L it~ia
Turning partly cloudy
this afternoon.
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Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom
'Board Postpones
SGC Bias Ruling
Regents Expected To View Budget;
'U' Lauds Herrick for Civic Role
The Regents are expected to conduct preliminary discussions on
University budget allocations at their regular meeting today, but
final policy decision on Student Government Council's handling of
discrimination problems in student organizations must await a rec-
ommendation from;,the administration.
Regent Eugene B. Power of Ann Arbor last night informed Coun-
cil that he hoped a proposal based on a study of the Harris Report
'and research by Dean Allan F.
Smith of the Law School could be
enacted by the Board.
This action was taken yesterday
after University President Harlan
_ Hatcher presented the Regents
Citation of Honor to Ray W. Her-
rick, chairman of the board of
the Tecumseh Products Co., for
his contributions to education in,
the state.
Honor Industrialist
The award was issued to Herrick
in honor of his philanthropic and
civic projects and gifts.
Regent Power noted that "the
Regents are well satisfied with
their bylaw against discrimination
on the campus and stand behind
... sorority case
Ask Student
Policy Role
Graduate Student Council en-
dorsed student-faculty government
last night by supporting current
efforts to include students in the
discussion of committees of the
University Senate.
It urged the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs
to "adopt a 'plan whereby this
intercommunication between stu-
dents and faculty may be accom-
plished." In acting, the council
avoided specifying a preference
over a particular set of recom-
The Senate's Student Relations
Committee has suggested parallel
committees with students, while
Student Government Council fav-
ors direct addition of students.
Include GSC
The council strongly requested
that GSC representative be in-
cluded in the interviewing and
selecting of the students. Last
night SGC refused to give GSC of-
ficers any vote over who would
be chosen.
The motion also urged that ne-
cessary steps be taken to insure
that only qualified students in-
cluding graduates be selected.
GSC refused to go on record
against the "political aspects of
the selection procedure" that has
already marred SGC's work on
the proposals. It decided, in one
of GSC's closest battles, that this
would not aid the council's cause
in placing graduate students on
the committees. It defeated two
motions'that would have expressed
the opinion.
Prefer Grads
In its action, GSC explained that
the faculty in general and SACUA
both prefer that graduate stu-
dents be placed on the committees
because of their maturity and past
The propasal originated in a
set of recommendations and a
factual report from GSC's execu-
tive committee which has been
meeting with the faculty over the
Souvanna Says
Broke Promise
VIETIANE () - Laotian Pre-
mier Souvanna Phouma- angrily
turned on his Pathet Lao partners
yesterday, accusing the pro-Com-,
munist Laotians of breaking prom-
ises and launching new attacks on
his neutralist forces that may,
again bring all-out civil war to
He declared that he had just
received word the Pathet Lao hadj
Prof. Robert Harris of the Law
School has drawn up a proposal
which would officially, delegate au-
thority to SGC to implement the
bylaw and would set up a pro-
cedure to hear and prosecute cases
of alleged discrimination policies
or practices.
Legal Relations
Dean Smith is investigating the
legal relationship between the Uni-
versity and student fraternities
and sororities for President Hatch-
er. His report was prompted by a
letter from attorneys representing
five ,sororities which challenged
the legality of delegating such au-
thority to SOC.
SGC met with the Regents for
their annual dinner-discussion
meeting and probed the problem of
bias in student organizations. for
more than an hour. Other issues,
discussed included the possibilities
of" a student book store, athletic
policy in respect to continued em-
phasis on football, and Univer-
sity expansion in Ann Arbor and
at other sites in the state.
At today's meeting the an-
nouncement of the sites for the
United States fisheries bureau re-
search laboratory and the public
health service's regional water
polution control laboratory will be
Official Nod
The Regents are also expected
to officially approve changing the
name of the Dearborn Center to
the Dearborn Campus.'
Also on the agenda are 26 fac-
ulty appointments, including the
reappointment of six department
chairmen, and 25 leaves of ab-
Bids for construction of the
Kresge Medical Research Bldg.
will be presented.
At Delta
Hit Morale
Special To The Daily
BAY CITY-Faculty discontent
and lowered morale is continuing
at Delta College over the Board
of Trustees' dismissal of two fac-
ulty members, Don Woodworth
and the Rev. Marshall Hier.
Mrs. Martha Allen, court re-
corder here, has asked Gov. George
Romney to intercede in the case,
requesting him to assist in attain-
ing a hearing for Rev. Hier.
Also, Mrs. Allen is reported to be
considering petitioning the court
for permission to circulate a peti-
tion for the recall of the board
to reconsider the dismissals.
Opposed Policy.
Woodworth, who has been at
Delta two years, has opposed
United States foreignpolicy in the
Cuban crisis and participated in
a disarmament protest. He has not
been presented with a bill of par-
ticulars giving the reasons for his
dismissal although Rev. Hier had
received such a bill.
Among the faculty members,
concern was expressed over pos-
sible violations of academic due
process in these dismissals and the
failure of Delta to become a four-
year, degree-granting institution.
Comparable Procedures
In a statement Wednesday
night, Delta President Samuel
Marble said "academic procedures
followed by the board are com-
parable to those in practice at
other colleges and universities
The board has heard evidence
I submitted by the administration
and the deans of the schools and
felt it was well within its rights.
He noted that "only faculty
members with tenure status ae
entitled to hearings."
Prof. Robert Pettengill, chair-
man of the faculty executive com-
mittee, said the faculty has never
been asked to express opinion on
these two dismissals but that 66-
75 per cent or more of the faculty
voted affirmatively on a recent
academic f r e e d o m statement,
which he termed related to this
The faculty committee has rei;-
ommended that Delta reconsider
academic due process and issuing
a bill of particulars stating the
charges in the case of Woodworth.
He added that "from the view-
point of the faculty, morale would
be better if the senior faculty
could have reviewed the evidence
for the two dismissals."
Ulch Cites Problems
In Eastern Europe
Being a judge in Communist Europe is like doing, "an elephant
dance in a tea shop," Otto Ulch said yesterday before the Inter-
national Law Society.
He said that Eastern Europeans are sensitive to unequal treat-
ment of the law, particularly on a racial basis, as a result of the
German occupation. Yet Marxism with its emphasis on the bourgeois
and proletariat class distinctions(
has instituted many inequalities of
the law which a judge must up-
hold and for which he must pre-
sent rationales.
"You must always be concerned
about whether your decision will
annoy someone higher up," he
Native Czech
Ulch is a native of Czechoslo-
vakia and was a judge until 1959
when he left by way of East Ber-
lin. He has just completed his
doctoral thesis at Columbia Uni-
Admittance to the universities
in Czechoslovakia is held back
from members of the bourgeoisie,
Ulch said. "Some Czechs have
criticized this policy by saving 'Do
children of the bourgeoisie today
resent being denied entrance to
the universities because of their
social class any less than the peas-
ants resented being denied en-
trance in 1932 due to a lack of
"In this denial they ritualize
the class position of the individual
when this class distinction is an-
athema to the citizenry."
Friends and Enemies
The state (Czechoslovakia) felt
it necessary to separate friends
of the regime and enemies. They
define enemies of the state,
Kvlaks, as those who possessed
more than 45 acres of land;
friends of the state as workers and
those who owned less than 45
Ulch said that this socio-eco-
nomic classification was very im-
portant because it alters the pen-
alty for crimes. If a farmer does
not fulfill his quota of produce he
has committed a crime punishable
by a jail sentence. If he is a Kvlak,
however,' non-fulfillment of a
quota constitutes sabotage.
A judge must alter statistics
to conform to class dogma. If at
the end of the year the judge has
convicted too many peasants or
workers he willy be criticized for
not upholding the class struggle.
Dismiss Worker
He recalled a case where a
worker was dismissed from his job
for not "volunteering" for the
people's army. He appealed the
case to a labor court and said in
his defense that he was dismissed
for not volunteering when told
to do so.
"The court rejected his asser-
tion and said he should be tried
for slandering his employer, be-
cause everyone knows that you
cannot be told to volunteer for
the people's army," he said.
He said that he felt the laws of
Czechoslovakia are unable to cope
with turbulent social change be-
cause a certain degree of flexi-
bility is necessary rather laws
based on political dogma.
.. . unequal treatment
New Party
The Campus Reform Political
Party held its first organizational
meeting last night in an effort to
establish what acting chairman
Michael Lewis termed "a moderate
political party willing to express
more than one viewpoint on given
Lewis said the party would not
be a monolithic organization as
other political parties on campus
have been. H~e stressed the fact
that the membership would supply
the philosophy of the party and
said the stands taken by the mem-
bership would not adhere to one
doctrinaire position.
Pointing out that he spoke only
for himself, Lewis said he felt
the party should deal only with
"on campus" issues. He said he
saw no reason for students to
establish a party to discuss situa-
tions they could do nothing about."
The place for a discussion of na-
tional and international affairs
is in an organization like the
Young Democrats or Young Re-
publicans," he explained.
One of the major functions of
the party would be to run candi-
dates for Student Government
Council. The viewpoint was ex-
pressed that Voice Political Party's
representation on Council was not
a true reflection of liberalism on
campus but a result of the fact
that Voice candidates are usually
better informed than candidates
running independently.
SAC Offers
Policy Role
By Students
The Senate Advisory Committee
last night called for an increase
in student participation in the
formulation of University policies
in a way that represents construc-
tive solutions to the problems of
the University community.
The SAC declaration did not
specify, however, whether students
should work in the area of racial
and religious discrimination, but
it called upon the administration
to take consthuctive action to
eliminate racial and religious bias
at the University.I
The motion by the 21-man
working body of the Faculty Sen-
ate, which itself only meets twice
yearly, comes in light of current
discussions on student - faculty
government and discrimination
procedures, specifically the au-
thority of Student Government
Council to withdraw recognition
from student organizations found
in violation of Council anti-dis-
crimination regulations.
Another group of the University
Senate, its Student Relations com-
mittee, recently noted its "con-
tinued discussion of the Harris
proposal," and in a memorandum
to SACUA expressed its "concern
with discrimination in any unit
which has students in it."
The Harris report, which clari-
fies SGC powers of withdrawal of
recognition, was expected to be
considered by the Regents on
March 22. The Regents, however,
are awaiting a. report from Prof.
Allan Smith of the Law School
regarding the report, and a letter
f r o m sorority lawyers which
attacks it.
Regent Eugene Power of Ann
Arbor said last night that he ex-
pected the two opposing briefs to
come before the Regents at their
May meeting.
He also commented that he "did
not think that discrimination pro-
cedures would be taken out of
student hands."
Regent Carl Brablec of Rose-
ville also expects the discrimina-
tion issue to "come under Regental
scrutiny in the near future."
Drop Charges
In Kerciu Case
By The Associated Press
OXFORD - Charges against
Prof. G. Ray Kerciu of the Uni-
versity of Mississippi, stemming
from his paintings critical of the
integration riots of last fall, were
dropped yesterday. Justice of the
Peace W. H. Jones dismissed the
charges of obscenity and defiling
the confederate flag after Charles
Blackwell, a law student at the
university, withdrew his complaint.
The painting, which used a
confederate flag, the state flag of
Mississippi, had profane scrawl-
ings distributed around the work.
Kerciu, when questioned about his
lack of "patriotism" said that he
represented what he saw on cam-
Bui lngOutlays'
Niehuss Predicts $1.5 Million Hike
To Go To Raise Faculty Salaries
The House yesterday passed the 1963-64 higher education
budget bills, giving the University $38.2 million for general
operations and $4.9 million in capital outlay.
Most of the $1.5 million increase over last year's opera-
tions budget probably will be used for faculy salary increases
on a merit basis, Executive Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss
said last night.
Both University appropriations remain unchanged from
Gov. George Romney's original recommendations.
The capital outlay appropriations includes $2.3 million
to continue work on the new Music School Bldg., $772,000
to complete the Physics-As-"
tronomy B1d g., $750,000 to
finish the heating plant remodel- ..
ing, $625,000 for University Hos- z
pital renovation and $500,000 to
begin the Fluids Engineering Bldg.
Two other bills affecting the
University also passed.
The governor's "quick-action" ยข "
outlay for planning new construc-
tion, expected to give the Univer- $ f .
sity about $180,000, gained House
approval. This appropriation will
go for planning a new dental
building and the new Medical
Science II unit.
Research Measure
Top-Level Democrats
Meet on Con-Con Vote
By The Associated Press
DETROIT-A local hotel was the scene of a top-level meeting of
Democrats yesterday, called to decide whether the party should seek
a recount of the April 1 ballot on the new Constitution.
Party brass State Chairman Zolton C. Ferency, Rep. Neil Staebler
(D-Mich) of Ann Arbor, State Highway Commissioner John C. Mack-
ie, National Committeewoman Mildred Jeffery, State AFL-CIO Presi-
dent August Scholle, State Auditor"
General Billie S. Farnum and V ADWOMAN OF
State Vice-Chairman Adelaidei
Another Romney-backed item
passed in the Senate: a $750,000
fund for state universities to do
research on job-creating activi-
ties for Michigan. The measure,
part of Romney's economic-expan-
sion plan, specifies that not more
than 30 per cent of the sum may
go to any one institution.
All four bills now go back to
the house of origin for approval of
amendments. However, none of the
University- appropriations should
be affected by this.
Total operating budgets for thet
state's other institutions are:
Michigan State University, $32.2
million; Wayne State University,
$17.6 million; Western Michigan
University, $5.9 million; Eastern
Michigan University, $3.7 million;
Michigan College of Mining and
Technology, $3.5 million; Central
Michigan University, $3.4 million;
Ferris Institute, $2.6 million;
Northern Michigan University,
$1.8 million, and Grand Valley
State College, $558,000.
Capital Outlay
The capital outlay figures for;
these schools are: MSU, $3.6 mil-
lion; WGU, $2.7 million; WMU,
$2.6 million; EMU, $1.3 million;
CMU, $1.5 million; Ferris, $1 mil-
lion; NMU, $1.4 million, and1
Grand Valley, $879,000.
Exact figures on how the "quick-
action" and economic-researchf
funds will be divided up have not
yet been decided.t
Yesterday's only amendment to'
the capital outlay bill deleted ant
appropriation for a new powerl
plant at MSU, replacing it with a
$500,000 outlay for a new boiler
in the existing rlant. No changes
were made on the House floor int
any of the operations appropria-
tions; the whole package totalled
a record $122.6 million.
Attempt Fails
An abortive attempt was madec
to gain legislative authorization
for a University branch at Delta
College. Rep. Jerome Traxler (D-t
Bay City) offered an amendmentF
adding $50,000 to the University'st
operating budget to enable it to
set up a junior year at Delta thist
The measure died when oppon-
ents threatened to revive the al-
ternate bill, originally sponsored
by Rep. Raymond C. Wurzel (R-
North Street), in the same man-
Vice - President Niehuss com-
mented that the University ap-
propriation provides "a v e r y{
stringent budget," but noted that1
the University has known for sev-
eral. months that it would be that
Considering "the general levelt
of the state's education budget,"I
he said the University's share was
"equitable" in comparison with the
other schools.t
... budget decisions
Center Sets
In an effort to get "the last
word" on the scientific approach
to human learning and teaching,
the Center for Research on Learn-
ing and Teaching is presenting a
series 'of 10 lecture-seminars' for
the Medical School to be held dur-
ing the next month.
This program, the first under-
taken by the Center, is believed
to be among the first such pro-
grams ever held by a medical
The sessions will be held Mon-
days and Wednesdays from April
29 to May 29. Members of the
Center, the psychology and socio-
logy departments will address the
medical faculty.
Discuss Theories
They will include discussions on
the usefulness of lea'rning theory,
various psychological and sociolog-
ical factors involved in the class-
room and learning theories.
The series will begin with a talk
on applying learning and teach-
ing theories to the Medical
School. It will be followed by lec-
tures on anxiety, the need for
achievement and reinforcement in
the learning process.
Others deal with information
theories, the teaching of facts and
concepts and classroom variables.
The last talks are concerned with'
learning and student attitudes, re-
membering and forgetting and
problems of evaluating students.
Department Speakers
Speakers will include Prof. Stan-
ford Erickson. of the psychology
department, the Center's director,
Prof. Theodore Newcomb of the
sociology department.
Assistant Medical School Dean
Alexander Barry indicated that
the lectures will play a significant
role in future curriculum changes.
"I think the faculty realizes the
value " of the scientific approach
to teaching. These lectures. will
be reflected in c u r r i cu lu m
changes," he added.
Hart were in evidence.
Mackie initiated the Democratic
fight against the new constitu-
tion with a pamphlet distributed
about three months before the
Walk Out
Wednesday, $he two Democratic
members of the four-man Board
of State Canvassers walked out
on the board meeting called for
the purpose of certifying the con-
stitutional election tabulations.
Chairman David Lebenbom and
Mrs. Ester White said they wanted
to hold off until the state Supreme
Court had a chance to act on a
suit pending which charges the
voting procedures were illegal.
Ferency noted that the meeting
would "hear the views of some ex-
perts," on asking a recount of the
state's more than 5000 precincts.
Anyone who asks for a recount
must post $5 with the state for
each precinct checked.
Probable Guideline
'U' Players To Offer Giraudoux Drama
City Editor
Perhaps the most happily con-
croversial play in recent Broadway
history is set for a four-day run in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
next week.
"The Madwoman of Chaillot,"
by Jean Giraudoux, current of fer-
ing of the University Players, will
open next Wednesday with Prof.
Claribel Baird of the speech de-
partment in the title role.
When the play first opened on
Broadway in 1948, the critics all
gave it rave notices-but to this
day they have not been able to
agree on the reason why it was
Brooks Atkinson of the New
York Times found it "light-heart-
ago. A relic of a couple genera-
tions back, with her wigs, lorgnet-
tes, feathers and fabulously messy
finery, her particular form of in-
sanity is that she likes people."
Richard Watts of the New York
Post called her a "kind of distaff
Pied Piper," and John Chapman
of the New York Daily News found
a kind of "fascinating mixture of
Bernard Shaw and (Lewis) Car-
roll, the man who thought up
Wonderland for Alice."
Hearing her neighborhood may
be demolished by enterpreneurs
searching for oil, the countess
determines to get rid of them-by
sending them to seek out the black
gold in a bottomless pit below the
sewers of Paris. From there they
never return.
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