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March 29, 1963 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-29

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0 Alrhigan 3Elt f
Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will preallV'
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mies bar noted in all reprints.

"It Does Take Away A Little

From The Grandeur"

Timely Warning Tempers
Tuition Increase Problems

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THE DAYS of high quality, low cost educa- at a time when almost
tion at the University of Michigan appear crystallized their summer
to be at an end. The new tuition schedule -there was no chance for t
which went into effect this fall is the highest those extra dollars by Se
of any major state university.
The effect of the tuition boost on the quality THE UNIVERSITY has t
of the University has been good; the number alleviate the dire conseq
of resignations has been minimized as faculty late tuition hikes. Tuition
members see the willingness to raise extra paid at the beginning of e
money in this manner as an indication that students part of the sen
the Regents and the administration are com- earn the money. Also, last
mitted to maintaining a top flight professorial instructed Vice-PresidentJ
staff. James A. Lewis to make s
As University Executive Vice-President Mar- was forced to drop out of
vin Niehuss wrote in his report to the president cause of the increased fees.
for the last academic year, "The effect upon Nonetheless, the hardsh
faculty morale of the Regents' courageous de- family brought about by a
cision to maintain faculty salaries, even at often quite severe and cert
the expense of departure from the low tuition for when their youngster
principle to which members of the board are education. When the prese
dedicated, has been uplifting. The prospect of side Michigan applied to
salary increases is in itself most heartening but example, he figured on a
even more sustaining to high morale is the cost for four years-a tote
renewed demonstration by the Regents that time he enrolled in Septe
they do not intend to allow Michigan to fall had jumped to $750 and 1
behind if there is any way within their power he would have to pay $960
to prevent it." upperclass instruction.
While his initial estimate
HATEVER ONE THINKS of the decision to parents had budgeted to p
sacrifice the low tuition principle in favor the actual figure turned
of continued quality-and there are appealing enough to finance more tl
arguments on both sides of the question- mesters at the original rate.
the decision poses a serious problem in putting
the University beyond the financial reach of WHAT CAN be done t
many potential students. planned for increases?
An analysis of family income made recently isplnedtiton increases?
by Elmer West of the American Council on is simple: tuition increases
Education showed that half the families in in June, but not go into eff
the United States had incomes below $5,620. September. The increase
necessary morale booster
One in five families had an income below professors would know tha
$3,000. It costs a Michigan resident aboutpeors ouldthnothrt
$1,200 an academic year to attend the Uni- crements and would know j
versity, while an out-of-state student must drs theywould recei
pay over $600 more. Most students whose par- dollars they would receive.
ents' income is below the median United States give students two summers
figure simply cannot afford to come to Ann funds and their families
Arbor for an education. adjust their budgets to
To offset this handicap, the Regents should costs.
authorize increased scholarships for incoming Along with this delayed to
freshmen. With the exception of the tuition- go a pledge by the Regents
paying Regents Alumni scholarships available men that their tuition we
only to in-state students, there are only a more than once during them
handful of financial stipends given out to be- such increases would not
ginning students. percentage of the origina,
Although such steps woul
HAT IS perhaps an equally serious problem in a slightly less flexible
and one which yields to a more ready to budgets, they would sup
solution is the failure to advise students and assurance to parents that
their families of tuition hikes in sufficient to finance a full course+
time for them to plan to meet the extra costs. children.
The tuition hike of last spring was an- Such proposals are not
nounced only a week before classes ended, and they would be benefici
due to the uncertainty concerning the size of ulty members, knowing th:
the state Legislature's appropriation to the creases are assured and re
University. the students, would object
-For most students this meant an extra $150 longer for a fatter paycheck.
to $200 they would have to pay for the forth- -MIC
coming year; but the announcement came Edit(
Southern Stle Justice

t all students had
employment plans
them to plan to earn
taken some steps to
quences of large and
need no longer be
ach semester, giving
mester in which to
spring the Regents
for Student Affairs
ure that no student
f the University be-
ips on a student's
tuition increase are
tainly not bargained
begins his college
nt junior from out-
the University, for
$600 a year tuition
al of $2,400. By the
ember, 1960 the cost
ast May he learned
per annum for his
R was $2400 and his
rovide this amount,
out to be $3,420,
han three extra se-
o offset these un-
A possible remedy
would be announced
ect until a year from
would provide the
for the faculty;
t the Regents cared
de needed salary in-
ust how many extra
Such a policy would
s to earn the extra
enough time to re-
absorb the added
uition increase could
to incoming fresh-
ould not be raised
r four years or that
go above a certain
I enrollment costs.
d put the Regents
position in regard
ply a much needed
they would be able
of study for their
difficult to enact,
ial to all. Few fac-
at their salary in-
alizing the gain to
to waiting a little

Continued Surveillance
Of Cuban Question

THE PRESIDENT has been in
Costa Rica to confer with the
leaders of the five Central-
American republics, which lie, we
must note, not only across the
Caribbean from Cuba, but be-
tween Panama and Mexico on the
mainland. For some time, trouble
has been brewing in Panama over
the canal. In the future, it could
become quite serious trouble. And
Mexico, which is a friendly neigh-
bor, is at the same time the critical
link in air communications be-
tween Cuba and the rest of Latin,
America. ,
Without the cooperation of Mex-
ico, a tight containment of Cas-
tro's agents is virtually impossible.
For once the agents are out of
Cuba and on the mainland, the
administrative task of checking
them in 20 different countries is
gigantic. One of the undiscussed
problems of diplomacy is how to
persuade Mexico to cooperate in
the containment of Castro. For
Mexico maintains diplomatic re-
lations with Cuba and is unim-
pressed by our anxiety about Cas-
SINCE the October crisis about
the Soviet missiles, American an-
xiety about Cuba has shifted. In
October, the anxiety was about a
military threat against the United
States. Since the, the anxiety has
turned to Cuba as a staging area
for revolutionary movements in
Latin America.
It is fair tosay that there is no
clear and certain solution in the
present phase of the Cuban prob-
lem. That is because there is only
one way to get rid of Castro
quickly, and no responsible person,
not Senator Goldwater and much
less Senator Keating, wants to
take that way. It is to invade Cuba,
occupy it and govern it. The
trouble with invasion is that it
would be illegal; it would be very
costly, not only in men and money,
but in influence all over the world.
Above all, invasion would be in-
conclusive. For Castro's men are
good guerrilla fighters, and they
would be given help from many
American countries and of course
from the Soviet Union. We should
have on our hands the kind df
nasty war which the, French had
in Algeria, and the great majority
of our people, 'though they are
much disturbed about Cuba, know
that unless Castro commits overt

aggression against some other
American state, the remedy of
invading Cuba would be worse
than putting up with the existence
of Castro.
THERE ARE many who think
that a substitute for invasion
would be a blockade of goods, and
especially oil. The blockade would
be designed to bring about the
collapse of the Cuban econmy. The
President has called this an act of
war, and the advocates of a block-
ade reply that the October quar-
antine of offensive missiles was
also an act of war, which for-
tunately the Soviet Union did not
choose to fight.
Of course, it might be that once
again the Russians would choose
not to fight and that they would
accept a blockade designed to de-
stroy the Cuban economy. But
those who are sure that they
wouldn't fight can't possibly know
that. What we do know is that
it would be harder for the Soviet
Union to accept a blockade to de-
stroy the Cuban economy than it
was to accept the very specific
quarantine of offensive missiles
last October.
Moreover, a blockade would
bring us into direct conflict with
Soviet ships, and therefore to the
verge of a great war. Yet it would
not necessarily eliminate Castro.
It can be argued, in fact, that as
between invasion and blockade,
invasion would be the lesser risk.
Either way, however, the risk
would be incalculable. That is to
say, while it would be easy enough
to launch an invasion or to insti-
tute a blockade, nobody would be
able to calculate the consequences,
to foresee the course of events and
to define the conclusion.
SO WE ARE left with surveil-
lance, containment and the effort,
to immunize the hemisphere
against Communism by promoting
the Alliance for Progress. This is
a long, frustrating course to take.
Again and again we shall be look-
ing around for some sharp, deci-
sive, surgical solution.
Those who think they have such
a solution will sound like a brass
band with all the flags flying as
compared with an organ grinder
and his monkey. They will have
all the good tunes, and the pro-
saic plodders will have to do the
dirty work of keeping the peace.
(c) 1963, The washington Post Co.

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Corrects Contraction

THE DAY BEFORE the class of '63 dons cap
and, gown to graduate from the University,
an 18-year-old Negro boy will die in the electric
chair in Lynchburg, Va. for the confessed rape
of a 59-year-old woman.
The two extremes of feeling on the part
of those who respectively defended and con-
demned the boy were articulated before the
court with great clarity:
Reuben Lawson, Negro attorney of Roanoke
who acted as the defense counsel argued to
the jury that the youth was a "mentally sick
boy" and should be placed in a hospital if
found guilty. He urged the jury members to
treat him as they would treat their own sons,
saying "the poor little boy, if he is quilty,
deserves some punishment, but he's sick and
it's your responsibility to help him."
The attorney for the prosecution, Royston
Jester III, declared that the defendent "is not
a sick boy. He is a vicious man capable of
a man's functions and a man's desires . . .
there can be no alternative in this case. The
only proper verdict is death."
THESE TWO philosophies contended in a
segregated courtroom for the life of a
Negro boy.
The attorney for the defense was Negro.
The attorney for the prosecution was white.
The judge was white.,
The woman the boy was accused of raping
was white.
The 12-man jury, begged by the defense to
consider the 18-year-old defendant as a son,
was white. The white jury disposed of the
life of the Negro boy after deliberating for one
hour and 41 minutes.
IT IS PERHAPS not surprising that the jury
dispatched of the youth in such short order.
Ringing in the ears of the 12 impartial men
was the warning of the white attorney for the
prosecution that if they returnd any verdict

other than death the residents of Lynchburg
"can't walk safely upon the public streets."
Perhaps they considered the fact that it is
not really normal for an 18-year-old boy to
rape a woman more than three times his age.
Perhaps they also considered the fact that
the woman-who is alive and well-was unable
to make a positive identification of the boy as
the one who had attacked her. But then such
considerations are neither here nor there when
a jury has the public safety to consider.
It is futile to argue in this case that capital
punishment, which is never justified even for
murder or treason, should be unthinkable to
a civilized mind as a penalty for rape. Even
the judge who sentenced the boy knows that,
as is demonstrated by the fact that five months
earlier, in the same courtroom, he had set
a sentence of five years-with a possibility of
parole after 18 months-as punishment for a
37-year-old white man who had raped an
11-year-old Negro girl.
IT IS quite obvious that neither the nature
of the crime itself nor the age of defendent
or victim was the determining factor in the
choice of sentence. There is only one factor
The mature man sentenced to five years in
prison was white and the child he attacked
was Negro;
The boy (who was only 17 at the time he
is alleged to have committed the crime) is
Negro and the woman he is accused of attack-
ing is white. The trials took place in the
Commonwealth of Virginia.
THE BOY will not die because he raped the
woman-if indeed he really did. He will die
because he had the audacity to be born a Negro
in an age when the Negro is finally demanding
to be treated as a human being by men like the
ones who prosecuted, tried and judged him,
and because he is utterly at the mercy of their
thirst for revenge.

To the Editor:
TN YESTERDAY'S edition of The
Daily you reprinted excerpts
frdm my letter of March 25 to
Student Government Council.
Unfortunately, the last sen-
tence you printed on page two
of the item consists of a contrac-
tion of two sentences of my letter.
As you contracted them I appear
to expect litigation to finish no
sooner than May, 1964, if three
kinds of rules are adopted by
then (May, 1964). What I wrote to
SGC was:
"JUDGING by past experience,
I would expect the litigation
process to finish, (if litigation is
required), no sooner than May,
1964, assuming the membership,
information, and procedure rules
are adopted before the coming
summer vacation. If these rules
are not adopted by then, it may
well happen that final action
against a contumacious group
cannot come about until some
time in 1965."
I think the difference is sig-
nificant inasmuch as my letter is
urging that Council adopt mem-
bership, information, and proce-
dure rules by the coming summer
vacation, rather than waiting un-
til some time such as May, 1964.
While I do not want to burden
you with stale news, and I recog-
nize the fact that two references
to my letter have already appeared
in print, I think the error a sig-
nificant one.
-Prof. Robert J. Harris
Bylaw . .'
To the Editor:
I THINK it is about time that
Regents Bylaw 2.14 was quoted
in full in your newspaper:
Policy oi Nondiscrimination:
The University shall not dis-
criminate against- any person
because of race, color, religion,
creed, national origin, or an-
cestry. Further, it shall work
for the elimination of discrimi-
nation (1) in private organiza-
tions recognized by the Univer-
sity and (2) from non-Univer-
sity sources where students and
employees of the University are
It seems that there is quite a
bit of misunderstanding about this
bylaw. The most immediate ques-
tion is: How can any private or-
ganization possibly be in violation
of this bylaw which is directed
specifically to the University? This'
bylaw states that the University
shall not discriminate. It further
states that the University shall
work for the elimination of dis-
crimination in private organiza-
THE DAILY, its editorial staff,
and Student Government Council
continually imply (if not boldly
state) that certain private organ-
izations affiliated with the Univer-
sity are in violation of Regents
Bylaw 2.14. This is an impossibil-
ity. I do not say that certain or-
ganizations may not be in viola-
tions; but when an organization is
in violation of a University or
SGC regulation, would it not be
much more accurate to state the

again. I contend that Mr. Orlin's
paraphrasing is both inaccurate
and misleading. Regents Bylaw
2.14 may be the motivating force
behind other regulations pertain-
ing to membership selection. How-
ever, when a private organization
is accused of discriminatory prac-
tices, the regulation being violated
should be precisely stated.
In other words, from now on
let's keep the facts straight.
-Robert L. Murphy, '60
Amendment * *
To the Editor:
THE STRAUSS House amend-
ment to the Inter-Quadrangle
Council constitution, which has
now been initiated by action of
thirteen houses, would reduce the
academic standing now required
of an IQC presidential candidate
from junior to sophomore, while
retaining the present requirement
that a candidate have one year's
experience in quadrangle or IQC
level student government.
This amendment is needed to
end the undemocratic one-candi-
date elections that have denied
our highly competent house presi-
dents from choosing between com-
peting candidates and ideas in the
IQC elections. By promoting com-
petitive elections, the Strauss
amendment would also force can-
didates to think through a pro-
gram and expose it to the purify-
ing process of election-time debate.
IQC needs to have its leader and
ex-officio member to SGC elected
in this kind of democratic man-
* * * '
THE STRAUSS amendment, un-
like the amendment initiated by
IQC itself, does actually open IQC
office to more men. It excludes no
one presently eligible. It excludes
no one made eligible by the IQC
proposal. It differs from the IQC
proposal only in that the Strauss
amendment does not try to make
IQC a closed body. By not re-
quiring a full semester's prior ser-
vice as one of IQC's six committee
chairman or a full semester's ser-
vice as one of IQC's nine members
(as does the IQC proposal), the
Strauss amendment would permit
constituent pressure to elect a
candidate who may not be the
choice of the outgoing IQC presi-
dent (who selects the committee
chairmen and his officers) or the
outgoing quadrangle presidents,
(who in practice successfully "rec-
ommend" who shall be the IQC
The need for the Strauss amend-
ment has been well demonstrated.
Unlike the proposal IQC created,
our amendment is non-political,
for it does not allow the present
members of IQC to select their
opposition for next February's IQC
presidential elections.
-John Koza, '64
Constitution. ee
To the Editor:
GERALD STORCH wrote an in-
teresting article on the educa-
tion section of the proposed state
constitution, however I think that
his conclusion is unjustified. The
main argument in Storch's analy-
sis centers around the proposed

ten, and as Storch says in his
article, quoting Northern Michigan
University President Edgar L. Har-
den, the state's higher education
system is in "near anarchy" fol-
lowing the failure of the state
colleges to agree on the best plan
for Delta College.
Certainly this indicates the need
of some body with the guts to
settle the Delta problem, or to tell
Michigan State University that it
does not need a medical school,
or to say that the University has
enough students on one campus
now. The Legislature has too many
other questions before it to study
this problem with the detail neces-
sary, and the separate universities
are too parochial by themselves
to do this,
STORCH also complains about
the method of selecting the super-
intendent of public instruction. He
states that this person should be
appointed by the governor, how-
ever the question before the voters
is between electing a man nomi-
nated by party conventions every
two years under the 1908 con-
stitution, or having the superin-
tendent appointed by and respon-
sible to the elected board making
overall policy for the state's edu-
cational system under the new
constitution. The preferred choice
is obvious.
I think in sum total the educa-
tion article of the new constitu-
tion offers a definite improvement
over the 1908 adaptation of Michi-
gan's 1850 constitution.
-George Stevenson, '64
Lemmings ...
To the Editor:
FOR THOSE of us who work
constantly for student respon-
sibility and truly believe in it, a
panty raid by women on men's
halls makes us wonder if a small
minority of the students have mis-
taken a great Mid-Western uni-
versity for a small latter day
junior high school. It is also in-
teresting to note that the blind
annual rush of lemmings to the
sea occurs at approximately this
time of year and is more than
slightly reminiscent of last night's
-Elizabeth Davenport,
Assistant to the Vice-President
for Student Affairs
Witch Hunt...
To the Editor:
IT IS interesting to note that the
same groups which call tactics
of the House Un-American Ac-
tivities Committee "witch hunting"
are often those same groups which
so actively hunt instances of dis-
crimination. At this university cer-
tain groups demand knowledge of
the membership rules of all or-
ganizations. They demand strict
surveillance of public and private
institutions. Every possible means
of expressing discrimination is
sought. When a possible instance
of such discrimination is discover-
ed, or if some person or institu-
tion expresses unwillingness to co-
operate in this hunt for evil, the
ugly cry "bias" is screamed. This
cry has come to ring in our ears

(Continued from Page 2)
commitments from both USNSA and
the proper authorities within the Uni-
Apyroved: That Student Government
Council hereby establishes the post of
International Coordinator.
Adopted: That Student Government
Council mandates the Administrative
Vice-President to investigate the possi-
bility of obtaining the films "The Price
Is Youth" and "Communist Encircle-
ment." If the films can be obtained
at nominal cost, he shall attempt to
procure them for viewing by Student
Government Council and the'campus
within the two weeks immediately fol-
lowing spring vacation. If the price be
over $10.00, he shall report his findings
to the Council.
Approved: Name change of the Demo-
cratic Socialist Club to Socialist Club.
Appointed: Ad Hoc Committee on Bias
Procedure. Brown, Epker, Elkins, Miller,
Olinick, Richard Young.
College of Architecture and Design:
Midsemester grades are due on or be-
fore Tues., April 2. Please send them
to Rm. 207 Architecture.
International Rotary Fellowship: The
International Service Committee of the
Detroit Rotary Club will nominate two
male students for International Rotary
Fellowships for the year 1964-65. Fel-
lowships will provide all expenses, in-
cluding travel, for one year of study
abroad in any country recipient may
choose and i nany field except as in-
tern or resident in Medicine. Qualifica-
tions: must be outstanding student able
to handle language of country chosen,
and have bachelor's or master's degree
by June, 1964; must be U.S. citizen and
resident of Detroit area; must be single
and remain so during period of Fellow-
ship; must not have studied in country
Candidates will be interviewed by rep-
resentatives of Detroit Rotary Club on
Wed. afternoon, April 10, at the Statler
Hilton Hotel in Detroit. Applicants for
these two nominations should call Don-
ald Lescohier at woodward 2-0200, De-
troit, or write to him at 1534 E. Jeffer-
son St., Detroit 7, to establish appoint-
ments for interviews. The selected can-
didates will be nominated by the De-
troit Rotary lub on April 15; winners
will be named in June, 1963.
This information can be confirmed by
calling the Office of Financial Aids,
NO 3-1511, Ext. 2600.
Students, College of Engineering: The
final day for DROPPING COURSES
WITHOUT RECORD will be Fri., March
29. A course may be dropped only with
the permission of the classifier after
conference with the instructor.
Students, College of Engineering: The
final day for REMOVAL OF INCOM-
PLETES will be Fri., March 29. Peti-
tions for extension of time must be on
file in the Recorder's Office on or be-
fore Fri., March 29.
Suggestions and Sample Forms for
Preparing Proposals to the National
Science Foundation for Conference for
College Teachers of Science, Mathemat-
ics, and Engrg., 1964, and for Summer
Institute for College Teachers of Sci-
ence, Mathematics, and Engrg., 1964,
may be consulted in Rm. 118 Rackham.
Effective April 1, 1963: The unsurfaced
Staff Parking lots W-4 and W-8 in the
400 block of Thompson St. will be re-
assigned to vehicles bearing a valid


Bain-Swiggett Poetry Contest: Al
manuscripts for the Bain-Swiggett Poe-
try Contest must be in the Hopwood
Rm., 1006 Angell Hall, by 4:30 p.m. Mon.,
April 1.
Doctoral Recital: Paul Makara, violin-
ist, will present a recital on Sun.,
March 31, 4:15 p.m. in Audi. A, Angeil
Hall, in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree Doctor of
Musical Arts, Horace H. Rackham School
of Grad Studies. Assisting Mr. Makara
will be Robert Chapman, piano, and
Richard Webster, clarint, in the per-
forming of compositions by Schubert,
Stravinsky, Debussy, and Bartok. Chair-
man of Mr. Makara's doctoral commit-
tee is Gilbert Ross. Mr. Makara's re-
cital is open to the public.
Faculty Seminar on Conflict Resolu-
tion: Will meet on April 1 at-12:30 p.m.
in the Kalamazoo Room of the Women's
League to hear Prof. Chadwick Alger,
currently of NYU, who is for this year
making a study of the United Nations.
His topic will be: "Politics in Interna-
tional Organizations."
Michigan Civil Service--1) Institution
Social Worker-BA with major in So-
cial Sciences. 2) Deputy State Purchas-
ing Dir. VI-BA plus 3 yrs. large scale
purchasing exper., pref. govt. exper. 3)
State Purchasing Dir. VII-BA plus 3
yrs. large scale purchasing exper., pref.
govt. exper., in an admin. capacity.
Apply for these positions by April 15.
Washington County, Oregon - County
Administrative Officer-BA with major
in Public Ad., Bus. Ad. or related field.
5 yrs. exper. in private or public em-
ployment in respon. admin. or exec.
position. Apply by May 15.
Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich. -
Openings for Women-recent, June or
Aug. grads. Interested in BA or MA de-
grees in Ace't., Econ., Finance, Math,
Engrg., Mktg., Stat., Physics, Chem. or
Bus. Ad.
Reynolds Metals Co., Brookfield, Ill.
-Openings as follows: 1) Indust. Rels,
-Grad with last 10 yrs., Degree Indust.
Rels. or Indust. Psych. Interest in La-
bor Rels. 2) Indust. Engnr.-Degree IE,
ME, or CE. Exper. in standards & budg-
ets desirable. 3) Metallurgist-Degree
Met. or Met. Engrg. 4) Accountant-De-
gree Acct.or Commerce plus I or 2
yrs. exper. in Indust. ost Acc't.
State of Colorado-Many & various
opportunities for caseworkers. For Case-
worker I level position a BA degree is
required. For higher level positions,
exper. is required. Residence require-
ments are waived. Exams are admin-
istered nationwide.
U.S. Civil Service-For duty in vari-
ous Federal agencies in Mich. & Ind.
Openings for: 1) Digital Computer Pro-
grammers-GS-9 level-Must have 1 of
the following 3: 1) 6-wk. trng. as a
Programmer; 2) 6-wk. trng. course in
any EDPS subs.; 3) 6-mo. exper. as a
console operator. 2) Digital Computer
ISystems Operator--GS-9 level-Must
have 1 of following 2: 1)6-mo. exper.
operating computer sys. console; 2) 6-
mo. exper. as a Programmer.
Michigan Civil service-1) Civil Engnr.
I-BS in Civil Engrg. or allied engrg.
degree. For higher level position, ex-
per. is recquired. 2) Account Examiner
II-Degree with courses in Accounting.
Micrometrical Mfg. Co., Ann Arbor,
Mich.-Openings for BS-MS in ME, EE,
EM, Science & Instrumentation. Work

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