their honor to be held in
the Hussey Room of the Mich. League
today from 7:30 to 10 p.m. The Recent
Grads group of the American Assoc. of
Univ. Women and the Mich. League
are co-sponsors of the event.
General Notices
Phi Beta Kappa: Annual meeting.
Wed., May 1. 4:00 p.m., Room 2440
Mason Hall. Election of officers and new
Doctoral Evamination for John Henry
McCain, Education; thesis: "A Study of
the Supervisory Behavior Pattern of the
Supervising Elementary School Prklci-
pal in Selected Elementary Schools,
Jefferson County, Alabama," Wed., May
1, 1408 UES at 1:00 p.m. Chairman,
L. W. Beach.
Foreign Visitors
Following are the foreign visitors
programmed through the International
Center who will be on campus this
week on the dates indicated. Program
arrangements are being made by Mrs.
Clifford R. Miller, Ext. 3358, Interna-
tional Center.
*Eduardo Casalderrey, Engrg. Student,
Student Leader, Univ. of Buenos Aires,
Argentina, April 27-May 1.
*Roberto Contreras, Economics Stu-
dent, Student Leader, Univ. of Cor-
doba, Argentina, April 27-May 1.
*Carlos Comas, Engrg. Student, Stu-
dent Leader, Univ. of Buenos Aires, Ar-
gentina, April 27-May 1.
*-Accompanied by Gonzalo Rubiano.
Umar A. Ed-Deisi Chief of News Sec-
tion, Dept. of National Guidance and
Information, Amman, Jordan, April 29-
May 2.
Pierre H. F. Viader (and Mrs. Viader),
Chief Education Officer, Mauritius, May
Miss Laura W. Tucker, Cultural At-
tache, Student Advisor, Embassy of the
Republic of Liberia, washington, D.C.,
Liberia, May 1.
Markand Bhatt, Director and Pro-
ducer of Triveni Theatre, Lecturer in
Dramatic Arts, M.S. Univ. of Baroda,
India, May 3.
A. R. Krishna, Director and General
Secretary of the Indian National Thea-
tre, Hyderabad, India, May 3.
Samuel Falayi, Med, Librarian, Fed-
eral Lab. Service, Yaba, Nigeria, May 6.
U.S. Information Agency-Horace H.
Holmes & Alan Carter (U-M grad )will be
here from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. today April
30. Representatives will interview inter-
ested applicants & acquaint them with
procedures of the exam for acceptance
into the Foreign Service Career Reserve
Officer Corps. Please make appts. in
person or call Ext. 3544. Qualification
requirements: 21-31 yrs. old (age 20 if
college grad or jr. yr. completed);
citizen for at least 9 yrs. (if married
spouse must be citizen); must meet
rigid physical exam; must be willing
to serve anywhere in the world. Seek-
ing majors in Bus. Ad., Publ. Ad., Edon.,
Poli. Sci., Hist., Lang. & Area Studies,
Geog., Intern'l. Affairs. Applications for
written, exam must be on file no later

than July 22. Exam given Sept. 7.
U.S. Dept. of State, Foreign Service -
W. Broderick will speak to all stu-
dents who are interested in a Foreign
Service Career. Underclassmen are wel-
come. No individual interviews will be
held by the State Dept. Meeting to be
held at 4:00 p.m. today, April 30 in
Aud. A in Angell Hall. Qualification
requirements are the same as those for
the USIA. Applications are not present-
ly available at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments but we do have literature which
gives detailed descriptions of the work

of the State Dept. Foreign Service. An-
nouncement of the receipt of the appli-
cations will'be made in the D.O.B.
General Foods Corp., Kanakee, Ill.-
Opening at Gaines Research Kennels
for a Technologist. Will conduct re-
search studies regarding the small ani-
mal nutrition of pet foods on animals
under research conditions. Degree in
Biology, Zoology or related field of sci-
entific study required. Previous exper.
desirable, but not necessary. Oppor. for
growth & advancement In food re-
City of Milwaukee Civil Service - 1)
Sanitation Inspector-Degree in Engrg.,
Natural Sciences or related fields. U.S.
citizenship. 2) Ass't. Admin. Services
Supv.-Degree with major course work
in Acc't., Bus. Ad., Econ. or closely re-
lated fields plus 8 yrs. exper. in admin.
work for a housing authority, redevelop-
ment authority, etc. Apply by May 10.
Univ. of Calif., Riverside, Calif. -
Openings for laboratory technicians in
various depts. of the Citrus Research
Center & Agricultural Experiment Sta-
tion. Openings are: Lab. Technicians,
Plant Pathology, Horticultural Science,
Entomology, & Nematology.
Pawating Hospital, Niles, Mich. -
Opening for Medical Technologist,
ASCP, male or female. Pawating is a
130 bed hosp., employing a full time
Pathologist. Increase of 40 beds in next
2 yrs. Service population of approx.
Commonwealth Life Insurance Co.,
Louisville, Ky.-Opening for Actuary
(Trainee). Major in Math or Liberal
Arts with at least math through Inte-
gral Calculus. Should rank in top 15
per cent of class & have no lower than
a B average. No exper, necessary.
Management Consultants in Mo. -
Client firms have many & various open-
ings including: Director-Personnel;
Mgr -Mfg. Dir.-Data Processing; Sr. Pro-
rammer; Research Administrator; Mgr-
Metallurgical & Ceramic Research; Sr.
Indust, Engnr.; Corporate Systems An-
alyst; Mgr.-Tech. Services; Supv.-Prod-
uct Promotion; Mgr. Marketing; Sales
Engnr Mgr.-Communications Lab.;
Plant Mgr.
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
SAB, Ext. 3544,
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Placement
Office, 2200 Student Activities Bldg.
during the following hours: Mon. thru
Fri. 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til 5
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should contact Bob Cope, Part-
time Interviewer at NO 3-1511, Ext. 3553.
-Several miscellaneous jobs available.
1-Experienced camera repairman.
Flexible hours.
1-Phmotographer to work full-time
temporary. Must be familiar with
printing, enlarging, print finishing
and slide binding. Camera experi-
ence is necessary.
1-Registered Nurse to work at a girls
camp from June 18 to August 17.
Must be single. Excellent living con-
-Several baby sitting and domestic
positions available.
1-Technical-typist who has had ex-
perience on a typewriter with an
interchangeable keyboard. 20 to 30
hours per week.
G P-*

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