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April 21, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-04-21

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ointludic Adds Rights

Under New Constitutia

Joint Judiciary Council has formulated its new constitution legal-
hoing the merger with Women's Judiciary Council, extending student
rights under expanded due process clauses and creating a student-
faculty appeal board.
The constitution will be presented for student opinion at an open
meeting at 7:30 p.m. April 26 in the Student Government Council
room of the SAB. It will then be sent to the Office of Student Affairs
for approval and presentation to the Regents for final adoption.
Joint Judic and Women's Judic combined operations in accord
with the reorganization of the OSA. The new Judic is made up of ten
students of at least junior standing, with a minimum of four women.
Provision is made for the council to reconstitute itself as an all male.
or all female body in cases that might be embarrassing in mixed
group discussion.
More Recognition
Joint Judic Chairman Lawrence Schwartz, '63, explained that
the constitution gave "more recognition of rights" to individual
students under strengthened due process clauses. Students would
have the right to have an open hearing, to an increased right of
appeal and to a more flexible witness procedure.

The University Committee on Standards and Conduct with two
students and three faculty members would replace the all-faculty
subcommittee on discipline to give students a greater say in appeal
procedures. The committee automatically hears all suspension cases
after Joint Judic and can be appealed to in other cases to overrule
Joint Judic.
The proposed document also attempts to answer charges that
Joint Judic is a self perpetuating body by altering the membership
selection procedure. New members would now be chosen by a com-
mittee of representatives from Joint Judic, SGC and the conduct
Double Jeopardy
Another criticism of the council has been double jeopardy,
Schwartz explained, since students can be tried by municipal court
and Joint Judic after committing an offense. However, this is not
double jeopardy, Schwartz notes, because the council is not a court
of law and is trying the case from the point of view of the University
However, in suspension cases Joint Judic does operate with full
legal procedure: students are given right to counsel, written notice
of specific charges and the final judgment of the conduct committee.
Schwartz explained that the "role of Joint Judic is to make the

student aware of his responsibility to the University." All its powers
are in keeping with campus judiciaries and the role of peer groups,
he added.
Original Jurisdiction
Joint Judic is the student judiciary authority empowered by
the Regents to have "original jurisdiction in .cases involving infrac-
tions of University rules and regulations."
Under the constitution it also has "appelate jurisdiction in sub-
stantative and procedural matters heard by any other student
judiciary." Most of these are centered in the affiliate and residence
hall systems.
It operates on the principle that "whenever a student, group of
students, a society, fraternity or any other student organization fails
to observe the principles of conduct as established by the University,
he or it shall be liable to disciplinary action."
Limit Term
The new constitution would limit a member's term on Joint
Judic to one year. Half the membership would be selected in the
end of the fall semester and half in the spring semester. All must be
academically eligible and of "high character." In addition, a "reason-
able proportion" must be undergraduates.
Members of Joint Judic may be removed by a two-thirds vote
of the entire body.

Joint Judic has also been given authority to hear disputes between
organized student organizations and disputes in all campus elections,
except SGC. A recent case in point was Joint Judic's decision to
nullify the business administration school's senior officer elections
because of the number of invalid ballots cast. It recommended a new
election to the Business Administration Council, which has yet to
decide on it.
Level Fines
The council is able to level monetary fines when cases "merit
such action" and to place students on academic and social probation.
The new constitution would also give Joint Judic a driving
committee to deal with infractions of thevUniversity's driving code.
Appointments to Joint Judic by the interviewing committee are
subject to the review by SGC, but SC does not have the direct
power to veto the recommendations.
Joint Judic final authority comes from the Regents. It "is the
designated body under the vice-president for student affairs."
The council's position that it is not a court rests with the
judicial statement that the council's "disciplinary proceedings are
not judicial but are administrative in nature, and there is, therefore,
no legal requirement that the student charges of misconduct be
afforded the' formalities of judicial proceedings."


See Editorial Page


:I3ait ii

Mostly fair
and warmer

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


View Critical Laos Situation


Troops Withdraw
To Edge of Plain'[
VIENTIANE (A') - Neutralist
forces withdrew to the edge of the
vital Plaine des Jarres in east-
central Laos yesterday, ahead of
advancing troops of the pro-Com-
munist Pathet Lao, military sourc-
Britain and the Soviet Union
agreed to attempt to bring an end
to fighting that has stirred up
grave concern in Washington and
other Western capitals over Laos'
Seizure of the Plaine, straddling
one -of the chief north-south
routes, would help the pro-Com-
munist Pathet Lao solidify its
domination of northern Laos, bor-
dering on Red China, Communist
North Viet Nam and neutralist
The military sources said the
neutralist forces of Premier Sou-
vanna Phouma had retreated un-
der command of Gen. Kong Le to
set up a new command' post at
Muong Pan, about three miles west
of their prevous positions.
The sources added that Kong
Le had left a rearguard of two,
companies in an attempt to fore-
stall the Pathet Lao advance of
an estimated 10,000 Pathet Lao
Konk Le was said to have run
low on ammunition and appealed
for more.
The neutralist general is believ-
ed to have five battalions of 250-
400 men each. This contrasted
with the. previous estmates that
he had 5000 men under his com-
mand. There have been reports
that 250 neutralist troops sym-
pathetic to the Communists had
joined the Pathet Lao.
Pickets March
Against Stores
Across Nation
By The Associated Press
Pickets across the nation and
in Canada yesterday marched in
front of stores in a demonstration
against' the segregated operation
in Birmingham of variety stores
by four national chains.
The numbers of pickets ranged
from a few in sme areas to as
many as 1200 in New York City.
Picketed were the retail out-
lets of the F. W. Woolworth, S. H.
Kress, H. L. Green and J. J. New-
berry stores.
Ann Arbor Pickets
Meanwhile, in Ann Arbor stu-
dents picketed Woolworth's pro-
testing discrimination by the na-
tional chain.
There -were no reports of inci-
dents at any of the picketing sites,
and police said no moves were
made anywhere to stop customers
from entering stores.
The national boycott was sug-
gested by Rev. Martin Luther King
Jr., who conceived the idea while
in a Birmingham jail for leading
an anti-segregation protest march
'there on April 12.
'Unwarranted Action'
In New York, a spokesman for
the Woolworth Co., said "a boycott
of our stores is completely unwar-
ranted and unfair."
James V. Newberry, chairman
of the board of the Newberry Co.,
said his firm "would quickly de-
segregate such departments in
Birmingham should an agreement

...Laotian fighting
|Hits Housing
Bias Policies
sity of Pennsylvania chapter of
the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
picketed University President Gay-
lord P. Harnwell's office last Tues-
day, protesting the "lack of ade-
quate. university policy with re-
gard to racial discrimination in
university-approved housing."
Later in the day Vice President
for Student Affairs Gene Gisburne
informed the anti-discrimination
commission of the men's student
government that the evidence of
discrimination presented to the
administration was inconclusive.
The NAACP charged that by
refusing to do anything the uni-
versity was supporting "discrim-
inatory patterns in the west Phila-
delphia community.".
The administration suggested
referring the entire matter to the
Pennsylvania human relations

Kennedy Begins
Diplomatic Plan
WASHINGTON (R) - President
John F. Kennedy launched an
urgent diplomatic salvage opera-
tion yesterday to save neutral
Laos from collapsing under Red
Kennedy held a strategy session
of the National Security Council
on Laos amid reports that mili-
tarily superior, Communist forces
are wiping out positions held by
neutralist Gen. Kong Le.
Kennedy set a followup meet-
ing of the top United States strat-
egy group for tomorrow, when the
admittedly -grave Laos situation
will be considered again.
After the council meetings it was
announced that:
1) Secretary of State Dean Rusk
was promptly calling to the State
Department the ambassadors of
India, Canada and Poland - the
members of the three-nation in-
ternational control commnission
which is supposed to police last
year's Geneva agreement for an
independent, neutral Laos. The en-
voys saw Rusk during the after-
2) Undersecretary of State W.
Averell Harriman will leave to-
day for Paris and London to talk
to high government officials. The
British and French are members
of the 14-nation Geneva accord;
3) The -United States ambassa-
dor to Thailand is cutting short,
his current Washington visit for
consultation and is immediately
returning to Bangkok.
No Intervention
There was no indication that
United States military interven-
tion or a show of force was de-
cided on at yesterday's White
House meeting. Officials declined
to rule out the possibility of a
United States military move later,
however. '
According to the United States
analysis, the Communist Pathet
Lao with an undetermined amount
of outside Red aid, primarily from
neighboring North Viet Nam, is
pushing hard to eliminate the
Kong I'e forces.

GOP Sets
Vote Plan,
For Count
In anticipation of the Demo-
cratic State Central Committee
meeting today, Michigan Republi-
cans have announced a constitu-
tional vote recount strategy of
their own.
The GOP State Central Com-
mittee said yesterday they will de-
mand a recount of 200 to 250 pre-
cincts if Democrats seek less than
a full recount of the April 1 tabu-
State Republican Chairman Ar-I
thur G. Elliott said the 200 to 250
precincts the GOP is interested in
were chosen because the party be-
lieves it might gain some "yes"
votes to offset any additional "no"
votes the Democrats might pick
No Recount Move
"However, I don't anticipate any'
move toward a recount on the part
of the Democrats at their State
Central meeting today," Elliott
The precincts in question are
scattered with no one area having
a concentration.
Earlier this week, the two Dem-
ocratic members of the four-man
Board of State Canvassers walked
out of their meeting rather than
certify the spring results.
The Republicans also chose yes-
terday their four delegates to the
Legislative Apportionment Com-
mission provided for under the
new constitution.
Four Members
Chosen were: Former Gov. Wil-
ber M. Brucker, Muskegon attor-
ney, William F. Hanna, Alfred O.
LaPorte of Standish and Ralph
E. Huhtala of Kingsford.
Democrats were expected to
choose their four delegates at to-
day's meeting. However, there
were reports they would delay any
action until a decision on recount
strategy might be reached. "
The new constitution charges
the Apportionment Commission
with apportioning the House on an
80 per cent population and 20
per cent area basis.


Rifai To

Resign in

Jordan-UAR Policy


Seniors ee Pan
To Build Interest'
The best way to increase alumni interest and concern with the
University is to encourage contributions from graduates while they
are still students.
This was the conclusion of five graduating seniors active in
campus organizations who spoke at a panel discussion before the
Student Governors of the Alumni Association yesterday.
Speaking on "The Responsibility of the Alumni," they agreed that

Colleges Enter d
City Renewal t
Colleges and universities located hi
in urban complexes are becoming fr
increasingly involved in urban re- th
newal projects to add to available ms
space and to upgrade their im- re
mediate surroundings. c
The new interest has been tc
caused by insufficient space to
meet mounting enrollments and po
the encroachment of slums, which so
frequently create physical dangers de
and deprive the institutions of de- ac
cent adjacent housing. c
Roughly 75 schools are involved an
in the projects, including the Uni- tc
versity of Chicago, the University sa
of Pennsylvania, Rutgers Univer-
sity, Wayne State University. '6
and Columbia University. th
Under federal housing acts pass- de
ed by Congress, the schools are ed
granted credits for money it has v
spent for physical expansion over ri
a seven year period preceding the
designation of the area as an ur-
ban renewal cite.
Copyright by Wail Street Journal, 1963 r

British Outdo U.S.. in Fiscal Strategy


articipation in academic and
dnacademic programs as a stu-
ent yielded an awareness of the
niversity's problems and a desire
help correct them.
Smaller Unit
Ann McMillan, '63, outgoing
anhellenic Council president, and
ohn P. Meyerholz, '63BAd, who
olds a similar status with Inter-
raternity Council, stressed that
he present size of the campus
hakes it difficult for a student to
elate to the University 'unless he
an find a smaller unit with which
o identify.
"As a student and more im-
ortantly as an alumnus, a per-
on needs a group-either a resi-
ence unit or an extra-curricular
xtivity-to develop a strong con-
ern about helping the University
rnd to provide a place to return
o after he graduates," Meyerholz
Daily Editor Michael Olinick,
3, told the student governors
hat they should work to get stu-
ents "involved in the important
ducational issues -facing the Uni-
ersity" as soon after initial en-
ollment as possible.
Freshman Seminars
"Seminars should be held with
he incoming freshmen where they
an discuss their reasons for com-
ng to the University, what they
xpect out of their education and
hat they feel obliged to contrib-
te to it."
Alumni can aid the University
y helping to steer highly qual-
ied high school students to Ann
rbor for their college instruction,
4adelaine Bates, '63, Mortarboard
resident, claimed.
Constructive Criticism
Senior Board President Daniel
rown, '63E, said that alumni
an provide consrtuctive criticism
d the University "if they take the
ime to get complete information
bout issues before they express
heir opinions."
Olinick suggested that Univer-
ity graduates could help improve
he academic program if they
'ould file letters with their deans
t time of graduation and five and
. years after their degrees are
[.err Decries
kffilate Bias
BERKELEY, Calif.-University
f California President Clark Kerr
eiterated demands last Tuesday
hat campus fraternities and

... UAR pressures
I e ew
By The Associated Press
ATLANTIC CITY-Scientists re-
ported last week new findings in
unravelling the basic structure of
life that may lead to a greater
understanding of the causes of
Two reports before the Federa-
tion of American Societies for Ex-
perimental Biology told of new
theories on the. "punctuation" of.
deoxyribonucleic acid, the genetic
basis of life and of similarities be-
tween human'heart muscles and
cancer-related viruses:
Dr. Aaron Bendich of the Sloan-
Kettering Institute for Cancer Re-,
search said that small amounts of
amino acids incorporated into
DNA molecules seem to affect
that action of a DNA strand.
He suggested that the amino
acids serve as "punctuation,"
marking of divisions of DNA nu-
cleotides. They seem to function as
"periods," marking off nucleotide,
units, which carry the genetic
These acids seem to provide
flexible points around which DNAi
may be folded,.he added.;They also,
tend to help organize the sequence
of proteins formed with the aid
of DNA.
Prof. Maurice Green of Wash-
ington University in St. Louis re-
ported that he has isolated a
cancer-related virus, Adenovirus
12, that has a DNA pattern sim-
ilar to that of human heart
Cell Similarity.
He speculated that the similar-
ity between cancer related viruses
and human cells may be a cause
of cancer. The virus' DNA replaces
that of similar normal cells, he
explained, and it becomes impos-
sible to control their growth.
Meanwhile, University of Min-
nesota scientists reported progress
in -mitigating genetic problems
that hinder transplants in mice.
Nerve Transplant
James B. Campbell of the New
York University Medical School

Violent Riots''
In Amman
Parliament Attacks
Government Policy;
Troops, Police Called
By The Associated Press
AMMAN - Jordanian P r i m e
Minister Samir Rifai announced
last night' his intention to resign
( the midst of violent populr
demonstrations demanding that
Jordan join the, budding union of
Egypt, Iraq and Syria.
The fate of Rifai's government
was sealed in a parliamentary de-
bate in which 32 members in the
60-seat body rose and attacked
his policies. Most of those oppos-
ing Rifai spoke in favor of Jor-
dan's joining the proposed expand-
ed version of Egyptian President
Gamel Abdel Nasser's United Arab
Jordanian King Hussein named
Rifai's government less than a
month ago in a move seen as mak-
ing Jordan more favorably dis-
posed toward the currents of Arab
unity sweeping out of the Cairo
talks of Egypt, Syria and Iraq.
But speaker after speaker de-
clared Rifai's government was ill-
equipped to deal with the problems
of Arab unity.
Troops ringed the parliairent
building during the debate. The
government had called out desert
troops- and police earlier in the
day and ordered an emergency
curfew in Jerusalem to quellithe
pro-Nasser demonstrations. l
Rifai told parliament Israel was
massing troops at the frontier-
line in the Jerusalem area, rais-
ing Jordanian fears that Israel
might try to \take advantage of
any revolt inside Jordan. An
Israeli spokesman called, how-
ever, the reports of Israeli troops
massing "wholly unfounded."
Borders States
Jordan borders Iraq and Syria,
two of the' three regions set to
make up the new Cairo-led fed-
eration expected to come into be-
ing some time this summer. But
there are numerous obstacles to
Jordan's participation in the new
federation under its present gov-
A major one is how a monarchy
could fit in with the revolution-
ary republican regimes of Egypt,
Syria and Iraq. There is also the
long-standing enmity between
Nasser and Hussein.
Study Indicates
Support Illegal
NEW YORK (o)-A major study
published Thursday by the Na-
tional Council of Churches says
government a i d to religious
schools would be illegal and harm-
ful to America, but a "shared
time" plan could ease the prob-


Associated Press News Analyst
WASHINGTON - President
John F. Kennedy's fiscal advisors,
who had felt pretty daring up to
now, are studying the new British
budget with, goggle' eyes.
The' ruling .Conservative Party
has unveiled a budget that calls
for a bigger spending increase, as
big a tax cut, and a bigger. deficit.
than Kennedy's when translated
into terms of the much larger
United States economy.
The Kennedy fiscal advisors are
comforted, and even flattered,
that the British took some lessons
from the United States plan for
dealing with a slack economy.
Can't Understand
What they can't understand is
why the staid British public and
Parliament are not screaming
"bloody murder" abcut "fiscal
The British opposition didn't
yell "spender" at Chancellor of

pedoes . . . er, half speed ahead."
The Economist had urged a tax
cut about two-thirds larger.
Maulding's tax cuts, over a full
year, add up to $1.66 billion worth
of pounds sterling. Because Bri-
tain's economy is about one-
seventh the'size of theuUnited
States economy. Kennedy's stati-,
sticians reckon that this is equiv-
alent to a United States tax cut
of $11.7 billion.
That is somewhat bigger than
the $10-billion, three-year tax re-
duction plan sent to Congress by
Kennedy in January, or a litle!
smaller if you add on Lhe Urited'
States tax changes of last year.
Planned Deficit
The planned British deficit for
fiscal 1964 is 687 million pounds,I
or $1.92 billionfi -
That vould be equivalent, it
is estimated, to a United States,
cash deficit of about $13.5 bil-
lion, as against Kennedy's pro-
posed cash deficit.of $10.3 billion.
Comparison with Kennedy's ad-

"Do You Think I'm Being Too Daring?"

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