CONFERENCE ON THE 'U' See Editorial Page Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom &utp CHILLY Partly cloudy and cool, with chance of thundershowers VOL. LXXIII, No. 150 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1963 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES IYEW CONSTITUTION: Demiocrats To Seek Recount By The Associated Press LANSING-A meeting of divid- ed Democrats decided Sunday to seek a recount of the constitution vote by a margin of 38-19. State Central Committee mem- bers from outstate areas joined C. MIe who sads tolse con- document, to shout down party voeanalystsn swho prdce h The biggest problem facing Michigan Democrats now that they have moved to call a recount i lack of funds. It is estimated that the party is $200,000 in debt and a recount of the total state wl cot $26,045C atr$ a pre- ton Ferency is backing the recount anchs ai hewllfr aii day that the recount will be based "entirely on the amount of money that comes in to pay for it." To Name Precincts No precincts have yet been named for a recount. Lat week th two Democratic their meeting rather than certify gani atio is worin ais th clock besetiction fo e coun mut be yle with thdgenoar wihi 8 rso certification ensa. TandDatothattie par$5 ccae posit must bhe mtae fonra eape-s ct o to d i recount hude ard ha n cetfedcthen taationsert dmoris not pct ileally i mahin peics orm CertificatiDonal W . Ther court may pass B.judment fo ertificatin on We4dnesa. The Dem cratic prycnlv als gae heae cenntra leer thepowr o dcie ifa recun shoubeicalledin CedcatiCon- races he Democrats logt byk Lhurb rdlos to ilim . Cudrip, ownev, Radcso h.asno yuet, baledraho the mattat por ers" Republican tate Cn ent Com- tteesriz~e Charsman rhrGl lovsidu Sturdany thtif the- GOPn will dask a rouof20 o- 250selyd nnecessryi th hopes tat gins in "yso oteoulpbemt mae teewofset, any "usn" voteskte Deocr tat might pick Legalr advisorwo "Grrtt G eg RomneytuRichardoC.eyanoDuhen, calledathenDemocratso"poor losers" ad~ noted hat a recount will nthangak he "retsy a m raecorde thisymrnd . Cevneha f the M Seesa Confusaion adS- cutill omiso, eprduce con- pseaatimeshn the iport- f ant cthns toewk to imemnt n the new contton,"Va Dhusn ae ntta a recount dsae vgisty and iould "irtties th e irrittioned would shpowa thogh." -ZOLTON FERENCY JOHN C. MACKIE raise funds ... recount ringleader INSUFFICIENT REVENUES: Bartlett Decries Future Of Michian Shoo Ai By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-Michigan citizens eventually are going to be unable to finance their expanding school systems from state revenues and local taxes, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Lynn N. Bartlett warned yesterday. In Washington testifying in favor of two federal aid to education bills which would bring an additional 37 million dollars a year in federal funds to Michigan, he specifically advocated passage for a Report U.S. To Request Quaranin By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-High officials in the United States government prin to a te Oranization of current economic quarantine on arm toicudrl td ep food an meiie The UnpitSesi epected to rsin ArceEits of the Pntaie Dafeld Esteonrnehich mex- clued Cuaro the SeaFrinter-- Amian Csystem edcaed oftie tontiernationa ommunhis.eic Thsartie otedhat the UnASd should study "the deiabilty ndy feasiilit oexednthsup- speaattngton trop item of sta- tegicd importne ."s lbe pe d befEare eysry Reot quaaniefrnthne lastcixdmnths TSeae Daecraeti leadr Miker- Mansfield (DMan)d hat inem- brmofi the Senae Foreg Relau- rutions omitee adn cldrfor cionsidrtino"ahmspei Tquarante fCud d byesnted- State s adar theA Mna midng oh .Knndinoar Gvettinga Svetrosotfth islndd isoney' posse raon whya the embargoatha' not beenhpressed Qruahra"ntin, Preesad nt Themreh w a reedn for an r tions agas thet Doinca uRe-y siproeas ats the head. oftegv emn tdde"re mi o iea Muanfel dnnecladth it.''s tie te B okcegptin ism inte Asomedre"ssin TheSenat-resonde yeste- dea ywtrhayges th ate"r- whton ors" arpryig ta egg Prs Sen.c Joeplh Src Clark rD-Py de fede enney'iors onNrtuba and sckat b"lst pthe wrhops aroundaere wo auhe aidp"wnt dtur mac upan an lle and stata wnavrte t rgat ud .srel spreandh acrsth ywrlad" un- mgvtr Po mll nuionby Th The Aofte Pressmwd began ysterdaonf water polcer- lutcionstts cntoltroram t will t buit oevn Nrtghonampuis. Te Thierst iSnae bil sttineu sthe progrmnwould athorieepen- dursevatn rn ollae e an boess a sytemeo watererce re APPOINTMENTS--Andrew Crawford (left) and Ronald Wilton were named as Business Manager and Editor respectively by the Board in Control of Student Publications last night. Their terms will be in effect for the 1963-64 academic year. Board Picks New Daily Editors bill introduced by Rep. Carl D. AA Openls University' Professional Theatr Program is open from 10 a.m. t 1 p.m. weekdays at the ticket of fice of the Mendelssohn Theatre. Members will receive tickets t the Association of Producing Art ists' 1963 Fall Festival. Current APA members will b given priority in choosing sea locations if they renew their mem berships. New members will be en rolled as they apply. Those wish ing to become ,members are advis ed to apply early this spring a many productions were completel sold out last year. Schedules Available Seating charts and the repertor: schedule are available in the tick et office. The festival will run from Octo ber 7 through December '15. Eac] of the four major productions b: the r sident APA company will b pres ted in several series. Sub scribing members will be able t choose a series which will enabhe them to see all four plays on th same day of the week during th o Rsep ertory Theater Revolving on a repertory basis the plays will be presented ir cycles of several days.em fpl productions, now making some- what of a comeback, is being adopted by the new theatre open. ing in Minneapolis under Tyron Outhrie's direction, in New Yori! at Lincoln Center under Elia Ka- san's direction and at the Cana- dian and American Stratford fes- The APA resident company wil] choose from representative con- temporary and classic author, such as Shaw, Shakespeare, Fr3 Chekhov, Anouilh, Giraudoux, Mil- ler, Hellman, Williams, Moliere and Ibsen. Council Selects New Members Student-Faculty Gr6ups Get Accord by SRC, SGC ' ' ~B rown Sees ) cceptance .Of Proposal Predict Move 'Test' For Future Action In Policy-Making 4' By RICHARD KELLER SIMON Perkins (D-Ky) which would offer -ofunds by area for the construction of technial schoolsnc. He also sup- ported President. John F. Ken- nedy's federal aid to education bill. . He noted that "local communi- ties have had to bear the brunt of increased costs in all areas of .e education" and that these com- 'e munities "have reached the point o of saturation." - In explaining the need for in- creased federal aid, Bartlett said 0 that these new funds, although -representing only four per cent of the billion dollar education budget e in Michigan, "would make the t difference between mediocrity and - excellence in the state's educa- - tional future." - He observed that the federal - government now collects almost y two-thirds of the tax dollar and ~the remaining local taxes just are communities are finding thatm po y perty taxes allocated to schools - have reached the confiscatory level," he said. - Regent Donald M. D. Thurber h of Grosse Point had also warned, y' during his campaign for r'e-elec- e tion, that local taxes were being - stretched more and more for edu- O cation. By CARL COHEN Ronald Wilton, '64, was appoint- ed Editor of The Daily for 1963-64 by the Board in Control of Stu- dent Publications last night. Andrew Crawford, '64E, was named. Business Manager as the mendations made by th outgon senior editors. 'Others appointed to senior edi- torial staff positions were Gerald Storch, '64, City Editor: David Marcus, '64, :Editoria1 Director; Philip Sutin, '64, National Con-- cerns Editor; Barbara Lazarus' '64, Personnel Director; Glbria Bowles, '64, Magazina Editor; Gail Evans, '64, Associate City Editor; and Marjorie Brahms, '64, Asso- ciate Editorial Director. Business Posts Also given business staff posts were Peter Aronson, '64, Advertis- Ing Manager; Lee Jatros, '64, Ac- counts Manager; Judith Lepofsky, Wilt"es oerthe editor- ship from Michael Olinick, '63. The political science major from ex-officio on Student Government Council. Crawford, an industrial engi- neering student from Erie, Pa., succeeds Lee Sclar, '63BAd. He is a member of Triangles junior men's engineering honorary and Alpha Tau Omega fraternity., In- State Storch, a political science maj- or from Birmingham, Mich., suc- ceeds Michael Harrah, '64BAd, while Marcus, an English major from Oak Park, takes over from Judith Oppenheim, '63. The City Editor oversees the placement and writing of stories on The Daily's news pages, while the Editorial Director solicits edi- torial copy and in writing with .NEW POSTS-Gerald Storch (left) and David Marcus were chosen last night as the new City Editor and Editorial Director of The Daily. have a chance to vote constitution again in time." n Accuracy "Win or lose," we'll figures are accurate," cluded. on a new our life- know the he con- State Treasurer Sanford A. Brown said that "my heart tells me to have a recount. But my head tells me that the brick wall is stronger than my head." Romney would not comment on the final action by the Democrats but had noted earlier last week that the recount would be foolish because the "election was legal in all respects and a recount would be futile." Tension Silli srupts COle Miss' Campus the writer attempts to perfect ex- pression of the ideas SSutin, oa Southfield resident 'majoring in journalism, receives a new position in the -senior staff structure. As National Concerns Editor, he will oversee The Daily's coverage of national and interna- tional affairs and national student organizations. Broaden Scope - The position was established in an attemp toueati ethe problems of heedcaioalclmae of te University to more general con- cerns," Olinick explained. Succeeding Caroline Dow, '63, as Personnel Director is Miss Laz- arus, a resident of Miami Beach. Majoring in history, she is a mem- ber of Mortarboard s e n i o r women's honorary and of Sigma Delta Tau sorority. Miss Bowles is an English major frpm Grosse Pointe and a member of Senior Society. She takes over thaNeu,:63,andHar Pern- stadt, '63. Follows Bleier y fromSkokiesIll., succeds Judith Bleier, '63. She is a member of 1Scroll senior women's honorary and of AKpha Omicron Pi sorority. Miss Brahms succeeds Fred Rus- sell Kramer, '64, as Associate Edi- torial Director. She is an English Honors major and a member of Mortarboard. See BOARD, Page 2 Appoint Eitor, New Assistants For Gargoyle The Board in Control of Stu- dent Publications yesterday an- nounced their appointments for heads of staff of the Gargoyle. The new editor is John Dobber- 1 tin, '64. John is a 20 year-old By The Associated Press OXFORD-Although Oxford, Mississippi, appears calm and peace- ful on the surface today, underneath discord and dissension 'continue at the University stemming from the trouble started there last fall when a Negro student, James E. Meredith enrolled there. Occasionally the discord flares up as when Prof. G. Ray Kerciu of the art department put up an exhibition of more thaln 100 of his paintings a few weeks ago. Five of these paintings depicted Kerciu's impression of the rioting and ensuing crisis when Meredith entered the college. The pictures were taken down a few days later and Kerciu was consequently arrested on charges of obscenity and defacing the Confederate flag. His trial will be next month. Meredith is carrying 18 credit hours this semester which is three more than the normal load. He plans to attend summer school and receive his diploma in August if he gets passing grades. His faculty advisers have indicated that his grades are better this semester. Goals Not Reached Meredith indicates that enrollment has not accomplished all he sought which was quiet acceptance of desegregation and an easier path for the next Negro student. About 300 soldiers are still at Oxford, all that remain of the 23,000 rushed there to restore order last fall. A dozen U.S. marshals also remain. Wherever Meredith goes on campus two or more marshals are not far behind. Tha iinivprnitv narminintxatinn inninta that nyervthina in normal Student Government Council and the Student Relations Com- mittee of the University Senate agreed last night on SRC recom- mendations to create student com- Smittees for joint deliberation with faculty committees. 1 The SRC recommendations h'ave been sent to the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs for approval. SGC President Thomas Brown, '63, explained that chances for approval are better than chances for defeat. Brown added that the move was an "obvious testing ground to find out how, meaningful students can be in contributing to the area of affairs concerning both students Drop First Plan SGC agreed to the recommenda- tions instead of their original plan that would haave appointed stu- dents directly to faculty commit- tees with voting power because of a Regental bylaw that would have to be altered to give students a Br own also explained that un- der the plan the students in fac- ulty committee deliberations would be able to initiate new legislation fo-SC The. SRC's recommendations tesudent cominttees,c leaving the wa oen for SGC to create a flexible working group. Have Everything Council member Howard Ab- rams, '63, stated that SOC "had everything we have originally ask- ed for except the vote, which Re- gental regulations prohibit." The SRC stressed the fact that the Senate and SGC would remain separate, and that students would be sitting on the committees as observers. As two separate bodies they can act together Or apart;, and when acting together have double the influence, one SRC member stat- ed. Maintain Identity , Council members claimed, that there would be no loss of identity if students sat in on committees making decisions, and the stu- dents would not be bound to such decisions. The SRC asked SGC to further investigate which committees it wants to be included in the plan, noting that some of those orig- inally proposed were not suitable. The plans also give the Senate the privilege of inserting Items on SGC agendas, and opens a path for faculty members working on Council committees. Include on Request Therprposals wuld not make join ones, and te student woul Senate committees." SGC is expected to ben work on interviewing and selecting stu- Th Hrrs epr waaso dis- cussed in the joint meeting, with SOC informing the SRC of the present status of the situation. Dean Allan Smith of the Law School has submitted a tentative report to University President Harlan Hatcher which when re- leased will show whether fraterni- ties and sororities shall continue to be student organizations, and whether SGC will retain its au- thority over them. The report is expected to be presented to the Regents at their May meeting. Kenedy uts AECRequest By $49Milio PETER ARONSON . .. advertising manager ERHARD: IExpect Party To Designate BONN (J)-West German Chan- cellor Konrad Adenauer's Chris- tian Democratic party yesterday moved toward naming Ludwig Er- hard to take over the job this fall. The party's parliamentary lead- ership recommended that a suc- cessor to Adenauer be chosen at a meeting today-and Erhard is expected to get the nod. Adenauer has campaigned to block his economics minister from inheriting the job, but the 87-year- old chancellor appeared resigned to the mounting support for Er- hard within the party. Supporters of Erhard have been murmuring about a possible move to force Adenauer out of office First ward Democratic Council- man John Teachout and third - -'.~. ~