(HER REL ES F By WILLIAM-BENOIT University President Harlan Hatcher's advisory council on fair housing released yesterday its long-awaited report on the proposed Ann Arbor fair hous- ing ordinance analyzing in de- tail the ordinance's shortcom- ings. The report points out legal loopholes by which a landlord could avoid the provisions of the ordinance if it were to be passed and suggests means of tightening it to be more in- clusive. Compiled by Professors Sam- uel J. Eldersveld of the political science department, Donald C. Pelz of the sociology depart- ment and Luke K. Cooperrider of tshe Law School, the report criticizes the proposed ordi- nance in four areas. Loose Definition First, the ordlinance, because of a loose definition of "hous- ing unit," does not make any provision governing discrimina- tory practices for the sale or rent of a single-family dwelling other than that financed by federal assistance. Although the ordinance makes clear the rules dealing with rooms or apartments, it will be of little assistance to someone wishing to purchase used housing. Second, the landlord who owns five or more adjoining lots will be prohibited from dis- crimination in the sale of his lots under the ordinance, but if he owns four or less adjoin- ing lots, the ordinance does not apply in their sale. Third, financial institutions are prohibited "from discrim- inating in the granting of money for the purchase of a multiple-family dwelling." But there is no attempt to control the sale or rent by a private home owner of his personal residence. Power Limited Fourth, because the power of the ordinance to prevent dis- crimination is limited to private hiome owners who have taken federally assisted loans sub- sequent to the date of the or- dinance, there will be an ex- IRHO tremely small number of land- lords affected. The report states that "in the fall of 1962, 7,990 students lived off-campus in rented rooms, apartments or houses. About one-fifth of them lived in rented rooms." The ordinance will have great effect in the area of single rooms and apartments, since the coverage is stated as applying to proprieters owning five or more housing units. However, if the multiple-family dwelling is owner-occupied, the 'US' C owner can claim an exemption. The report estimates that the ordinance would apply to more "than 58 per cent of the rental units in the campus area, and more than 43 per cent of the rental units in the city at largesj' "On a similar basis it is es- timated that if the specifica- tion of the number of housing units required for classification as a multiple housing accom- modation were reduced from five to three, the coverage of the ordinance would include more than 84 per cent of the rental units in the campus area and more than 64 per cent of the rental units in the city at large," the report continues. While the fractioih of hous- ing affected on campus areas barely exceeds half, the report concludes that this number represents an improvement sig- nificant enough to make it worthwhile. Still Falls Short However, the report notes the ordinance would still fall short TIME FOR CONCERN ON JOINT JUDIC See Editorial Page £fr ~IIait~ Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 156 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1963 SEVEN CENTS 'U'enate Creates Committee on Staffxcei EIGHT PAGES llence To Study Conditions Surrounding Staff } Unit To Act in Advisory Capacity, Confer Each Month with Heyns By MICHAEL SATTINGER SThe University Senate yesterday created a Senate Advisory Com- mittee on Conditions for Staff Excellence. Its scope-"the conditions essen1tial to the. development and pres- ervation of an excellent staff"--could include evaluations of salaries, Pr omotion rates and available facilities, but not the professional qual- I y of the faculties in the various schools and colleges, Prof. John * * * * cut * * * * * S * S 4) Henderson B or den Cites sadlsA He chaii ulty meetir "Gov. Babcock got angry at the bate. support given me by the State The new Board of Regents and advised me an advisor to leave the state," Prof. Moton ing with Borden of Montana State Uni- academic, Prof. Borden made a speech in To fulfil) St. Paul, Minn., on March 6 where committee' he termed the governor and the cedures b3 legislature as becoming more and faculty me more "right wing."view of a The state legislature immed- whichd her iately called for an investigation Osoa ars of Prof. Borden. '"However, what sinlcr they were investigating was never "If signi quite clear to me," he said, found in su Free Speech mittee shoi MSU President Harry K. New- procedural burn held an investigation at the ment said. request of the regents and sub- I mitted his report on April 8. The "This pri regents by a vote of 6-3 accepted a means o President Newburn's report sup- channels o' porting "my right! of free speech," tive decisi he said, explained. "I have made five other speech- "In giver es on the 'radical right' in Mon- tee could lh tana at "arious cities in this state other chan and there has been no repercus-- d" sions outside of large newspaper "Howeve coverage," Prof. Borden said. to act on E At no time was Prof. Borden "Te r suspended or in immediate danger procedural of losing his position. ;shosad 'Would Leave' procedures 'After the April 8 meeting of the he said. regents, Gov. Babcock said, "If I In carryi felt as Dr. Borden does about the ties, the ( future of Montana, I would avail "give speci myself of the opportunity to leave to the pre: the state." partments, Gov. Babcock said that academic with respe freedom was not at* issue. He in assurin clamed that Prof. Borden was an in policy-! employe of the state and as such plementati had a responsibility to uphold its bylaws." institutions instead of belittling; pr them. * 017 thle Medical S3chl ght. Ivisory Capacity r's the Senate Advisory on University Affairs tee' which drafted the It passed the all-f ac- ig yesterday without de- committee will act in y capacity only, meet- the yvice-president for affairs at least once a SIts responsibilities, the should "develop pro- y which an individual ~mber may seek its re- dministrative decisions ~eeves have had a sen- er.' ficant Inadequacies are ch procedures, the com- uld recommend suitable corrections," the state- NTot a By-Pass oposal is not devised as f by-passing the usual f review of administra- ons," Prof. Henderson n instances the commit- iear specific cases after nels had been exhaust- r, it will have no power L case except in an ad- mittee is likely to find differences among the Icolleges. Some of these may require revisibon," ing out its responsibili- committee should also fic and early attention sent procedures in de- schools and colleges ct to their effectiveness g faculty participation naking, including im- on of existing Regent's evious Proposal us report containing a Jr a commission with ponsibilities was passed iate in April, 1961, but position from deans of leges and schools. Al- nate passage is usually, decisions, the Senate ted the approval of the horeturnedthe* rpt e them. he differences between lsis that the pent s inot a coemmisson independent mandate, ent for Academic Af- W. Heyns said. mmittee will also be in raction with my office,. hle commission had a ependent existence," he ZoniEng Case By ORVAL HUFF The Ann Arbor City Council last night decided to send the Stu- dent Co-operative House issue back to the planning commission on the basis of new informationi. Previously co-operative houses have been located in the two family 'dwellings zone. Recently, however the council shoved co-ops the cost of new land for building co-operative units is much higher than in the .two family dwelling area. About 25 students from the Inter-Co-operative Council were present to protest the change in zoning. . Bus Committee The city council also decided to form a Citizen's Bus Committee to study the present city bus prob- lem. The City Bus Company is scheduled to cease operations at 6 p.m. Thursday. . "A special citizens' committee met this afternoon to discuss the current bus problem, but no solu- tion could be reached," Mayor Cecil 0. Creal said. "This proposal is too late for any immediate action, but I'll be happy to appoint a committee to see whether it can solve the prob- lem," he noted. Representatives The new committee would con- sist of representatives from the chamber of commerce, Michigan Municipal League, University, pub- lic schools, and labor. The planned bils committee will explore the co-operative use of the bus line among interested par- ties and evaluate the consequences of a "no-bus" city. The city bus system has been losing money since its raise in prices to meet wage and hour de- mands of drivers. Patronage has dropped considerably since the price increase, and the company is unable to meet its payroll obliga- tions and maintenance bills of more than $3000. The bus company and its ac- companying school bus service has been operating since 1957. YESTERDAY the U n ivyer si ty Se na t e expressed its deep concern over the prob.- ternof discrimination in student organizations. The motion passed by the Senate strongly supports the concept of delegating to students the authority to deal with this bias. It also rgsthe adoption of procedures sim ilar to those outlined by the Harris Report. We share this concern with the faculty and urge the Regents to reaffirm Student Govern- ment' Council's power jn this area. We also urge the Regents to adopt the basic outline of the Harris Report. THE PROBLEM of discrimination in stu.- dent organizations is a very live issue. In the past, SGC has shown some reluctance to move forcefully in this area. Vested interests on Council are a partial cause for the lack of action. Recently, Council has also been afraid of legal action. But a fear of administrative reaction has been the major cause of SGC's inertia. Students can look back on a long history of abortive attempts to solve this problem. In 1952, University President Harlan Hatcher vetoed a proposal passed by the now-defunct Student Affairs Committee that would have set a deadline for the removal ofbas. In 1959, SGC's decision to withdraw recognition from Sigma Kappa sorority was set aside by the administration. This year, the first stumbling block has been whether the Regents can delegate their legal authority in this area to SGC. Dean Allan Smith of' the Law School is currently preparing a legal opinion on this question for the Regents. It is likely that his opinion will back the delegation of power. AnEdiorial. .. A second problem is -procedural. Prof. Roibert Harris of the Law School h'as written a report which clea-r delineates methods and procedures for a student solution of the problem. This report, approved by SGC and now, in substance, by the faculty, has not yet been seen by the Regents; they are awaiting Dean Smith's fnlopinion beore considering procedural matters. THERE TS no- question of the Regents' desire to rid the University of bias. Their intent is clearly expressed in Regents Bylaw 2.14. The only justifiable delays ini this at- tempt are those required to work out proper procedures for students to assume responsi- bility in this area.SGC cannot solve the prob- lem without Regental backing-. Regent Eugene B. Power has expressed the opinion that a plan similar to the Harris Report will be approved by the Regents. Its final form, of course, will depend on Dean Smith's opinion and the attitude- of the -gents. WHATEVER final plan the Regents may pass, we strongly urge that it give full responsibility for eliminating bias in student organizations to students. We hope that the Regents will act both in the letter and spirit of Byla 2.14. We would like to see the Harris Report implemented in a meaningful and effective manner. The faculty has spoken. SGC has spoken through its acceptance of the Harris Report. We sincerely urge that the Regents act at their May meeting by taking a positive stand that will point the way to a student solution to the bias problem. -THE ACTING SENIOR EDITORS Group Supports Harris Proposal Power Hints Regents' Approval Of Student Jurisdiction on Criteria By DEBORAH BEATTIE The University Senate yesterday strongly backed the power of Student Government Council to take action against student organizations practicing discrimination in member- ship selection. The faculty resolution will be forwarded to President Harlan Hatcher and the Regents to be considered at their May 17 meeting along with the riport of Prof. Robert J. Harris of the Law School. Because the authority of?~ A A SGO in this area has been challenged by an lawsuit from five sororities which did not sub- mit complete statements to SGC on their selection criteria, the Regents have been reviewing By- law 2.14, which prohibits racial and religious discrimination by University groups. Support Harris Approach The Senate also endorsed the "general approach" taken in Prof. Harris's proposal, which delegates clear authority to SGC .to act in this area and provides a struc- ture to implement Council's au- thority. Drafted by the Senate Commit- tee on Student Relations, the in0 enin bias clauses and dis- crimination in student organiza- tions could be justified only by the efforts to frame spccific SGC powers to enforce the bylaw. Regent Eugene B. Power of Ann Arbor said last night that the Regents will probably approve a plan giving students control over discrimination jurisdiction. "The Regents in consultation with the administration and students will implement something like the ,Harris proposal," he predicted. Some Opposed Power commented that although opposition to student control has been expressed by some of the Regents, all are in favor of the spirit of Bylaw 2.14. Prof. Wallace T. Berry of the music school, a member of the S t u d e n t Relations Committee, IResolution "RESOLVED (1) that the SACUA express its concern over the problems of discrimination in all forms and descriptions on the part of any student or- ganization, (2) that it look with favor upon a general approach of delegating authority to stu- dents such as exemplified in procedural proposals submitted by Prof. Harris and (3) It hopes that the implementation of this approach and objective can be accomplished without serious disruption." .By ANDREW ORLIN University of Texas President Joseph R. smiley will become the next head of the University of Colorado, effective July 1. "I regard the potential of: the University of Colorado as extr~me- ly challenging and think it is a position that any educator would be flattered to accept," Smiley said yesterday: Replace Newton He will succeed President Quigg Newton who has resigned, eff ec4 tive June 30. The University of Colorado was embroiled in a conflict last fall over articles that appeared In the student newspaper, the Colorado Daily. Some critics of the paper disagreed withseditorializing about Sen. Barry Goldwater. Controversy The controversy developed as a letter-to -the editor writer in the Colorado Daily called Goldwater a montebank and an "old futzer." Republicans in the state objected to the letter and it became, a major Colorado board of Regents campaign issue. When the paper published a second, similar letter, Newton re- moved editor Gary Aithen and imposed special classes in libel upnthe staff. Sup ley would make no comment on the incident or the newspaper on the grounds that he .did not know enough about them. No Announcement No public announcement con- cerning Smiley's salary was made. However, he admitted that he will be getting more than his present salary of $24,000 a 'year. Newton has been earning $25,000 a year. Newton will become head of the Commonwealth Fund of New York. Public To View JJC Document Court Refuses To Invalidate Con-Con X1ote proposal f( similar resi by the Sen received op various col though Ser binding on had reques' Regents w which wrot The Natmonai Institutes of Health grants for medical research are being allocated amid conflict- ing interests and possible abuser of power, Rep. William S. Springer (R.-Ill) charged recently. The NIH, a system of fee eral agencies supporting hieaith re- search in various areas, ,uses panels of non-government scien- tists who decide how its plentiful funds-nearly $1 billion next year -shall be allocated. By The Associated Press LANSING--The State Supreme One of t Court turned down a request yes- jthe pps terday to declare invalid the April commtees 1 vote which adopted the new with an state constitution. vice-Presid The move set the way for the fairs Roger State Board of Canvassers to meet I"The con and certify the adoption of the direct intei constitution which has been de- whereas ti layed to await the high court's kind of ind decision. said. LEARNING, TEA CHING: I~rcksn otes U se ofTheory By ROBERT GRODY "The classroom of the future will be oriented towards the in- dividual student," Prof. Stanford C. Ericksen, director of the Univer- sity's Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, said at a lecture to the faculty of the Medical School yesterday. Prof. Ericksen suggested means to improve teacbing methods by use of information from research in the behavioral sciences in a lecture on the "Possible Applications of Research and Theory of Human Learning to the Special Problems of Teaching in the Medical School." Experimental Basis . SSpringer said he may present evidence demonstrating that the scientists have shown bias toward 'their home institutions in passing out grants. . Charges Denied Officials of the public health service, which has authority over NIH hae deniedthe charges. J. of the Medical School, who has served on these NIH committees, 'pointed out last night that a scientist does not participate in the discussion or vote on a grant 'application from his home institu- tion. He commented that having scientists allocate the grants is a desirable arrangement because "the basis of the allocations is scientific." He added that he was not aware of any abuses of power by the scientists. Running Battle The Springer charge is the lat- est round in a running battle over alleged laxity in the administra- Elections Director Robert M. Montgomery and Board Chairman David Lebernbom both made clear that the boar i woukd meet shortly --perhaps toda -'i -to validate the results Beport Findings The previous commission would have .reported its findings to only Executive Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss. The new committee on staff