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April 18, 1963 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-04-18

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Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Patriotism Among the South Vietnamese

)AY, APRIL 18, 1963


The 'Research Image':
Time for a Change?

IT IS TIME to overhaul or even scrap the
"research image." Several University officials
admitted as much this week as the image's
biggest weakeness-a misunderstanding of the
University's philosophy of research - became
Assistant Director of Research Administra-
tion Robert A. Boyd, the Institute of Science
and Technology's liason man with industry said
that Michigan industry had not fully taken
advantage of the University's research capacity
because it did not understand that the Uni-
versity is concerned only with basic research.
Industry, which to the University's view should
develop products from basic research, actually
expects the University to do product research.
THIS EXPECTATION results in part from
the ambiguity of the "research 'image." In
stressing the role the University could play in
the state's economy, University officials and
publications have failed to make clear that its
interest lies in basic research, not product
research. They speak of the East and West
coast electronics-space research complexes and
imply that with proper state and industrial
support Ann Arbor could be hub of a third
such center. Even without space, the University
could be the research engine that powers the
state back into prosperity.
However, the University's position on basic
research is quite definitive. "It is not the Uni-
versity's business to undertake product develop-
ment. It is to do basic research-a part and
parcel of the educational effort. The University
has to produce new ideas to be a good uni-
versity," IST's acting director James T. Wilson
declared recently. The University will not be-
come a testing lab" for industry, he warned.
But apparently the Legislature, industry snd
the state at large do not see the University in
this light. "I think one thing that is sadly
lacking in our college research programs is a
sense of responsibility to industry. At this
time Michigan's universities do not seem to.
realize the role they play in the economy-I
think it is time they shaped up," Senate major-
ity leader Stanley G. Thayer has declared.
Thayer, who comes from Ann Arbor and who
has extensive contacts in the University com-
munity, should realize the University's basic
research role; yet he too sees the University
as a potential tool for industry.

"Research has not done all that it might to
develop Michigan industry," the influential
Sen. Frank D. Beadle (R-St Clair), chairman
of the Senate appropriations committee, added.
INDUSTRY HAS not come to the University
despite the University blandishments. Of
954 sponsored research projects now underway,
only 110, worth approximately $1.3 million,
are sponsored by industry. Of the 110 only 43
are sponsored by Michigan industry-the sup-
posed benefactors of the University's research
In speaking about federally sponsored re-
search efforts, Director of Research Adminis-
tration Robert Burroughs brought up a signifi-
cant problem-who should be the beneficiary
of research findings. He pointed up the ethical
problem of state-supported universities doing
industrial research: should a specific company
gain possession of the University's discovery or
should the public? This problem is most severe
when the government sponsors industrial re-
search, especially product research, but the
ethical dilemma remains even when private
company sponsors basic research. Shpuld the
theory or device become the property of the
company or should it, since it was discovered at
a publicly supported university, become public
property, open to use by all?
Apparently, the University has decided that
discoveries financed by industrial support are
the property of the sponsor. In its "Informa-
tion Bulletin for Michigan Industry," the Office
of Research Administration declares that "any
technical report generated in the course of the
investigation, is considered to be confidential
proprietary information and administrative
procedures have been evolved to assure that
sponsor's proprietary rights are protected."
ALTHOUGH THE issue of proprietary rights
of research at a public university is an
ambiguous one, it does seem that the Univer-
sity is impinging on its educational ethics by
limiting the circulation of the results of re-
search done on its facilities.
Another fallacy of the "research image" is
lack of follow through by industry. Hardware-
oriented Michigan firms are being urged by
Burroughs to get off the "seat of the pants."
In a recent statement he said that more sophis-
ticated means of developing products are need-
ed if Michigan industry is to survive.
This is a major problem that will mitigate
all the University's efforts. If industry does not
follow through on the University's basic dis-
coveries, what good are they to the economy of
Michigan? William Bott, executive secretary of
Ann Arbor's Chamber of Commerce and widely
experienced in dealing with Michigan industry,
noted that this is the major problem. Compan-
ies tend "to use research to develop hardware
rather than solve new problems" that could
lead to new products and more jobs.
However, Bott finds the University far ahead
of other Big Ten universities in this respect,
but industry has not been rushing to the Uni-
versity's door.
These misunderstandings point up the diffi-
culties with the "research image"-or any other
image for that matter. It is not that the image
lies, but it misleads for it distorts elements of
the total picture. The image is designed to put
the University in a favorable light for some
advantage-usually for an appropriation. In
doing so, the University hides discordant. but
sometimes important elements. This can be
self-defeating or even worse, harmful for the
University as a whole.
The "research image" suffers from the
former problem. The largely unsaid, but firm
insistence that it will not undertake product
research defeats the image, for industry seeks
profitable product research. As Boyd points
out, industry does not care for red ink, even
for long-term profts.
So it is time to overhaul or scrap the "re-
search image." Perhaps it is the time to scrap
all University images.

To the Editor:
T HE OPEN letter published by
several newspapers and urging
President Kennedy to 'halt U.S.
military intervention in South
Vietnam' paints a picture in black
and white, colors more compatible
with the 'socialist realism' of Com-
munist propaganda than with the
objectivity of a free press.
According to that picture, there
are two sides to the conflict in
South Vietnam: Ngo Dinh Diem
and the self-styled "National Lib-
eration Front." Since everybody
knows that Diem is a dictator, and
a not very benevolent one either,
that makes the Front a band of
"freedom fighters," at least, or,
as Fidel Castro calls them, "Viet-
namese patriots."
Of course, those "patriots" do
wish to "liberate" the South Viet-
namese people, but in the same
way and for the same purpose as,
in James Thurber's fable for our
times, the foxes wished to "liber-
ate" the orioles and set up a "gov-
ernment of the orioles, by the
foxes and for the foxes."
THE FRONT is indeed a "front"
--in its literal sense, that is, a fa-
cade behind which the Commu-
nists conceal their designs from
well-meaning and ill-informed
people like most (if not all) of
those 62 distinguished Americans
who signed the letter (including
quite a few professors).
If they really care about free-
dom, they ought to learn of an-
other side to the tragedy of South
Vietnam: the plight of those na-
tionalists caught between Diem
and the Communists, of men who
oppose dictatorship from either
Right or Left. There are at least
25,000 of them in his concentra-
tion camps and many more in
hiding or in exile.
And, lest we forget, there are
the South Vienamese masses. On
their behalf, it may not be too
rash to assume that they desire
and deserve something better than
the right to trade one tyrant for
another, a privilege the sponsors
of the letter seem to confer upon
them implicitly.
Those Americans are justified
in thinking that no amount of
American aid could ever help Diem
win the war. But to go on from
there and suggest that the United
States should withdraw all assist-
ance from South Vienam is a non
sequitur equating 12 million peo-
ple with one man. It is like saying
that they must now pay for his
mistakes, mistakes which the
United States government itself
has helped to perpetuate by giv-
ing him blind, all-out support.
* * *
IT IS AMERICAN diplomacy,
money, and arms that have kept
Diem in power and so far pre-
vented the emergence of an alter-
native capable of turning the tide
against the Communists. To call
it quits now before democratic
forces in South Vienam have had
a chance to rally and fight would
be to betray them once more, and
this time irretrievably. The South
Vienamese people would be left
defenseless, without any prospect
for self-determination-unless we

believe as the letter implies that,
unlike Diem, the Communists will
"allow normal democratic proced-
ures for political opposition and
an orderly change of government."
This and other things may tempt,
us to suspect Communist influ-
ence in the drafting of the let-
ter. For example, it is known that
the moving spirit behind it was
Corliss Lamont, a Marxist, and
that it was reproduced in Hanoi
the very same day it was printed
in Washington.
It does not necessarily take an
international Communist conspir-
acy to undermine freedom, how-
ever. The road to the Marxist hell

10 cent variety. I of course dug
for the extra 10 cents, but not my
meal would cost 25 cents extra, as
it was no longer a student special.
Could I trade the salad for a 10
cent type? No again, for I had al-
ready put dressing on it.
* * *
TRAPPED, I paid up. Perhaps I
could have bought the rest of my
meal as a regular special, less
salad, paying only 20 cents for my
faux pas; but my mere graduate
student's brain was at this point
too benumbed to encompass such
I then somewhat self-righteous-
ly asked the lady why the salads

"We Have Discovered A Particularly
Dangerous Piece Of Radical,
Subversive Propaganda"

posed a thoroughly believable es-
say based on misguided liberalism.
Miss Oppenheim first mentions
defense counsel's argument in
summation to the jury. (Did she
obtain the transcript of record?)
Apparently, the defense here was
that Reuben was insane at the
time he ravished his victim. As
you probably know, by statute and
at the common-law, rape is a fel-
ony. For first-degree rape, sme
states prescribe the death penalty.
Whether we agree or disagree with
the idea of capital punishment is
immaterial in the present case.
Virginia's code book prescribes
death. The felony occurred in Vir-
ginia, and the Virginia court at
Lynchburg had jurisdiction over
the case. Therefore, I would ask
the following questions.
* * *
FIRST, WAS there any indica-
tion in the transcript that the con-
fession of defendant was obtained
through force, threat of violence,
or by any means and in any man-
ner inconsistent with the man-
dates of the Fifth and Fourteenth
Amendments or of the correspond-
ing articles of the Virginia State
Second, was there any indica-
tion in the transcript that defense
objected in any way to the final
choice of jury or that he in fact
moved for a change of venue on
the ground that there was local
prejudice against Reuben and that
consequently he would be denied
due process of law if he were tried
in Lynchburg?
Third, does Miss Oppenheim
really think it is unusual for a jury
to remain in deliberation for one
hour and forty-one minutes in a
case in which accused has con-
fessed to the very acts in the in-
Fourth, would she have had the
"white" prosecuting attorney sub-
stitute a Negress of some twenty-
one years of age, as "nominal pro-
secutrix" in place of accused's
fifty-nine year-old white victim?
Fifth, do you impugn malice,
prejudice, ignorance, bigotry and
hate to the "white" jury because
(a) they are jurors, (b) they are
Southerners, (c) they are Cauca-
sians, or (d) they found the ac-
cused guilty as charged?
SIXTH, does she question the
credibility of the accused's victim?
(Indeed, is there an indication in
the record that defense counsel
did so?)
Seventh, since insanity is an af-
firmative defense (accused con-
fesses the crime, and by way of
defense seeks to avoid legal re-
sponsibility for his act), what is
her basis for the statement, "The
boy will not die because he raped
the woman-if indeed he really
Eighth, does Miss Oppenheim
believe that prosecutor's summa-
tion to the jury in this rape case
showed that he was thirsty "for
revenge?" How would she have
summed up?
Ninth, has she made a thorough
analysis of the indictment and
record of the case in which a "37
year-old white man ... raped an
11-year-old Negro girl?"
Tenth, does Miss Oppenheim
agree with that the class of '63
should pause a moment and won-
der about this Commandment of
Thou shalt not by polemics
sow seeds of controversy and
disgust, but thou shalt
through honest reporting and
analysis seek truth and give
-Henry A. Solomon, '63L
Centralization ..
To the Editor:
HE general consensus concern-
ing student government is that
college students are apathetic: Is
it not sad that today's student has
streamlined his life to such an ex-
tent that he has reduced his in-
terests to the bare necessities:
academics and sex? I lament this

sad state of affairs and as a con-
structivist shall pose a solution
to this problem, having made the
assumption that it exists.
A brief glance at the institu-
tional framework of campus gov-
ernment reveals to the researcher
a bewildering array of groups,
sub-groups, sub-sub-groups, ad


on earth can be paved with good
intentions warped by ignorance or
naivete or both.
-Nguyen Ton Hoan
Secretary General,
The Dai-Viet Nationalist
Victuals .. .
To the Editor:
IN THE center of the salad sec-
tion of the Michigan Union
cafeterii, roughly equidistant from'
a half dozen different dishes of
greenery, is a sign reading "Stu-
dent Special Salad-10c". Only
some of these salads, one soon dis-
covers, are student special types.
One therefore guesses and chooses.
Consider my supper one night. I
had, chosen a salad which ap-
peared to be particularly inex-
pensive (tossed, I later discov-
ered); but at the cashier's booth
I was told it was a 20 cent, not a


THOSE WHO REMEMBER seeing "Inherit
the Wind" will recall chuckling over the
sheer stupidity of those who sought to prevent
that heathen pedagogue, John T. Scopes, from
preaching the slanderous thought that 'man
was not created willy-nilly by some Supreme
Being, but was in fact formulated, from ba;sic
protoplasmic materials through a lengthy evo-
lution period along with every other organism.
Well, hold your laughter ... the battle isn't
over yet! It seems that in Tennessee the Dar-
win theory of evolution is still taboo when
it comes to what impressionable young school
children can be taught, as two student teach-
ers from Memphis State University recently{
found out after they tried to hold a debate on
the subject in a Memphis high school. The
principal interfered and spoiled their fun, but
the superintendent of /schools overruled him
and denied that any disciplinary action would
be carried out.
To, think that such an anti-Darwin law
should still hamper free thought in the schools
of Tennessee is laughable, but it has its sober-
ing overtones. That in this space age several
thousand school children should. not even be
allowed to know how they came to be on this
earth is unfortunate indeed; that such a law
should still be- retained speaks volumes, none
of it good, about Tennessee's educational
system-not to mention the intelligence of its

Policy of Gimmicks

were not better labeled. She re-
plied that I had eaten there often
enough to know that tossed salads,
were never on special; and besides,
if I was uncertain I had only to
ask the serving girls, who would
be happy to assist me in any way.
It is undoubtedly obvious to
anyone who works in the cafeteria
why tossed salads are never on
special; but to me, not a chef,
connoisseur, or husband, and
therefore happily ignorant of
cookery. arid the dietician's art, it
was not. Besides, I had not
thought of asking the serving g rls:
so having no suitable reply I
growled and sullenly went my
IT DOES seem to me that a
tossed salad involves no more
expense in materials and labor
than, say, a cottage cheese-and-
peach, which is on special; but as
I say, I am ignorant. Word of
mouth menu service, however, is
an intriguing idea; some of the
most very posh dining clubs use it
exclusively. But in these estab-
lishments the meal is the hub of
one's evening, and the information
is volunteered, usually by pert
waitresses in frilly nothings. I am
afraid that the Union cafeteria
clientele is not ready for such
Perhaps the next best thing is to
individually label the victuals as
to cost and content with neat, if
prosaic signs, as the present menu
boards serve only as general guides
to selection. The Union cafeteria
might also prosper as a service,
not a challenge.
-William H. Wing, Grad.
Polemics ...
To the Editor:
" HAVE JUST finished reading
a recent Daily editorial by
Judith Oppenheim entitled
"Southern Style Justice." I feel
that through a masterful use of
innuendo and through a revela-
tion of her own misconceptions of
our legal system, she has com-

infinitum. The solution to poor
student government or, more cor-
rectly, lack of interest in it has
been more government. This is
quite in harmony with the chant
of a bygone era that "the cure for
the ills of democracy is more de-
No doubt the rationale behind
this rally for more government is
that by acquainting the grass
roots with some form of home rule
they will be so stimulated by the
wonders of the democratic process
that they will become seriously
concerned with the central ruling
No. Somehow this does not seem
to be an accurate description of
reality. So if SOC has not received
the respect and attention it de-
serves, what should it do? More
grassroots government to stimu-
late the body politic? No.
* *' *
IN EMPHASIZING participation
in grass-roots government-who-
ever has done it-they have actu-
ally minimized the effectiveness of
SaC by strangling it with institu-
tions and structures. From cor-
ridor representative to house coun-
cil, house council to quadrangle
council, from quad council to in-
ter-quad council and from inter-
quadranele council to ex-officlo
membership on SGC, a lot of in-
terested and capable people have
been filtered out by this process.
The fraternities and sororities
have a similar cobweb of hier-
archy, but not quite so elaborate-
but don't count them out, with a
little more time and ingenuity they
may very well develop as stifling
a system as the residence halls.
The solution that I propose is to
eliminate the myriad of institu-
tions that provide triple indirect
representation. Over decentrali-
zation can not be cured by more
Let SOC become the focal point
of student government by de-em-
phasizing the importance of the
grass-roots government. The re-
sult of this very well may be that
SOC will cease to be one of a
number of student organizations
and become the student organiza-
tion on campus. Probably not a
novel idea, but it warrants con-
-Robert- Strauss, '66
justification . .
To the Editor:
SOMEONE REALLY ought to in-
form the UGLI authorities that
a number of doors from the stalls
in the men's rooms of their build-
ing have, been "stolen." Even a
superficial check of the situation
would immediately demonstrate
that the exposed toilets are not
being used and that plenty of male
library Fusers are becoming quite
peeved at the unannounced short-
age of semi-private toilet facilities.
Perhaps the party responsible
for the door removals would be
kind enough to publicly justify
his act in a statement to The
Daily or make the desired correc-
tions before the situation becomes
an ugly and much-publicized issue.
-Barry S. Joseph, '63
"A RAISIN in the Sun" was a
good play on Broadway. And
as a movie it is equally so. It was
translated faithfully to the screen
by the original playwright, Lor-
raine Hansberry, with the original
cast of Sidney Poitler, Claudia
McNeil, Ruby Dee, Diana Sands
in the main roles. The film is
enlightening if not enjoyable. The
life of a Negro family trying to
rise out of a static existence' in a
sunless slum-like apartment build-

ing in ~Chicago, is invigorating,
but it doesn't transmit the excite-
ment and creativity needed to
label it an outstanding movie.
But for this ephemeral want, "A
Raisin in the Sun" has too many
assets to be ignored. However, the
transferral of a play to the screen
has been a big sore spot for Hol-
lywood. The producers think that
all that is needed is a hit from
Broadway and they have a hit for
the movies. Too often, this is not
the case.
of course, there is a mixture
of the quality of movies that come
from plays, but shouldn't it be
expected that a proven piece of
writing with fine actors, ifnot
the original cast, would result
in a continuous flow of top notch
movies? The answer is no, be-
cause the cinema is a medium un-
to itself. Its creative work should
come from within the art.
s . *
WRITING for the screen is not
like writing for the stage. Acting
in front of a camera and direct-
ing and all the other multifarious
professions of the film industry
are not like acting and working
in front of a live audience. There
is no reason why some of the
material for movies can't origin-
ate from without the medium, but
this is the case much too often.

Faculty Support Right To Dissent

RECENTLY there have been a
few cracks in the wall of si-
lence which separates the French
and the American governments.
The wall is silly. For how'ever
much the two governments may
disagree about this and that, there
is no sense whatever in their be-
ing unable to communicate with
one another.
Yet such has been the state of
Franco-American relations that we
have to treat as big news the fact
that the United States secretary of
state, who is in Paris on the of-
ficial business of the SEATO meet-
ing, had a long talk with the
Frenchforeign minister and has
actually been received by the pres-
ident of the French republic. What
should be normal and routine
among allies has come to look like
a mysterious event of which the
full significance has still to be
* * *
IT IS NOT difficult to think of
reasons why Gen. de Gaulle may
have decided that he has carried
too far his antagonism to the
"Anglo-Saxons" and the Atlantic
community., There is, for one
thing, mounting evidence that his
continental allies, the Germans,
the Italians, the Belgians and the
Dutch, have not much appetite for
a "Europe" governed from Paris by
Gen. de Gaulle. There is increas-
ing reason to believe that the
Europeans do not like the French
nuclear force any better than. we
do. For they will not have any
more to do with it than we will
have. They are asking themselves
whether there is not some surer
and better way to achieve a self-
respecting voice in nuclear affairs
than to build up at enormous cost
small, redundant and almost cer-
tainly.inefficient nuclear forces

liance against nuclear aggression.
If it were not adequate, it would
not become adequate by adding
a little more nuclear power from
Great Britain and France.
Insofar as European govern-
ments really believe that they can-
not rely on the United States, or
that they must own some nuclear
weapons in order to qualify as
great powers, there are two main
courses open to us. The first one,
which we have chosen, is to pro-
pose schemes which will have the
appearance, but not the reality, of
indipendent nuclear forces. Per-
haps one or both of the schemes
can be sold to European govern-
ments. But I cannot believe that
the real problem of European-
American relations is goingd to be
solved by repairing the facade
without remodeling the house.
seems to me to be based on a much
better conception, would be to
stand firmly on our basic proposi-
tion that, within the Western al-
liance, the command of the use
of nuclear weapons is indivisible.
What can and should be shared
among allies is the formation of
high nuclear policy, the determi-
nation of nuclear strategy, the
definition of nuclear targets, the
research and development for the
nuclear armory, the engineering
and actual production of nuclear
In my view, we are now offering
the Europeans gimmicks in order
to appease them. There seems, for
example, to be a notion floating
about that the Germans will in-
sist on nuclear weapons for them-
selves unless we let them have the
right to smell them as members
of the crew of a ship which car-
ries nuclear weapons. Instead, we
should offer the British, the
Fre~nch, the Germans and the

LAST FALL the faculty of the University of
Mississippi made no comments on the in-
tegration riots: they were discretely silent.
This spring, however, they are supporting a
man who is commenting. They are not support-
ing integration itself, they are defending Prof.
G. Ray Kerciu's right to support it.
The current controversy is over the removal
of five paintings from the university's art gal-
lery. The five paintings, by Prof. Kerciu of the
school's art department, depict last fall's in-
tegration crisis. Prof. Kerciu has been charged
with obscenity and with defacing the Con-
federate Flag in one of his paintings. He goes
to trial May 3.
THIS SITUATION is a result of the riots last
last fall, but it is of a different nature.
Last fall the question was one of integration,
and the faculty of Ole Miss felt it was wiser
not to speak out against segregation, or to ask
cooperation in carrying out federal court orders.

Now, a faculty member has dared to speak,
and his right to academic freedom is being
challenged. Within five days after they were
hung, the controversial pictures were removed
by the administration at the demand of the
White Citizens Council and the United Daugh-
ters of the Confederacy.
Immediatedly students started picketing the
university's Fine Arts Center, protesting the
violation of free speech. Within ten days the
local chapter of the American Association of
University Professors, sluggish in releasing a
statement in the fall, had drafted a request
to the administration. The statement asked
that the administration "promptly support Prof.
Kerciu in the present case by making a vigorous
public statement" on his right to hold his
personal convictions., and "to openly and of-
ficially defend him."
THE FACULTY is speaking out. They are not
necessarily defending Prof. Kerciu's opinion,

"You Want A Hot Line To The Capitol Too?"

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