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Considerable cloudiness
with showers tonight
See Editorial Page
Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom
Houses Pass Change
InIQC Constitution
Open Presidency to Sophomores
With Experience at Any Quad Level
Interquadlrangle Council President Kent Bourland, '63, last night
acknowledged receipt of 17 house ratifications of the so-called Strauss
House amendment to the IQC constitution, constituting the first
amendment to be circulated and passed totally on house initiative.
The amendment opens the IQC presidency to sophomore candi-
dates with one year's experience in residence hall government. At the
same time, Bourland announced that the IQC-endorsed proposed
amendment, also dealing with presidential qualifications but requir-
Egypt, Syria, Iraq Detail
New Arab State Charter
in Laos
"Expel Pair,
'At, Wheaton
Two Wheaton College students
have been forced to leave school
for publishing an off-campus lit-
erary magazine against the advice
of the administration and the
Board of-Publications.
Jack Hommes, editor of the
campus newspaper, The Record,
was removed from his job and
given one year enforced "leave of
absence fromthe college for co-
publishing the magazine, Critique.
The Board said it removed Hom-
mes for "breach of faith" since
his position as Record editor made
him responsible to the Board's
recommendations not to publish
the magazine.
Philip Mclnay, Hommes' part-
ner, who was not responsible to
the Board, was thrown out of
school in a closed session of the
Faculty Committee on Student Af-
fairs for a "disregard for the spirit
of the college." Both have left
the campus and do not intend to
Perlen Fein, who was chairman
of the board through March, when
he resigned in protest against the
board of Trustee's -suspension of
a student literary magazine,
KODON, said the board had not
objected to anything- in Critique
but felt "it was not in the best
interests of the college" to have a
magazine publishing outside of the
board's jurisdiction.
Fein said a definition of what
the board considered to be in the
"best interest of the school" had
not been articulated. He said his
philosophy of freedom of the press
did not coincide with the board's.
Although students have a major-
ity on the board the effectiveness
of their opinion is hampered by
the fact that the Board of Trus-
tees has ultimate power over any
decision the students may have.
Hommes explained that the
Wheaton campus has been going
through a controversy on freedom
of the press for almost two years.
Besides the trustees' suspension of
KODON, the publication of an-
other magazine, Brave Son, was
ended last spring after three
issues. According to Fein, how-
ever, it was only a trial run any-
way, and there was no intention
to publish beyond the first three.
Freedom and Resonsibility
Critique rose in response to the
atmosphere created by actions like
these, Hommes said, but he point-
ed out that the magazine was in
no way connected with the college.
The last issue had five articles
on freedom and responsibility, he
said, but none of them were spe-
cifically concerned with matters
relating to events on the campus.
The Record has gained editorial
freedom and has contained sev-
eral articles Hommes termed
"thorns in the administration's
side" but there has been no at-
tempt at censorship. The board
has final reviewing powers over
articles but they can only censor
after the article has been pub-
A presidential ad hoc committee
has been set up to study a as-
pects of campus publications, but
Hommes said the members would
strongly support the administrat-
ors' position. He said he doubted
anything would result in the area
of losening up the controls. over
student publications.
Negroes Map
New Strategy
ing at least one semester service
on IQC, has been defeated by 12
houses, and is "virtually dead."
In order to pass, an amendment
must be approved by 16 of the 24
men's houses in the quadrangles.
After the necessary house approv-
al is won, a proposed amendment
must be approved by Student Gov-
ernment Council and then by the
Residence Halls Board of Gover-
'Not Surprised'
Bourland, who said he was "not
surprised" that the Strauss House
amendment passed and the IQC-
supported amendment failed, in-
dicated that he will take the
Strauss amendment to the Resi-
dence Halls Board of Governors
at their next' meeting.
John Koza, '64, co-author of the
approved amendment, said that an
attempt will be made tonight to
place the new qualifications before
SGC, but action there tonight is
uncertain since the agenda is al-
ready decided and any discussion
of the amendment would have to
be preceded by amendment of the
East Quadrangle Vice-President
Jeffrey Laizure, '64, termed the
Strauss amendment "a victory for
all true advocates of election re-
Criticizes Amendment
Curtis Huntington, '64, sponsor
of the defeated version of the
amendment, recently charged that
the Strauss amendment would
open up IQC to presidential candi-
dates lacking "necessary" experi-
ence on IQC.
Another amendment now cir-
culating which would-remove vot-
ing power of the IQC treasurer,
secretary and vice-president has
been approved by nine houses and
rejected by five, according to Koza.
IFC Charges
.for Violation
Seven fraternities were fined
for violation of the Inter-Frater-
nity Council's initiation grade
point requirement, making a two
point overall average requisite for
IFC, Executive Vice-President
Richard Mandel, '64, said, "In
each of these cases, there were
extenuating circumstances. Pledges
were initiated into the fraternity
before their grade point average
was officially known.
"Since the members have gone
through initiation, the IFC is un-
able to force the members in viola-
tion to de-activate."'
Fines ranged from $25-$75. Fra-
ternities involved were Psi Upsilon,
Kappa Alpha Psi, Acacia, Sigma
Alpha Mu, Theta Xi and Lambda
Chi Alpha. The Theta Xi fine was
suspended because the University
apparently made a mistake on the
transcript of the pledge involved,
Mandel explained.
... Arab unity
fBill .N.ears
Final Stage
Special To The Daily
LANSING - The stage is being
set for final passage of higher
education appropriation bills, in-
cluding a $38.2 million sum stated
for the University.
During floor debate scheduled
for today, House Democrats plan
to attempt increasing the allot-
ments. Minority leader Joseph J.
Kowalski (D-Detroit) said they
will caucus this morning to deter-
mine the areas in which amend-
ments will be offered.
Such efforts by the Democrats
have been commonplace during
recent years, however, and invar-
iably are squashed by the GOP
Money Bills
After debate on general orders
is completed, the money bills will
go to third reading and final pass-
age tomorrow or Friday.
The House will be considering
$122.6 million in operating budgets
and $19.8 million in capital outlay
for Michigan's universities, plus
thew $1.5 million "quick-action"
fund proposed by Gov. George
Romney for planning new college
Rep. Gilbert E. Bursley (R-Ann
Arbor) said he expects no signifi-
cant cuts or additions on these
sums, which were passed by the
Senate two weeks ago.
Research Subsidy
The upper chamber, meanwhile,
will be debating another Romney-
backed project: the $750,000 fund
to subsidize university research
projects designed to suggest means
of beefing up the state's economy.
The Legislature is far ahead of
its appropriations timetable of
1962-last year, the universities
didn't receive their appropriations
until mid-June.
In other Lansing developments,
it appears that a Senate investi-
gation of lobbying practices of
Michigan State University's ex-
tension service will be delayed un-
til after the legislative term ends,
June 7.
Sen. Garry Brown (R-School-
craft), expected to head the team
of five investigators soon to be ap-
pointed by the committee on com-
mittees, said the legislators would
be too tied up with Senate affairs
to launch their probe during the
regular session.
CAIRO 0")-Egypt, Syria and
Iraq today formally proclaimed
their intention to form a unified
nation based on a mixture of Arab
socialism, Western democracy and
bits of Karl Marx.
In a final communique ending a
10-day meeting, Egyptian Presi-
dent Gamal Abdel Nasser and del-
egates from the other two Arab
countries outlined principles for
a future constitution and a na-
tional charter stating the philoso-
phy of the new United Arab Re-
While the charter rang with
Marxist c6ndemnation of capital-
ism, imperialism and reaction, the
principles of the new constitution
were clearly drawn from European
parliamentarianism plus the Amer-
ican Constitution.
Long Affair
The communique also indicated
that formation of the new state
uniting 38 million people will be
a long affair, with the actual con-
stitution yet to be written and the
whole thing to be presented later
to a plebescite of the three states.
On paper, the new state guaran-
tees freedoms of speech, religion
and the press more substantial
than any now enjoyed by the
citizens of the three nations.
The new state will have a single
president and a two-house legis-
lative system-one house resemb-
ling the American Senate and the
other a European chamber of dep-
uties. One house will be named by
proportional representation, and
in the other each state will have
equal representation. Both houses
would elect a president, said the
Midnight Signing
The agreement was signed soon
after midnight in former Egyptian
King Farouk's old Kubbeth Palace.
Nasser signed first, followed by
30 others who took part in the long
The Syrian and Iraqi delega-
tions were expected to fly home
to Damascus and Baghdad later
in the day.
Popular celebrations are expect-
ed in all these capitals, particu-
larly Damascus to which a plane-
load of Egyptian singers, musicians
and entertainers has been sent
to help add to the festivities.
The communique said the new
constitution and the name of the
first president will be put to a
plebiscite by Sept. 17.
The unified state would formally
come into existence upon pro-
clamation of the results of the
plebiscite. Another 20 months
would then be allowed for elec-
tion of a legislature and other
federal institutions in the con-
stitution, and the transitional
period of the new state would then.
be ended.
Elections will be by secret pop-
ular ballot and equal rights are
guaranteed for women, the com-
munique said.
Senatr Viws Scit'Chleg
Several Setbacks
"A tough question for all members of our society, but especially
those who will lead America, is whether a free society can endure
in the kind of world we find ourselves in today," Sen. Philip A. Hart
(D-Mich) said at the annual Law School honors day banquet last
Just'having the best weapons or reaching the moon first is not
enough for the task. The United States must have the best ideas
possible, because ideas are thet
ultimate way to survival, Hart not-
"We must make sure our sense
of values is sound and know that
most of our judgments must be
tentative, since most problems
won't be solved by a single prin-
ciple. Ideas can be dangerous, but
lawyers should know that the sup-
pression of ideas can be fatal to a
free society."
Man of Principle
Former Supreme Court Justice
Oliver Wendell Holmes once said
that he did not trust a man of
principle. This statement applies
to the man that follows a single
principle, announces his aim and
leaps forward, Hart commented.
"Holmes was pointing out that
the man to watch is the person
who over-simplifies the problem
and sets us off on a course without
knowledge of competing princi-
An example of competing princi-
ples is involved in the civil rights
question which faces Congress to-
day, Hart said.
Federal Paradox
"On the one hand, the federal
government fights discrimination
with its troops, while, on the oth-
er, it supplies money for the very
programs it is trying to eliminate."
The government gives money to
impacted school districts, which
may show no signs of desegregat-
ing, Hart explained.
One side may demand that mon-
ey be shut off. Yet there is the
question of whether this principle
is really sufficient to deny good
schools to children anywhere in
this country, Hart said.
Equality of Treatment
"The over-riding principle is
equality of treatment. Let the
money be used for programs that
admit everybody and if they do
not want these terms, they should
not take the money."
The point is that some very able
civil rights advocates take another
position, and who is to say wheth-
er "I'm right and he's wrong,"
Hart said.
Hart Hopeful
About Park
Senator Philip Hart (D-Mich)
yesterday indicated that he was
optimistic that Michigan would
soon have- a national park at
Sleeping Bear Dunes near Tra-
verse City.
"I am hopeful that we will get
the park in order to preserve one
of the remaining beautiful areas
in the state," Hart said. He noted
that the establishment of such a
park would be an economic stim-
ulus to the entire state, especially
the northern lower peninsula.
Hart and Sen. Patrick V. Mc-
Namara D-Mich) for the second
consecutive year have introduced
a bill to make the area a national'
park. "I am encouraged that we
are this far after two years. It
took five years to get parks in
Cape Cod and Texas," he com-
Smaller Park
Since Rep. Robert Griffin R-
Traverse City), has also introduced
a bill to establish a national park
in the area (although of a, smaller
size), Hart noted that now it is
just a matter of "identifying the
right area."
The senator, who is a co-sponsor
of the National Service Corps
(domestic Peace Corps) bill re-
cently submitted to the Senate,
said that he is "convinced that
the corps could do for us what the
Peace Corps did for the countries
that it served."
The Peace Corps was of "enorm-
ous value" for the nation and the
host nation, he said. The work of
the corps helped Americans to dis-
cover "that we are this kind of
people," and are committed to aid-
ing others.
Hard Push
Hart predicted that the admin-
istration is "going to push the bill
hard" and that it may go through.
Hart said that there had been
no change in the status of a $50
million space-electronics research
center now scheduled for the Bos-
ton area.
The senator had urged last
month that the National Aero-
nautics and Space Administration
relocate the center on North Cam-
pus after an article in the Wall
Street Journal indicated that the
Boston area was not happy to gain
this facility.
"It makes sense to build the
facility here. If the agency sees a
need for expansion, I hope the
University would get a facility,"
Hart commented.
He refused to make any predic-
tion on the fate of President John
F. Kennedy's federal aid to educa-
tion program, but noted its divi-
sion into separate packages made
it more likely some elements would
... park bill
.Ask Change
In SGC Plan.
Student Government Council
will consider major changes in
officer election procedure-requir-
ing Regental approval of altera-
tions in the Council plan-at its
regular meeting tonight.
Recommendations from t h e
Council's executive committee
would provide for the campus-wide
election of the president and ex-
ecutive vice-president who would
run on the same slate.
Losing slates would retain the
possibility of election as regular
SGC membeis.
Tie Vote
The executive vice-president
would take over chairmanship
duties from the president, and
would only vote in case of a tie.
The president would only be able
to vote to make a tie on any mo-
tion within 24 hours after its
The administrative vice-presi-
dent and treasurer would be ap-
pointed by the president with the
consent of Council, and could be
removed at any time by the presi-
dent or by a two-thirds vote by
The proposals will be discussed
in a committee of the whole de-
bate. Executive Vice-President Ed-
win Sasaki, Grad, expects passage
of at least parts of the motion
tonight or next week.
Rule To Vote
However President T h o m a s
Brown, '63BAd, explained that it
would be unlikely for SGC to sus-
pend its rule to vote, and would
instead refer the proposals to the
Committee on Student Concerns.
The original plans came from the
Council will also act on a prior-
ity schedule for calendaring stu-
dent activities in the forthcoming
academic year, and a motion from
Sasaki that would include the
Graduate Student Council execu-
tive board in the interviewing
committee for student representa-
tion on. the University Senate's
See Danger
Of Growing
Civil Strife
Kong Le Withdraws,
Attempts Link-Up
Of Separated Troops
VIENTIANE MP) -- Neutralist
forces suffered more setbacks yes-
terday in the struggle with the
pro-Communist Pathet Lao in the
east-central highlands, increasing
fears that all-out civil war may
again engulf Laos.
Neutralist sources said the
Pathet Lao drove neutralist troops
from Ban Kosi, a stronghold on
the main road between Xieng
Khouang and the nearby Plaine
des Jarres. They retreated along
a jungle path to Ban Boua, south
of the road.
It was the first withdrawal by
the neutralist forces of Gen. Kong
Le since the collapse of a cease-
fire shortly after it was arranged
on Sunday.
Trapped at Road
The neutralist troops have been
trapped along the main road since
they were driven out of the pro-
vincial capital of Xieng Khouang
on April 7.
Apparently Kong Le's units were
striving desperately to link up
with 'others at Dong Danh, the
only other neutralist post on the
road between Xieng Khouang and
the Plaine des Jarres, where the
bulk of Kong Le's 5,000 troops are
encamped. Dong Danh is six miles
west of Ban Kosi and 7%/ miles
from the mountain-ringed Plaine
des Jarres.
Dissident neutralist forces now
lined up with Pathet Lao Gen,'
Sinkapo Chounramany occupy
Lathuang, west of Dong Danh,
making a retreat impossible along
the main road.
Atmosphere Tense
Neutralist sources described the
atmosphere at Kong Le's head-
quarters as tense. He held an ur-
gent meeting with his staff of-
ficers to map out strategy for
rushing reinforcements to rescue
his troops at Ban Boua.
Informants said Kong Le's un-
willingness to give up Ban Kosi
and Dong Danh led to the col-
lapse of the cease-fire arranged
by Prince Souvanna Phouma, neu-
tralist premier of the coalition
government, in meetings with
Kong Le and the Pathet Lao com-
Nord, Kelley
Hit Legality
Of Constitution
By The Associated Press
LANSING-Michigan's new con-
stitution is facing charges from
two quarters as the document goes
to the Board of State Canvassers
for certification today.
A Detroit attorney asked the
state Supreme Court on Monday to
cancel adoption of the new Con-
Dr. Melvin Nord, a delegate to
the Constitltional Convention, ask-
ed for an order to stop the Board
of State Canvassers from certify-
ing the result of the April 1 elec-
He claimed that the election
was faulty because a separate bal-
lot was not used on the constitu-
tional question in precincts which
used voting machines.
Attorney General Frank J. Kel-
ley has said that he will ask the
court to dismiss Nord's request.
No Legal Basis
Robert Derengoski, one of At-
torney General Frank Kelley's
aides, noted yesterday that "Nord's
demands have no legal basis, as
they had separate levers on the
Kelley has challenged the valid-
ity of the new constitution's legis-
lative apportionment section.
There is some question as to
whether or not the apportionment
provision, under which the Senate
is apportioned 20 per cent on pop-
ulation, is legal under the United
States constitution, Kelley says.
K ercIu C alls Situation Calm'
In Ole Miss Painting Crisis
"Everything has temporarily halted" at the University of Missis-
sippi in the crisis caused by five paintings.
According to G. Ray Kerciu, assistant professor of art, and the
artist of the paintings which concerned last fall's riots in Oxford, the
controversy has cooled.
Charges were brought against Prof. Kerciu by Charles Black-
well for one specific painting entitled "America the Beautiful." The
Oedipus Tex Comes to Town
- painting depicted the Confederate
flag with segregationist slogans
smeared across it.
Violation Charged
Blackwell, a third year law stu-
dent at the university, and past
state chairman of Patriotic Ameri-
can Youth, an extreme right-wing
.organization, charged that Prof.
Kerciu had violated the 'Missis-
sippi law by desecrating the Con-
federate flag, and by publically
displaying obscene expressions.
Prof. Kerciu declared that the
slogans on the flag were expres-
sions that he had heard during
the integration of the university.
The local chapter of the AAUP
unanimously adopted a resolution
asking university administration
to defend Prof. Kerciu "openly and
officially." The statement said fur-
ther that "it is the obligation of
every member of a university fac-
ulty to examine his world thought-
fully and fearlessly, and to ex-
press his findings . .."
Paintings Removed
The five paintings were remov-
Liquor. for the Vicar?
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (4)-Negro
integration leaders mapped strate-
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