Sny-Thrd Yaw EM TED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF TM E UNRvERT OF MICNRGAN - UNDE AUTHORM l OF BOARD IV CONTROL OF STUMr PU- CATIONS "Where Opinions ree STUDENT PucLrCATIO S Bu., Ab. Am , MHn., PHoNE wo 2-3241 Truth WIUn r.esz Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This muss bf noted in all reprints. "Thanks For The Pat On The Back, If That's W hat It Was" SIDELINE ON STUDENT GOVERNMENT: GSC Better Than SGC Has Potential, Will Go TURDAY, MARCH 30, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: MARJORIE BRAHMS World Disarmament Chances Faint and Far Away rF ECASE for world peace and total dis-. armament seems rather hopeless and grim these days. With Russia and the United States nadly racing to find new means of destruction and the mass of United States citizens be- lieving that they need and want a strong nuclear force, peace will be a long time in coming. The major question is whether disarmament can ever become a reality. When one glances at his world today and sees the aggressive nationalism of many countries, the crises and diplomatic blunders, he can only feel that disarmament will be very hard to achieve. Yet the Geneva talks keep dragging on, profes- sors continue investigating ways for peace and citizens of the world hope for a peace that may never come. ONE ARGUMENT which has been optimis- tically advanced as a possible means of at- taining peace is that there is really little ideological difference between Russia's form ,of Socialism and the United States' capitalism and Democracy. This argument says that be- cause both countries are large bureaucratic states which face similar industrial problems, and since Russia has adopted so much of the capitalistic incentive system, they can find a common ground for peace. This would argue that Americans and Russians have created a false emotional fight between themselves, which could easily be wiped away through rational tliinking and a mass recognition of this false belief. VET AMERICANS, both citizens and policy- makers, firmly want to believe the United States has some unified Democratic ethos. Democratic theory has had a hodgepodge of varying themes, which have been molded to- gether to form a somewhat qoherent spirit. In a similar manner, the Soviet Union's national ideology, Marxism-Leninism, which is far more organized and systematic than Democracy, could not be eradicated from the hearts and minds of Soviet citizens and leaders. The USSR believes that it has indeed made the socialist state a reality and brushes away remainders of the capitalistic accoutrements it. has been forced to adopt to make its system workable. Power blocs and national ideologies will probably continue to polarize the world situation, and peace cannot be achieved by attempting to rationalize away conflicting be- liefs. ANOTHER PROBLEM complicating disarma- ment is that other nations may begin acquiring nuclear weapons. If and when China reaches a technology which will allow it to develop its own nuclear weapons, the power bloc situation will be split among three large nations. If the ideological split between Russia and Red China continues, the atomic club would then acquire another powerful and un- promising dimension. If Red China with its supposedly "simon- pure" Marxist-Leninist doctrine opposes both the United States and Russia, it is very un- likely the USSR and United States could be- come. allies at the bargaining table to coerce Red China into a settlement. Smaller countries, such as France or some of the Middle Eastern nations, also make the pitcure more complex. These nations may be very unwilling to let a settlement among the big three be dictated to them and may turn deaf ears to cries about possible attomic ca- tastrophy. The longer settlement is put off, the, greater the chances these countries will have atomic weapons. Yet immediate settle- ment and disarmament do not seem to be coming. UNDERDEVELOPED countries also present another aspect of Soviet-American relations which is a large question mark for the future. Some writers, such as Erich Fromm, argue that the Soviet Union. does not intend to enlarge its power bloc or conquer small underdeveloped nations in the Near and Middle East or Africa. It is true that the USSR has not decently forcefully moved into these small nations, but it is using far more subtle ways of conquering them. The United States and Russia are both attempting to influence, guide and place these nations on their feet, but these efforts are not expected to go unrewarded. In return both countries want loyalty and adherence to their views and expect these little nations to slip quietly into their respective power blocs. Presently many of these small countries are straddling the fence, using Democratic Social- ism as a means of speeding up their economic revolution and gaining aid from both sides. How long they can and will continue to play Russia off against the United States is a dif- ficult question. IT IS QUITE conceivable that as these coun- tries develop, they might become the mediat- ing force between Democracy and Communism. Yet past experience show that their fear of Western colonialism might drive them into the Russian camp. If the USSR keeps boasting of its rapid industrial revolution and faster results, these smaller countries may begin to shift their allegiance from neutrality. The power struggle and desire of the two large blocs thus seems to be a very real thing and not something which can be dismissed as totally foolish. The economic effects of disarmament also present a troublesome problem to the United States. With so much government spending supporting large industries and numerous jobs, many people are completely unwilling to be- lieve that ending this spending will lead to anything but economic collapse. While it is possible and likely that govern- ment spending could be shifted into new areas such as welfare, urban redevelopment and better school systems, most workers and de- cision-makers refuse to look beyond the im- mediate effects and toward a better future. Public opinion and powerful armament lobby- ists will be a hard block to any disarmament proposals which may be reached and congress- men may not want to pass welfare legislation -which would take up the economy's slack. WORLD PEACE and disarmament look, at this point, to be very unrealistic and distant. It does not seem possible that within the next few years countries will suddenly abandon the "error of their ways" and turn from concepts of missiles, strike force and nuclear power to an unarmed, peaceful co- existence. Limited armament control, however, can and may well be a possibility very soon. If the So- viet Union can stop insisting on a total dis- armament without inspection controls and can end, along with the United States, its spiraling nuclear armaments programs, limited control may be a beginning toward peace. But when one views the irrationality of the majority of policy-makers and citizens in both the USSR and the United States, he cannot help but feel that peace and complete disarmament will be a long time in coming. ' - -BARBARA LAZARUS tExcellence while purpose. There is always the possibility of social pro for a fraternity which does not register a party. But how many TG's were un- registered yesterday? THE EXISTENCE of TG's brings up another example of the legislated high moral stan- dard which is never adhered to. According to the laws of the State of Michigan, the county of Washtenaw, the city of Ann Arbor and last but not least the University, minors are not permitted to possess, transport, or drink alcoholic beverages. The types of bev- erages consumed at TO's, other fraternity func- tions and private parties, for the most part are not tea and coffee. In this case, there is little the University can do since the statute has its origins in Lansing. But the violation of the drinking laws of this state is just another example of enacted standards which cannot be enforced. Unless the University uses "Gestapo" methods there is little it can do to stop the violation of the drinking laws of this state. This excuse serves the OSA very well and allows it not to enforce the drinking statutes. BUT IF the University is so interested in upholding the "standard of excellence" it can immediately stop being an accessory to the violation of the laws of Michigan. In the SAB. among other buildings. these is C~C. Ir 00-M " r Z' 'K' '-a-- ": 5"cgip; I I. THE PROPOSED CONSTITUTION: Partisanism Plagues Issues By RICHARD KELLER SIMON AT THURSDA'S Graduate Stu- dent Council meeting one ex- asperated member suggested that everyone go home and read Rob- ert's Rules of Order to learn par- liamentary procedure.' Admittedly that would be nice; meetings are far from inspiring. But GSC has many more ;major problems. Attendance is continually poor, actual participation even poorer. On Thursday a few officers were missing and so were a majority of committee chairmen. * * * FEW MEMBERS attend all of the monthly meetings. Few volun- teer to do any work. As a result five or six moving forces do all the work in the name of the council. Without them GSC would be an ineffectual debating society debating the wrong issues at the wrong times. Everything that GSC has done in recent months has come from these same 'people -- President Stephen Maddock, Vice-President Michael Rosen, Treasurer Wesley Long, Peter Roosen-Runge, and a few others. * * * ON THURSDAY the council passed a motion deploring the recent "erosion in confidence in the University" bringing about faculty resignations, and it asked the ,state to reaffirm its willing- ness to support the University properly financially. GSC asked Romney to appoint informed and concerned educa- tional leaders to his "blue ribbon" Citizen's Committee for Higher Education. Both of these actions $how grad- uate concern for the far reaching economic-academic problems fac- ing the University. Student Gov- ernment Council, the representa- tive of all the students on this campus, has neglected to take action in these fields. IN OTHER concerns on this problem GSC polled student opin- ion on the proposal from Rep. Lester J. Allen (R-Ithica) sug- gesting that college graduates pay $1200 to $1500 to the state. It in- itiated the poll and then request- ed SGC aid. SGC covered half of the costs. GSC did all of the work, then submitted its finding to SGC. In presenting the results to SGC, Rosen emphasized that council members had chosen not to help beyond the minimum, suggesting that It was actually under their sphere of authority. SGC has been more concerned with debating over whether to sponsor a Brubeckconcert on the same iight with the Military Ball, thus antagonizing this campus' branch of the uniformed chowder and marching society. GSC IS trying harder than SGC, and it hasmuch more potential at the moment. It has untested authority which it will never be able to use until it solves its at- tendance and interest problems. Its leaders were able to form three new committees Thursday, and by lecturing the other mem- bers on their apathy, were able to get volunteers for them. Any of the three new com- mittees have more members than all the old standing committees put together. Whether they will procede to do anything is another question. * * * - THERE IS little doubt that everyone on GSC has the potential for becoming as active and in- terested a member as the present leaders. They are all intelligent graduate students with four years of undergraduate experience be- hind them. They are not like newly elected SGC members who get elected by the IFC machine or sorority, ap- peal to stand for the status quo and begin to learn about things (if they want to) after their elec tion. Almost any interested graduate student can volunteer to represent his department. GSC would wel- come him. GSC HAS always had this per-' sonnel problem. Perhaps once it continues its newfouhad activity it will attract more students. Besides, Rackham brings out its silver coffee service after the meet.- ings with better- than-Michigan Union-cookies. That is more than SOC does for its members. FINALE: Concerts HE THIRD Annual Festival of Conteporary Muic ened ls night in solemn concert of music for organ and choir., A "Mass for Unison Choir and Organ" by Roger Sessions, opened the concert. The Mass consists of a continuous chromatic version of plain-chant sung-against an organ in effect. Sessions keeps the an- background not quite mysterious cient language of the mass for the first movement, "Kyrie," and then continues in English, thus causing four-fifths of the text to sound like an on-the-spot translation. But this at least makes the intent of musical word-painting perfectly clear. Session's Mass :seems4 al- together suitable to the needs of the church. * *. * ARNOLD Schoenberg's "Varia- tions on a Recitative, Opus 40" represents one of the few attempts 'by a' major composer of the 20th' century to make music for a mod-; ern organ One of the basic problems to be faced is that modern harmony and the modern organ seem to bring out the worst in each other. The complexity of the one and the richness of the other often add up to a turgid rumble. Schoenberg sound by referring back now and then to familiar chords, and by carefully specifying a wide variety of contrasting registrations Mari- lyn Mason played the Variations effortlessly and clearly, taking every opportunity to ventilate ,the sound. "Apparebit Repentina Dies" (1947), a motet in four movements four mixed chorus and brass by Paul Hindemith, completed the concert. The motet began with a "sinfonia" for the brass choir which established a level of un- compromising contrapuntal crafts- manship that held good through- out the work. The University Symphonic Choir produced a sumptuous sound even in the toils of the most involved passages. The brass ensemble play- ed with outstanding precision and evenness of tone. Balance between voices and brass was effectively controlled by Meynard. Klein. There were no moments of bad in- tonation. It was altogether a well rehearsed and well executed per- formance. -David Sutherland By GERALD STORCH THE PROPOSED state constitu- tion, which comes up for voter decision on Monday, has touched off a spirited party debate. Republicans believe that the con-con product, while certainly not perfect, is nevertheless much better than the present basic charter and hence should be ap- proved. Democrats, asserting that sev- eral articles of the document would actually be steps backward, urge that the constitution be de- feated. If it is, they promise to resubmit the sections supported by both sides as amendments to the present constitution. There are many items in the new document which have attract- ed partisan disagreement, but the most bitterly contested are these: APPORTIONMENT-Under the proposed composition of the Sen- ate, the five most populous coun- ties, having 57.5 per cent of Michi- gan's citizenry, would have only 47.4 per cent of the senatorial representation. This is a big improvement over the present figure of 35.3 per cent, as is the readjustment of the met- ropolitan-rural ratio of members from 12-22 to 18-20. However, a majority of the Senate-20 seats --could still be elected by only 35 per cent of the state's population. Not unexpectedly, the Demo- crats have attacked the apportion- ment section by advancing the traditional direct representation theory of each individual being politically equal to each other in- dividual in electing legislative agents. REPUBLICANS have replied with a somewhat novel argument: each legislator, assuming the con- stituencies are of equal size, should have equal effectiveness in repre- senting the interests of his con- stituents. However, greater ease in com- munication gives the 300 residents of a city block an inherently more effective voice in their one rep- resentative than 300 widely- scattered rural folk could hope to have in theirs. Hence, in order for each citizen to be represented equally in the Senate, a deliberately malappor- tioned system is necessary, GOP theorists say. THERE IS also the critical question of whether the apportion- ment scheme, based as it is partly on area, would be declared un- constitutional by the United States Supreme Court, in light of the re- cent flurry of redistricting cases. At present, however, there is really no way to tell whether the plan would stand up in court or not. Underneath the philosophical distinctions, of course, lie political realities: the Republicans are for the section because they want to preserve their outstate control, and the Democrats are against it to prevent being frozen out indef- initely. * * * ELECTED OFFICIALS -Four Administrative Board positions elect these officials, whose duties they feel are important enough to justify direct popular control. REPUBLICANS point to the ab- surdity of voters having to analyze the campaigns and platforms of candidates for these four rather technical positions, and claim that the more obscure administrative officials should be appointed rath- er than elected. The section is complicated fur- ther by the fact that functional boards assume the authority pre- viously' wielded. by individuals in the highway commissioner and superintendent's posts. Even more confusing for clear-cut partisan debate is that the highway board is appointed by the governor, while the education board . is elected state-wide. SUSPENSION-A special joint legislative committee could sus- pend regulations set down between sessions by an administrative agency. No suspension could last beyond the end of the next regular legislative session.' GOP advocates call this clause a necesary precaution against such agencies capriciously adopting rules against legislative intent; Democrats see the provision as a handy tool for legislators to quench more liberal administra- tive edicts. Additionally, they charge that the clause violates the constitu- tional separation of powers by al- lowing legislators to interfere di- rectly with executive implementa- tion. * * * SEARCH AND SEIZURE-The con-con framers decided to retain, virtually intact, a highly contro- versial clause which permits out- side- the-home seizure of narcotics and, dangerous weapons without a search warrant. Angered Democrats point out that the United States Supreme Court recently has prohibited as evidenceall objects seized in an illegal search, and hence the clause is illegal. Republicans calmly reply that there has been no ruling yet on Michigan's standards by the state supreme court; at any rate, they say, if the clause is illegal it will soon be ruled so by the courts, whose intentions shouldn't be prejudged by layman delegates. * * * TAX BAN-The proposed docu- ment prohibits any income tax "graduated as to rate or base," a restriction found in no other state constitution. GOP campaigners generally de- fend this clause, somewhat lamely, as a safeguard against duplication of the federal income tax frame- work, and, implicitly, as an at- tempt to forestall socialism. Democrats hammer way at one theme in reply: if the people of the State of Michigan wish to in- stitute a graduated income tax, they should be able to. The wording of the clause, how- ever, may leave a loop-hole: it appears that flat-'rate income taxes with liberal exemptions, would be permissible. This type of levy would have the same effect as a -graduated tax in softening the burden on lower income groups. * * APPROPRIATIONS -Another hotly-debated financial article re- quires the governor, with the ap- proval of appropriations commit- tees in both houses, to reduce ex- penditures accordingly when it appears that revenues will fall be- low previous estimates. Republicans laud this as a guarantee for responsible govern- ment, making sure that the state lives within its means. Democrats, taking an obvious' line of attack, berate the provision for endangering social welfare and service agencies precisely during the periods when their help is needed the most. Although thesamount of money the state can borrow has been in- creased from $250,000-$70 million, Democrats point out that the sum would have to be paid back within the fiscal year anyway, thus straining financial flexibility dur- ing periods of recession. IMPLEMENTATION - Many important innovations, such as township home rule and the pro- posed civil rights commission, de- pend heavily upon how the Legis- lature will implement them. Still wary of the past 12 years of "veto bloc" inaction in the Senate, Democrats criticize these provi- sions for fears that they will be scuttled by an unrepresentative and irresponsible Legislature. Republicans reply that times have changed, that the moderates have taken over from the old guard, that legislators in the fu- ture can be relied upon. THESE ARE the sections most strongly debated, though there are others which also receive two- sided attention. Some provisions have received gear-unanimous support from both sides. Among them arethe reduction of the maze of 120 boards and agencies to no more than 20; four-year terms for the governor and senators; the granting of constitutional autonomy to seven more state colleges; a strengthened civil rights section; establishment 4,~ HIGH OR DRY? Liquor Line Must Go Standard of IN THE puritanical United States there is a tendency to enact abstract legal standards which sound nice on the one hand but have no practical meaning on the other. If every- one had the virtue of Job, then these laws might have some value. However, since few people have the virtue of the above named Biblical personage, these idealistic goals are meaningless. They are "standards which no one is expected to follow and are consequently very rarely enforced. IN THE TWENTIES, the federal government saw fit- to enact a great and noble experi- ment-prohibition. It is needless to point out this was a prime example of a high moral standard not adhered to by the people. Com- paratively little effort was made to stop people from "partaking" and many of the country's leaders violated the laws to do so. Instead of uplifting the moral climate, prohibition brought a period of widespread crime and disobedience of the law to this country which has never been equalled since. T[HE UNIVERSITY has a number of rules of of this type. Just recently, Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis upheld a "standard of excellency" by rejecting Student Government Council's recommendation to do away with chaperone forms. Sfl' ntinnale hehind1 the vpcmmendatinn LETTERS to the EDITOR By MICHAEL SATTINGER. "DO WE REALLY need taverns?" This is the emotional appeal approach being used to persuade Ann Arbor votersato retain the dry line intact. A charter amend- ment appearing on the ballot of Monday's city elections would eliminate the article which pro- hibits sale of alcoholic beverages east of Division St. Visions of straight bourbon flowing from faucets . in quad rooms no doubt appear to some local residents to be the inevitable result of unleashing such a ter- rible evil. In fact, though, pas- sage of the amendment will leave the campus area dry but not high. It seems that state law prohibits sale of intoxicating beverages within 500 feet of a school or a church. And the State Liquor Commis- sion recently announced that Uni- versity buildings are indeed "schools" if used for the curricu- lum of a University school or col- lege. Students will still have to trudge the "long" distance to get past Division St. and reach their oasis-a small obstacle' to hard- ened students. So the argument that passage of the amendment would bring "less, control over the drinking habits of college youth" is somewhat un- suing licenses only to those estab- lishments which would not "de- cay" the city by. having one, Ex- amples would be hotels or motels. The Council has issued only about 28 licenses out of its al- loted 35, which itself falls short of the state limit of 45 for a town of this size. CLEARLY, the cityand.not the parched University students-- would benefit most from elimina- tion of the arbitrary dry line. And University officials and stu- dents are certainly not pressing for its adoption, all rumor to the contrary. A California student newspaper erroneously reported that while in California the University "dean of men" said that it would be nice to have drinking in the student union so that students could be- come accustomed to the dangerous effects of drinking before being thrown into the wilds of social events. Of course, no such animal as a "dean of men" exists at the Uni- versity, and no counterpart could be found on this campus to accept responsibility for such comments, The dry' line should go. Those opposed to its elimination should realize that the existence of the University is no' reason to keep it. To the Editor: THAT THE CITIZENS of Ann Arbor should have the oppor- tunity to see excellent Ballet com- panies perform, I have no doubt; however to ask any dancer to dance on the stage in Hill audi- torium is suicidal and an absolute outrage. Last fall, when the Royal Cana- dian Ballet was in Ann Arbor, several dancers slipped, then last Friday night, two of the dancers of the San Francisco Ballet fell and several more slipped and nar-