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North winds
and colder
Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom
MeNamara Claims Arms
For Cuba Attack Decrease
Council Passes Regent Motion
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The secretary of defense and the United States
intelligence chief said in quick succession yesterday they are satisfied
that no Soviet offensive weapons remain in Cuba.
Secretary Robert S. McNamara said in his radio-television news
conference he is convinced "none have been reintroduced."
Earlier in the day, President.John F. Kennedy forbade the ship-
ment of United States government-financed goods aboard any foreign
vessel which has been to Cuba since last Jan. 1.
If the offending shipowner promises not to sail his company's
vessels to Cuba again, he wil be allowed to share in the United
States government trade. Presidential Press Secretary Pierre Salinger
Create New
In Denistr
' A -new community' dentistry
department has been formed in
dental school to cover courses re-
lating "to the role of the dentist
as professional person in his com-
munity," Dean William R. Mann
of the dental school announced
The department, to be headed
by Prof. David F. Striffler, cur-
rently of dental and public
health schools, will teach the re-
quired dental courses concerning
the dentist and the public. Now
being taught, to all levels of un-
dergraduate dental students, these
include dental ethics and juris-
prudence, the history of dentistry,
dental economics, and practice
management and public health
The five-faculty member de-
partment held its first meeting
last night to plan future organi-
zation and programs. Prof. Striff-
ler said that new programs are
in a very tentative stage and that
for the first year tho department
will mainly be concerned with
planig.New Courses
The department hopes to add
new course content in biostatis-
tics, epidemology and in related
psychological a n d sociologic'al
areas, he added.
However, he ndted that the un-
dergraduate dental program is
quite full and it will be difficult
to add new subject matter.
"The n e w department will
eventually have implications in
the graduate program, but that
F needs to be explored," Prof. Striff-
ler said.
SIncreased Cooperation
Dean Mann noted the past ex-
change of lecturers and consul-
tants in graduate level community
dentistry courses and research
projects and hoped that this co-
operation will increase under the
new department.
He noted the emerging areas of
prepaid dental care, the effect of
social trends on dental practice
and patient educational programs
and community relations as topics
for departmental study.
Voters Agree
To Redistrict
In Mississippi
JACKSON, Miss. (P) - Happy
reapportionment forces yesterday
exchanged congratulations and
mapped plans for the future after
pushing a population-oriented leg-
islative reseating plan to a one-
sided victory at the polls.
The rural-dominated legislature,
which had blocked for 73 years
any move to give cities more vot-
ing strength, finally produced an
acceptable new plan only after
threats of federal court action if
it did not.
With 1670 of the state's 1859
precincts reporting from Tues-
day's voting, the totals showed
the state gave the new plan 90,456
votes for to 17,841 against.
The plan would replace the
present 140-member house and
49-member senate, set up under,
the 1890 constitution, with a 122-
member house and 52-member
senate. Population was made a
factor in setting up both houses.
Lach of the 82 counties gets one
house seat and the remaining
seats 'were distributed under a
population formula., The rural
the new formula, but their iron
control is relaxed.
Gov. Ross Barnett, expressing
announced the long-awaited Ken-
nedy order, which White House
sources freely conceded falls far
short of a tougher four-point plan
first proposed by the administra-
tion before last October's Cuban
missile crisis.
As far as weapons go Central
Intelligence Agency Director John
A. McCone agreed with McNamara
in a public statement released
while he testified before a Senate
Presenting what he said were
the agreed views of a board of
all the principal intelligence offi-
cers of the government, McCone
said that only "a relatively small
amount of Soviet military equip-
ment has reached Cuba" in the
period since the October crisis.
The pronouncements of the two
top level administration officials
were part of a concerted adminis-
tration effort to allay fears and
put to rest reports that a new
Russian military buildup is under
way in Cuba.
A number of Republicans in
Congress have charged that such
a buildup is under way and Cuba
continues to be a grave menace.
But McNamara said that Cuba
now is "a lessening military threat"
because of the withdrawal of So-
viet weapons, equipment and men
from Cuba., The Secretary said
there appears to be some contin-
ued movement out of Cuba.
Ije conceded, though, that only
continuing, penetrating, on-site
inspection-which is lacking-
could provide "absolute assur-
In the same connection, Mc-
Namara told reporters, "I am
satisfied that there are no major
elements of offensive weapons
systems in the caves in Cuba."
And with reference to appraisals
of the Cuban situation from var-
ious members of Congress, the
Secretary said that to the best
of his belief "we have all the
knowledge. that has been reported
by the legislators."
.. . Cuban arms
church Hits
School Plan
WASHINGTON (m) - A spokes-
man for the Roman Catholic
Church yesterday termed Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy's proposals
for -aid to public elementary and
secondary schools "totally unac-
Renewing the church's long-
standing dispute with Kennedy
over the issue, the Rt. Rev. Msgr.
Frederick G. Hochwalt said any
program that leaves out parochial,
schools is discriminatory and un-
He urged Congress to remove
the proposals for elementary and
secondary schools from Kennedy's
omnibus education bill and con-
centrate on passing a bill to aid
higher educatioi, on which agree-
ment is closer.
In testimony to the House edu-
cation and labor committee, Hock-
walt took issue, however, with
Kennedy's contention that debate
on parochial school aid, which
might delay action on federal aid
to all education, was a luxury the
nation could not afford.
Hockwalt said limiting aid to
public schools would exclude one
out of seven elementary school
students in the nation from fed-
eral support and penalize millions!
of parents who have exercised
their right to select schools. -
Council Acts
To Take Part
In Elections
Postpones Proposals
On Women's Hours
In the last order of business, a
few moments before midnight last
night, Student Government Coun-
cil adopted an amended motion
from Dgily editor Michael Olinick,
'63, for Council participation in
Regents elections.
The vote was 12-3. A committee
to be chaired by Olinick, and in-
cluding SGC president Steve
Stockmeyer, Bob Finke, and Rob-
ert Ross, all '63LSA, was appoint-
ed to formulate procedure for im-
plementation of the policy.
The motion as passed will see
Council activity in outlining a
statement of University problems,
and inviting Regents candidates
to speak on campus. The Council,
according to the motion, will also
meet individually with candidates,
and consider endorsing one or
more for election.
Lift Daily Ban /
SGC will also act to inform stu-
dents-of the issues and of can-
didates' qualifications, and at the
same time urge the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications to lift
restrictions which currently pre-
vent Michigan Daily editorial con-
sideration of Regents candidates.
A preface to the motion, pre-
sented by Ross, noted that-"the
elections of the Board of Regents
present an opportunity for stu-
dents to influence the governing
of the University,'- and that SGC,
"as the representative of the stu-
dent body has a responsibility to
help insure that Regents are elect-
ed who are qualified to maintain
the excellence of the University."
In' other action, the Council
voted three amendments to a mo-
tion concerning changes in wo-
Inen's hours, but then failed to
suspend rules to consider the total
motion in last night's meeting.
Submit to OSA
The motion, if passed next week,
would go to the Office of Student
Affairs as a student recommenda-
tion of action to be taken by that
The amendments, offered by
Ross, and passed in a 9-6 vote,
would abolish hours for all Uni-
versity women except freshmen,
extend the number of late min-
utes permitted for freshmen
women, and asks that weekend
pers for freshmen be extended to
at least 1 a.m.
The entire motion, tabled until
next week's meeting, also includes
'the granting of permission of
freshman women visits to apart-
ments, extension of weekday pers
to midnight, and finally, granting
of apartment permission to junior
The Council acted on a proposal
from the Committee on Student
Concerns, after that committee
conducted the survey on women's
Michigan Supreme Courtk
Decrees Rule NineIlea
FACULTY CLUB: Legislature
Plan Addition to Bell Tower May Tell
The University Faculty Club has
been offered space on the 12th and
13th floors of an addition to the =;Romney to Submit
Bell Tower Inn. Non-Discrimination
John C. Stegeman and James A.
Orr, co-owners of the hotel on 300 Housing Legislation
South Thayer St., recently made
the offer to Prof James K. Pol- By MICHAEL HARRAH
lock of the political science de- city Editor
partment and chairman of the
University Senate Subcommittee
on the Faculty Club. LANSING-In a rare display of
Ideally, the Faculty Club, now unanimity yesterday, the state Su
located in the Michigan Union, preme Court struck down -the con-
would prefer to be situated in a troversial Rule Nine, which was
new building of its own. According s ., intended by the Michigan Cor-
to Stegeman, the club has looked poration and Securities Commis
at a site on Packard, west of Di- - sion to prevent discrimination by
vision Street. c Y -x k--sk real estate brokers and salesmen
He also estimated that the cost The opinion, written by Justice
of a Faculty Club building there Theodore Souris, held the rune un-
would be $1.5-2 million, whereas constitutional, since it is "too
the cost of the entire Bell Tower -Daily-Dick Steiner broad to be delegated by the state
expansion will be $1.3 million. BELL TOWER INN-This model of the hotel shows how the lluld- Legislature to an administrative
Construction of the Bell Tower ing will appear after enlarged to 11 stories, the top floor being an agency of the- state without viola-
addition will begin in May andde h gthsaecntiuo.
will probably be completed before observation tower. Two additional floors would he added for te igthes statey constt.
the beginning of the fall 1964 aca- Universitly Faculty Club upon Regental appropriation and changes This simply means that the
demic season. In addition to the in state and local law.omate clare leNinea
increase of about 150 feet in must deal itself. The court did tr
height, the building's base will EstTdattempt to pass upon the intent
increase by 50 per cent to the WESTERN*UNITY: of the rnling (prevention of dis
north. The hotel's capacity will owt criminationi
increase to 110 rooms rA denauer 1ak es ssue Seven of the court's eight jus-
s tices participated in the unani-
If the Faculty-Club signs a "3 G a lemous assent, with only Justice
contract to move into the Bell 7 iMie " -D. O Hara abstaining
Tower, ten additional floors will Wii dU V D ecisionAJustice O'Hara, a Menominee Re-
be built; otherwise, eight stories publican only recently having come
will be added to the three-floor BONN (RP)-In a plea for Western unity, Chancellor Konrad onto the bench, was not a mem-
building. e ftecutdrn h rg.
The Faculty Club's plans to IAdenauer yesterday took issue with French President Charles de ber of the court during the orig
The Faculty Club's plans to .f..nal hearings on Rule Nine.'
move out of the Union depend en-Gaulle by urging Britain's admission into the Common Market and
tirely on the Regents, who must strengthening of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization under No Appeal
appropriate the necessary money. United States leadership. Attorney General Frank J. el
Thus far, the Regents have not The West German leader carefully avoided criticizing the French ley, whose office had argued be-
taken any formal action on the President in a policy statement to a restless Bundestag (parliament). ing Rule Nine, declared that he
organization, although it has dis- But Adenauer's words carried the would not appeal the decision
cussed the matter several times.wolntapelhedcsn
us th teg semvral ts Resuffor ring of both advice and a stern "since there is apparently no fed-
According to Stegeman, a 12th m eort reminder to his old French friend, eral question at this time."
floor could contain a restaurant, "Europe knows that it cannot However, he added that "the
cocktail lounge, conference rooms 4 M defend itself without the support principles sought to be accom-
and cad and game rooms. Attof the United States," he said. plished by Rule Nine are praise-
Dry Line? "I therefore, declare with all em- worthy. Since Gov. (George) Rom-
However, serving of liquor by NEW YORK () - C i t y hall phasis that to .us there can never ney has made his position onthis
the glass would be contingent on mediation efforts resumed last be anything but close cooperation matter public, I shall ask him to
whether or not the "dry line" is night in New York's 61-day news- between free Europe and the join with me in designing legisla-
abolished in the April 1, city elec- paper blackout and progress was United States." tion which will provide for the
tion. Presently, no liquor by the reported in Cleveland's 69-day Squeeze Play elimination of the evils that
glass can be served east of Divi- newspaper strike. De Gaulle's policy has 'been brought about the need for posi-
sion Street. Across the nation, meanwhile, widely viewed as an attempt to tive action to assure the rights of
In addition, a state law which some 75,000 printers of the AFL- squeeze the United States out of all citizens to find housing for
forbids the sale of liquor by the CIO International Typographical the powerful position it holds both themselves and their families."
glass within 500 feet of a church Union voted to assess themselves economically and militarily in Romney apparently concurred
or educational institution would 3 per cent of their yearly salaries Europe as leader of the Atlantic with Kelley, announcing that he
have to be amended. to meet the heavy financial drain. alliance. was preparing specific legislation
Adenauer framed his remarks in to eliminate discriminatory hous-
an attempt to still opposition at ing practices. He said the proposals
home to signing a new treaty of would be submitted later this
cooperation with France after de month.
" " Gaulle shook the Western alliance Equal Rights
( 1 ~~~~~~~by blackballng Britain from the " aeisse ih lnt
kol of rater m il-:.S Comon Mrket ti"'m thatMihga hould guarne
As Adenauer spoke, repercus- the equal rights of all citizens in
e isions to de Gaulle's policy con- the housing field," he reiterated
, tiAsud euertspoEurpercs-thathouiganfsold" guaritratee
Codmon aret adding that adoption of the pro
At a meeting of the Common posed state constitution would
At ameeing f te Comon"make Michigan a model state
Market Assembly -- the tradin m
bloc's parliament - in Strasbourg, in this respect.
blo's arhmen - Stasburg MCSC Commissioner Raymond
Dutch members charged de Gaulle MCC omisneRa od
Duwith planning destructin o he F. Clevenger, whose days in that
with planning destruction of the post are reportedly numbered, said;
North Atlantic Treaty to put West tare regrted nh e dmsaid
Europe under French domination. that he regretted the commission
P. J. Kapteyn, a Socialist mem- lacked the legal power to enfrce
ber of the Dutch Parliament. gave Rule Nine.
an implied warning that the "The principle of Rule Nine is
Dutch might slow up the Com- that a (realtors) license granted
-on Market operation unless the on behalf of all of the citizens of
..n..arket. .pra _Jnye'n.]
French leader 'drops his ban the state cannot be used to dis
Britan. d rcriminate against some (of them)."
Bri-ain._Need Legislation
Arrive:.. Kelley added that he thought
{M artIansA iv such legislation could easily over-
come any legal objections, but
Yesterday, Siamese twins Ig- members of the Legislature did not
natz and Theophilus Martial indicate they were in any partic-
.:; ".>::joined The Daily. Once they ular hurry to do- anything 'about
were scorned, the butts of cruel thmaer
jokes. Now they are looked up Last year legislation in this area
to: "There goes aDaily men," generally stalled in committee.
say envious onlookers. What's Rule Nine now provides that
more, at The Daily's employe- real estate salesmen or brokers
only cafe, they can afford to getI may not refuse to "offer for sale,
themselves both gassed up on 'or to buy or to offer to buy, or to
The Daily's exclusive 5 cent receive to sell or buy, or to ap-
Horse Committee cts
On NMC, Namte Change
Special To The Daily
LANSING-Both chambers of the state Legislature spent a dull
day yesterday, with only the House taking any action, passing to
third reading Rep. Dominic Jacobetti's (D-Negaunee) bill to change
the name of Northern Michigan College at Marquette to Northern
Michigan University.
The House Committee on Education, chaired by Rep. Raymond
C. Wurzel (R-North Street), reported favorably on the bill, and
passage today seems
The Legislature has precedent
in the matter. Similar name
changes were made for Central
Michigan University at Mt. Plea-
sant, Eastern Michigan Univer-
sity at Ypsilanti and Western
Michigan University at Kalama-
zoo in 1958.
At that time, NMC officials did
not feel that their institution,
linked closely to the University
in all aspects of its programs,
rated university status, and thus
had its name altered only from
Northern Michigan State Teach-
ers College to the present name.
In other action, Speaker of the
House Allison Green (R-Kingston)
apparently acceded to Rep. Rollo
Conlin's (R-Tipton) stubborn-
ness and dropped him from the
House Committee on Ways and
Conlin, former chairman of the
House Committee on Taxation,
had refused to serve on the ways
and means committee. He was.
given other committee posts, and
his vacancy was assigned to Rep.
William Doorn (R-Grand Rapids).
Meanwhile, Rep. Richard A.
Honest John' Guzowski's (D-De-
troit) drive to put an anti-Coin-
manist speaker ban clause in the
Constitution, which would pre-
vent subversives from using state-
Meyerholz Views
"The foremost reason for the existence of fraternities here at
the University is to supplement and complement the student's
academics and not to place other things before them," John Meyer-
holz, '63BAd, president of Inter-Fraternity Council said last night.
He was speaking at the fraternity mass-rush meeting held in
the ballroom of the Michigan Union.
Meyerholz explained that it is the college fraternity which spurs
the student not only to intellectual achievement but also "to com-
municate your education to others in the community, for it is in the
confines of the chapter house that you learn to live, work and think
with one another."
Educational Benefits
A second speaker, John Feldkamp, assistant to the vice-president
for student affairs for fraternities, defined the purpose of fraternities
"to develop the whole person in his existence beyond the classroom."
He noted that the University supports the system because of this
addition to the educational life.
In offering rushing tips to the audience he advised that the
prospective fraternity must appeal to rushees academically. Although
"there's not a single fraternity on this campus that can help but
stress academics," he said.
Responsibility of Choice
Dr. Bingley, director of student activities and organizations,
warned the audience that the selection of a fraternity-rather than
being black and white-involves accepting and rejecting "one good
or a lesser good or a greater good.' This forces you to assume a