FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1963 THE MICHIGAN DAILY U U U.S. Considers Revival Attempt SOf Geneva Talks WASHINGTON (A')-Despite a rebuff from Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev, the State Depart- ment indicated yesterday the Unit- ed States and British ambassadors may see him again in an effort to revive the stalled Geneva test-ban talks. Hodgs Hits Steel Ethics WASHINGTON M '-Secretary of Commerce Luther H. Hodges, critically examining ethics in the business world, accuses United States Steel's Roger M. Blough of dishonest silence in the period leading up to the steel price crisis of 1962. Hodges scrutinizes the behavior of big steel in one chapter of his new book, "The Business Con- science," to be published today (Prentice-Hall). From his official position, Hod- ges was intimately associated with the chain of events last April when President John F. Kennedy's vio- lent reproach and government maneuvers forced steel companies to cancel price increases three days after announcing them. Completely Wrong Recalling the incident, Hodges says top officials of United States Steel were "completely wrong" in failing to suggest during negotia- tions with the United Steelworkers that they might hike prices. "To put it bluntly," he writes, "they mislead the President and the public by withholding infor- mation or leaving the impression they were going along with the anti-inflation program outlined by the President." Hodges chides Blough, board chairman of United States Steel, for remaining silent through "re- peated opportunities" to tell Ken- nedy or anyone else that a price increase would follow even a mod- est settlement with the union; Dishonest Silence "In my judgment, this silence was not honest," Hodges says. He contends Blough must have known the -government took an interest in the negotiations because it wanted to hold the price line. He adds:, "By keeping silent, Blough mis- lead the government so that, in effect, the steel industry could reap the benefits of official ef- forts to moderate the union's con- tract demands." Framing his allegations in a question, Hodges refers to steel industry leaders and asks: "Did they fail to take into consideration the, national interest as opposed to their narrow, selfish interest?" In a 90-minute session with the ambassadors in Moscow Wednes- day, Khrushchev spurned a propo- sal to intensify and speed up the nuclear test-ban negotiations. Khrushchev was reported to have talked in tough terms to the two envoys and to have threaten- ed to withdraw his limited offer to allow two or three on-site in- spections inside Russia to enforce a test-ban treaty. A Washington interpretation of the report from United States Am- bassador Foy Kohler on the Krem- lin session was that while Khrush- chev took a hard line, he did not completely" and finally slam the door on a test-ban pact. One reason for a feeling here that serious negotiations have not been definitely foreclosed is that Khrushchev has yet to answer in writing the joint letter from Presi- dent John F. Kennedy and British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan which was presented to the Soviet boss by the two ambassadors Wed- nesday. State Department press officer Lincoln White said "I assume the ambassadors will meet with Khrushchev or somebody else on this subject in the future." White did not deny that the United States is disappointed by Khrushchev's position in his dis- cussion with the ambassadors. After getting Kohler's prelimi- nary report Wednesday, Kennedy said he is "not sanguine" over prospects for a test ban. He term- ed the United States-British ap- peal part of a determined effort to "prevent failure from coming upon us this spring." Razak Affirms Conf'idence In U.S. Help, WASHINGTON (M -)- Malaya's Deputy Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak said, yesterday he is sure the United States "will not leave us alone unaided" in building the new Malaysia Federation in the face of the Communist challenge. He made the statement in a speech prepared for the National Press Club after talks with Presi- dent John F. Kennedy, Secretary of State Dean Rtusk, Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara and other top officials. Razak, who is also Minister of Defense, pulled no punches in describing the challenges to the security of the federation which will link Singapore and three Borneo territories of Brunei, Sar- awak and North Borneo to Malaya after Britain severs colonial ties in the territories this summer. SEGREGATIONIST--Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy greeted a Negro woman with a handshake yesterday on the steps of the Alabama capitol. The encounter took place following a con- ference between the attorney general and segregationist Gov. George Wallace. Kennedy, Wallace Meet To Discuss Race Issues . r MONTGOMERY VP)-Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy discussed Ala- bama's racial problems with Gov. George Wallace yesterday in a tense atmosphere which brought 'Panel Seeks Jobless Aid By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-A special com- mittee recommended to President John F. Kennedy a broad cam- paign by federal, state and local governments to find jobs for the rising number of unemployed youths. Foremost among the 33-man committee's 15 recommendations was one urging more generous legislation than the administra- tion's youth employment oppor- tunities measure. It was also recommended that state governors and mayors of each city initiate a commission on youth affairs seeing to it that aggressive programs are spon- sored to provide job and training opportunities. They suggested that employers -including industryand public agencies and unions-should re- examine their hiring, training and promotion, policies to see how they can better employ young people. Unions, too, should revise appren- tice programs of young people into beginning jobs. School boards should begin in- tensive programs to bring inade- quately educated youths up to minimum standards of employ- ability by "crash programs," for instance to provide basic reading, writing and arithmetic skills. The commission reported that one out of every nine teenagers who is out of school is also out of a job. And the prognosis is for a worsening situation. the arrest of 17 white demonstra- tors. But, although both the governor and the President's brother said they had a "pleasant, courteous" visit, neither was willing to give ground in their opposite views on segregation and states rights. The segregationist demonstra- tors were taken to jail on charges of parading without a permit shortly before the Attorney Gen- eral reached the historic capitol where a century ago Jefferson Davis became President of the Confederacy. In the crowd was retired Adm. John Crommelin, an active mem- ber of the National States Rights Party. He was not arrested be- cause he was not marching with the others, but he protested the arrests, and read the first amend- ment to the United States Con- stitution to one of the arresting officers. Riot-trained state highway pa- trol guards, ringed the buildings to trolmen, supported by armed capi- prevent trouble. City police pa- trolled the streets adjoining the statehouse. But, except for the arrest, there were no incidents. Kennedy and Wallace, talking separately with newsmen after, their meeting, made it clear that the Attorney General still feels the federal courts must be obeyed, and the governor remains defiant. Cost of Living Reaches Peak WASHINGTON £P)-A slight rise in March pushed. the nation's living costs up to their highest point in history. The Labor Department reported yesterday its Consumers Price In- dex rose by one-tenth of 1 per cent to 106.2 per cent of the 1957- 59 average, or 1.1 per cent higher than a year earlier. akistanis Determined To End Talks KARACHI (P)-Pakistan is de- termined that its negotiations with India on Kashmir must be wound up by the end of May, an authori- tative Pakistani source said yes- terday. Sessions conducted intermittent- ly since last December have prov- ed fruitless. Delegates of the two nations closed their fifth round of talks about the future of the border state, under dispute for 16 years, and agreed to meet again in New Delhi May 15. Pakistani Foreign Minister Zul- fikar Ali Bhutto and Indian Rail- ways Minister Swaran Singh are the chief negotiators. It was indicated Pakistan agreed to continue only to allow time for the United States and Britain to work behind the scenes for a solu- tion. The efforts to end the feud were promoted by the Western powers, which are funneling mil- lions of dollars worth of arms to India for defense against Red China. Bhutto said recently there should not be any more negotia- tions unless substantial progress was made in the session that be- gan here Monday. Sources in both delegations agreed there had been no progress. Pakistan is now willing to go on until the end of May, according to the authoritative Pakistani source, to allow United States Secretary of State Dean Rusk and British Commonwealth Relations Secretary Duncan Sandys to try to end the deadlock. They are scheduled to come here next week for a meeting of the Central Treaty Organization and later go to New Delhi. Arrest 2 Men For Slaying GADSDEN, Ala. (P)-Two white men have been taken into custody in the rifle slaying of a Maryland postman who was on an integra- tion pilgrimate through the South, Dekalb County Sheriff Harold Richards said yesterday. Richards said a second man was arrested in. Fort Payne, Ala., late' yesterday and was being taken to Gadsden where another man is held in the Towah County Jail on an open charge. "GO WEST" specials for Spring Weekend (Fri.-Sat. only) Grey or Blue Denims wrap skirt 88 slacks pedal pushers each bermudas Sizes 8 to 18 (values to 5.98) WASHINGTON-The nation'sI schools are reported facing one oft the toughest years in history as1 far as state funds for education are concerned.s Educators here, in close touchs with the situation, feel many pub-t lic school systems will have dif- ficulty in even holding their own.t A survey indicates that in 21v states schools will be fortunate if they receive enough funds to coverr the minimum increase in enroll-t ments and maintain present ef- forts. Only about eight states can count on an improvement in ap- propriations that will enable them to take care of enrollment expan- sions.t Few Fundsc In some 29 states, schools will1 have barely enough funds to al-i leviate overcrowding to some ex- tent or to eliminate double ses- sions and step up teacher recruit- ment. Eighteen states are expected to lose - ground during the coming year. At least 15 of those are ex- pected to experience more over- srowding, more double sessions and be forced to employ more sub- standard teachers. Despite this actual state of af- fairs, there seems to be an un- fortunateeimpression among many school administrators and even teachers that "We are over the hump." Educators here say this "just isn't true." California Case As an example, the case of Cali- fornia is cited. There's no ques- tion that California has done a tremendous job at both the state and local level with its schools, NOW IN STOCK BOB JAMES TRIO BOLD CONCEPTIONS Meet the boy today at 2 p.m. Buy the L.P. at our discount price but the state has tremendous pop- ulation pressures and they are not lessening. In other areas, there has been such an influx of population that schools cannot be built fast enough to keep up with it. Added to this problem is the fact that many of the newcomers are from areas with substandard school systems. It is thus necessary to furnish remedial classes, and a substan- tial part of the school budget has had to be devoted to providing summer catch-up sessions. Close Ear Educators who have had their ear close to the grassroots are told that taxpayer resistance is in- creasing, particularly at the local level. In line with this resistance, is a feeling that the federal gov- Report Schools in Difficulty ernment should do something to relieve local pressures. Many authorities have indicated they thought local tax relief pref- erable to a federal tax cut, through an increase in federal funds to the states--in other words through federal aid to education. Educators say there is consider- able support throughout the coun- try for President John F. Ken- nedy's so-called comprehensive education bill, covering elemen- tary, secondary, vocational college and adult education. A special committee to study the subject of this nation's edu- cation was set up last November and has just recently submitted its report to President Kennedy outlining the above information. (c) 1963, Christian science Monitor 309 S. State St. Open Daily 'Til 8:30 PM. Saturday 'ti) 6 P.M. 665-0629 -1 STAW HAT AND SKIMMA TIME .. . celebrating the arrival of SPRING! We've planned a two day program of fun, fashion, and food ..:.just for you. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Refreshments-Modeling-Music by our Player Piano Free gift of Faberge nail glace E and MEET MISS SKIMMA Garden Frock Shop-Street Floor [ World News Roundup I "BEAU-ARTS" BALL with Arden Miesen's Band .4 ... f. s = . , . ;: .er. By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - The Atomic Energy Commission yesterday an- nounced it has suspended until at least May 6 initial operation of the Enrico Fermi nuclear reactor at Lagoona Beach, Mich., near Monroe. * * * ROME-A 16th Century paint- ing of the Virgin- Mary and the Infant Jesus by Francesco Botti- cini that was stolen from the San Lorenzo Church at Fiesole in 1920 was found by Italian police Wed- nesday. The masterpiece turned up in a Rome antique shop, whose owner said he bought it several years ago for 10 million lire ($16,- 000). * * * four previously launched from Formosa proving grounds, hit their aerial drone targets. * . * DAMASCUS-- Yemen reported yesterday that Soviet experts were laying plans for an international airport in the Yemen capital of San'a, A broadcast by San'a Ra- dio said the new airport would re- place the present Rahba Airfield in the capital. * * * WASHINGTON-Gen. D. Clay yesterday urged additional cuts of $200 million in President John F. Kennedy's foreign aid program. Clay, head of an advisory group appointed by Kennedy to study the foreign aid program,' recommended that a total of $4.3 billion be authorized by the House Foreign Affairs Committee. unless Congress restores at least $70 million of a $92 million cut in postal appropriations, a top post- office official says. James A. Kel- leher, special assistant to Post- master Genexal J. Edward Day, predicted the Saturday service to residences and business concerns probably would end July 1. pre-dance and intermission entertainment; Michael Sherker, folksinger Sponsored by the Architecture & Design Open House 8:30 P.M. Sat., Apr. 27 No Admission (it's free) CAMPUS CASUALS 1111 So. University (in campus village) U I 700 FREE PRIZES TODAY-BALLOON DROP at FERRY FIELD ROUNDUP " l r V4 ti0cc s p 4 R: yyp f III 1 Y.. .: 4 " I . a' J. e Y. e ' Y . .': I. / ; IF: i . .:':.. I ,4, ' .. .. (r Transistor Radio-Fretter Appliances 75 packs of Marlboros 15 12" pizzas-Bimbo's 112 lipsticks-Quarry Drug 3 pr. 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C. Fisher Co. 214 discounts--Giant Typewriter Mart gift-Graham's gift-Douglas H. Harris Jewelers gift-India Art Shop favorite bermuda outfit. Choose from a large assortment of styles in vibrantly young rich-tone cotton prints and colorful cottons. Shown only two. Left: Batik print shirt and lined Bermudas. Assorted colors, 6.98 Right: Antique print shirt with solid-color lined bermudas. I I 11 I I f