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April 05, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-04-05

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Fair and sunny for
beginning of vacation


Years of Editorial Freedom



U.S. Halts Greenwood Action

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''RnsTrd in Research Spending


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The government yesterday with-
drew its request for a temporary
restraining order banning inter-
ference with Negro registration in
Greenwood, Miss.
In return, Greenwood officials
have agreed to stay the sentences

of the eight Student Nonviolent
Coordinating Committee workers
arrested on disorderly conduct
charges last week. They were par-
ticipating in a voter registration
march at the time of their arrest.
The government has filed for a
permanent injunction against in-

Legislation on Fair Housing
Awaits Committee Referral
First ward Democratic councilman Lynn Eley moved second
reading and passage of proposed fair housing legislation at last
night's Ann Arbor City Council meeting, but council agreed on a
substitute motion instead.
In response to Eley's action, third ward councilman Henry V.
Aquinto said that the council's Fair Housing Committee had not yet

.. final meeting
Cites Basis
For Unrest
"The problems of Latin America
are many' and vast, but can best
be understood in terms of the
different types of societies and
economies prevalent in this area,"
Martin C. Needler of the political
science department said yesterday.
"One type of agricultural econ-
omy exists in the Indian mountain
V Ill a g e s, where subsistence,
starchy crops are harvested by
primitive methods. The farms are
occasionally autonomous, but more
often owned by professional land-
owners and run on a feudal sys-
"These mountain societies, rem-
nants of the old Indian Empire,
have an economic system straight
out of the 14th century," Needler
Poverty Problem
As a result, low standards of
living and exploitation of the In-
dians are the biggest political
problems inthe mountains.
Lowland areas surrounding the
Caribbean are inhabited largely by
people with some African ances-
try. Plantation crops for export,
not domestic consumption, are
grown here.
"These societies are not living
in the traditional agricultural way
of life; they have a new, organ-
ized agricultural economy and us-
ually modern equipment. T h e
plantations are often owned by1
foreign investors.-
Fluctuating. Prices
"Problems arise because of fluc-
tuation in export prices, dissatis-
faction with foreign-owned com-
panies and cultural conflicts,"
Needler explained.
A phenomenon also causing re-
cent political unrest in Latin
America is termed "the revolution
of rising expectations." In many]
under - d. veloped areas citizens
have hadta glimpse ofconven-
iences of the modern world, thanks
to .American tourists and other
outside contacts. They are begin-
ning to realize these consumer lux-
uries exist, but are unavailable to
"Students, in addition, have1
served as annoutside agitating
force. Current political upheavals
are often results of peasant move-
ments led by students operating
in the hill areas," Needler claimed.<
"The political problems of Latin1
America have become more acuteE
in both rural and urban areas be-
cause of the population explosion.
The growth is greatest in Indian
areas, where a low standard of

*met to decide on legislation. He
therefore moved to have the com-
mittee refer its decision on the
proposed ordinance and amend-
ments back to council at next
Monday's meeting.
Both Eley and Aquinto ended
their tenure at last night's meet-
Eley Resists
Eley, in calling for council pass-
age of the ordinance, said he was
opposed to an. advisory vote, call-
ing it the "easy way out."
Council has the responsibility to
do the right thing from an ethical
standpoint, he said. "Passing the
decision on to the voter would be
in violation of the council idea of
representation of people and of
the general public interest.
Ethical Representation
"The responsibility of ethical
representation of council makes
fair housing legislation different
from other advisory votes."
However, Eley defended the
people's right to a referendum. A
petition may be initiated for char-
ter amendment which would void
a council action.
"Those persons who are aggriev-
ed and wish to continue to dis-
criminate should take the burden
to begin a referendum."
Aquint, in calling for Fair
Housing Committee referral, said,
"I do not feel that council has
had the opportunity to sit down
and discuss the ordinance."
Other Action
In other action, council ap-
proved use of Riverside Park by
the Spring Weekend Central/Com-
In addition it took action to
acquire park property through an
agreement with Eugene Leslie. The
city pays interest on principal
until either death of both Leslie
and his wife or payment of
$400,000. The land could be used
for a golf course.
In final remarks at his last
council meeting, Eley urged bet-
ter subdivision regulations to pro-
vide an improved procedure for
either city acceptance or rejection
of park land dedicated by the
Smith To Give
Report on Bias
After Recess
Dean Allan Smith of the Law
School said last night that he has
not yet completed an appraisal of
the conflicting arguments on af-
filiate membership selection.
One was presented by the Harris
report; the other by anopposing
sorority lawyers' brief.
His opinion was expected thisr
week, but will probably not be1
completed until the week after1
spring vacation.7
Smith was asked two weeks ago
by University President Harlan
Hatcher to evaluate the merits of1
the proposals of Prof. Robert J.
Harris of the Law School, regard-1
ing Student Government Council's
authority to withdraw recognition
from student organizations.
.Five sororities face withdrawal
of recognition for non-compliance
with a Council regulation which
prohibits membership selection on
the basis of race, color or national
Council approved of the Harris
suggestions for SGC appointment
of a membership judge and formu-
lation of rules and procedures, and
expected that Vice-President for
Student Affairs James A. Lewis
would take the report to the Re-
gents on March 22.
However, a letter from the

terference with voter registration,
but this will not go before court
until late May, according to SNCC
coordinator Robert Moses.
Moses said he could not predict
the effect the permanent injunc-
tion-if passed-would have on
attempts to register Negroes with-
out violence. "I do not even know
in what form the injunction will
be presented," he said.
Although the Greenwood police
have agreed not to harass Negroes
attempting to register, Moses said
38 Negroes on their way to regis-
ter at the Greenwood courthouse
yesterday turned back because
they were afraid of being arrested.
Police were taking their pictures
at every intersection, he added.
An estimated 400 Negroes have
applied to register but only about
10 of these have been registered,
he commented. There is a 30-day
waiting period in Mississippi be-
tween the time the application for
registration is filed and the time
the decision is made public as to
whether the application meets the
state's qualifications.
Negro comedian Dick Gregory
led a voter registration march
Wednesday in which 19 Negroes
were arrested. Eleven of these are
'still in jail, Moses explained. The
others have been released. Gregory
led the 38 marchers yesterday also
but said he turned back because
he did not want to take the re-
sponsibility f o r "harassment"
from the police.
Yesterday afternoon Gregory
led another group of Negroes seek-
ing to register. Moses -said they
drove to the courthouse in cars
this time and returned in a bus
provided by the Greenwood police.
The clerks at the registration of-
fice were accepting registration
applications three at a time but
Moses said he had no idea how
many were registered in all.
Greenwood Mayor Charles E.
Sampson and other local officials
said they were "happy the justice
department had withdrawn its ap-
plication. This means law enforce-
ment will remain in local hands,"
they commented.
Sit-Ins Face
Jail Terms
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (>)-Com-
missioner Eugene Connor warned
yesterday that "I will fill that
jail full" if Negroes violate Birm-
ingham's segregation laws.
Connor's statement came in the
face of an announcement by Negro
intergration leaders that they have
initiated a massive nonviolent
campaign to erase racial barriers
in the southern city.
Connor, who directs the police
department, put the burden on
the city merchants.
Merchant Cooperation
"If the merchants do not co-
operate with police, we cannot
move Negro sit-inners from the
buildings," Connor said.
"Of the five places they en-
tered on Wednesday, only one
store cooperated with Birmingham
police. Therefore we had to let
them sit in the other stores, which
is a disgrace."
Twenty-one Negroes were ar-
rested in that one store on charges
of trespass after warning. Later
it was announced that Birming-
ham is now the center of integra-
tion efforts in the South.
King Statement
Connor, who was defeated for
mayor by former Lt. Gov. Albert
Boutwell Tuesday in a change of
government runoff election, refer-
red to a statement by the Rev.
Martin Luther King, Jr., leading
the efforts, that he would remain
in Birmingham until the city is
"I don't know how long I will be
here," Connor said, "but King can
rest assured that as long as I am

here he better tell his crowd not
to violate any laws."

... rebel fleet

The University ranks third
in the nation in total research
expenditures, second in the
number of researchers, but fifth
in the number of projects, a
survey of 98 major collegiate
research institutions indicates.
The April issue of Industrial
Research reports its survey of
98 institutions. The survey cov-
ers all the major research-edu-
cation institutions except Har-
vard, which did not reply.
The survey is part of an over-
all study of university research.
In addition to the survey, the
issue features articles on the
major research institutions, in-
cluding one by Vice-President
for Research Ralph A. Sawyer,
who describes the University's
$1.2 Billion in 1960
In 1960, the magazine reports,
universities spent $1.2 billion
in research, and approximately
52,000 persons did research
Of this total, the federal gov-
ernment provided approximate-
ly $890 million; the institu-
tions, $120 million; industry,
$50 million; and other sources,
$50 million.
Approximately 40 per cent of
the federal funds went into the

operation of governmental re-
search facilities-as the Uni-
versity of California's Los Ala-
mos Scientific Laboratory.
Top Spender: Defense
In 1960, the Defense Depart-
ment supplied 39 per cent of the
funds, the Public Health Serv-
ice, 30 per cent; the National
Science Foundation, 11 per
cent; and the Atomic Energy
Commission, eight per cent. At
the time, the National Aero-
nautics and Space Administra-
tion was just beginning to ex-
pand its research facilities.
This money went to 465 dif-
ferent institutions, 296 public
and 169 private, between 1955
and 1960.
However, 186 of the approxi-
mately 2000 colleges and uni-
versities in this country do
about 97 per cent of all re-
$2 Billion This Year
The magazine estimates that
$2 billion will be spent this
year on research by all educa-
tional institutions.
The 98 units surveyed will
spend $1.019 billion, 73 per cent
of which will be for basic re-
More than 62 per cent of the
funds will come from the feder-
al government; the institutions

A rgentine
A rmnis Lice
mander of Argentina's rebel navy
fleet returned to Buenos Aires late
last night and resumed truce talks
with the government.
But reports from the remaining
rebel stronghold at Puerto Bel-
grano indicated some diehards
planned to defy 'any settlement
and battle the Loyalists to the
Rear Adm. Eladio Vazquez ar-
rived at the defense ministry and
went into consultation with rep-
resentatives of President Jose Ma-
ria Guido.
Called Back Ships
Vazquez had called his powerful
fleet back to Puerto Belgrano, 350
miles south of Buenos Aires, dur-
ing . the' day and the big naval
base appeared ready for renewed
truce talks or a showdown battle
with tank-led Loyalist forces.
Retired Adm. Isaac Rojas, re-
puted to be one of the leaders of
the three-day-old revolt, sent
word by messenger to a friend
here that the navy would fight to
the last. "We shall win," said the
note, assertedly written by Rojas
on shipboard. \
Rojas, a former provisional vice-
president of the country, also was
saying that Vazquez, oldest Argen-
tine admiral in active service, no
longer represented the navy.
Back to Power
The messenger said Rojas de-
clared, "What appears to be a
last redoubt in Puerto Belgrano
will be the starting point for a
winning fight back to power."
Support from other military ele-
ments had waned, however, and
the navy seemed left alone against
Loyalist army and air force
The Loyalist army command
said columns of troops were on
the march to Puerto Belgranofor
an attack. Loyalist forces had
been reported at Bahia Blanca; a
city of about 100,000 people 18
miles from the naval base.
Remove Threat
The fleet's return to port re-.
moved the threat of an attack by
sea on Buenos Aires, and satisfied
a condition for renewal of the
talks that broke up earlier in the,
Army Commander-in-Chief Juan
Carlos Ongania issued a long com-
munique reaffirming the Army's
stand against a return of Com-
munism. Navy rebels fear that fol-
lowers of ex-dictator Juan Peron
will regain power if national elec-
tions are held in June as planned.'
Last Issue
With this issue The Daily
c ea s es publication for the
Spring recess. The nextrissue
will be Tuesday, April 16.

will provide 17 per cent; indus-
try, seven per cent; foundations,
eight per cent; alumni gifts,
one per cent; and other sources,
five per cent.
The physical sciences will
receive 32 per cent ($193 mil-
lion); the life sciences 30 per
cent ($185 million); engineer-
ing, 18 per cent ($116 million);
social sciences, five per cent
($36 million); and other areas
-mainly agriculture-14 per
cent ($87 million).
Academic Departments
Sixty-six per cent of the re-
search of the 98 institutions will
be carried out by academic de-
partments. Experiment stations
will do 16 per cent, while affili-
ated research institutions and
foundations will conduct 12 per
The University will spend $36
million this fiscal year, putting
it third among the 98 institu-
tions. The University of Cali-
fornia is first with $300 million.
However, this figure is spread
over seven campuses and in-
cludes research facilities owned
by the federal government.
Cornell University is second
with $45.2 million, Columbia
University is fourth at $34.8
million and the University of
Illinois is fifth at $34.5 million.

In sixth place, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology will
spend $24.621 million this year.
The 98 universities average
$10.6 million in research spend-
ing. The average number of
projects per institution is 440.
'U' Fifth Numerically
The University, with 1300
research projects, is fifth-tied
with the University of Minne-
sota. Pennsylvania State Uni-
versity ranks first with 2500
projects, and the Universities of
Illinois and Wisconsin are sec-
ond with 2004each. Michigan
State University is third with
1600 projects and Johns Hop-
kins University was fourth with
However, in the number of re-
searchers employed, the Uni-
versity is second with 1900-
tied with the University of
Wisconsin. The University of Il-
linois and Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity are first with 2000. Loui-
siana State University is third
with 1800 and Cornell Universi-
ty is fourth with 1500.
Reviewing its survey, the
magazine finds "little evidence
to support the belief that col-
leges and universities have
changed their educational phi-
losophies as the result of the
research emphasis."

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Raiders Vow To Attack

I vestigate
tP ractice
Cuba To Explore
C"" b . . Pst Tactics
t Charge Pressure,
Factual Distortion
By Extension Service
The lobbying practices of Mich-
igan State University's Extension
Service in trying to avoid a $368,-
000 cut in appropriations will soon
be investigated by the state Sen-


By The Associated Press
MIAMI-Seventeen sea raiders,
freed from a Bahamas' jail yes-
terday, chugged off in their 35-
foot boat proclaiming they were
on the warpath once more against
Cuban Premier Fidel Castro.
For more than eight hours they
cruised west toward Miami rather
than south toward Cuba, reported
a United States Coast Guard plane
which kept a running tab on the
little motorboat Violynn III. Coast
Guardsmen chuckled at a rebel
contention that darkness would
interfere with continued surveil-
lance of the craft.
Underground sources in Miami
said they ordered 16 Cubans and
one American aboard to swing
southward at 8:30 p.m. and ren-
dezvous with a sister craft, which
would provide ammunition to re-
place that confiscated by British
naval units that captured the Vio-
lynn III Sunday.
A possible deterrent to sailing
the Violynn III to Miami was the
prospect of seizure there for inves-
tigation of claims that the craft
took on its martial equipment at
Naples, Fla.-a contention the
crew denied.
Meanwhile, in New York, the
leader of another anti-Castro
group asserted that American col-
lege students soon will be used in
a series of commando raids against
Alexander I. Rorke Jr., a former
reporter, said more than 200 stu-
dents already have taken part in
activities of his organization, call-
ed United States Freedom Fight-
They attend Harvard, Boston
College, Miami University, Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology,
Princeton University and the Uni-
versity of Indiana, Rorke told a
So far, he said, the work of the
organization has been limited

mainly to taking agents, weapons
and supplies into Cuba.
But when the "facilities are
available" within the next few
monthsbthe organization will be-
gin commando raids and guerrilla
activity, Rorke said.
He said the raids would orig-
inate on small Cuban islands near
Cuba's mainland and would be in-
dependent of the United States
Meanwhile, the repatriation of
American citizens and their de-
pendents in Cuba has been sus-
pended on order of thebCastro gov-
ernment, the Swiss embassy learn-
ed yesterday.
A source said the government
was against having installments
of the ransom for the Bay of Pigs
invaders being delivered in ships
which will not return to the Unit-
ed States and therefore cannot
take emigres with them.
"The government of Cuba feels
that the decision to send ships
which do not return to America is
discriminating against those who
want to leave but cannot qualify
for repatriation," the source said.
Castro also placed all private
and state goods and services under
price control yesterday.

... opposition continues

Prices will be set according to
"conditions of production or im-
portation and the population's
standard of living and will be fix-
ed so that they aid in the 'estab-
lishment of equilibrium between
demand and supply," the an-
nouncement said.

House Committee, on Labor
Scraps Minimum.Wage Bill
By The Associated Press
LANSING-The Republican-controlled House Committee on La-
bor scrapped the last of six minimum-wage bills under legislative
consideration yesterday.
Rep. Reimer Van Til (R-Holland), committee chairman, ex-
plained that setting of a wage floor was "not a proper governmentj
function" and would contribute to unemployment and inflation.
The action was a blow to Gov. George Romney who had set'
adoption of a minimum wage as one of his goals. However, the Gov-
ernor stated that he would "con-
tinue to support passage of mini-
Imum wage legislation at this ses-
sion" but declined to describe any
specific action he might take. j
Power Rep Josep J. oa
P o w er House Democratic floor leader'
troit) said that his party will prob-
ably move to force the bill to the
with principles. Both the President floor for a vote by the full House.
and Congress have too many poli- Democrats have tried similar ac-
tical restraints upon their action tion in the past, including once
to do so. Often they are glad when this session, and have continually
the court recalls them to prin- failed in the face of solid Republi-'
ciple, he said. can opposition.
"What the court does above all The bill would have set a $1.15
is to require the other branches wage floor for workers not al-

In establishing a special five-
man committee mandated to con-
duct its inquiry during the sum-
mer, the legislators charged the
extension service with misrepre-,
sentation of fact and unnecessar-
ily heavy pressure tactics, Sen.
Stanley G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor)
explained last night.
A resolution approving the in-
vestigation was passed by voice
vote with "no problems on the
floor," Thayer reported.
To Name Investigators
The Committee on Committees,
which he chairs, will appoint the
five members "within a few days ,'
Sen. Garry Brown (R-School
craft), who sponsored the resolu-
tion, will probably head the team
of investigators, Thayer indicated.
MSU President John A. Hannah
could not be reached for comment.
Thayer emphasized, however, that
the complaints were aimed only
at the extension service, and not
at any of MSU's other legislative
Also, Thayer reported that let-
ters were sent out from extension
service agents in Washtenaw
County which deliberately overem-
phasized and "misrepresented"
how great an effect the $368,000
cut actually would have.
He and Sen. Frank Beadle (R-
Port Huron), chairman of the Sen-
ate Appropriations Committee
which, recommended the slash,
pointed outthat the MSU exten-
sion programs still would have a
budget of about $4 million-$2
million from the state and $2 mil-
lion in federal funds.
With a budget of this size, a
$368,000 slash just "doesn't go to
the core of the extension pro-
grams," Thayer said.
Needs Coordination
He added that the incident
points up a need for better state-
wide coordination of higher educa-
tion's "fringe areas," such as ap-
propriations lobbying.

Lewis Views Supreme Court

"Why should a group of men
without responsibility to constitu-
ents be given the power exercised
by the justices of the United
States Supreme Court?" Anthony
Lewis asked the Lawyers Club


ues from the radical Congresses,
he pointed out that the Court is
"way out ahead of Congress in
dealing with racial injustices."
"The reason the Court has acted
on the legal question is that Con-
gress has failed to move into the
area." He said that with 45 per


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