Se&sy-Third Yaw Emu AN MANAGED 1Y STUENs Or THE UTmvERSITY O MxC"GAN UNDER AUTHOIrT OW BOARD DI CONTROL O STUDENT PUNLKATrONS "Where Opinions Are Free SjtJD rPuxcAj oN' sB . ANN BOAx p , MudH., PHoNE No 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. URSDAY, APRIL 4,1963 NIGHT EDITOR: BARBARA LAZARUS LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Asks Fraternities To Comply with Bylaw The Unversity Presidency: Policies and Problems r T0MOST STUDENTS, the president of their university Is an imposing and aloof figure, visible only at the times of the institution's major rituals. The president is on hand to welcome the student into the university and to usher him out at commencement. For many, he is the first symbol of the university and for even more, his image in academic robes is the lasting picture carried in their minds of the alma mater in the years after graduation. To other groups the president also symbolizes the university. Faculty members variously see him as the educational leader of an academic )community or as the institution's chief sales- mhan to foundations, alumni and state legis- lators. To parents, he may appear to be the surrogate father for their children while they attend the university. To a representative in the state capitol, the president appears as the intellectual embarrassingly holding his hat in his hand for more money or the chummy, back slapping down-to-earth fellow working to aid the state's farmers and industries. To the members of the university's govern- ing board, who inherited the president from a past governing board, he may be the idealistic, impractical head of an organization that just doesn't follow sound business practice or the clever chairman introducing the trustee to problems with a soothing manner calculated to disarm the trustee or convince him that his obligation to the university is greater than the obligation to the people who elected him. To many education analysts, the quality of the university is reflected in the quality of ts president. Mediocre leadership at the top will be evidenced sooner or later throughout the university no matter how decentralized the powerstructure. A dynamic and visionary president will see his university improved. I7HE UNIV RSITY of Michigan is more or less a loose confederation of schools and col- leges. Individual units have a high degree of autonomy'in policy making for their own areas and in the selection of personnel. This is in ;contrast to our neighbor up the way, Michigan State University, where power is more con- centrated in the central administration. The autonomy is praiseworthy as it is dif- ficult to get quality personnel to work in im- portant administrative positions without giving them a large say in policy making. Similarly, strong faculty men want to be able to have the say on how their department is run and do not want to be told who they must accept as new professors or what new courses they must teach. Being president in such a university has its difficulties. One cannot initiate many things without first checking with the department head or professors related to it. Everyone has his pet project and does not want to see it changed from the outside unless he has at least been consulted about it. In a decentralized uni- versity, the too eager president is open to charges of dictatorship. There are other dangers in a decentralized university. It can too easily slide into a col- lection of individual units each charting its own course with no central purpose or ration- ality underpinning the whole apparatus. The president may be afraid to innovate or initiate and the vital processes of coordination, of in- ter-disciplinary approaches to academic con- cerns, of providing new all-university programs will wither away. One can only depend so much on the creativity of deans and depart- ment chairmen; there has to be a man at the top with time enough free to think about the university's problems from a community-wide perspective and come up with new ideas. IN RECENT YEARS, the university president has become more and more of a business man and less and less of an educator. The University of Michigan has a budget of more than $110 million a year-definitely a big busi- ness. But the $110 million is still not enough to satisfy the needs of research and instruction, and most universities have found it necessary to seek actively outside financial help, espe- cially in years when the state legislature ap- proves austerity appropriations. Foundations and alumni have to be contacted and persuad- ed to let loose some of their dollars. This trend in college presidencies has been evidenced by the appointment of successful men, government service officers or armed forces leaders to the position of chief executive officer of educational institutions. Several college heads have resigned their positions, citing the pressure to raise money and thus neglect the more inspiring and desirable duties of an educational leader. Some universities have developed a schizo- phrenic approach to solve the conflict of fi- nancier vs. educator. The president serves as the nominal head of the institution, conducting sessions of the trustees, acting as the symbolic representative of the university on official functions, soliciting funds from alumni and foundations. The chancellor or dean of facul- ties or dean of academic affairs is in charge of the educational programming for the cam- pus, handling faculty and student problems. Such a division, needless to say, is far from ideal. WHAT HAPPENS to the president whose per- formance is less than satisfactory or whose period of tenure coincides with a great shift in the thinking of his board of trustees or faculty? During a 10 to 15 year period, the membership of the governing board can change completely and a whole new generation of faculty men can arise; the ideas of this group about the operations of the university can differ remarkably from the original groups that put the president into office. Sine the president is responsible to the trustees and not the faculty, only the trustees can remove him. But to fire the president for no apparent failure to discharge his duties would be a violation of the university's autonomy and, in a sense, of his academic freedom. A mediocre president, given his job for life (or up to a mandatory retirement age of 70), cannot be removed very easily. His, university may suffer immeasurably from a lack of dyna- mism and vision and little can be done about it, TO SOLVE this specific problem, and in gen- eral to improve the quality of university presidents, several suggestions can be offered. Since a university is run esentially by its facul- ties-they have the right to set academic policy, admit students and determine new faculty members-the faculty should select the presi- dent. The governing board, of course, should have the right to review the selection. The president would be appointed for a five year term, after which his record would be reviewed and the faculty would decide whether or not to give him a second five year contract. Many experts in higher education believe that the university president makes his great- est contributions during his first 10 years as head of the college; after then, he should return to teaching ranks. Such a policy would offset the trend toward professional education- al administrators and keep the presidency as a position to be filled by outstanding mem- bers of the faculty for a fixed amount of time. The rule would be for two five-year terms; in exceptional cases, his term could be extended by vote of the faculty. Faculty determination of the president (with consultation, at least, from students) and limited terms would be a start in getting the university president away from the financial ledger and having him come to grips with the problems of the scholar and student. Our own University needs a thorough-going analysis of this area and a vigorous program to reform k a F f 4 'C.K Ail.. tiF1 { S arr 'r t 1,t jS:V c T F-. : ~v7 't TUE STUDENT PERSONNEL WORKER: Peer Group Influence Grows To the Editor: tN READING Friday's Daily I could not help but get a feeling of disgust when reading the letter of Robert Murphy, referring to Re- gent's Bylaw 2.14. His only cor- rect statement is that the bylaw is directed at the University, but from there on he goes off on a path that is far from true. The University has every right (in fact an obligation) to enforce this bylaw against any and all or- ganizations which operate under the University, whether they be "private" or not. It is really dis- gusting to see the 66 Greek houses on campus get tax reductions, free use of University advertising fa- cilities, lower advertising rates in The Daily and many more ad- vantages over other similar organ- izations simply by claiming that they are "an educational institu- tion operating under the Univer- sity" and then turn around when the University tells them to com- ply with a bylaw of the institu- tion. Most houses on this campus have complied with the regula- tion, yet a few refuse. I think that we have dilly-dallied around long enough and it, is time that we told these houses to comply or get out. Bylaw 2.14 is a statement of policy. It means that the Univer- sity will not discriminate in any of its activities. If the houses which still are not following this policy cannot agree to It. they should not be allowed the priv- ilege of operating as a student or- ganization. -Stan Lubin, '64 UJA... To the Editor: 1ILLEL has informed me today that the time for the United Jewish Appeal campaign is now here. I have been asked to help people "build new lives in the State of Israel." It is true that I should want to help Jews through- out the world, if for no other rea- son than they are living human beings. The only question that keeps my check from going to UJA is: Is UJA the best way to do this? To answer this, I must first know what UJA is; Hillel has nev- er mentioned in its campaign lit-' erature what the constitutiol of. UJA is or how, precisely; it will distribute the $60 million it would like to get this year. The impres- sion I have gotten from other sources is that the Appeal is con- trolled by the Joint Distribution Committee, whose program and role in the tUJA has been constant- ly diminishing over the years, and the United Jewish Appeal., The latter is controlled by the Pales- tine Foundation Fund, which in turn is controlled by the Jewish Agency for Israel, Inc. The Agency is the New York firm that is the recipient of the greater part of the proceeds from UJA drives; between 1955 and 1958, accordingtothe UJA, the Jewish Agency for Israel received $134 million of the $214 million collected by the Appeal. A Jeru- salem agency of the same name is the organization that spends the monies which the Agency for Israel collects. * * * THE ATTORNEY General of the United States has on file a state- ment from the World Zionist Or- ganization, stating: "The Jewish Agency is elected by the Zionist Congress, which meets every two years." Among the projects of the Agency are several designed to encourage Jews, including Ameri- can Jews, to emmigrate to Israel. I don't care to live in Israel; I don't want to spend my money to convince me to go to Israel. Thus, if there is another organi- zation whose purposes are purely philanthropic without Zionistic overtones, I would send my money there. Certainly all non-Zionistic Jews would. But the only such Jewish fund, that I know of, that of the American Council for Juda- ism, gives to "the needy, regardless of faith." Thus, I am faced with the di- lemma of either giving to non-, (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last of three articles about social change within universities.) By RONALD WILTON STUDENT PERSONNEL work is in transition. The change can be seen around the country where small numbers of concerned students are pressing for and gradually getting liberaliz- ed non-academic regulations, It can be seen in higher educational circles where the concepts of "peer group" and "total environ- ment" are being hotly discussed.,It can be seen at the University where Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis and Prof. James Davis, director of the in- ternational center, teach a course in student personnel work by bringing in students, sociologists and economists to lecture on var- ious aspects of society and their relations to students. The prime motivation for the trend has been the growing im- portance of education research on theory concerning the relationship between the academic and non- academic aspects of the student's university life. At one time, and even in some areas today, particularly among faculty members, the prevalent concept is that of the student sitting at the foot of the profes- sor soaking up wisdom. Outside ac- tivities were merely things the student did on the side, of no concern to the faculty. Indeed they were often resented because they took up the student's valuable study time and competed for his attention with the things he learn- ed in class. In the student's total development the pre-college life was considered most important, with the influence of the professor coming a close second. If a student did not do well in a class or did not assimiliate the dispensed in- formation it was his fault for not applying himself. * * * STARTING ABOUT 25 years ago and increasingly in recent times sociologists and educators have been doing surveys and re- search on the impact of college on student opinions and within that framework what people or influ- ences are most important to the student. The results were some- what surprising. It was found that student values and attitudes of- ten changed little and those that did change were most influenced by the overall student community rather than the faculty. More specifically, they were influenced by smaller student peer groups within that community. The faculty was in second place, comfortably alone. It was shown that a professor could go through a class hour and present an in- teresting = and cohesive lesson and yet a five minute bull session in the dormitory could irrevocably destroy it. That this situation may be wounding to faculty pride is understandable, but that it exists cannot be denied. This puts a great responsibility on the shoulders of the student nersonnel worker and student per- IT IS TIME that the universities sat down and came up with a general overall policy of purpose, a purpose defined in terms of stimulating the students's intel- lectual interest in the things around him. This does not mean that students are not trained to fit certain slots in society-no one would deny that doctors and en- gineers are needed. What must happen is that in addition to being trained to fill a social slot the student must be infused with a respect for in- tellectual activity and an interest in those areas that affect him as a responsible citizen in addition to his vocational concerns. This would mean that the Uni- versity accepted as its responsibil- ity the motivation of consistent in- tellectual interest within the stu- dent. At the same time it must 'realize that as of now the bulk of this consistent interest comes from the peer group rather than from the classroom; knowledge of academic facts does not do the job alone. THIS IS NOT yet accepted by everybody with the academic com- munity-the faculty still generally sticks to the "sit at the foot of learning concept." Yet more and more the importance of the peer group is being emphasized. This puts the student personnel worker in a bind. He is, by tradition, not an academically oriented person and thus usually is not a signifi- cant contributor to the stim'ula- tion of the students. At the same time he is the in- strument by which the University, which does not have an overall policy aimed at stimulation, limits the non-academic life of the stu- dent. He may offer the student guidance which all too often is disregarded, because of the stu- dent's inability to identify with this person whom he sees very rarely. There are student personnel workers who have become ex- tremely proficient at spouting the right rhetoric and who can lecture for hours about the value of peer groups and the total community. However when the time comes to enact policy these administrators will emasculate both the value of the policy and -the peer group by tightly limiting the amount of responsibility students are dele- gated for their own and Univer- sity affairs. * *1 * THUS MEANINGFUL discussion and implementation of academic matters is hindered before it ever starts because of the superficial nature of any peer group opera- tion. How can a student who learns about the duties of self-responsi- bility and citizenship in an intro- ductory political science course reinforce these if she goes back to her dormitory and is told she has no power to determine how she will dress at different times? Only if students are allowed to operate in these groups with the freedom to be responsible and make mistakes will their beneficial Following this up, there are other directions the University can take within the framework of an overall philosophy dedicated to building and maintaining the in- tellectual interests and concerns of the student. One of these is the idea of a residential college which would have students who are living together attend the same classes so that once they got out of the classroom they would have some- place to go where they could chew over the academic matter. At present, the University is ser- iously considering the creation of a number of these colleges to handle the increasing enrollment in the coming years. They would probably be limited to around 1000 students each and if the go bhead is given could be operational with- in three to five years. ANOTHER potential option is to recruit student personnel work- ers from the ranks of the faculty. This would be almost essential if ideas such as the residential col- lege and increased student group responsibility are to be effective. This would be another way of bringing academics into the living experience of the student. Student personnel workers have usually thought of their work as having to be complementary to the instructional program in tune with the total objectives of the Univer- sity. Up till now these total ob- jectives have not been stated ad- equately and the non-academic life of the student has been treated as something apart from the edu- cational process. Hopefully, with! educational research putting the value of the peer group and the total environment in its proper perspective, changes will be made to increase the parts they play in the educational process. As of now there are signs that this is being done, slowly to be sure, but the trend is going in the right direction. The transition per- iod will take years, but society as a whole, as well as the students, will benefit as a result. Jewish people or to an ideology to which I do not subscribe. I wonder whether, perhaps, other Daily readers have run into the same problem and could give me some advice on how to get out of this dilemma. -Simon Louis Klein,'63 Bounty .. . To the Editor: I SHOULD LIKE to express hear- ty approval of the editorial by Steven Haller and the letter of Miss Hochman concerning the . bounty system in Michigan. May I add that if anyone wants to do something about it, he may write Rep. Hans C. Rasmussen, chair. man of the House Conservation Committee, urging him to report bills 1022 and 1023 favorably out of committee. These are two excellent bills abolishing bounties. They have been passed by the Senate but will die unless reported out of commit- tee by April 10. We can also help by writing to Rep. Gilbert E. Burs- ley, The Capitol, Lansing, Mch. Whether or not animals can be saved from this terribly painful form of cruelty depends .entirbely upon what legislators hear from the public. -Virginia Halmos, Spec Contact.. To the Editor: TrHE EAST Quadrangle honors banquet Was a joyous occasion for all concerned. Yet, in retro- spect, how many of us realized that seated among the many guests were only six members of the faculty. Two members differ. ed from the rest. Dr. Graf gave a speech. Dr. Copi came as an associate. There were four mem- bers per se. The student and teacher form a cooperating unit, each giving and taking in his turn. When the unit prospers, the outcome of the student is oft times a reflection of the instructor's qualities. When such is the case, should not both sides receive recognition? THERE IS a growing desire for closer relations between the stu- dents and their instructors. This is a main purpose of the Greene House pilot project. The honors banquet could serve as another step. There can be few better causes than scholastic 'honors for linking students with teachers. The medium is present; a desire for knowledge. The banquet can bring them together. -Thomas Betz, '66 STANLEY QUARTET: April .Fool's LAST NIGHT the Stanley Quar- tet presented a diverse pro- gram, containing works by Mozart, Roberto Gerhard, and Brahms. Mozart's quartet in F, K. 590, was his last work composed for' this particular combination of in- struments, and was also the last of a trilogy of "Prussian Quar- tets." The group was dedicated to King Friedrich Wilhelm, a violin- cellist, which accounts for the marked dominance of this par- ticular instrument over the viola and second violin, in most of the movements. * * * OPENING the program, this late Mozartean work turned out to be the evening's high point, as the clarity and balance among the performers was not equalled In either of the other works, and the sensitivity was not at all off- set by technical errors, which play' ers are so prone to commit, and are so obviously detected, here. Only the fourth movement suf- fered, in that the first violin and viola chased each other, to the point where the rapid runs be- came blurred and tangled. The customary modern number -this time, Roberto Gerhard's Quartet No. 2 (1961)-commis- sioned by, the University and dedi- cated to the Stanley Quartet- was slightly too late for April Fool's Day. With noises emitted by bowing above the bridge, glis- sandos, and beating the wood of the instrument with the back of the bow, one could barely help from breaking out into laughter. It is still , wonder how this ever got past the ranks of the Con- temporary Music Festival, onto the same program with a Mozart quar- tet. In the performance, high notes were often squeaked, but then this might have been per Ger- hard's instructions to the perform- er. * * * T]IE FINAL WORK on the pro- gram was the Brahms Quartet in A Minor, Op. 52, No. 2. Sometimes called "Frei aber einsam," (free but lonely), the quartet is in the true lyrical, flowing Brahmsian style. The performance was not bad, but it was far from exciting, as was the Brahms Quartet, Op. it. -MICHAEL OLINICK Editor Aberle: Tempest in a Teapot ] HER CHARGES of political infringment against Brandeis University, Prof. Kathleen Gough Aberle is creating an usual situation-- this time it appears that the faculty member, not the university administration, is at fault. Traditionally, administrators blacken their universities' names by stifling the free expres- sion of faculty and students. However, in this case, strip away the heated charges, counter- charges and emotionalism, and there remains for Prof. Aberle very little of any sort of a case against Brandeis and its president, Abram L. Sachar. Prof. Aberle, in an address to students last October, several days after President Kennedy declared a "national emergency" because of the Cuban situation, expressed strong disapproval of American policy. She said she spoke as a "foreigner" (she is a British citizen) and an "internationalist." Admittedly, her views were strong to Ameri- can ears. She said "I also hope that if there is a limited war Cuba will win and the United If Prof. Aberle is not inordinately sensitive to a simple reprimand, it is possible that she has ulterior motives; otherwise, it is difficult to imagine why she has chosen to make this inci- dent a full-blown anti-Brandeis campaign. After her meeting with President Sachar, Prof. Aberle created some commotion about the reprimand, eventually digging up additional evidence to support the stand that she was being discriminated against for her political views. She has charged that the small salary increase she received, amounting to three- eighths that given to other associate profes- sons indicated an act of censure. Also, she charges that she heard through the 'faculty grapevine that, in 1964 when the question came up, she would not be given tenure. In reviewing the facts, the substance of Prof. Alberle's -case is that she was reprimanded by President Sachar for her manner and timing in giving an address to students, and that he also reprimanded her for dismissing a class to par- ticipate in a peace march. "We're In Complete Accord with The President. We Don't Want To Interfere, With The Legislative Branch of Government" t r s j.