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arose Ranks High in 'M' History
Returning Veterans
Boost Golf Hopes
There's not much question about
t-Michigan this year is losing
)ne of its most outstanding ath-
etes of all time.
If Gil Larose were a football
>layer, he'd make Terry Baket
ook anemic. 'If his gymnastics
alents were transformed to bas-
:etball, Art Heyman would seem
nlld by comparison.
For Larose is, with no ifs, and,
r buts, the best college all-
,round gymnast in the United
States today. The evidence? Dur-
ng the past gym season, he's tak-
n the all-around championship
n every meet he's entered.
Last Chance
Larose's reaction to all this?'
Last fall it occurred to me that
t was my last year here (at
dichigan) and that I had only one
:fance to do some good while
till in college. After I won the
/idwest Open all-around last
)ecember, I felt at least that no
natter what happened -the year
vould be somewhat successful, and
fter the Flint Open, I began to
,ink I could go all the way,
"And if winning the Big Ten
U1-around was a great thrill, win-
ing the NCAA trophy was inde-
eribable." However, winning the
itle in the NCAA is an under-
,tatement--Larose walked away
vith it, scoring in excess of 40
oints over the nearest contender.
"The big difference between this
ear and my sophomore and jun-
>r years," he continued, "is that
his year I was mentally set to
.o all of these things. I think
hat I was physically ready a
ouple of years ago, but I just
ad to convince myself that I
eally could get to the top."
Shines Early
Gilbert Leopold Larose was born
n Montreal on Sept. 13, 1942, and
became evident early in his
fe that he would be a prolific
thlete, although he wasn't on any
igh school athletic teams ("My
igh school had nothing in the
ray of athletics") he kept busy
t Montreal's Immaculate Con-
eption recreation center, swim-
aing, diving, playing tennis, and,
ke every red-blooded Canadian:
oy, playing hockey.
But, most important, he be-
ame interested in gymnastics at
r'maculate Conception. Under thei
uidance of his coach, Jean-Paul
iarcil, he became adept enough
t the sport to compile an impres-
ve list of accomplishments, which
icludes most of the major Quebec
nd Canadian all-around titles.
Loken Finds Him
While all this was going on,
arose was accumulating an aca-
emic record in high school which
nabled him to graduate second in
is class.
It was at the Canadian Cham-
pionships in Toronto that Newt
Loken, Michigan's gymnastics
coach, first witnessed Larose's tal-
ent. Loken, as usual, didn't waste
any time, and soon had the high
school star all wrapped up as a
future Wolverine performer.
The only trouble was that La-
rose didn't know a word of Eng-
lish. He managed to converse with
Loken via Marcil's interpretation,
and Marcil helped him fill out his
entrance forms.
But once he arrived in Ann Ar-
bor, he -was on his own. "I was
taking .a non-credit English course
and a full schedule at the same
time," he recalled with a shudder,
"and it was pretty rough going
for a while. But wtih the help of
,Jim Hynds (his roommate and
fellow gymnast) I survived through
that first awful semester."
Larose's star kept on rising over
the gymnastics world. In his soph-
omore and junior years, he scored
points for Michigan in the Big
Ten and NCAA meets, his top ac-
complishment being four third
places in the 1962 Big Tens.
Traveling Man
Last summer, he was a member
of the Canadian gymnastics team
which went to the world cham-
pionships at Prague, the first
squad Canada had ever sent to
this meet. "We only finished 18th
out of 20 nations, but it was a
wonderful experience," he reflect-
Larose wants to follow up his
achievements of this season at
the Canadian National Champion-
ships in June. "This will also be
used as qualifying events for the
Olympics," he said, "and I'd sure
like to take that trip to Toyko."
After graduation, Larose plans
to move back to Toronto and
teach for awhile, before coming
back to Michigan to do graduate
work, and possibly go for a doc-
torate. But, as a result of his re-
cent showings, he's been deluged
with offers, and isn't quite sure
yet what he'll do.
Lauds Coach
Larose can't praise Loken enough
for all the help he's gotten from
him. "I owe at least three quarters
of my success to him," declared
the departing captain. "He's
everything to the team-organizer,,
coach, and always one of the guys.
He'll do anything for you."
More than a little sad to have
his college career over, Larose
confesses that he'd like to be a
freshman again. "I can't tell the
present freshmen enough about
how great gymnastics can be if
they only practice as hard as pos-
sible. If you're always thinking
about how you can improve a rou-
tine, and can convince yourself
you can be a winner, you've got
the battle won."
.. , four time winner
Benedict Praises Mounds men
"A pitcher might be able to
throw a strawberry through a
battleship, but still not win ball
Moby Benedict, coach of Michi-
gan's defending NCAA baseball
champions, made this statement
while discussing his talented ag-
gregation of pitchers. What he
meant by this colorful metaphor
was that a pitcher must have more
than speed if he is to win.
Benedict is fortunate to have a
crew of pitchers with both speed
and finesse. The veteran trio of:
Fritz Fisher, Jim Bobel, and Dave
Roebuck have the poise which is
attained only by playing on a win-
ning team. They are backed up
by ace reliever, Wayne Slusher,
and three sophomore "rookies"
who don't know what it is like
to sit in the bullpen. These sopho-
mores, Clyde Barnhart, Marling
Pemberton and Jerry Hirber, are
destined to see a good deal of
Strong Staff
Benedict is justifiably confident
about his moundsmen. He elabor-
ated on the individual skill of
each pitcher with a pleasant mix-
ture of pride and admiration.
"Fritz Fisher has tremendous
stuff, a whizzing fast ball, quick
dropping - curve, a deceptive
change-up, and slider to go along
with them. Fritz had only a 6-6
record last year but his earned run
average of 3.02 shows that he was
a better pitcher. He came into his
own during the NCAA tournament.
He was a great pitcher in Hawaii,
where his individual effort helped
us beat Hosei University."
The opening of the Univer-
sity golf course this Friday at
8 a.m. will herald to countless
duffers across the Ann Arbor
campus, the true coming of
Coach Benedict then talked
about Jim Bobel, a junior hurler:
from Detroit.
"Bobel has the most moxie of
any pitcher we have. When he's
on the mound he is in complete
control of the game. He sets the
batters up with his tricky assort-
ment of pitches. He hasn't got
great speed, but he compensates
with control and cunning. Jim,
like Fritz hit his peak in the play-
off s.
Benedict then commented on
Dave Roebuck, a husky 6'6" right-
Counts on Curve
"Big Dave is a strong boy with
a good hummer, but his big pitch
is a sweeping curve ball. He's not
afraid to throw his breaking pitch
at any time. He had an 8-2 record
last year. He'll win a lot of games
for us this season."
The coach was not nearing the
end of his hearty outpouring
praise for the hurlers.
"WaynenSlusher will be our
number one relief man. He was
outstanding last year and should
be even better for this campaign.
He throws a sinking screwball
which mnakes the batter smack the
ball into the ground which is just
where we want it with an in-
field like ours. With Dick Honig
and Joe Jones we know we can
come up with the double play if
we can force the batter to hit a
Then Benedict remarked about
his sophomore pitchers, particu-
larly Clyde Barnhart and Marling
"Barnhart and Pemberton both
have live arms, but they have
something more. Each boy played
on a championship amateur team
in Detroit and gained quite a bit
of poise. They both got the in-
valuable experience of pitching in
tense championship ball games.
That seasoning can be very im-
The Michigan coach pointed out
that the staff has been working
indoor since Thanksgiving under
the tutelage of Ray Fisher a for-
mer Michigan baseball coach.
Fisher aided the pitchers with
their deliveries, pivots, and other
fine points. He is now down in
Florida helping the Detroit Tiger
pitchers on the same things.
Swing Mean Stick
Benedict noted that his pitching
staff was above average in hitting
and fielding. "Fisher is a solid
hitter as well as Bobel, and Roe-
buck will hit a couple of homers
for us. With such fine hitting pit-
chers I'll be hesitant to yank one
of them for a pinch hitter."
Our pitcher's field exceptionally
well, also. Last year they never
failed to cover first base when,
they were supposed to. We practice
constantly on fielding bunts, mak-
ing the double play, and holding
runners. When you have a good
fielding pitcher you have a fifth
Benedict estimates that pitching
is 80-85 per cent of college base-
ball which might explain why he
usually sports a toothy grin while
discussing - Michigan's baseball
Five returning lettermen-four
of whom played last year-are the
reason for that glint in Bert Kat-
zenmeyer's eye.
Last year the Katzenmeyer-
coached squad placed third in the
Big Ten meet, 14 strokes off the
pace set by champion Indiana,
whose team finished with 1509
With only last year's captain-
Bill Newcomb-missing, Katzen-
meyer feels that Michigan will be
one of the contenders when the
Big Ten's roll around again this
But between now and May, the
golf team will have to prove it-
self. "Potentially, we have one of
the finest squads in the Big Ten,"
said Katzenmeyer.
"If this team performs to the
best of its capabilities, Michigan
will be among the top teams at
the end."
Stars Missing
"However," Katzenmeyer was
quick to point out, "we don't have
any really great individual stars
but the whole team is solid. They'll
all be right up there and I think
that is what will make us tough."
Returning to the team this year
are Tom Pendlebury, who finished
in the top ten last May, Gary
Mouw, Dave Cameron, and this
year's captain Chuck Newton. Mike
Goode is the fifth returning letter-
man. He won his letter two years
ago. but did not compete last year.
These five form the solid nu-
cleus around which Katzenmeyer
is planning to mold his team.
Added to this group will be sopho-
mores Mark Yahn, Pete Passink,
Eric Doolenberg and Jack Klein.
NCAA Rule'
IOWA CITY, Iowa {gP) - The
president of the National Collegi-
ate Athletic Association announced
yesterday that the organization's
preliminary inquiry into charges
that the Georgia-Alebama foot-
ball game last year was rigged had
indicated "possible violations of
the conditions and obligations of
NCAA membership."
NCAA President Robert F. Ray
of Iowa State said in a statement
the inquiry "into the so-called
Butts-Bryant case raised serious
questions under NCAA constitu-
tional provisions and the matter
is being referred to the commit-
tee on infractions for a full in-
quiry in cooperation with the
Southeastern Conference."
Ray said if the infractions com-
mittee "determines that the situ-
ation relates purely to ethics, then
it can be referred to the commit-
tee of which I serve as chairman.
Bay Levandowski and Tom Clark,
both of whom played last year but
did not win a letter, will also add
strength to the team.
Forrest Evashevski, sometime
iiuarterback of the football team
is Katzenmeyer's ace-in-the-hole.
So far this year he has been very
Weatherman Aids
Katzenmeyer feels that the
summer-type weather has con-
tributed greatly to the advance-
ment of his team. "This weather
has been a blessing," he said.
"In other years we would go
south without having picked up a
club, but this year the boys have
had about three weeks of practic-
ing and are really rounding into
shape, though it is too early to
predict how the season will turn
out. We'll just have to wait and
Seven members of the golf team
will compete in the Miami Invita-
tional next Thursday, Friday and
Saturday. The meet will be a 72
holes, medal play.
this past weekend
Perhaps we have your size.
17 Nickels Arcade NO 5-7240
Detroit Beats Chicago, 4-l;
iontreal Alive on 3-1 Win
By The Associated Press
DETROIT - The Detroit Red
Wings overpowered C h ic a g o' s
Black Hawks 4-1 last night and
evened their Stanley Cup best-of-7
series at two games apiece in the
National Hockey League playoffs.
The Wings, carrying the play to
Chicago from the opening whistle,
bombarded goalie Glenn Hall, who
made 16 saves in the opening
period and 35 for the night. De-
troit's Terry Sawchuck had only
four stops in the initial period and
17 all the way.
Gordie Howe, who has scored
in each of the playoff games, con-
tinued his hot streak and, with
Howie Young, Detroit's bad boy
defenseman, killed off most of
Chicago's power play time.
* * *
MONTREAL - The Montreal
Canadiens staved off elimination
from the National Hockey League's
Stanley Cup playoffs last night,
whipping the Toronto Maple Leafs
3-1 in the fourth game of their
semifinal series.
Gilles Tremblay scored two
goals, one on a fluke carom, as
the Canadiens snapped a seven-
game Stanley Cup losing streak
that began when Chicago swept
Kansas City 4, Detroit 0
San Francisco 6, Cleveland 3
Boston 2, Chicago (N) 1
Houston 9, Los Angeles (A) 5
Baltimore 9, Washington 2
Cincinnati 7, Chicago :(A) 0
New York (A) 6, Philadelphia 2
Milwaukee 5, Minnesota 1
New York (N) 7, St. Louis 6
A Smart Vacation
Hair Cut is Waiting
*"* . -
four games in the semifinals last
year after Montreal had won the
first two of jthe best-of-7 set.
The Canadiens got their first
two goals on a 10-footer by Henri
Richard 26 seconds after the sec-
ond period began, and at the 14-
minute mark when Tremblay's
corner pass out in front of the net
was accidentally deflected past
goalie. Johnny Bower by a team-
mate .
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Does a man really take unfair advantage of women
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