Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS hAeee STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. T i 81 s1 SIDELINE ON SGC: Council Buries Issues In Philosophical Talk , APRIL 26, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: MALIDA BERRY Engineering College Needs Curriculum To Fill Gap, '-'4/f. . r t E SPLIT between the backgrounds of tudents in engineering and students of the ral sciences in the literary college is too e. As a result of students being forced to le between the two different degrees, the llment in the engineering school has been ning. ie present traditional engineering curricula .ot allow enough time for both a thorough vledge of engineering practices and an ade- e background in languages, humanities and it sciences. The engineering college should ide a curriculum which fills the gap be- n the two colleges. ie engineering college is being run under ,sically sound assumption: it is wrong to engineering students for specific jobs in .fic fields. No "radar engineers" exist at University. But this assumption does not nd to types of occupations, such as re- h and development, sales or production ;n. The engineering college is only begin- to accommodate students in curricula h prepare them for different types of potions. the situation exists today, engineering ents do not know before they graduate kinds of jobs they are going to take. may choose fields that interest them, but tually the companies which employ them not be giving them jobs which correspond bly to the courses they took in college. In cases, the content of any one course may r be used. And students often change their osed fields of work after graduation. Many exist where a graduate starts work and ,ins in a field which is completely different the one he studied in college. SO, SOME fields close up, no longer exist r become so overcrowded that an engi- s talents are wasted. In the past this lem was serious. Students trained for rating station equipment about 25 years found after graduation that no jobs were able to them. e engineering college is correct in not ting a philosophy of training students for fic jobs. Practices of the engineering col- indicate that the present philosophy is to students a common background which iarizeS the student with engineering work At present about 80 per cent of all the tradi- tional curricula is common to engineering grad- uates. The college gives the student a balanced diet of laboratory and classroom work in wide and specialized areas of knowledge. ONE MAY WELL think that industry would exert an influence which would tend to pressure the engineering college into modify- ing course content one way or the other. How- ever, the influence of industry on curricula is not-a case of companies coming in and de- tailing the requirements they need in graduates. The immediate needs of industry are not always consonant with the interests of gradu- ating engineers; the technical training that companies may need in graduates probably would not aid engineers in their careers in the long run. Fortunately, engineering curricula are not dictated by industry. But industry plays a large part in determ- ining the popularity of fields of specialization. For instance, by offering larger salaries and by relaying attractive information to students before they graduate, companies spur increased enrollment in electrical, aeronautical and mechanical engineering. The strongest demand for engineers is coming from defense and aero- nautical and space employers. AT THE TIME of graduation, industry also plays a large part in determining the type of occupation a student will enter.' Often he seldom considers whether he will go into re- search and development or into production operations or sales. And this division is impor- tant. Working behind a desk is engineering work of completely different character from working in a laboratory. It requires a different background. Yet the engineering college prepares its students without regard to which type of occu- pation they will be entering. And the difference between students who go into research and development and those who go into other types of occupations is not arbitrary. In general, students who receive grade point averages about 2.6 go into research and development, and those with lower averages go into produc- tion operations, design or sales. However, the number 2.6 is not completely clear cut-there are many students for whom this division doesn't hold. The college is already beginning to accom- modate students headed into research and de- velopment with its science engineering degree program. The program offers a fundamental knowledge of science and an adequate famil- iarity with the social sciences and humanities. But it is rigorous and is limited to students who are drawn from other engineering fields. ONE POSSIBILITY which would perhaps be attractive to students in t h e natural sciences would be a three-year professional program to follow a two-year preparatory pro- gram in the literary college. Yale offers both a four-year engineering program and a three- year professional degree. One advantage is that at the end of two years in the literary college-instead of at entrance to the Uni- versity-students could decide whether they wished to 'go into an engineering program. Also, after the total of five years, those stu- dents in the professional program could be given the background to go into research andI development. Whatever the final solution, the engineering college should plan to offer curricula to engi- neering students which allow them to go into research and development occupations with a proper background. -MICHAEL SATTINGER .... a ZA I I ''GENTLY , NoW, OR 14EL /. BE ON OUK' NECKS MAAIN. TODAY AND TOMORROW: Contests Show Political Trends Challenges OMMEI14TING on his appointment to the literary college deanship, Prof. William aber, chairman of the economics depart- ent, said it was "an honor" to be given the portunity to provide "administrative lead- ship in meeting the challenges of the post." Indeed, the literary college, ,as well as the tire university, is involved in a crucial riod. The challenges facing all of higher edu- tion require more teachers, more classroom id laboratory space and more time to meet e pressure of a growing student population i increasingly complex body of knowledge akes it mandatory that more people be edu- ted and that educational systems expand eir boundaries. It is these and many more challenges that of, Haber hopes to meet. He is a respected culty member, an expert in his field of labor onomics as well as a man interested in the erations of the University. His background ows him to be a well-informed and compe- nt person, able to provide the literary college th the leadership it should have in this riod of challenges. -M. BRAHMS By WALTER LIPPMANN r]pIS WEEKEND in Italy there will be held the first of a series of European elections. Next year there will be an election in Great Britain, and in 1965 there will be one in West ,Germany. Moreover, there will be some kind of French election in December, 1965, be- cause General de Gaulle's term of office ends in January, 1966. Unless Premier Fanfani is upset this weekend, we shall have in the Italian election what might be called a preview of the general movement of European politics. Fanfani, who is a Christian Dem- ocrat, has formed a working ar- rangement with Nenni, the leader of the Socialist Party. Until this so-called "opening to the left," the bulk of the Italian Socialists were allied with the Communists. At the national level, though not so completely in the localities, the Nenni Socialists have broken away from the Communists and have openly denounced the undemo- cratic totalitarianism of the Com- munist Party. , This political maneuver has strengthened the Christian demo- cratic government and given it a good majority in the parliament. It has at the same time drawn the Christian Democrats away from the right and from the far right. It is of great historic signifi- cance that Fanfani's action has had the blessing of the Vatican. The issue in the elections this weekend is whether the working arrangement between Christian Democrats and Socialists will be ratified and thus encouraged to develop into a big coalition of the center. * * * THE BASIC PATTERN of Ital- ian politics is that the two large mass parties are drawing closer together and are drawing away from the true-believing Commun- ists on the left and from the old- believing fascists, monarchists, feudalists and reactionaries on the right. The same pattern is discernible in West Germany. There the So- cial Democrats have turned away from their Marxist inheritance and have converted themselves into a party of the left center. The Christian Democrats are at the same time moving toward a co- alition with the Social Democrats -presumably after the election of 1965 when, it is believed, the So- cial Democrats will have become a very large party, though they will be short of being a majority party. The basic .pattern is also dis- cernible in GreatBritain.sThere the conservatism of the younger Tories is far to the left of what is called conservatism in this country; the leftism of the Labor Party is far to the right of Marx- ist socialism. THE EUROPEAN movement away from the ends toward the center reflects the practical ex- perience of Europe since the Sec- ond World War. The feudal and aristocratic elements of continen- tal society have been largely liqui- At the same time, the recovery of Europe has made irrelevant and uninteresting the socialism of the prewar era. The Socialist parties of Germany and Great Britain, and now of Italy, are no longer "working class" and Marxist. They are middle class, which includes in modern Europe as it does in this country a great mass of blue- collar workers as well as the white. In the Marxist sense, there is no class struggle in the advanced BRANCH: By KENNETH WINTER AMID A final flurry of confusion and newspaper misreporting, this year's stormy careers of the two Delta College expansion plans have ended. Their dying moments went something like this: the "piggy- back" bill (setting up an inde- pendent state senior college at Delta) was in the Senate Appro- priations Committee. Its chair- man, Sen. Frank Beadle (R-St. Clair) and his colleagues were about to give it the axe. The reso- lution for a University branch at Delta, though technically still alive in the Legislature, was vir- tually dead. " s , UPON LEARNING that Beadle's committee was about to kill their plan, the "piggy-back" bill's sup- porters passed the word around that the University was going to set up a branch at Delta next fall -with or without the Legisla- ture's consent. Worried, Beadle called Univer- sity officials, who reluctantly gave him a letter reaffirming (for the nth time) the University position. No indeed, President Hatcher's letter said, we certainly won't defy you. Be calm. So the "piggy-back" bill was calmly killed - and the Univer- sity was promptly represented in the press as having thrown its branch plan to the wolves in order to stop the "piggy-back" bill. The reported "agreement" between Beadle and President Hatcher, in fact, amounted to nothing more than a reaffirmation of a policy. the University has publicly held from the start: to do nothing on Delta without the Legislature's support. THE FUTURE of the Delta question now rests with the new "blue-ribbon" Citizens Committee on Higher Education, which will recommend a plan for a Delta- area degree-granting c olle g e. Their report on it may be ready this fall. Preliminary indications are that the chances of them recommend- ing a branch at Delta are prac- tically nil. The branch concept al- ready has two strikes against it: First, the study committee's basic reference is the 1958 Russell R~nnf n- Rffrhiyay, liaes countries of Western Europe. But there is greater affluence than any Communist country has come anywhere near to. In the 18 years since the end of the war, the prestige of Soviet Communism, which was bright while Europe was prostrated, has grown dim as Europe has recov- ered. Today, the Russian problem is how to extricate their advanced economy from the toils of the to- talitarian regime. The old Com- munist doctrine flourishes today only in the backward countries, notably in China. Althuogh there are no elec- . tions in the Soviet Union, there is ground for thinking that it, too, is in the midst of political change. Mr. Khrushchev is not a personal dictator ns was Stalin. The So- viet Union is ruled by an oligarchy of which Mr. Khrushchev is the boss and the leader, but not the absolute master. He is faced, I venture to think, with a tangled knot to untie. The Soviet Union and its economy have reached - a state of develop- ment where they are too complex to be run by dictation from the Kremlin. Russia needs at least a certain amount of freedom to think, to speak, to invent, to con- sult and to initiate. It also needs peace with the nuclear power of the Wes.t On the other hand, historical experience shows that it is ex- tremely difficult and dangerous to loosen up the bonds of a regi- mented society. Liberty is a heady drink, and again and again re- gimes forced by discontent to lib- eralize themselves have come crashing down not long after. My guess is that Khrushchev is stumped because he does not kncw how to let freedom advance with- out risking the very existence of the regime. I would not suppose that he is in such a tantrum about the artists merely because, like General Eisenhower and Mr. Truman, he dislikes what they paint. He is angry because he is frightened at what a growing freedom, which is unavoidable, will do to Soviet society. (c) 1963, The Washington Post Co. By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM WHILE COUNCIL members philosophize, student-faculty government burns. Engaging in a wordy but fruit- less discussion Wednesday night which might have been titled "what are we? and where are we going?'" most 'Ludent Govern- ment Council members seemed to know neither. They showed instead a tenden- cy to assert broad generalizations about such vague subjects as "greater Council unity for better planning." What they neglected to realize was that their planning is in the fulfilling-and SOC has been tragically lacking in follow- ing up its' passed motions. Two cases in point, the Harris proposal and motions to improve student- faculty relations, were lying on the table, lost in the shower of generalities about Council's inef- fectiveness. Their discussion was sparked by Howard Abrams, '63, warning that "I don't think Council has been thinking about what we are doing now, what we should be doing, and what we are capable of do- ing. " Other Council members took up the challenge and their philoso- phizing quickly spread to that favorite tabletalk question of lib- eral-conservative f a c t i o n s and their effect on Council. ** * ONLY MIKE Knapp, - '64BAd, and SGC Treasurer Frederick Rhines, '64, could be heard above the verbiage about "ideological commitments, " "consensus," and "factions." Rhines made a practi- cal suggestion that members read their mail in the afternoon to as- sure more intelligent considera- tion of issues at the Council table. But it was Knapp who really singled out the faults of the dis- cussion by attempting to switch the topic at hand back to the real issues. "I don't think that lately we've been working on trivial things," he said. While one" member called for the introduction of f'more sub- stantive and intelligent proposals" few words about the Harris report or student-faculty government could be detected. * * * NOT THAT Council members had forgotten about them, it was simply their assumption that once motions are passed, policy is im- plemented, Council =n e m b e r s called for general goals. They only had to look at their unanimously- passed motion on student-faculty government. It says in part: "Stu- dent Government Council believes that the ideal of free interchange of knowledge and belief is essen- tial to the effective functioning of any educational community.. . It is imperative that students and faculty think of each other as Joint members in a community of scholars, with similar concerns and activities." Council members ialed for spe- cific goals; they had only to look at their work of that evening. SGC had established a revamped Com- mittee on University Affairs pro- viding for subcommittees of two members to try to meet with fac- ulty subcommittees. People for these committees will simply not materialize because of SGC motions. SGC President Tom Brown, '63 BAd, has noted that "the best way to get qualified people for these subcommittees is through individual contacts," con- tacts which could and should be made by Council members. The second issue basic to Coun- cil's future is the question of its right to rescind recognition of fraternities and sororities. Final curtain goes up next month when the Regents will receive Univer- sity President Harlan Hatcher's recommendations. Fortunately for Council, (it couldn't have cared less) Brown intends to inform the Regents in detail of Council's stand supporting the Harris re- port. * .* * STUDENT Government Coun- .cil members displayed their rhe- torical eloquence last night. True, there was nobody to listen but the two Daily reporters. True, the campus cared little what "their" government debated. And true too, spring is upon us, spreading its rays of apathy. Council gave its grandiose con- sideration to the "dynamicism" of a two-party system or the chances of progress through cooperation. And on the table before them, buried in a pile of sheets and notes, the Harris report, the re- organization of the Committee on the University and perhaps the opportunity for Council to stand as a respected body sat buried and neglected. To the Editor: STUDENT behavior at this Uni- versity has reached new depths as asininity with the advent, once again, of the "silly season." Tues- day morning at 2 a.m. a group of- about twenty men came into Greene House in East Quadrangle, mounted to the fourth floor, pro- ceeded to hammer on all the doors on the fourth floor, and, cursing and shouting, dragged one of the residents out of bed, down the stairs to the front lawn of the' Quadrangle, stripped him naked, and spread a paste of red brick dust on him with a broom. The occasion? The initiation of a new member into the Sphinx "Honorary". Upon questioning the newly honored one, I was informed that such activities were quite custom- ary, and were first cleared with Director of Student Organizations John Bingley, the local police de- partment, and the resident ad- visor of the house in which the tappee lives. t * *' THIS ASSERTION strains my credulity. Can a responsible Uni- versity administrationan condone such behavior? The panty raids which are forever being censured by the same Office of Student Af- fairs, which apparently permits' such antics as occurred this morn- -ing, hardly seem to me to be more destructive. And yet on closer inspection one suffers serious doubts. Possibly this is just a chance occurrence which will be cleared up with the suspension of the persons in- volved, if they can be found, and the names of the Sphinx and the Office of Student Affairs will be shown to be free of any connec- tion with the incident. * * * AS THIS is my first year at the University, I have had no direct experience with former occur- rences of this nature. Perhaps it would not be too strong for the more serious stu- dents and members of the fakulty to censure the administration for condoning conduct unbecoming to a University. -Walter O, Haas, '66 Usurpation... To the Editor: WE FREQUENTLY read Pleas for mre power in student government. It is "right" that stu- dents govern their own affairs. "Administration" is not criticized as often for doing things wrong as it is attacked for not letting stu- dents handle matters. How good is student manage- ment? SGC and class office elec- tion seldom exhibit the maturity we claim when we request more governing power. * * * I AM IMPRESSED with the student government's lack of effi- ciency. In addition to not being able to run a proper election, it spends a great portion of its time debating a constitutional point, procedures, or policy relating to matters that they have no juris- diction over. A good example of this last point, assuming authority that student government does not have, is the long-standing misun- derstanding between the East Quadrangle Council and the Uni- versity of Michigan Amateur Ra- dio Club. This arises from the fact that some people in East Quadrangle receive the signals of the Radio. Club in their record players and radios. The, proper action of the Council wouldhave been to write the Club Trustee, who controls the equipment's use, or the Federal Communications Commission, which controls the Club's license. .Either of these would have ef- fected a prompt, permanent solu- tion to the difficulty as well as immediately curtailed operations that were linked with interfer- ence. After legislative delay with- in the Quadrangle for months, the Radio Club discovered the situa- tion. , , , EAST QUADRANGLE Council usurped the power of the Federal Communications Commission by passing legislation to keep the Club off the air. They did not of- ficially request the Club to refrain from operating, nor did they make anyone responsible for the en- LETTERS to the EDITOR I # 1 Necessity Defeats SOS HE UNIVERSITY's plans to phase o u t University High School have dealt a big w to students presently enrolled at U High, a spontaneous effort they have banded to- her to form an SOS-Save Our School-- nmittee. rnder present plans the University will asfer the U High classes to the Ann Arbor ool system in 1966 to make room for the .cation school in the present facilities. 'he plans are dependent upon the passage of :hool bond issue in Ann Arbor which will be L in May. If the referendum passes, Ann or will begin to build a new school on land ich the University donated to the city in North Campus area.. IE STUDENTS are attempting to influence the public to defeat the bond issue. They e that if it is defeated they will be able stay at U High. They are, however, only longing the death throes of the school, Editorial Staff MICHAEL OLINICK, Editor ITH OPPENHEIMMICHAEL HARRAH While one can sympathize with the students, it is obvious that Ann Arbor will need a new high school in the near future. Facilities presently in operation cannot suffice for the large numbers of incoming students. And the education school is likewise mushrooming. With each year the administration needs more space for classes. I It is clear that the ones to suffer in the transfer will be the U High students. They will transfer in their senior year to an unfamiliar school and be asked to adjust quickly. College entrance may even be jeopardized since activi- ties count heavily in admission practices and new students are unlikely to get active easily. Many of the U High students also come from areas outside of the Ann Arbor district. While Ann Arbor has a very good school system, some of the outlying areas do not. Therefore, some students will be forced to go to schools which fall below the high standards set by both Ann Arbor and the University. BUT THE University owes its first commit- ment to its own students. It must be con- cerned about crowded classes and lack of classroom space for its education students. The move is inevitable unless more money will be annronriated by the Legislature for a new edu- "I'm Off To Bold Adventures, Only I Dassn't Cross The Street" - r 4,q .tj I' * '