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April 25, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-04-25

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C, r




Slightly warmer today
with chance of showers tonight

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom





House Passes Grant-Loan Bill

The House passed yesterday President John F: Kennedy's bill'
providing construction grants and student loans for medical and
dental schools.
The bill offers $175 million in federal funds for buildings at
college and university medical schools.
Vice-President 'for Research Ralph A. Sawyer said last night
that these funds may help to build two proposed University buildings:
the Medical Science II unit and a new Dental College building.
Planning funds for both these buildings are already forthcoming-
part of the "quick-action" budget passed by Michigan Legislature
last week. However, Vice-President
Sawyer cited several "ifs" that
must become reality before the
funds come through.
First, the federal bill must gain
approval in the Senate.
Second, the two proposed build-
*..F*.rmings must receive state support in
the University's capital outlay ap-
propriation next year, Vice-Presi-
dent Sawyer noted. The federal
funds must be matched by state
funds under the new act.
We'll Be Able
However, "my opinion is, we'll
be able to get money for the t o
buildings," Vice-President Sawyer
Though the University thinks
"the facilities money is more im-
portant than the student loan
funds provision of the bill," it was
the latter issue fthat threatened
to kill the whole bill.
The student-loans section, simi-
REV. IRVING R. MUR$AY lar to one which caused a con-
.bias ordinance gressional hassle last year, pro-
vides $30.7 million for loans to
" students in medicine, dentistry
ew s Local "andosteopathy-up to..$1500 a

HousinAg Law
"Ann Arbor's anti-bias prob-
lems will not be ,over if the fair-
housing ordinance is passed," Rev.
Irving R. Murray, chairman of the
Maryland branch of. the American
Civil Liberties Union, said last
The proposed Ann Arbor ordi-
nance covers only 20 per cent of
the city, and makes no provisions
for discriminatory practices in ad-'
sertising and real estate transac-
tions, he told the annual meeting
of the local ACLU chapter.
Rey. Murray pointed out that
violation of the ordinance, if it is
passed, would only constitute a
misdemeanor. "however, he real
penalty would lie in adverse pub-
licity for the violator," he contin-
Negro Demand
Addressing himself primarily to
realtors, Rev. Murray noted the
large Negro deiand for middle-
priced housing.
"Intensive work done by anti-
bias groups on fair employment
practices has given the American
Negro more money and a higher
level of education than ever be-
fore," he said.
"Realtors can capitalize on this
and tap untold new markets, in-
creasing their business and adding
to the good of the community at
the same time," Rev. Murray
Exempt Groups
Religious bodies and fraternal
organizations should be exempted
from both municipal and state
anti-bias regulations, he said.
"However,j there is frequently a
moral wrong in this manner of
discrimination, even though under
the law there is no offense," Rev.
Murray continued.
The national ACLU believes that
non-discrimination policies should
not be in conflict with the right of
the individual to choose his own

13 Years To Pay
The loans must be repaid in 13
years after graduation; payments
would begin the third year after
the student finishes his education.
The American Medical Associa-
tion opposed the student-loan pro-
vision,, which insisted these funds
were not needed.
But Rep. B. F. Sisk (D-Calif)
attacked the AMA "hierarchy,"
charging the organization with
seeking to limit the number of
future medical school admissions
by keeping the student-loan func-
tion in its own hands.
The loan program will be ad-
ministered by the individual col-
leges, which must put up 10 per
cent of the funds.
Russian Response
Discourages West,
WASHINGTON-President John
F. Kennedy has received a dis-
couraging response from Soviet
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev to
yesterday's United States-British
See Earlier Story, Page 3
plea to get moving on atomic test
ban negotiations. United States
Ambassador to Moscow Foy Koh-
ler, who saw Khrushchev yester-
day with British Ambassador
Humphrey Trevelyan, made a pre-
liminary report to Kennedy on
Khrushchev's views shortly before
the President's news conference.

... federal funds
Alther SGC
Student Government Council re-
organized its standing Committee
on the University last night to fa-
cilitate future student-faculty re-
Passing a set of motions intro-
duced by SGC Executive Vice-
President Edwin Sasaki, Grad,
Council laid plans to work with
nine committees of the Senate
Advisory Committee on University
Affairs (SACUA).
SACUA is the working body of
the University Senate.
The motions changed the SGC
Committee on the University (re-
naming it the Committee on Uni-
versity Affairs) so that two non-
SGC members will be added for
each SACUA committee with
which Council wants 'to try to
In another motion, Council call-
ed for the establishment of nine
subcommittees which would try
to meet with SACUA committees
dealing with educational and re-
search policies as well as those
concerning student and public re-
SGC President Tom Brown,
'63BAd, announced that interested
students may acquire interview
forms for positions on these nine
subcommittees, as well as for 13
other SGC committees and re-
lated boards, in the SAB.
In addition to these interview
forms, applicants for the nine
subcommittees will be expected to
submit a statement giving their
view of "the concepts and role of
higher education and student-
faculty government."
Interviews will be held Sunday,
May 5, at 1:00 p.m. in the SAB.

U' Plans
In Salary
The University will allocate a
"major proportion" of the $1.51
million budget increase to salary'
raises on a merit basis, and a "rel-
atively small proportion to urgent
staff improvements," James E.
Lesch, assistant to the vice-
president for academic affairs said
The administration declined to
release the precise figures present-
ed to the deans at a special meet-E
ing yesterday because such in-1
formation will not be final untilf
presented to the Regents on June;
Lesch called the figures a "ten-
tative outline subject to slight
Executive Vice-President Marvin
L. Niehuss added that the admin-;
istration has proposed that a part
of faculty Blue Cross be paid on
an across-the-board basis. Every-
thing else will be on merit, ac-
cording to Lesch. They noted this
as an "improvement in compensa-
Urgent staff improvements will
include additions to the faculty in
key areas, and possible library
fund increases.
Ask Advice
The University will send out
budget sheets on Monday to each
unit for individual recommenda-
tions, and will formalize proposals
for the June Regents' meeting.
The current figures are only.
working ones, Lesch stressed, ex-
plaining that the administration is
discussing. ideas and will attempt
to come to conclusions in the next
few days.
Vice-President Niehuss noted
that the general suggestions have
already been presented to the Re-
gents and received approval.
Senate Gives
Water Funds
The Senate passed a bill Tues-
day providing funds for water-
resource research at land-grant
colleges and universities.
The bill, passed over a Republi-
can move to cut the proposed out-
lays, now goes to the House where
its fate is uncertain.
The House Interior Committee,
under the leadership of Rep.
Wayne N. Aspinall (D-Colo) has
bottled up a similar wilderness bill
for quite some time.
Senator Clinton P. Anderson
(,D-NM) a former chairman of the
Senate Interior Committee, led the
Senate floor fight for the admin-
istration-endorsed water research
bill, as he did for the wilderness
bill. He hailed the water bill as a
needed investment in a vital re-
The Senate rejected, on rollcall
votes, two attempts to trim the
measure. It beat down by a vote
of 61-30 an amendment by Sen-
ator Gordon Allott (R-Col) to
limit the program to a total of
five years and to reduce the au-
thorized expenditures by $5 million
a year.
According to Vice-President for
Research Ralph A. Sawyer, many
University staff members are in-
terested in water research.
"We would probably ask for
grants" to support research at the
new Water Pollution Center on
North Campus, Sawyer added.

U.S. Envo


1 1

Academy NamesNeel, Wilder

The National Academy of Sci-
ences elected Professors James V.
Neel, chairman of the human gen-I
etics department of the Medical
School, and Raymond L. Wilder of
the mathematics department to its
membership Tuesday.
The Academy itself is not a:
governmental agency, but its mem-
bers, composed of the nation's sci-
entific elite, serve in advisory po-
sitions to the federal government.
Membership, based on distin-
guished work in original research,
is one of the highest honors ac-
corded to a scientist. Professors
Neel and Wilder join six other.
University faculty members in the
Academy: Professors David Denni-
son, chairman of the physics de-
partment; Robert Elderfield of the
chemistry department; Thomas
Francis, Jr., chairman of the epi-
demology department of the Pub-
lic Health School; Ralph Gerardof
of the Medical School; Berwind
Kaufmann of the zoology depart-
ment, and J. Lawrence Oncley of
the chemistry department and the
Medical School.
Prof. Neel was awarded the 1960
Albert Lasker Award for his work
in Japan with survivors of the
atomic bombings.
A faculty member since 1946,
Prof. Neel' soon may direct the
University's new Buhl Center for
Research in Human Genetics.
Prof. Wilder, a faculty member
since 1926, was named Henry Rus-
sel Lecturer in 1959 for his re-
search in topology, a new branch
of mathematics. This is the high-
est honor accorded a faculty mem-
ber by the University.
He has taught at Brown Univer-
sity, the University of Texas and
Ohio State University.
He is also a past president of
the American Mathematical Socie-
National PBK
Selects TNeoro
From Georgia
ATHENS, Ga. (P)-Hamilton E.,
Holmes has become the University
of Georgia's first Negro member
of Phi Beta Kappa, national hon-
orary scholastic fraternity.
Holmes, one of the initial two
members of his race admitted to
the university, was notified Mon-
day that his high grades led to
his election and the right to wear
the coveted key.
Holmes and Charlayne A. Hun-
ter took part in the desegregation
of the university after racial bar-
riers were ordered lowered by the
federal courts.
The first day they went to
classes, in January, 1961, was cap-
ped by night-time disorders in-
volving white students and out-
The two were suspended tem-
porarily for their own safety and
then readmitted about a week la-
ter under new court orders and
assurance from authorities that
order would be preserved.


SELECTED-Professors Raymond L. Wilder (left) and James V.
Neel were named recently to join the National Academy of Sci-
ences, an organization of the nation's top men in various scientific
Wesleyan Fires Teacher,
For Acaedmic Reasons'
Prof. Harold Hughes of 'West Virginia Wesleyan University,
economics department is being dropped from the faculty because of
what Wesleyan President Stanley H. j Martin called "academic
Martin said that Hughes has been teaching "essentially as an
evangelist and does not really convey the fundamentals of economics."
However, Harold G. Cutright, a former West Virginia Wesleyan
Trustee, charged yesterday that Prof. Hughes was dismissed because
of his "right-wing beliefs and

y Visits

Send Planes,
3000 Troops1
To Thaland.:
Harriman To Deiver
Message to Russians
Explaining New Move
WASHINGTON (P) - Presiden
John F. Kennedy announced yes
terday he is rushing a top diplo
matic trouble-shooter to Mosco
to head off the mushrooming
crisis in Laos.
The Defense Department, in a
accompanying display of force, or
dered 3000 troops and some je
planes into neighboring Thailan
for maneuvers next month.
Kennedy told his news confer
ence that Undersecretary of Stat
W. Averell Harriman, now in Lon
don, will arrive in Moscow at 6:1
p.m. tomorrow (Moscow time:
"with a short message for Khrushl
chev from me explaining the pur
poses of his trip."
He did not explain further tb
message's contents. But it ha
been reported earlier that Kenne
dy was considering an appeal t
Khrushchev to help stave off re
newed civil war in Laos and t
explosive East-West crisis thl
would follow.
Harriman, who has just con
pleted meetings- on Laos wit
French Foreign Minister Couve d
Murville and British Foreign Se
retary Lord Home, will confer i
the Russian capital with Sovi
Foreign Minister Andrei Grom
ko, Kennedy said.
The President made it clear i
feels the threat to the non-aligr
ed coalition government i La
posed by military moves of pr
Communist forces thereendange
all Southeast Asia.
He emphasized that Laos is
sovereign power whose neutrali
was guaranteed by 14 nations, it
cluding the Soviet Union, Comm
nist China and =North Viet N4a
through the Geneva agreemen
that established the present go
He agreed that if it should 0e
to the Communists there would
a danger to Thailand's border
and increased Red pressure .ca
Cambodia, South Viet Nam a
Malaya to, bend them toward t
Communist world.
"the SoviethUnion is the c
'chairman (with Britain) an"
t signatory to the Geneva accord
Kennedy said. It has assumed
special responsibility for the mai
tenance of a neutral and ind
pendent Laos. We would hope th
r the Soviet Union would make a
effort to fulfill its commitmen
under the Geneva accord-as t
United States i! attempting to dc
Harriman's mission will provi
a clearer idea whether "the Cor
munist Chinese, the North Vietn
1mese and others are prepared
see a neutral and independe:
Laos, or determined to try a mi:
tary takeover," the President sai
"We are also conscious of 0
threat to Southeast Asia" fro
the Red Chinese, he added.
Advisors Back
Version of ,Bi
On Youth jo
By The Associated Press



Wilson Cites 'U'Assets
In Attracting Research
The University has the three necessary bases of "research
depth for a single area," according to Prof.. James T. Wilson of
the geology department, acting director of the Institute of Science
and Technology.
In order for a university to have "research depth" it must be
"competent in most, if not all, of the presently important scientific
fields"-and outstanding in a fewt

teachings." Cutright charged that
the dismissal came as a result of
a recommendation from a "labor
racketeer of the worst kind."
'False' Rationale
Martin called his charge on the
dismissal rationale "utterly false."
He also claimed that Cutright was
"out on a limb" about the charge
that a letter from labor leader
Miles C. Stanley had anything to
do with the firing. "There was a
letter, " hut it came well. before the
action and it had nothing to do
with the dismissal," he explained.
Stanley said that a few persons
had brought Hughes' teaching to
his attention and that he had
merely passed the information
along to Martin. "I did not even
suggest a course of action," he
Stanley's letter to Martin was
dated April 1, and the announce-
ment of dismissal came on April'
3. However, Martin said, "Hughes
was advised months before that in
all probability we would not re-
new his contract."
Out of Place?
Hughes said, "it is a case 9f a
conservative in a liberal institu-
tion, my viewpoint is not popular
here. I am proud to be a con-
servative, a n d this viewpoint
should be expressed, however the
school has a right to exclude who-
ever they want to."
Cutright explained, "It is ob-
vious to anyone that Martin acted
on the request of Stanley because
the dismissal came immediately
after he got the letter from the
labor boss."
Cutright stated that Hughes is
the only person in economics who
has a doctorate. and that he has
been in "Who's Who" for the past
60 years. To the explanation of
academic incompetence, he said,
"baloney-he is a sound econom-
ist and a good Christian."
"The students are un in arms
down here protesting the move."
Cutri.ht said. "We are Planning
to organize a petition to oust
President Martin," he announced.
"'The school is being run by a
little group of left-wina colI-ctiv-
ists. or socio-Marxists," who re-
c(,ntly have joined uwith "in-
norts" who got in on the Kennedy
bandwagon, h-e said.
Of S'anting News

Delay Move'
Dfe feats Bill''
By The Associated Press
LANSING - A minimum wage
bill sought by Gov. George Rom
ney perished in confusion and con-
troversy yesterday as the'House
reached its midnight deadline for
passage of bills.
In a stormy final hour, the
bill was prevented from almost
certain passage by delaying tac-
tics chiefly on the part of Repub-
lican opponents of the measure.
The explosive hour brought
chafges from Rep. Marie Hager
(R-Lansing), the chief sponsor of
the bill, that other members of
her party were repudiating their
Clock Watchers
Democrats, embittered by the
defeat of the minimum wage bill
after it appeared to have as many
as 10 more votes than the 56 re-
quired for passage, also assailed
Republicans for defeating the bil
by stalling out the clock.
The measure would have called
for a minimum wage of $1.15 an
hour, as opposed to the $1-per-
hour minimum proposed earlier
Students" working part-time or
those in executive, professional or
administrative p o s i t i o n s are
among those who would have been
exempted from such a minimum
salary under the measure as it
finally came to the floor of the
The battle over the minimum
wage bill climaxed a full day of
activity in which House Repub-
licans rammed through a bill set-
ting up Michigan's 19th congres-
sional district over the fierce ob-
jections of Democrats.
Caucus Decision
The bill, approved on a vote of
57-49 that followed strict part3
lines, was worked out during a lasi
minute GOP caucus.
The plan differs from earlier
proposals in that it sets off the.
Upper Peninsula as a single dis.
trict, despite the fact that its
population of 305,000 falls short
of the population requirements
mapped out earlier and endorsec
by Romney.
Among earlier redistricting pro-
posals was a plan to make three
districts by combining parts o:

Fear of them.
However, when a conflict does The second major base, Prof.
arise, and occasionally this is in- Wilson said, is an institution's
evitable, the ACLU has directed participation in the "currently
its branch organizations to bring glamorous" fields supported by our
the problem out into the open and military and space organizations.
not to be afraid of making a deci- "Industrial research organiza-
sion contrary to popular opinion, tions related to healthy manufac-
he said. turing establishments" is the third
t "Prejudice thrives on fear. As base for research work in a region,
long as there are people who em- he noted.'
ploy threats of recrimination, not Urging that Michigan take full
only against the individual con- advantage of these bases, Prof.
cerned, but also against his fam- Wilson noted that the signs of
ily, there cannot possibly be any "research depth for any region is
significant steps made in the area the variety of its products and
of racial discrimination," Rev. by-products." He went on to say
Murray concluded. that the production of trained
people was just as important as
" manufactured goods.'
Postpone-.i'4e He believes that it is "signifi-
cant" that one of the leading re-
At Canaveral fsearch centers, Massachusetts, is
also "an exporter of PhD's."
CAPE CANAVERAL(R) - A Prof. Wilson said Michigan
machinists' strike, set for 6 a.m. schools have produced about 4500
today, was postponed last night PhDs between 1950-1960 placing
th-in rto1-Q sixt1h in the nan.

Spring Weekend Horseplay


WASHINGTON-A limited v
sion of President John F. Ke
nedy's youth employment bill
day was approved by the Yoi
E m p 1o y m e n t Subcommittee
presidential advisory committee
However, the report that v
issued to the President failed
approve certain specific legislat
proposed by the administratioi
The bill, having passed the Si
ate, is now awaiting action by t
House Rules Committee. It. wo
authorize the expenditures of $
million to help provide emplc
ment and training for youths
urban and conservation project
The committee recommend
$100 million annual appropri
tions for three years for this p
Five members of the 32-n
committee issued a joint statem

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