UNDA ARIL 28, 19A SSi TE MIEIGAN DAILY DAILYSCLASSIFIED ADVEB1TISEME. PAGE FIVE VTS LOST AND FOUND LOST - 14 kt. Baume Mercier Watch. Reward. Call NO 3-2823. A26 LOST-WOMAN'S GOLD WATCH with Black Suede Band. REWARDI Call Ju ie at NO 3-1561, Ext. 275. A27 LOST-BROWN Pocket Book in room 4203 Angell Hall. REWARD. Call NO 5- 7711, Ext. 3217. 49 LOST - Green book bag with notes. Spanish and C. F & D book. Will surely flunk out unless recovered. Cali Marshall, 3-9166. A37 LOST IN THE UGLI-Man's ring, black star sapphire, set in white gold band with diamond chips. Reward. Call Stan, NO 2-6852. A26 FOUND on the corner of E. University and N. University - Book from the Cincinnati Public Library; Title: Herman Melville by A. R. Humphreys. A28 TYPING: THESES AND TERM PAPERS. ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER. Call Mrs. Meyers 438-4682. J12 TYPING DONE-Accurate. Call 8-8044 after 5 p.m. J11 FOR THE FINEST SELECTION of party favors and unique gifts contact Bud- Mor Agency, 1103 S. University, NO 2-6362. J4 LET US TYPE AND REPRODUCE YOUR TERM PAPERS AND DISSERTATIONS (offset for reproduction). Photo copy, mailings. Gretzingers Business Serv- ice, 320 S. Huron, HU 2-0191. ,J8 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE-Northland Skis with Ski- Free releases and binding. Imported men's English Shetland crewneck- loden green. Also striped men's boat- neck, Sizes 44. Imported English tEn- nis sweater -- size 42. Grey Harris tweed 3-button sports jacket-40-41 long. Call 5-5:45, 6:30-6:45. 5-0523. B36 DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING-.67 carat white gold solitaire. Flawless and fluorescent. Appraised value, $767. SAVE $307. Getting married, must sell. Call John 2-7558. B18 DIAMONDS at rock bottom prices through student representative of large Detroit Jewelry Store. Call 663- 7194. B7 APARTMENT FURNITURE in excellent condition. Includes air-conditioner. Must be seen. Call 662-7023. B17 BOAT AND MOTOR, 1955, 16 ft. Wol- verine; 1956, 16 h.p. Scott. $125. 665- 3824. B10 TROMBONE AND BARITONE HORN- Good condition. Call NO 2-2825 or 8-1 7858 after 4:30. B161 SNEED A BITE TO EAT? Time for Sunday breakfast and the kitchen is bare? Dash to RALPH'S MARKET 709 Packard We open at 8 Sunday morning. USED CARS 1961 VESPA, 150 cc, 3200 miles. $325. Call 663-3845 after 5 p.m. N8 1957 FORD engine and body, very good-must sell, $395. NO 3-3905. N15 1960 VALIANT. 4-door, stickshift, only $695. Compare other prices, NO 2-3978. N17 '59 CHEVY-Very clean, all around, new white tires. $780. Call 665-8724 or 663-1531, Ext. 7473. Local 8. N19 TRIUMPH TR-R, hard & soft top, good condition, $575. NO 3-8358 after 4:00. W N14 1961 VW-GULF Blue, Sun roof, 26,000 miles, excellent condition. NO'3-6845. Nil 1957 TRIUMPH TR-3 - Excellent me- chanical condition, exterior fair. $650. NO 2-2413 after 6 p.m. N12 1957 AUSTIN-HEALY, excellent condi- tion, fully equipped. Call 665-6860 after 6 p.m. or on weekends. N16 MUST SELL '60 SUNBEAM ALPINE- Top condition; garaged year around. Wire wheels, snow tires extra. Owner leaving USA. $1295. 668-8302. N7 1961 FORD FAIRLANE four door pur- chased June 30, 1961. 22,000 miles, brand new rubber, straight stick, big carb., color champagne white with blue interior, radio, heater. Will help you locate finance. It's a real bomb. Must see to appreciate. Call 665-0579. N10 SUNBEAM ALPINE, red, fully equipped, hard top, radio, excellent buy. After 6 call NO 2-6649. N13 CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES DO YOU OWN A VOLKSWAGEN? If you do, you should know about Ann Arbor's only VOLKSWAGEN and Porsche service specialists A I R-COOLED MOTORS 936 N. Main 665-0051 665-3583 Figure 5 average words to a line Call Classified between 1 :00 and 3:00 Mon. thru. Fri. Phone NO 2-4786 ONE-DAY .70 .85 1.00 HELP WANTED KITCHEN HELP AND WAITERS WANT- ED. NO 8-9298. H15 EXPERIENCED COUNSELORS for small boys' camp. Crafts, water front, gym- nastics, riflery. Write giving personal background and training to CAMP FLYING EAGLE, 125 Webber Dr., Lansing, Mich. H17 WANTED: Full time or part-time per- sonnel capable of quantity work sur- veys-from blueprints on construc- tion. For interview call Contractors Jewelers Name Rene's Jewelry Daniel's Jewelry Sageman Jewelry SPECIAL SIX-DAY RATE 3.48 4.20 495 Town Alpena Ann Arbor Bad Axe Services, 336 Nichols Arcade 5-016. Bldg., 1116 Daniel's Jewelry Co. Battle Creek Manasse, William Dearborn Jewelers Caro Dearborn Crown Credit JewelersDetroit PERSONAL TO THE SPRING WEEKEND Central Committee members and all subcom- mittee members: we would like to of- fer our sincere thanks for a job well- done and say that we've both en- joyed working with you all. P31 SALE-HELENA RUBENSTEIN COLOR- TONE SHAMPOO. VILLAGE PHARM- ACY, 1112 South U. . F29 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Zelda. Hope you like HONDA better than broom.-- Ignatz. P28 DON'T FORGET MICHIFISH SHOW "ARTAQUA" May 2, 3, 4; 8:15 p.m. Women's Pool. F27 JEANNIE AND KAREN HOPE YOU HAD A NICE WEEKEND! F;2 OPEN FOR summer season. . . HOTEL SAN JUAN. Contact Punky or Topcik. No requirements necessary! F60 THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE for Spring Weekend '63 wishes to thank Miss' Hartwig, Mr. Rinkel, and all other members of the administration and faculty, without whom there would have been no Spring Weekend. F30. CONGRATULATIONS, PAUL F2f DID YOU THINK the first Gargoyle was funny? Then you won't like this one. F101 TRIPLE SUMMER apartment, furnished, kitchen,.ideal location. 2-0555. F29 JAZZ VOCALIST WANTED to sing with big band. Contact Bruce Fisher, 5-6234. F8 EVERY YOUNG MOTHER should own a Gargoyle. F103 FOR RENT VERY CLOSE to campus. 3 man fur- nished apt. Available first week in June. Call NO 5-3839. C56 CLEAN 2-man apt. for summer sublet. Lease can be renewed in fall. 2 blocks from campus on S. Forest. Call 3-4913. C55 SUMMER SUBLET-Three-man apart- ment near Law School. Call 665-3822 after 5 p.m. 08 FOR RENT-Air conditioned, modern 2 bedrooms. 662-7355. C72 AIR-COND. For summer, 3 rm. ap't. No. 90. Call NO 5-9430. C59 SUMMER APT. for 2-814 E. U. Call 3-5473. C62 BACHELOR APT.-No cooking, private bath, private entrance, first floor. NO 3-5106. C53 SUMMER-Furnished apt. for 1 on cam- pus, across from the law school. NO 5-6583. C67 SUMMER APARTMENT for 3, 2 blocks from campus. 663-9745 noon or after 5. C68 SUMMER-Brand new 2 bedroom apt. for 4. Air-conditioned. Campus. Park- ing. Reasonably priced. Call 665-9594. C64 SUMMER SUBLET -- Spacious modern apt. for four. 2 blocks from campus. Call NO 5-0550. C5 FURNISHED APT. for 4-Summer. 2 bedroom, 30' living room, air condi- tioned. Forest and Hill. 668-9060. Cc SUMMER-Air conditioned 4-man fur- nished apartment located at 316 E. Madison. Phone NO 2-8414. C37 APARTMENT, only 330 yds. from Angell Hall; for 2; small, $100 per month. Call 665-6347. 010 SUBLET-Air cond., 4 man, modern, across st. from I.M. facilities. Pool and tennis cts. NO 2-7240. C51 SUMMER SUBLET-Large 4-man apt. furnished. Five minutes from campus. 665-0781. C42 SUMMER-TWO MAN Apt. Close to campus. Must sublet at loss! Furnish- ed. Call 668-7490 between 5:30 and 7. After 7 call 2-2011. C42 SUMMER SUBLET-Large 3-rm. apt. for 2 or 3 two blocks from campus. Call NO 8-8649 between 5 and 7. C44 ON CAMPUS-Girls, now taking appli- cations for summer and fall furnished apts. and/or parking. Call NO 2-1443. C% SUMMER SUBLET, 2-3 persons, fur- nished, modern, use of household equipment. Will rent at a loss. Call 2-5969 evenings. C66 SUMMER SUBLET-Modern, spacious, fully furnished, 4% room hairy apt. for 2 or 3 gorillas. Inexpensive. Call NO 3-2635 after 9 p.m. 048, SUMMER SUBLET at special bargain price. Brand new apt., for 4. 2 bed- rooms, completely furnished; air con- ditioned, parking facilities. 316 E. Madison, Apt. 20, NO 5-5273. C65 CLOSE TO: CAMPUS Furnished 4 room apt. and furnished 3 room apt. with laundry facilities, 2 room furnished apt. available In June. NO 3-4325. C52 SUMMER -Modern, 1-bedroom apart- ment with courtyard, on Oakland, Prefer married couple. Flexible ar- rangements for furnishing. 665-3824. C35 THREE OR FOUR MAN ON GEDDES NEAR FOREST - New two bedroom apts. at reasonable rental. Call NO 3-8866. C38 CAMPUS-HOSPITAL area-3 rm. newly furnished apt. Available after May 15. Call 665-8240 between 4:30-7:30. 055 FOR RENT BRAND NEW luxurious summer apt. near campus-very reasonable. NO 5- 8103. C69 SUMMER SUBLET: Newly furnished, redecorated 2-man apt.-341 E. Liber- ty. NO 3-6195. 063 SUMMER SUBLET - Air conditioned, modern apt. 2 blocks from campus. 3, 4, 5 people. Call 665-7183. 013 BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED-Summer Piano, washer, garage, fireplace. 609 W. Huron. Entire first floor $105. Re- liable couple. NO 5-7035. 071 DELUXE FURNISHED 3, rm. apt. for 2 or 3 girls or couple in campus area. TV and air cond., available in June. Call 665-0430 after 5 P.M. C49 SUMMER-Large apt. for 4, one block from Engineering Arch. 4 bedrooms. 1113 Willard, Apt. 2. Call 3-9450. C45 SUMMER SUBLET-Comfortable studio 3 blocks from campus. Call 3-6385 after 5. C26 SUMMER - Air conditioned, modern. reasonable. 4-man apt. on campus with parking. NO 2-2591. Susan Mar- shall. C39 SUMMER SUBLET for 2 or 3. 1 bedroom, furnished or unfurnished; quiet resi- dential area. 7 min. from campus. NO 5-8291 after 9:30 p.m, C47 AIR-CONDITIONED-Four-man apart- ment to sublet for summer. New, two bedrooms, large living room, modern kitchen, fully furnished, 2% blocks from campus. Call 662-8558. C61 FOR SUMMER ONLY New 2-, 3-bedroom luxurious apts. Fully furnished, very modestly priced. On campus. Call 8-8723. C10 BE COOL YET CLOSE TO HILL AND ARB-Summer spblet, coed bldg. for 4 persons. Dishwasher, air cond., bal- cony, covered parking. NO 2-7686. C1 SUMMER-Large 4 bedroom home for rent, den, recreation room. $225 per month. NO 3-6169 after 5. C46 FURNISHED APARTMENT-First floor, cool for summer. Separate entrance. Bedroom, living room, kitchen and private bath. $120 mo. for two. C54 SUMMER APT. FOR 2, furnished, new carpeting, furniture, refrig.. etc. 3 blocks from campus.on S. Univ. NO 3-1268. 0 FOURTH FOR MODERN APT., 410 Ob- servatory,,est. $53.50 incl. tel. For fall. Williams and Rubinstein, NO 3-8888. 031 SUMMER SUBLET FOR 2 - Roomy, ' modern furniture, 2 blocks from campus and downtown. $100. Call 3- 1561, Ext. 1380 or 1351. 034 LARGE FOUR-MAN APT. for summer sublet. Close to campus. Reasonable rent includes all utilities. Call NO 2- 2011. If no answer try 8-7490. C41 NEW 2-BEDROOM apartments furnished for four. East University and Vaughn. Very sharp. $200 including heat. Call Bob Brown, NO 2-1997 or NO 3-0434. C40 FANTASTIC SUMMER OFFER -- Com- pletelyfurnished ultra modern apt. includes TV, disposal, balcony. $90 mo. NO 5-4391 between 7-10 p.m. C41 BEAUTIFUL, SIMPLE, mountain home in Western North Carolina. 17 mi. from Ashville available June 15-Aug. 7, 1963. Low rental. Desire responsible couple or family. Call NO 5-5235. 015 Summer sublEt eXtra 4 bedroom house on campus. Air conditioned. Cheap. NO 8-6,437. C32 Sallan Inc. Hatfield Jewelers Detroit Flint Herkner Jewelry Co. Grand Rapids Krombeen Jewelry Swierenga Jeweler Miller Jewelers Max's Jewelry Millers Jewelry Meagher's Jewelers, Inc. Miller Jewelers of Jackson, Inc. Ray D. Pixler Carl V. Reck Walter E. Ring Daniel's Jewelry Heaths Jewelry Store Grand Rapids Grand Rapids Hastings Hamtramck Hancock Jackson Jackson Kalamazoo Kalamazoo Kalamazoo Lansing Lansing College girls seem to know what they want. We get a lot of ideas about ring styling from American campuses. If there is such a thing as a consensus, it would sound like this: conserva- tive styling, with a difference. That's what we've designed into Tropic Star,.,.the newest of the beautiful Artcarved diamond engagement rings. Like all Artcarved rings, it's styled for lasting beauty...guaranteed in .writing for permanent value. Is Artcarved's beautiful new Tropic Star for you? See for yourself. *TRADsMARK Morgan's Jewelry Co. Lansing Schohl Jewelry Nyquist Jewelry Ludington Marquette Thompson's Jewelry 'Mt. Pleasant Move Yourself.. . AND SAVE 2/3 pickups, panelss, stakes, MOVING VANS Whit's Rent-A-Truck HU 2-4434 59 Ecorse Road, Ypsilanti, Michigan WANTED TO RENT GARAGE WANTED Vicinity of Canterbury Rd., Ann Arbor Woods, John Allen School or South- east Ann Arbor area. Phone NO 5-9429 after 5 p.m. BIKES AND SCOOTERS NEED A MOTORCYCLE OR SCOOTER? Have one and need it fixed? Come to Nicholson Motorcycle Shop. 224 S. First. ' Z10 Marvin Jewelers Morgan's Jewelers Muskegon Muskegon Connolly's Jewelers Pontiac Lou-Mor Jewelers Pontiac f Myer's Jewelry Shop Royal Oak Daniel's Jewelry Co. Saginaw MUSICAL MDSE. RADIOS, REPAIRS GUITARS, ETC. Make, Repair, Buy and Sell Private and Group Instruction Hoots Daily Herb David Guitar, Studio 209 S. STATE NO 5-8001 FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY on radios, phonos, tape recorders and TVs with this ad. Campus Radio & TV, 325 E. Hoover. X9 USED HI-FI AND STEREO EQUIPMENT We use a sharp pencil. Sherwood, Fishersand Scott. Buy now and save. The Music Center, Inc. 304 S. Thayer St., next to Hill Auditorium. X35 A-I NEW AND USED INSTRUMENTS BANJOS, GUITARS AND BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington PERSONAL EVERYONE BUYS GARG, except the Thetas, of course. F102 SUMMER APARTMENTS FREE AIR CONDITIONING 320 E. Madison. Call NO 3-6357 F28I GIRLS WHO GO to the UGLI coffee lounge have a reputation. They're good for only one thing. Read Garg and find out what. F104 THEkROAD RUNNERS - The best in rock 'n' roll, popular music. Call Mike, 663-9591. F63 DO THE PHI DELTS really like the Zeta Psi's? What are the co-ops really cooperating on? What does Swovey do in the summer? Find out all of this and more in Gargoyle, on sale May 3. Buy it before it's banned. F105 $1.50 HAIRCUT Fri. and Sat. $1.25 Mon. through Thurs. Master Barbars-347 Maynard by the Arcade and 320 S. Main by Sears. F7 rtcarve d Green's Jewelry St. Joseph ~o Damd addding Rings Jean's Jewelry Store SaultSte.Marie Earl Cobb, Jewelers Traverse City { i I i I Hi-THEODORE THEODORE THEODORE THEODORE THEODORE F1000 ---r BARGAIN CORNER C A kAIC Cy"\rnD man r 3