oNNY SKIES: t aosAna
Forecast Favors Annual Event
(Continued frm Page 1)
afternoon a helicopter will fly over
the field and drop 700 balloons
each containing a gift valued
from a pack of cigarettes to a
$15 radio. The total value of the
Kato Views
New Trends
Japanese literature's traditional
secularism and objectivity has
continued to dominate the works
'of contemporary Japan's writers,
according to Prof. Kato Shuichi of
the University of British .Colum-
In a lecture sponsored by the
".Center for Japanese Studies, Prof.
Kato drew comparisons between
Japanese literature of past cen-
turies and contemporary (post-
World War II) authors such as
tanizaki Junichiro, Inove Yasushi
and Yoshikawa Gi
These men, he felt, are writing
in the same modes used in 17th
century Japanese fiction in that
they are objective, aesthetic, and
follow traditional plot lines.
Old Fiction
The older fiction of Saihu had
three main plot subjects: erotics,
townsmen and historic samurai
warriors. Tanizaqi's works, notes
Kato, are concerned with sexual
obsession and perversion, Yasu-
shi's about common Japanese
people and Yoshikawa's about
medieval heroes.
Kato also commented on the
lack -of religious influence upon
Japanese writers. "Traditionally
there have been two divisions of
Japanese literature," he said. "The
religious division has always been
separate from the realistic divi-
sion of writers and has definitely
been the weaker of the two."
Through the centuries Japanese
writers have kept Buddhism and
Confucianism out of their writings
according to Kato. In the 20th
century, the greatest ideological
influences on Japan have been
Christianity and. Marxism. How-
ever neither has had any appre-
ciable influence on Japanese writ-
In Harmony
Kato feels that the secularism
and realism of the Japanese
author is in harmony with the
principles of Slinto the Japan-
ese view of the world. Shinto
stresses .the existing world, sense
perception and a ack ofbeliefin
absolutes, all of which character-
ize Japanese literature.
Japanese view Shinto as com-
patible with ordinary religions
and many visit both Shinto and
Buddhist shrines.
However, fiction has been one of
the more tradition-bound fields
of literature. Some fields, notably
drama, have seen minor breaks
with traditional forms.
A movement has begun in small
productions that is seen as a re-
volt against the traditional Ka-
buki theatre forms. However, any
new theatre form in Japan must
essentially be seen as a revolt
against Kabuki, Kato added.
Alpha Omega Fellowship, Meeting,1
Lecture & Discussion: "History of Mis-
sions," April 28, 10 a.m., Grace Bible
Church, 110 N. state St. Everyone wel-
BRl'aJ Student Group, Weekly Discus-
sion, April 27, 8 p.m., 1400 Granger. 1
Cong. Disc. E & R Stud. Guild, Cost
Luncheon Discussion: "Issues of Guild,"t
Guild Executive Committee, April 26,
Noon, 802 Monroe.
U. of M. International Folk Dancers,
Dance Meeting, April 30, 8 p.m., 14291
700 gifts is about $2,000. Most will
be in the range of records or com-
plimentary meals from restau-
rants. The gifts have been donated'
from area merchants.
In the case of rain (which is not
expected), the helicopters will be
flying at the Saturday afternoon
Tonight is gambling casino
night at the Way-Out Inn (I-M'
Bldg.). From 8:30 p.m., casino
patrons may obtain play money at
the door and gamble at the sev-
eral gambling emporiums. These'
booths, 20 by 40 foot structures,
will contain professional gambling
equipment and floor shows. They
will be judged by Prof. Russell
Dodge, Elizabeth Weil, and Emilio
Roma. The following pairs of
housing units are entries:
jJordan Hall with Adams House,
Delta Phi Epsilon with Phi Sigma
Delta, Seeley and Scott Houses,
Alpha Xi Delta with Sigma Nu,
Mosher Hall with Trigon, Kappa
Alpha Theta with Sigma Phi Ep-
One With Another
Also included are: Fisher and
Chicago Houses, Phi Sigma Sigma
with Kappa Sigma, Chi Omega
with Sigma Chi, and Couzens Hall
with Chi Phi.
There will also be can-can
dancers performing and vintage
western films shown. Two bands
will provide music for informal
dancing. A stereo set is being of-
fered as a door prize.
Paddle That Canoe
"Way-Out Out" is the theme
of Saturday afternoon's events at
Riverside Park. At 11 a.m. those
pairs of houses which are enter-
ing the canoe race will give cheers.
The cheering sections will be
judged by Prof. Sazel Losh of the
astronomy department and Au-
gustus Stager. At 11:15 a.m. the
race will begin down the Huron
River. Houses entered in this event
are as follows:
Alpha Chi Omega with Theta
Delta Chi, Alpha Delta Pi with
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Ep-
silon Phi with Zeta Beta Tau,
Alpha Omicron Pi with Delta Chi,
Alpha Phi with Lambda Chi Al-
pha, Alpha Xi Delta with Sigma
Nu, Chi Omega with Sigma Chi,
Sorosis with Chi Psi, Delta Delta
Delta with Phi Gamma Delta,
Delta Gamma with Alpha Tau.
Omega and Angell with Phi Ep-
silon Pi.'
In addition are: Stockwell with.
Pi Lambda Phi, Butler with Delta-
Sigma Phi, Cook with Greene,
Couzens with Chi Phi, Elliott with
Tau Epsilon Phi, Fisher with Chi-
cago, Hinsdale with Hayden, Jor-
dan with Adams, Kleinstuck with
Taylor, Little with Strauss and
Newberry with Alpha Epsilon Po.
Also Included
Also included are: Thronson
with Wenley, Delta Phi Epsilon
with Phi Sigma Delta, Gamma
Phi Beta with Theta Xi, Kappa
Alpha Theta with Sigma Phi Ep-
silon, Kappa Delta with Phi Sigma
Kappa, Kappa Kappa Gamma
with Delta Tau Delta, Phi Mu
with Evans Scholars, Phi Sigma
Sigma with Kappa Sigma, Pi Beta
Phi with Delta Upsilon, Sigma
Delta Tau with Tau Delta Phi,
Sigma Kappa with Phi Kappa Psi
and Zeta Tau Alpha with Phi Chi.
Hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza,
submarine sandwiches and drinks
will be available at the park.
The buckboard race will start
at 1 p.m. Buckboards will be
drawn by "cowboys" and driven
by "cowgirls" down a Way-Out
West obstacle course.
Meanwhile individual events
such as climbing a grease pole and
riding a bucking bronco will be
going on.
Saturday night at 8:00 p.m. is
Skit Night at Hill Auditorium. Six
skits have been chosen by elimina-
tions. Delta Delta Delta and Phi
Gamma Delta will present "The
Gambler," Alpha Phi and Lambda
Chi Alpha will give "The West
Can Be Beat!" and "Slush Taupe
and the Seven Dwarts" will be
given by Kappa Kappa Gamma
with Delta Tau Delta. Members
of Alpha Epsilon Phi and Zeta
Beta Tau will act in "The Herd
Shot Around the World," Bush
and Cooley Houses will present
"Deep in the Heart of Sexas" and
"Eastward Ho!" will be performed
by Delta Gamma and Alpha Tau
The Skit Night judges are Mrs.
Harlan Hatcher, Prof. Maynard
Klein of the music school and
Prof. Kenneth Rowe of the Eng-
lish department. Judging the
semi-final eliminations were Prof.
T. J. Garbaty and Prof. R. A.
Loomis, both of the English de-
partment. Prof. Z. H. Weisfeld of
the speech department and Leach
judged the final eliminations.
Sweat and. Blood
Working out all the details be-
hind the scenes of "Way-Out
West" is the Central Committee,
whose members include Sara Ho-
berman, '65 and Bob Marx, '63,
Friday afternoon; Freya Yaffee,
'64, and Paul Erickson, '65, Friday
night Bob Rogers, '65, and Fran
Kahn, '65, Saturday afternoon;
and Mary Van de Water, '65. and
IDave Sheldon, 65, Skit Night.
Other members are: Gail Feld-
man, '65, and Stan Redding, '65,
Programs; Rita Melocahi, '65, and
Phyllis Hart, '65, Secretariat;
Marv Wayne, '65, and Joanne
Grobe, '63, Special Events; Dick
Joy, '65, Communications; Jim
Just, '64, Treasurer; Linda Gentry,
'65, and Dan Boxser,. '65, Promo-
tions; Jan Weiss, '65 A&D, and
Steve Breinling, '65 A&D, Graph-
ics; Susie Finder, '65, and Fred
Bornstein, '64E, Awards and
Judges, and Kay Wunsch, '63M,
and Mort Levin, '63, Tickets.
Fraternity Notes
50th Anniversary
Gamma Alpha chapter, a grad-
uate natural sciences fraternity,
celebrated its 50th anniversary on
the University campus recently,
chapter president Gerald Schultz,
Grad, said.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
Day Calendar
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.-Bureau of In-
dustrial Relations Seminar No. 85 -
alan G. Negus, Executive Vice-President,
Naremco Services, Inc., New York, "How
to Improve Your Personal Records Man-
agement": Third Floor Conference Rm.,
Mich. Union.
9:15 .m.-Schoolmasters' Club Lec-
ture-Prof. Oscar Handiin, Director of
the Center for the Study of the His-
tdry of Liberty in America, Harvard
Univ., "The Excellent and Others in
Democratic Education": Rackham Lec-
ture Hall.
9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m,-Joint session
of the Midwest section of the Society
of Biblical Literature and Exegists and
the Middle West Branch of the Ameri-
can oriental society-All sessions: Mich.
Union. General Session, 9:30 a.4.; Pa-
pers, 9:45 a.m.; Sectional Meetings and
Papers, 2:00 p.m.; Subscription Dinner
and Presidential Addresses, 6:30 p.m.
10:30 a.m.-40th Annual Undergrad
Honors Convocation - Shio Sakanishi,
Member of Japanese Governmental
Commissions, Poet, and Literary Critic,
"Education of a Heathen: Position of
Women in the New Japan": Hill Aud.
2:30 and 7:30 p.m.-Colege of Archi-
tecture and Design Open House and
Lectures-Architecture Aud. Romaldo
Guirgola, Associate Prof. of Architec-
ture, Univ. of Pa., 2:30 p.m. Parker
Tyler, Film Critic for Art News Maga-
zine, "Architecture of the Film," 7:30
4:15 p.m.-Dept. of Psychology Collo-
quium-Dr. Edwin Ghiselli, Univ. of
California, Berkeley, Bingham Memorial
Lecture, 1963: Aud. B, Angell Hall.
4:15 p.m.-Dept. of Botany Seminar-
Dr. Suzanne Leclercq, Laboratoire de
Paleontologie Vegetale, - Universite de
Liege, Belgium, "Have the Psilophytales
Lost Their Keystone Position in the
Plant Kingdom?": Rm. 1139. Nat. Sci-
ence Bldg.
8:00 p.m.-Dept. of Speech Univ. Play-
ers Production-"The Madwoman of
Chaillot" by Jean Giraudoux: Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
8:30 p.m.-School of Music Degree Re-
cital-Patricia Parker, pianist: Lane Hall
Mathematics Colloquium: Meets today
at 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 325 W. Engrg. Prof.
Raoul Boutt of Harvard Univ. will speak
on "The topological aspects of sys-
tems of elliptic differential equations."
Refreshments: Rm. 350 W. Engrg. at
3:30 p.m.
Astronomy Department Visitors' Night:
Today, 8:30 p.m., Rm. 2003 Angel Hall.
Dr. John M. Malvile will speak on
"Eclipses of the Sun and the Solar
Corona." After the lecture the Student
Observatory on the 5th floor of Angel
Hall will be open for inspection and
for telescopic observations of Mars, Dou-
ble star, Hercules cluster. Children wel-
comed, but must be accompanied by
General Notices
The Greenhouses of the Univ. of Mich.
Botanical Gardens will be open to visi-
tors on Sun., April 28, from 3-5 p.m.
Regents' Meeting: May 17. Communi-
cations for consideration at this meet-
ing must be in the President's hands
not later than May 3.
Student Government Council Approval
of the following student-sponsored ac-
tivities becomes effective 24 hours after
the publication of this notice. All pub-
licity for these events must be withheld
until the approval has become effective.
Culture Club, Jazz Concert April 26,
7:30, 1st Baptist Church.
The Student Microscope
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A&D Schedules
Lectures, Art
At Open House
The College of Architecture and
Design will hold its sixth annual
open house today and tomorrow.
The program will feature three
lectures, a panel discussion, an
auto decorating contest and a
dance tomorrow night.
Speaking at 2:30 p.m. today will
be Prof. Romaldo Guirgola of the
University of Pennsylvania. Aside
from his academic duties, Prof.
Guirgola is also a practicing archi-
Parker Tyler, an art and film'
critic, will speak at 7:30 p.m. today'
on "The Architecture of the Film:
Word, Sight and Sound." Tyler is
currently engaged in biographical
research on a Ford Foundation
Tomorrow at 10:30 a.m., John
Maxon, director of fine arts at
the Art Institute of Chicago, will.
speak at the college's honors con-
vocation on "Quality." His special-
ties are Venetian art and Ameri-
can architecture.
In the afternoon, a panel dis-
cussion will be held on "Problems
in the Visual Arts" at 1:30. Prof.
Robert Iglehart of the art depart-
ment will moderate.
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