APRIL 2, 19683 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAIN R.= r~a (V i'KWD m Coup Deposes Azurdia Rises Ydigoras; to I "1 Power 4-$$$$$ REGISTRATION: MississIPPi Judge Rejects Mandate GREENWOOD, Miss. (I)-A federal judge turned down the Justice Department's request yesterday for a court order banning interference with Negro voter registration efforts here. Sitting in a regular session of federal court at Aberdeen, Miss., Judge Claud Clayton said the Justice Department request was not "sufficient to warrant trampling on the rights" of Greenwood and Leflore County officials. His refusal, in effect, puts off a decision Rift Causes Syrian Riots Suppression DAMASCUS (WP)-The Revolu- tionary Council yesterday clamped an 18-hour curfew throughout Syria to halt massive demonstra- tions by supporters of President Gamal Abdel Nasser of the United Arab Republic. Troops and heavily armed po- lice fir'ed in the air, beat back thousands of demonstrators with clubs and sprayed them with dyed water. The marchers, students, workers and others, chanted "Nas- ser, Nasser, Nasser." It was the second day of demonstrations in defiance of government bans. Even bigger demonstrations were reported in the northern commer- cial center of Aleppo. Cause of the demonstrations was a rapidly growing rift between pro- Nasser elements in Syria and the Ba'ath Rab socialist party, which rules in neighboring Iraq and has a. government majority here. The Nasserites and Ba'athists worked together to engineer the latest Syrian revolution March 8. Nasserites are demanding an equal voice with the Ba'athists in the 20-man cabinet and the 21- man national revolutionary coun- cil. There was yet no talk in Da- mascus of suspending the talks on federation of Nasser's UAR, Syria and Iraq but there were obviously serious repercussions here over the attack on the Ba'ath party. -on the Justice Department's suit until after a formal hearing. He set the hearing for 10 a.m. Thurs- day in federal court at Greens- ville, Miss. Developments Unfold Meanwhile, developments in the simmering civil rights controversy unfolded quietly in this delta cot- ton country town in northwest Mississippi. Negroes went to the courthouse in small groups to ap- ply for voter registration. Wooden barricades used last week to thwart mass marches were down. Traffic flowed normally. County officials resumed a full- scale program of giving out sur- plus food to needy families. The program is financed by the federal government, and the operation re- sumed under the government's threat to take over if county of- ficials didn't get it under way. Clayton issued his ruling be- tween sessions of a car theft trial. 'The Proper Way' "I consider that the proper way to deal with this matter and give reasonable consideration to the rights of alleparties is for a cause order to be entered," he said. He said the government's re- quest for a restraining order came' "without giving these defenders either notice or an opportunity to be heard. "I detest any action on the part of anyone which interferes in any way with a right of any person which is given and protected by law. Right To Register "This includes the right to regis- ter and the right to vote, provided the standards now rightfully es- tablished by the laws of the state of Mississippi are met. In Jackson, Gov. Ross Barnett said he was behind Greenwood officials. Government To Combat Communists Armed Forces Back Rise of New Regime By The Associated Press GUATEMALA - Guatemala's armed forces'ousted President Mi- guel Ydigoras Fuentes Sunday in a swift coup aimed at cracking down harder on Communists. The 67-year-old president - himself a leader of the Central American anti-Communist, anti- Castroite movement-was flown in an Air Force plane to Nica- ragua, where he declared: "What is going on in Guatemala is for her own good and for the good of the rest of Central Amer- ica." Better Job The deposed president's cronies in the government made plain they felt they could do a better job than Ydigoras in combatting Communist infiltration and sub- version in the populous republic. The coup apparently was touch- ed off by the secret return from exile Friday night of leftist for- mer President Juan Jose Arevalo to attempt a political comeback. In Washington, State Depart- ment officials said only that they are "watching the situation closely and will wish to know more before making any substantive state- ments." Acclaim Government Col. Enrique Peralta Azurdia's new revolutionary government, ac- claimed by most political parties of this Central American republic, threatened yesterday to crack down hard on any Communist demonstrations against it. The Guatemalan radio says au- thorities have received informa- tion that Communists will try to demonstrate against the military regime which took control of the nation. The broadcast said no such ac- tivity will be allowed and the ar- my "will apply the most drastic measures against the agitators." Communist Plans The Communists plan to "pro- mote manifestations and meetings with the aim of creating disor- ders," the radio said. "This is not going t be permit- ted under any pretext," the min- istry of defense was quoted as say- ing in the broadcast. The army was alerted to crush disorders, which the defense min- istry said were planned by Red groups. The whereabouts of ex-President Juan Jose Arevalo remained a mystery. Arevalo vanished after telling newsmen here he was go- ing to live with peasants on the Pacific coast. Though four Red parties backed him to run in a November presidential election, Arevalo denied he was a Commu- nist. He said he is a spiritual so cialist. Communist political activity had been tolerated under Ydigoras, even while he fought foreign Com- munism and Castroism. Though Communist demonstra- tions are banned, plans are under way for a mass rally today SCLC Pushes Voter Projects GREENWOOD W)-The South- ern Christian Leadership Confer- ence has a crash program under way in racially-tense Leflore County to teach voter registration procedures, governmental func- tions and even the three R's to Negroes. The conference has a monumen- tal task with more than 30,000 Negroes in this cotton county in the Mississippi delta. Miss Annell Ponder, 30, of At- lanta, a SCLC worker, is directing the program. The Clarke College sociology graduate is training lo- cal Negroes to teach in the vot- ing schools. MIGUEL YDIGORAS .. . loses power PROTEST: Three Quit Ole Miss' By The Associated Press OXFORD-Three University of Mississippi professors resigned re- cently protesting the university's reliance on the Army in disciplin- ing students after last fall's riots. Professors Samuel F. Clark, chairman of the 12-man chemistry department, Russell W. Maatman and William J. Wallace have re- signed and four other members of the department are reportedly ready to quit. Prof. Clark said the resigna- tions did not stem so much from the university's attitude toward Negro James Meredith, but from a disagreement on maintaining dis- cipline following the riots protest- ing Meredith's admission. He explained that there had been some faculty efforts to have the university restore discipline, but that some officials had indi- cated that the Army and FBI should do that job. Chancellor John D. Williams said the university did not have the strength to discipline, but that the Army and FBI did. Strikers Go Back To Work NEW YORK ()-New York's nine major newspapers shared news-stand space for the first time in nearly four months yes- terday. Five and a half million copies rolled off the presses to herald the end of a 114-day blackout. Business circles estimated the cost of the tie-up at more than $250 million. The four morning papers re- turned to the stands Sunday night. Five afternoon dailies went to press yesterday. Back on the job after 16 weeks of idleness were nearly 20,000 newspaper employes. Printers' Strike The shutdown began Dec. 8 with a strike by 3000 printers of the AFL-CIO International Typo- graphical Union. In editorials, the revived dail- ies expressed hope that, in the words of the afternoon Journal- American "some better method than prolonged strikes will be found to settle in a sensible man- ner labor-management disputes that involve the public interest." There were at least two sugges- tions before the industry. In Washington, White House press secretary Pierre Salinger called the present a good time for the industry to consider his plan for a broad study of news- paper economics. He said news- paper management and labor have indicated interest in a suggestion he made during the blackout for an industry-sponsored study of changing economics in the news- paper field. - Wagner Proposal At the same time, New York Mayor Robert F. Wagner indi- cated he may propose a joint la- bor-management board to carry on a continuing study of news- paper industry problems. The steel industry already has such a f or- mula to try to iron out issues be- fore they lead to a deadlock in collective bargaining. Wagner was widely hailed for his role in settling the newspaper blackout. He entered the dispute Jan. 26 as a self-appointed medi- ator. When he got nowhere, he switched to the role of umpire and on March 7 outlined a $12.63 a week increase contract package to extend over two years and to cover increases in wages and fringe benefits. By The Associated Press 1 WASHINGTON - IntensifiedI United States efforts to halt com- mando raids against Cuba, with their threat of touching off a major conflict between the Unit- ed States and Russia, won strong backing in Congress yesterday. There were some dissents by Republican House members. The crackdown measures map- ped at a series of federal meet- ings in Washington and Miami over the weekend were reported to have prompted one Cuban exile group to shift its base of anti- Castro operations to Mexico. British Patrol Great Britain reinforced its Car- ibbean patrol to back the United States move against hit-and-run raids, which Sen. John Spark- man (D-Ala) called "playing with nuclear fire." Backing up United States oppo- sition to sneak attacks onr Cuba, a British warship moved in on a small Bahamian island Sunday night and captured a group of an- ti-Castro raiders. The colonial secretary's office announced in Nassau that 17 Cas- tro fighters had been taken into custody on a small key in the Exuma island chain, 350 miles from Miami and about 200 miles north of the Cuban coast. Previous Reports The capture previously had been reported in Miami by the Cuban Anti-Communist Army. Its report said that American and British warships and planes participated in the action. A Defense Department spokes- man in Washington denied, how- ever, that United States planes or, naval craft were involved in the incident. The Cuban group said that one of its boats, laden with arms and ammunition, had been taken but that a second boat had escaped and was on its way towards Cuba. No Official Comment, There was no immediate official comment on the reported seizure. In the Senate, the Democratic and Republican floor leaders joined in deploring the refugee raids against Cuba and Soviet ships trading with Prime Minister Fidel Castro. The two leaders, Sens. Mike Mansfield (D-Mont) and Everett M. Dirksen (R-Ill), said these un- authorized attacks not only are ineffectuaj but carry the possibil- ity of igniting a major war. Mansfield 'Understands' Mansfield said he understands the desire of Cuban exiles to free their homelands, but he said "they can't take the law into their own hands." Dirksen added that the United States should try to find some channel through which the exiles "can use their spirit and deter- mination to free the Cuban peo- ple." Asks (USIA. Budget Cuts WASHINGTON P-) - President John F. Kennedy proposed yester- day a cut of $9 million in the budget of the United States Infor- mation Agency. The White House said this ac- tion, coupled with budget amend- ments submitted earlier, brought to $142.7 million the total spend- ing cuts suggested for the 1964 fiscal year since the budget went to Congress in January. The biggest reduction in the USIA spending program was $7.4 million from the failure to pick a site for a planned medium wave radio transmitter in Southeast Asia. Other budget cuts would reflect reductions in estimates for salaries and expenses, including the spend- ing of less than was anticipated to distribute the magazine, "America Illustrated," in the Soviet Union. __ f--- 'DANGEROUS': U.S. Blasts Anti-Cuban Raids Meanwhile, an established anti- Castro group, Alpha 66, swore it would continue fighting Castro but' would lie low until further strate- gy was mapped. And there were reports a new commando group, Commandos F. F. Operation Lobo (sea wolf), would harass Soviet shipping from bases along the Mexicon coast. Armed Boats A spokesman known as Maj. Leoves was quoted by the Miami News as saying the new group has speed boats armed with European 20 millimeter machine guns and recoilless rifles. However, older anti-Castro or- ganizations said they knew noth- ing of such a movement. These groups, described as puzzled and defiant to new United States or- ders not to carry out further raids against Cuba, huddled yes- terday to map further plans. Antonio Veciana, a coordinator of Alpha 66, one of the first exile commando organizations, declared strategy was being decided during meetings held since the United States restrictions were imposed Saturday. Enrique Llaca Jr., who formed an anti-Castro organization after returning from a Castro prison last December with other Cubans captured in the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion, said "our plans must be modified now but we shall go ahead."t I U CIRCOLO ITALIANO presents "Le Notti de Cabiria" starring GIULIETTA MASINA Wednesday, April 3 8:00 P.M. .....................................................................................................................&x.:....M.vii:::. Multi Purpose room UGLI World News Roundup For the nicest Easter gifts, come in and browse. We feel certain you will find something pleasing for your family and friends. ' JOHN LEIDY Phone NO 8-6779 0 601 East Liberty :i ....,. G'... i...4..kv :. .x... n.. ... A. . . . ............'....: m l after THREEPENNY HIT to Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre for Tickets .. . Thurs. $1.50, Fri., Sat. $1.75 Write AA Civic Theatre, Box 87 ORDER NOW! APRIL 18, 19, 20 Philip King s Hilarious British Farce A RIOT By The Associated Press ROME--A Moscow dispatch to an Italian. Communist newspaper aroused speculation yesterday that Premier Nikita Khrushchev and the Soviet leadership are involved in serious internal trouble. The dispatch to the newspaper L'Unita, said the Soviet capital is "living in a delicate political moment." The Communist newspaper did not 'mention Khrushchev by name, but spoke of "grave problems" and economic failures. Two Italian news agencies reported Khrush- shev under mounting fire for his policies regarding Cuba, Commu- nist China and Soviet agriculture. * * * PARIS-Representatives of four+ big French mining unions will meet with officials of the state-owned coal mining company today to talk about a settlement on the7 month-long mine strike, official sources announced yesterday. The meeting will mark the first offi- cial contact since negotiations were broken off March 24. CAPE CANAVERAL - Payload repairs have been completed and the Explorer 17 satellite is sched- uled for launching tonight. CHICAGO - Illinois started a birth control assistance program for married and unmarried wom- en on relief yesterday in a drive to cut welfare costs, and imme- diately ran into a court suit by Chicago's Republican mayoralty candidate. The suit of Benjamin Adamowski, opponent of Mayor Richard J. Daley, claimed that pol- icy defined by the legislature is to uphold, and is based upon, the preservation and the strengthen- ing of the family unit. NEW YORK - Closing Dow- Jones averages showed a general raise of 3.34. There were 30 indus- trials up 3.34, 20 railroads up .05, 15 utilities up .93 and 65 stocks up 1.06. .4.: ................ please enclose self-addressed stamped envelope I :1 r J KODAK fiin Sav(r CAMERAS .F- NEED AN IDEA FOR AN EASTER GIFT This year, why not make it STATIONERY? 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