Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MIcH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. >AY. APRIL 30, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: GAIL EVANS Students Should Participate In Joint Judie Revision x t ;lK G&S: 'Cox and Box,' War' Reveal Capable 'Cast IT WAS a noble experiment for the Gilbert and Sullivan Society's Vest Pocket Players Sunday night but the dual bill of two curtain risers never really got off the ground. Opening the show was "Cox and Box," a delightful piece of froth with music by Sir Arthur Sullivan and words by F. C. Burnard. To this bit the players in general were not equal. Gershom Clark Morningstar as James John Cox was the lone exception, rendering a good impression of the mincing, precise " 'GNORANTIA LEGIS neminem excusat" is an old Latin precept meaning "Ignorance of the law excuses no one." As a legal precept it was formulated to dis- courage justification of misdemeanors on grounds of naivete. But in its broader applica- tion today-particularly for university students -the precept has come to be a strong warning. It warns all those who are inclined to view their first and only legal responsibility as ob- serving proper moral conduct. It labels as inexcusably ignorant those who would neglect the chance to carry out the second function of legal responsibility-the creating of judicial machinery. Furthermore, it tells 'those students to exer- cise the specific opportunity to carry out that second function by attending the discussion .,on the proposed Joint Judiciary constitution. " The meeting is at 7:30 p.m. today in the Student Activities Building. AT THE UNIVERSITY, Joint Judic has dur- ing the past few years endeavored to give students greater responsibility for and hence greater contact with their campus judicial machinery. _ First and foremost, Joint Judic has been pushing for the reconstitution of the faculty appeal board (which hears appeals on Joint Judic cases) as a body composed of both students and faculty. This reorganization, to be " included in the overall revamping of the Office of Student Affairs judiciary structure, will replace the former all-faculty board of appeals. Steel Intervei STEEL IS A HEARTY and nervy industry. Only a year ago it made an abortive at- tempt to raise prices that resulted in a degree of wrath by the President of the United States that has rarely been equalled. Yet barely 12 months later it is again attempting a price increase-not as much as last time but far from token. Last year President John F. Kennedy chose to prevent an increase in the cost of steel, claiming he was acting in the national in- terest. He was then chastised by many quarters both for interfering at all and for the way he interfered. Furthermore, he was accused of doing more to harm the national interest by preventing the price hikes than if he had let them go through uncontested. PERHAPS for those reasons President Ken- nedy chose this year not to interfere. Cer- tainly there is some truth in the argument that business confidence was hurt by his action last year and certainly this year's price in- crease isn't as big. But the question remains this: is the President justified in taking certain courses of action to protect what he sees as the national interest? As this question has a number of aspects, It might be well to begin with a brief look at the steel industry itself. There are only a few large steel companies and they have all been around for quite awhile. Their prices are almost identical for what are almost identical products. This in itself is not bad for there are only so many ways to ma ce steel and any company which priced above the others would not stay in business for long. On the other hand, if a firm were to sell below its com- petitors' prices, it would soon force them to reduce their prices also and all competitive advantage would be lost-not to mention the drop in profit margins. Unlike a number of industries in a similar market position, the demand for steel is to a great degree essentially independent of its price. domnbined with the above considerations, this leaves steel executives singularly free to set prices almost anywhere they wish without engaging in conspiritorial monopolistic prac- tices. Realizing, then, that steel is capable of act- ing against the public interest in much the same way as the great monopolies of the past, it is necessary to question the government's right of intervention. IT HAS often been argued that there is no national interest, that to claim to act in its behalf is only to subvert the interests of the individual. The national interest is claimed to be a myth through which the government subverts the real interests to which it should be dedicated. This argument is false. Certainly every in- dividual has his own private interests and to him it is only reasonable for these to be the most important interests there are. But there are times when the private interests of one individual clash with those of another. When the government prevents someone from steal- ing from the defenseless or cheating the stupid or incautious it is interfering with the crim- inal's or the promoter's or the advertiser's personal interests. Secondly, Joint Judic has successfully waged the struggle to receive definite lines of author- ity without being overlorded, as in the past, with a faculty group accorded veto power. These definite lines of authority are also given in the OSA judiciary revisions. Third and most importantly, Joint Judic has tried to revise its own nature and structure. Specifically, it has undertaken the revision of its constitution, putting the emphasis on more student rights. THIS REVISION has been accomplished through the strengthening of due process clauses which allot the student the right to an open hearing, the right to a more flexible witness procedure and the right to ask for the reconstitution of the judiciary body as all- male or all-female where mixed discussion would be inadvisable. But Joint Judic can only go so far. Tonight they will turn their proposed constitution over to the students for an examination. Here will be the chance for students to work out a preamble which would define the general concepts and goals of a campus judi- ciary system. Here will be the chance for students to con- sider whether their rights are being upheld before this constitution is whisked away to the OSA and the Regents for final approval. Here will be, the chance for students to carry out their second legal responsibility. Let them come lest no one excuse their ignorance. -LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM %%!1AP1I~ S * I~Cfd0 Cabo ruir C ir... 1SA Ct ' DOMESTIC SERVICE GROUP: Corpsmen Face Unique Problems ution Justified than the personal interests of the majority and it is these interests which the government is charged to protect. That it chooses to protect the weak, the uninformed, the misled and even the stupia and uncautious may cause much consternation to the likes of Ayn Rand. However, it is nonetheless a funda- mental tenet of Western justice that the gov- ernment protect the life, liberty and property of those unable to do so. W HEN THE STEEL INDUSTRY decides to raise prices it is taking both property and liberty from the individual citizens of this country. It is taking property because it is forcing individuals to pay more for its products. It is taking liberty because an individual, left with less money, is more"restrained in his choice of other purchases. If such price in- creases were carried to the point where they caused a spiralling inflation which eventually tore the economy apart-as the President fear- ed last year's increases might do-the steel industry would be even more preventing the individual's pursuit of happiness. Certainly it is true that the liberty of the steel industry's leaders is being restrained. But at times when the liberty and welfare of others is so dependent upon the actions of these few, the government is no less justified in intervening in steel's price settings than it was in stopping the monopolies of J. P. Morgan or John D. Rockefeller. Of course, no one will claim that to push steel to the brink of economic disaster by pre- venting the industry from making a fair profit would be to protect anyone's interests and no one will doubt that steel may sometimes find it necessary to raise its prices. However, last year the steel industry was already pric- ing itself out of the market. It was operating at only half its capacity at the time and yet was still making a profit. It is foolish to argue that the steel industry needed to raise its prices. IT IS TRUE that this year steel's profit com- pared to the money invested in it has not measured up to many other industries but a great deal of the fault was in steel's overcapa- city and not in a government price clamp down. According to Pr'esident William A. Steele of Wheeling Steel, the first company to raise its prices this year, "market volume for the in- dustry as a whole is growing and some com- panies are even about to apply allocations because orders are so close to capacity. This seemed a logical, opportune time" to raise prices. But isn't there something amiss here? One of the biggest reasons steel profits were low this year was because unused capacity added expenses while at the same time lower- ing percentage returns on investment. If the industry could still make a profit while pro- ducing at one half capacity, it should cer- tainly be able to get along reasonably well at nearly full capacity. NVESTORS HAVE not been been fooled. The trading price of a share of United States Steel stock has risen greatly from April 10, 1962, to April 10, 1963 (still days before the industry announced its price increases), a forecast of the profits expected even before By ELLEN SILVERMAN IN CHICAGO last week a Demo- cratic Congressman spoke to an assembly of college students on the advantages of joining the Na- tional Service Corps. In Washing- ton a telephone operator answers the phone with the sprightly greeting "Domestic Peace Corps." And down the hall secretaries are processing applications for tale corps. In an atmosphere of confident optimism the Kennedy Adminis- tration is proceeding on the as- sumption that the National Ser- vice Corps is a reality. Without Congressional approval the Ad- ministration is moving forward and will probably be able to put corpsmen into the field by next fall. President John F. Kennedy is banking on success because of the previous successes of the Peace Corps. In a little less than three years the Peace Corps has been accepted by Congress - both Democrats and Republicans-and more important, lauded by the host countries. Every country where the corps is now operating has asked for more corpsmen and new requests are being received every day. THE NATIONAL Service Corps is different, however, and its sup- porters must deflate their expec- tations a little in order to be realistic. The service corps, if passed, is faced with problems that the overseas corps never had to cope with. Primarily, the corps will have to deal with the recipients' feeling of self-consciousness. Americans dealing with Americans is a far cry from Americans deal- ing with Africans. The deprived Americans who will be helped through the various service projects of the corps will probably have a natural resent- ment toward the crusading young college students who converge on an area seeking to transform its social structure and traditions. UNDERDEVELOPED nations are more likely to admit that they need help than United States localities suffering from economic LETTERS to the EDITOR To the Editor: E, the members of University High School's Save Our School Committee, are deeply con- cerned by the editorial written on April 26 in which we are pictured as "attempting to -influence the public to defeat the bond issue" so that we will be able to remain at University High School. We feel that this is a gross misrepre- sentation of our views and that this statement has done an in- justice to our cause. Therefore, let us set the record straight. We a letter to the Ann Arbor News on April 20 that "we recognize the need for a new public high school in Ann Arbor and support those working to that end." Again on April 18, we stated before a meeting of the Parent-Teacher Council of University School that we defin- itely were not against the bond issue. In other words, we have al- ways been of the opinion that Ann Arbor does need a new high school and it is not our duty to "influence the public" either for or against this issue. Furthermore, we have not in any way tried to link these two dia- metrically opposed issues and any- one attempting to do so is dis- torting and misrepresenting the facts and is playing with his imagination. Finally, we hope that the record has been corrected and those sympathetic to our cause have not been disillusioned by this error and will continue to work for the continuation of University High School. -Carlo Parravano, recession and social disorganiza- tion. These localities still cling to the doctrine of complete rugged individualism of pre-World War II America and will resent help from outside sources. Beyond this problem, however, are other considerations which service corpsmen must face square- ly. Working with the United States rather than outside of it has a, less glamorous aura. College stu- dents who throng to work in exotic Southeast Asia or myster- ious Africa may find little at attract them in humid Mississippi -if the local officials would ever let the corps in-or a dirty New Jersey potato field. * * * BUT THESE college students must also realize what they are working towards; this is the most telling appeal that the Adminis- tration has. Working in the na- tion for the nation is a sore need today. The United States cannot af- ford to export democracy, foreign aid or even Peace Corpsmen if it cannot live up to the standards it sets for others. The situation of the migrant worker in the United States gives the African much reason to question the mo- tives of the American who claims to be raising him to the American standard. In the end the corps will have to go through the same testing situations that the Peace Corps did. The two are not close enough to draw a valid analogy. Like each brother in the same family, each has to go out and prove his own worth; the success of one does not necessitate the success of the other. The National Service Corps will be a volunteer group aiding local areas. in conjunction with local agencies. Among the concerns of the corps are juvenile delinquents, migrant workers, adult illiterates and mental hospital patients. It is hoped that with corps aid local initiative will be increased and ultimately the municipality can take over the service function. British hatter who one day dis- covers that his landlord rents out his room to another lodger while he is at work. THE SECOND TENANT, John James Box; played by Henrik Broekman, is a printer who works by night and consequently, the two men never encounter one an- other-until one day when the hatter gets the day off. Broekman, although usually an outstanding and delightful Savo- yrard, failed to hold character throughout the play, verging on laughter at many of the admitted- ly amusing sequences. This in it- self resulted in detracting from what might have been an able performance. The third player in the "Cox and Box" trio is Sergeant Boun- cer, played by Paul VanderKoy, the landlord caught at his own devices. Vanderkoy's performance was distracting throughout. His bent-knee stance, comic at the outset, became monotonous due to lack of variety. * * * VANDERKOY'S VOICE, while musically pleasing, is plagued by poor diction to the point that his words are unintelligible when he sings. The lyrics to "Cox and Box," however, are quite delightful and Morningstar and Broekman often did them vocal justice, thus Tais- ing their duets above the level of the rest of the endeavor. Sharing the bill with "Cox and Box" was an original piece called "The Toledo. War," with music by David Broekman and words by Edward Eager. In this enterprise, the play was not equal to the cast. * * * THE ACTION centers in the home of Ohio's Judge Phineas Fustian, played by VanderKoy, who is determined that Michiga (back in 1836) shall not claim the Toledo Strip as part of her ter- ritory. He enlists the aid of the four Stinkney Brothers, played by Dan Rudgers, Morningstar, Ron Westman and Broekman, as a would-be army who pursue a Michigan spy, played by Dick Haz- zard. The spy, however, is secretly married to Judge Fustian's niee Isabelle, played by Sue Morris, and they plot to take over Toledo while the Judge sleeps, aided by his wife Permelia and his daughter Anabelle, Judy Riecker and Diane Magaw; respectively. The opening dragged as it labor- ed through VanderKoy's bent knees and artificial movements but improving diction; however, it picked up once he went off to bed. The three ladies handled Broek- man's pleasant music quite well, in many spots even managing to overcome Eager's insipid lyrics. * * * MORNINGSTAR, as the leader of the Stinkneys, was especially delightful as the dull-witted suiter of Daughter Anabelle and Rudgers also rendered good deadpan sup- port to Morningstar. Broekman, meanwhile, had returned to his old form that made him so won- derful in last fall's "Princess Ida;" resuming his innate pixie quality as the zaniest of Stinkneys. To be especially commended, however, is Miss Morris, whose adroit poise often made the Pro- duction sparkle. The accompaniment of Richard Mundell ("Piano and First Etcet- era") and Mary Ellen Mason ("No Slouch at the Piano Either,4and Second Etcetera") on the twin pianos was perfect. All in all, this prelude to Thurs- day's opening of "The Gondoliers" was encouraging for it revealed a cast of players well able, for the most part, to cope with the polish- ed but complex tricks of real Gil- bert and Sullivan. --Michael Harrah --James Starks LIPPMANN: Cuba By WALTER LIPPMANN CUBA GOT a good airing lasi, week before the American So- ciety of Newspaper Editors, and the significant fact about the speeches of the PresidentSecre- tary Rusk and Senator Keating was that there is substantial agreement about what the United States should do not should not do. Senator Keating, who is the most conspicuous of the critical opposition, began by saying that "it is foolish to pretend that there are easy answers to the Cuban problem." He e-id not pretend. Then, in the course of his speech, he admitted that he agrees with the main theses of our present Cuban policy. He is opposed to an invasion. He is opposed to ablock- ade. He Is opposed to hit-and-miss raids mounted from American soil. THIS IS the same story which the administration is telling. Sena- tors Keating's differences are not in the substances of the text, but in the editing, the typography, the layout and the captions. The senator, like the President, ex- cludes In present circumstances the resort to war-Invasion, block- ade and raiding; like the Presi- dent, he, too, would deal with Cuba by surveillance, containment, isolation, economic pressures and propaganda. There is no doubt that at least for some time to come the Ken- nedy-Keating policy willrleave the Soviet troops 90 miles from Flor- ida. This is an affront to our pride. How long must we put up with the Russian troops? -The honest answer is that we must put up with them until they can be got- ten rid of by measures short of nuclear war. * * * THE ROCKEFELLER-Nixon po- sition appears th n to be that Cuba can be liberated by ordering the Soviet Union to withdraw from this hemisphere and to stand by passively while we blockade Cas- tro and arrange for a replacement of Castro's government. If this is what they have in mind, they are making an enormous guess. For nobody can possibly know that the Soviet Union would sur- render its whole position in Cuba as it surrendered its offensive weapons last October. It is the supreme folly in the nuclear age to drive a nuclear power into a corner. And if the Soviet Union refused to how to the ultimatum, all this would do for us would be to make us look like fools. The President of the United States cannot play with an ulti- matum to a government like that of the Soviet Union. He cannot use an ultimatum unless he is prepared to go through with it and begin a war. If he is not pre- pared to go to war, an ultimatum is a bluff. * * * WHILE the present' policy does not promise a quick withdrawal of the Russians or the fall of Castro, it is surely not true to say that it is complacent, do-nothing- ism. To a degree which is just short of war, Cuba is being photo- graphed, patrolled, embargoed, squeezed and isolated. If Cuba were a great power, we would be at war with her for what we are already doing: I doubt whether there is any precedent where we have exerted such strong measures short of war on any other country. (r) 1963, The Washington Post Co. ,. M __.__ e t FEIFFER "LOOK At RiW rK "pgRE IWT YOF TVC TO 9~q - 1 16NORE 16 ~voIce. LI tJV.F5*rljr MORE. I MAV6 A LOT OF MODPL our HfI MPKERI touJr THE Abu 1 VSW T1O IL. AMP~ 60qJ MORE 6foCK AIJO MOVE' EV&K) IGH6ER. c t[q of r SALI - AAJP ALL 1{T1M,5104~H1I2 HW WEW LOOK1J6 AIJ W!A5 stL106- IMS19 M tA ULrr5 6VOICE W/6 1fALOO Jb- tf4Ar M, qAA1Aeg~, tjA1me- A L4 MC VOIC6 5Aq0 J- ,'qoC -ARE A FRAUD, IRW(I CORPUwEM %NWEALI MK~p &11J& VO FIND00( OVf AIJP TAKC If A&L "W'q A IZAHN W I TIWO.tIW C6V To f MER 1 A!q 6 . 4 ou e t = ie61 VOW coW) 1.0 4rINDtoV cvi; IRWI RUJ p r. 601W) T"4 TAKE'i PT 4t- AWALI.M "qou AR6 A FRA0P ~IP)I 'AW BANEFOUNP? LOU OUT I LEFT tOIJ THq FIOW NO~J t4OU) OL)