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March 24, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-24

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Pa rty


Erhard '


4 *





To Send!





L os ra Camps

White Tells
U.S. Position
On Situation
partment spokesman said yester-
day an effective cease-fire in Laos
should provide for withdrawal of
pro-Communist forces from the
areas they have overrun, and re-
turn of neutralist troops to their
lost positions.
Press Officer Lincoln White re-
ported that the latest information
from Laos indicated that there
has been no further fighting. He
said the cease-fire arranged last
Sunday by Premier Souvanna
Phouma and his pro-Communist
half-brother Prince Souphanou-
vong appears to be in effect.
White called Prince Souvanna
Phouma's request for the interna-
tional control commission to es-
tablish a permanent base in the
fighting area "an encouraging
On the mission of Undersecre-
tary of State W. Averell Harriman
to Paris and London, White could
provide no details. Harriman is go-
ing to discuss the Laos problem.
But, for the second day, he refus-
ed to rule out a possible visit to
Moscow by the trouble-shooter for
President John F. Kennedy,
Earlier, high ranking Unit-
ed States authorities said there is
a possibility United States troops
might be sent back to Thailand
because of the Communist threat
in neighboring Laos but did not
predict that this would happen.
They spoke of the serious situa-
tion there as President John F.
Kennedy met during the morning
with the National Securty Coun-
cil to discuss Laos. No statement
was issued, however.
In other action, Britain has re-
jected a Soviet proposal to join
the Soviet Union in charging the
United States with fanning ten-
sion in Laos, the newspaper Izves-
tia said last night.
The Soviet government publish-
ed a draft of a note rebuking the
United States presented to British
Ambassador Sir Humphrey Trev-
lyan last week. The note claimed
that "military personnel of the
United States have not been com-
pletely evacuated from Laos."

... control commission

eBritish Vote
LONDON ()-With unemploy-
ment figures going down and ex-
port figures going up, British poli-
ticians were thinking of a possi-
ble election in the fall.
During the winter Prime Minis-
ter Harold Macmillan's Conserva-
tive Party associates were figuring
that the earliest election date
would be May or even October;
But with the new decreases in
the unemployment figure-down
to 2.7 per cent of the working
population-and increases in over-
seas trade, the time seems ripe for
an election.
Conservatives maintain that the
recovery is due to the money that
Chancellor of the Exchequer Reg-
inald Maudling pumped into the
economy last fall.
Macmillan overhauled the Con-
servative's election machinery last
week by naming Lord Poole as co-
chairman of the party with Ian N.
Macleod. Poole is a former chair-
man of the party and noted as an
organizer and fund-raiser.
The opposition Labor Party held
a conference over the weekend to
discuss a possible election.

Prince Asks
Of Fighting
Nosavan May Order
Regulars into Battle
VIENTIANE (P)-The Interna-
tional Control Commission, barred
from operating within lines of the
pro-Communist Pathet Lao, is
sending a truce team today or to-'
morrow to the neutralist side in
the Plaine des Jarres campaign.
Neutralist Laotian P r e m i e r
Prince Souvanna Phouma said yes-
terday the commission's observers
-representing India, Canada and
Poland-can at least see "who is
firing the rifle shots."
There had been a 48-hour lull
in the shooting, but heavier fight-
ing threatened. Rightist Gen.
Phoumi Nosavan said he would
send his regulars into action as
allies of the outnumbered neutral-
ists if the Pathet Lao completed
its conquest of the Plane, a stra-
tegic plateau 110 miles north of
A Pathet Lao broadcast from the
interier asserted that two of Phou-
mi's crack paratroop battalions
had been dropped in the Plaine
Des Jarres area Monday and yes-
terday. It said this proved the
United States and the rightists
"did not want to end the present
military conflict." Phoumi denied
similar Pathet Lao r charges last
Abroad, other developments re-
flected concern of the United
States and other powers at the
menace to Laos' neutrality and in-
dependence that were guaranteed
by a 14-nation Geneva conference
last July:
Units of the United States 7th
Fleet were reported moving to the
South China Sea area off the Gulf
of Siam as a precaution against
a, Communist takeover. Laos itself
is landlocked, but it is a potential
stepping stone to its southeast
Asian neighbors.
Undersecretary of State W.
Averell Harriman, fresh from con-
sultations with French authorities
about the Laotian situation, sped
to London for similar talks with
the British.

See Naming
As Rebuff
To Adenauer
BONN () - West Germany's
strongest party overruled the ob-
jections of West German Chan-
cellor Konrad Adenauer yesterday
and nominated Minister of Eco-
nomics Ludwig Erhard to head the
next government.
It was a bitter blow for the 87-
year-old chancellor, who is com-
mitted to retire from the top job
this fall. He believes Erhard lacks
political skills necessary to run
the government.
The two shook hands and prom-
ised to work together after Erhard
was picked, 159 to 47, at a meeting
of parliamentary. representatives
of their Christian Democratic
Party and its close ally, the Chris-
tian Socialist Union of Vavaria.
Adenauer Upset
Adenauer looked angry at the
end of the two-hour session. On
the other hand, Erhard was beam-
ing. "I am very happy about the
result," he said.
Erhard has been Minister of
Economics for 13 years. If every-
thing goes as planned, he will take
over the chancellorship when Ade-
nauer steps down.
Heinrich von Brentano, the
Christian Democrats' leader in
parliament, was designated to in-
form President Heinrich Luebke
of the nomination.
Luebke Submits
When Adenauer resigns Luebke
will send Erhard's name to the
Bundestag, the lower house in
parliament. The Bundestag elects
the Chancellor.
The two christian parties do
not have a majority in the Bunde-
stag. They work in a coalition with
the Free Democrats, a right-of-
center group. But the Free Demo-
crats announced after the vote
that they are ready to continue
the coalition under Erhard.
Post Offices
To Cut Services
drastic steps to match congression-
al budget cuts, the Post Office De-
partment clamped down yesterday
on new hirings and overtime pay
in its 68 biggest offices and told
them to curtail their service if
There was a hint that the re-
strictions may extend later into
other communities. But the order
would be wiped out if Congress
relents and gives Postmaster Gen-
eral J. Edward Day the money he
says is needed to keep his depart-
ment at full steam.
Congressional reaction was mix-
ed. Some members said the depart-
ment had no choice and should get
more money. Others said econo-
mies should be found elsewhere
than cutting down service.
House Republican Leader Charles
A. Halleck (R-Ind) said Day's de-
partment is "trying to blackjack
Congress." Rep. Ben. F. Jensen (R-
Iowa, of the House Appropriations
Committee, said "they would have
hollered if we had cut them only
The first action, where "abso-
lutely necessary," will be to halt
plans for extending mail delivery
to new office buildings and hous-
ing developments not now served,
Assistant Postmaster G e n e r a
Frederick C. Belen told the post-

OAS Votes
For Council
nization of American States voted
13 to 1 yesterday to empower its
council to investigate Castro-
Communist subversion anywhere
in the Western hemisphere-with
or without a member govern-
ment's permission.
Brazil opposed the move, call-
ing it a big mistake and saying
"we will not accept any initiative
from the investigating body."
The action stemmed from a rec-
ommendation of the American for-
eign ministers meeting at Punta
Del Este, Uruguay, in January
The United States was joined
in supporting the move by Argen-
tina, Colombia,. Costa Rica, Uru-
guay, Peru, Honduras, Guatemala,
El Salvador, Paraguay, Nicaragua,
Panama and Ecuador.
Mexico, Venezuela, Chile, Bol-
via, Haiti and the Dominican Re-
public tried in vain to dilute the
powers given to the council, and
when this failed they abstained
from voting.
Investigations would be con-
ducted by a special security factr
finding committee of the OAS

The aim of the two ambassa-
dors will be to revive Khrush-
chev's flagging interest in an
atomic weapons test ban.
There was an acknowledged pos-
sibility, too, that the Kremlin ses-
sion might lead to a higher level
meeting at the summit or foreign
minister levels later. But United
States sources tended to discount
this idea.
It was stated that the British,
who are fonder than Americans
of high-level meetings with the.
Reds, were the initiators of today's
meeting. Prime Minister Harold
Macmillan has been under attack
from ban-the-bomb critics at
But in the United States view,
today's interview could shed light

WASHINGTON (A)-In advance
of a United States-British appeal
to Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush-
chev, United States disarmament
chief William C. Foster expressed
hope yesterday that Russia will
see it is in her own interest to
sign a nuclear test ban treaty.
Foster spoke to newsmen at a
state department foreign policy
briefing shortly before a spokes-
man announced that the United
States ambassador to Moscow, Foy
Kohler, will see Khrushchev to-
Joining Kohler in the Kremlin
appointment is Britain's ambassa-
dor, Sir Humphrey Trevelyan.
Ambassadorial Aims

The United States disarmament
administrator said Khrushchev is
well aware that he cannot get a
test ban agreement with the West
without allowing inspections to
police it.
He conceded that the Kremlin
became distinctly cool on the
lengthy Geneva talks last January,
only a month after Khrushchev
had led President John F. Ken-
nedy to believe the Russians were
seriously interested in outlawing
The turnabout by Soviet nego-
tiators coincided with a heighten-
ing of Moscow-Peiping differences
and the disarray in the Western
alliance following French Presi-
dent Charles de Gaulle's mid-
January rejection of British entry
into the European Common Mar-
ket. Also, Khrushchev went off on
a month's vacation and "nothing
was going to happen" at the Ge-
neva talks with the Russian leader
away, Foster said.
Foster said a nuclear test ban
is in Russia's own interests, as
well as America's, because it would
save several hundred millions of
dollars in nuclear expenditures a
And it would be in the Soviet
interest too to stem a spread of
nuclear weapons to non-nuclear
nations which would vastly in-
crease the danger of nuclear war,
he said.

... summit meeting?
on Khrushchev's latest thinking.
Foster refused to acknowledge
that apparent rebuffs by the Rus-
sians on test ban questions mean
the Kremlin has irrevocably turned
against a test ban treaty.
Police Inspections
He said he, does not believe
Khrushchev will withdraw his of-
fer to allow on-site inspections
inside Soviet territory, despite the
Soviet leader's statement Monday
that Russia was considering doing


Foster Hopeful for Test Ban


World News Roundup ]

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Four Cubans
left Americans jails and returned
to their Communist island yester-
day in an exchange for 21
Americans freed by Cuban Premier
Fidel Castro. The Americans had
been captured during the Bay of
Pigs invasion in 1961, and had
been held in Cuban jails.
** *
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- United,
States District Judge Clarence W.
Allgood refused yesterday to take
over the integration cases of Rev.
Martin Luther King and other
Negroes, despite their attorneys'
pleas that they could not get fair
trials in state courts.
JERUSALEM - Former Israeli
President Izhak Ben-Zvi will be
buried today in a Judean Hill
cemetery. He died at his home, the'
victim of cancer at the age of 78.
* * *
OTTAWA-Canada's new prime
minister, Lester B. Pearson, said
yesterday he will visit British
Prime Minister Harold Macmillan
in London next week and meet a
week after his return with Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy.
GROTON, Conn. - The Lafay-
ette, the world's largest and heav-
iest known Polaris firing submar-
ine, became America's 28th opera-
tional nuclear vessel yesterday.

The Lafayette is the first of a
class of submarines designed to
fire a 2500-mile Polaris missile.
* * *
WASHINGTON - The defense
department announced plans yes-
terday to set up worldwide voice
and other communications net-
works to link United States mili-
tary installations and tighten
command control. The plans in-
clude putting five or more satel-
lites into orbit with a single
* * *
KUCHING, Sarawak-About 10
heavily armed raiders linked to a
Brunei rebel leader attacked a
British commando unit camped
about a mile from the Indonesian
Borneo border yesterday. O n e
Royal Marine was wounded in the
second clash in the border area in
11 days between government forces
and rebels fighting the proposed
Federation of Malaysia.
Collegiate Styles to Please
4 Barbers
Try the U of M
N. University near Kresge's

NEW YORK - The New York
Stock Exchange underwent an-
other substantial rise yesterday
as trading exceeded five million
shares. The Dow-Jones averages,
showed 30 industrials up 3.97, 20
rails up 2.50, 15 utilities unchanged
and 65 stocks up 1.63.

"For all the winds
thtin anweatZ
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TOMORROW at 8 o'clock
HELLEL presents the 5th lecture
on "JUDAISM-A Living Force"


T 1 ? M;


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