ADVANCE WARNING ON TUITION HIKES See Editorial Page Y r Sir itgan ~IaitA CLOUDY, WARMER Hligh--72 Low-33 Cloudy and mild today, possibility of rain tonight Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 137 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1963 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES FACULTY RESIGNATIONS: GSC Decries Confidence Loss Senate Passes Outlay Bills, By RICHARD KELLER SIMON Graduate Student Council last night decried the "erosion in con- fidence in the University" that has prompted recent faculty resig- nations, and asked the Legislature to "take all possible means" to re- affairm its willingness to provide sufficient financial support for higher education. GSC took the move after various faculty members had resigned, giv- ing as 'reasons their belief that the "state and the citizens of the state" were unwilling to give the University enough fiscal aid. T ~ F PROF. KATHLEEN ABERLE resigns from Brandeis Two Resig At Brandeis BY MARJORIE BRAHMS Wednesday from Brandeis Unver- sity, charging political infringe- m d violation of academic freedom.; Prof. Kathleen Gough Aberle of the anthropology department and her husband, Prof. David F. Ab- erle chairman of the department, resigned simultaneously, in the face of reprimands from Brandeis President Abram L. Sachar.d President Sachar reprimanded Prof. Aberle after she addressed an audience of students, at their request, Oct. 24, two days after President John F. Kennedy re- vealed the discovery of offensive missile sites in Cuba. At that time, she criticized the American policy toward Cuba, saying "I also hope that if there is a limited war Cuba will win and the United States will be shamed before all the world and her im- perialistic hegemony in Latin America will be ended forever." British Subject Prof. Aberle, a British subject who said she was speaking as a "foreigner" and an "international- ist," also said that "I do not sup- port or praise Castro for equip- ping Cuba with nuclear weapons." President Sachar also reprim- anded her for dismissing one of her classes to enable the students to participate in a peace march 18 months ago. According to President Sachar, "there is only one issue: whether a faculty member, at this crucial time, could make the statements that were made. There is no issue on her right to dissent." Reprimand President Sachar commented yesterday that all he did was re- primand her and that she was not suspended and no punitive action was taken. The Brandeis Faculty Senate, meeting Wednesday, found no reason to make this an academic freedom issue, he said. The entire faculty will meet tomorrow to con- sider the report of the Faculty Senate. The Associated Press reported the Brandeis faculty considered the matter for four hours last night and then recessed until to- day. There was no statement.. President Sachar's cpnsure was based on the timing of her speech. He said other faculty members had also criticized United States policy but had "refrained from statements that were reckless and provocative." To Appeal Case Prof. Aberle said that she in- tended to appeal the case to the American Association of Univer- sity Professors and that, although she thought it was a violation of academic freedom, "the definitions are tricky and I cannot be sure what the AAUP will do." Writing to the Justice, the na.Apc student newsnaner to "Representing students to whom the quality of education is of greatest concern-many of whom will be teaching in such institu- tions, including the University" in the near future, the council called the situation "deplorable." Goes to Romney The motion, from Peter Roosen- Runge, will be sent to Gov. George Romney, Sen. William G. Millikan (R-Traverse City), chairman of the Senate education committee, Rep. Raymond C. Wurtzel (R- North Street), chairman of the House education committee, the Regents, University President Har- lan Hatcher, and Vice-President for Research and Dean of the graduate school Ralph A. Sawyer. In a related statement, GSC will ask Romney to appoint concerned and informed educational leaders to his "blue-ribbon" Citizen's Committee for Higher Education, which will study the state's edu- cational system. Four Claim C ensorship SOUTH BEND (-) - A student magazine's suggestion that the University of Notre Dame presi- dent be given another job led to the resignation of the magazine's three top editors and its faculty advisor yesterday. The student editors of the mag- azine, the Scholastic, charged cen- sorship. The Rev. Charles McCarragher, vice president for student affairs, termed it a dispute over enforce- ment of "existing policy." Trouble Growing Trouble had been growing since a Feb. 22 editorial complained the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Unversity president, was spending too much time away from the campus. It suggested that a lay- man be named president and that Hesburgh be given the title chan- cellor. But the immediate cause of the resignations was the deletion of two articles termed "offensive"' by the administration from the issue scheduled for distribution Friday. One of these articles discussed the student senate's recent "dec- laration of rights and grievances," which urged more liberal dormi- tory rules. The other was a satire about campus spring riots. Issue To Appear Father McCarragher said the issue would appear Friday without the articles. Resignations were announced yesterday by John McCabe, Evans- ton, Ill., editor; John Ahearn, Chi- cago, managing editor, and James Wyrsch, Springfield, Mo., asso- ciate editor. All are seniors. The magazine's advisor, Donald Costello, an assistant professor of English, also resigned. Costello didn't disclose the contents of his letter of resignation but said it stemmed from censorship of the magazine. Since the governor is expected to announce his appointments to the committee today, the request will have little effect. Create Three Committeesu. In other action, the council created three new GSC commit- tees-one to prepare an orienta- tion booklet for incoming graduate students, one to study student driving problems, and one to in- vestigate possibilities of liberaliz- ing library regulations. GSC mandated its "graduate representative" on the Student Driving Committee, currently meeting with the administration, to offer the same proposals as the Student Government Council rep- resentatives. These include: the possibility of using space in existing parking structures for student parking; the possibility of constructing a stu- dent parking structure, or the al- ternative of eliminating driving fees collected in the past as funds for either of the solutions. Defeat League Motion GSC defeated a motion that would have enabled the council to work in conjunction with the Wo- men's League in establishing a graduate orientation program be- yonduthat of the booklet. jCouncil cited the work in this field by individual graduate de- partments, and the lack of need to "lead graduate students around by the hand" as rationale. GSC urged its members and all other graduate students to con- sider petitioning for student po- sitions on the committees of the University Senate, for positions on the Conference of the University Steering Committee, and for places on the Public Discussion Commit- tee. .Dismiss Four At Frostburg For Book Use FROSTBURG, Md. R) - Four young Frostburg State Teachers College faculty members were dis- missed yesterday for what they charge was a conflict with the administration o v e r academic freedom. Part of the issue involved, the professors said, was the selection of three books-Lolita, Lady Chat- terly's Lover and Tropic of Can- cer-for use in their English courses. R. Bowen Hardesty, president of the college, denied that the fac- ulty'members were not rehired for either reasons of academic free- dom or the book controversy. Some 600 of the 1200 students enrolled demonstrated peacefully last night protesting the dismissal of the professors. Three other pro- fessors in different departments resigned in protest. The four dismissed were mem- bers of the 16-man English de- partment and with the exception of one, had been with the college for just one year. Includes U, Medical 4 Thayer Calls Rights Action Important' Measure Passes Out Just Before Deadline By WILLIAM BENOIT With only one minute remain- ing before the midnight deadline for action on bills from the house of origin, the Senate passed yes- terday a civil rights bill which Sen. Stanley Thayer (R-Ann Arbor), majority floor leader, termed "the most important of its kind in years." The bill, aimed at preventing discrimination because of race, re- ligion, national origin or ances- try, would apply to housing (real estate transactions), education and public accommodations. The measure, highly favored by Gov. George Romney, will now go to the House. Provide for Commission Also included in the bill is a provision for the establishment of an eight-man commission to in- vestigate violations and enforce the bill. The commission would be appointed to four-year terms by Romney with the advice and con- sent of the Senate. Thayer noted that the commis- sion would essentially take over the functions of the current Fair Employment and Practices Com- mission. The bill is similar to the civil rights section of the proposed con- stitution coming to a vote Mon- day. There is some question what effect passage of. the document could have on the bill. Constitution More General Thayer maintains that the pro- posed constitution is more general in its coverage of the discrimina- tion problem than the measure passed yesterday, and would func- tion as a guide for passing legis- lation implementing it. "This bill," Thayer said, "is more specific, dealing with cer- tain clear-cut areas. And I'm sure any incompatabilities which might arise between the proposed con- stitution and it could be easily straightened out." The Senate also passed yester- day a statewide minimum wage of $1.15, a measure to alter the con- troversial Ford-Canton strike ben- efits decision of the State Su- preme Court and a bill providing for rezoning of Michigan into 19 congressional districts. Redistricting Plan The redistricting plan, designed to eliminate the election of a congressman-at-large, would ac- commodate the state's growing population, giving them better representation. It was sponsored by Sen. Far- rell E. Roberts (R-Pontiac) and contains many of Romney's ideas for creation of a 19th district. Also given the nod by the Sen- ate was a bill allowing bus trans- portation for parochial school stu- dents at public expense in districts that transport their own students. Delta Measure Passes House By KENNETH WINTER The "piggy-back" bill for Delta College breezed through the House yesterday, and now faces its tough- est hurdle-the Senate Committee on Education. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Ray- mond C. Wurzel (R-North Street) passed 86-4. Originally conceived by Assist- ant Dean John X. Jamrich of Michigan State University's educa- tion school, the "piggy-back" plan would establish Saginaw Valley Senior College (SVSC): an inde- pendent state college giving jun- ior- and senior-year instruction only. It would be run by a nine- man board of trustees appointed by the governor with Senate con- sent. Delta Would Remain Delta, a locally-supported junior college, would continue in its present role, having no formal connection with SVSC. It stands as the major alterna- tive to the - University-branch plan, which would set up a four- year University campus at Delta. Wurzel admits the bill's future "will be rougher" in the Senate. Its first stop there is the educa- tion committee, where two influ- ential senators are staunchly op- posed to it, favoring the alternate University-branch plan. Senators William G. Milliken (R-Traverse City), committee chairman, and Stanley G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor), GOP caucus chairman, need only one more vote in the six-man edu- cation committee to stall the bill until the reporting-out deadline two weeks from now. Any Remaining Member Thayer said last night that this third vote "could be any one of the four remaining members. I haven't heard any of them give their views on it, but I don't think they're greatly concerned over the issue." The House-approved version of the "piggy-back"bill retains sev- eral amendments made by the House Committee on Education and Ways and Means. It still requires the thumb area to raise at least $1 million, "by' a method other than taxation," as a prerequesite to the establishing of SVSC as a state college. Several Amendments The ways and means commit- tee also added several amendments strengthening the Legislature's control over SVSC's operations- especially its financial affairs. An- J;: ':t': ........... ................... . ~~-------- - 11 ................ I -- ------------ Douglas Claims Propaganda Mars American Education WASHINGTON (RP)-Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas described American education last night as blemished by "more prop- aganda . . . than we appreciate"-some of it racial, some religious, some ideological. "Americanism is often taught as a brief for whatever American foreign policy may be in effect, no matter how defeating it may be," he said in a speech prepared for the National Civil Liberties Clear- ing House.I Thurber Works Th re ok U'For ''Expansion EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third part in a series of five profiles of Regental candidates. There are two openings for Regent which will be decided in the April 1 election.) : By GAIL EVANS Orderly expansion of facilities to meet the needs of the. burgeoning student population is the most important task facing the University and the other institutions of higher education in the state, incumbent Regent Donald M. D. Thurber stresses. The Democratic candidate for Regent believes that the problem is "to get ready and be ready" for a doubled enrollment in 1970. The University must take its place in solving the space-enrollment situation. "Co-ordination of the various state-supported colleges and universities is not as important as having sufficient facilities to accommodate the increasing number of qualified high school graduates," he asserts. Explaining his stand, Tiurber says, "Take for example a pie big enough for six people. Now no matter how you co-ordinate the pieces on a plate, there will never be enough for twelve. You have got to have another pie." Orderly Expansion He uses this example to show that orderly expansion of the existing educational facilities, not simply co-ordination of the institutions is the way to solve the education crisis. Thurber sees the concept of a branch campus at Delta College as one form of expansion for the University. There is no doubt of the need for a four nyen yercleein the tn-count cleeryr< area, he believes. If the Uni- vrsity's plans for a branch campus do not gorthrough, at. least the state-wide controversy has focused attention on the area's needs. What schools really need is a "recommitment of the state's, energies and revenues" to foster> expansion. The University plays an enormous role in the diverse economy of Michigan . and it could do much more if there were greater financial support from the state." People must see the University as part of the economy with the capi- bility of "getting the state mov- ing." Constitutional Provisions DONALD M. D. THURBER There are several provisions expansion in the proposed constitution which may not help the state's universities and colleges expand, according to the candidate. He questions the effect of the provision which will require that grade schools and institutions of higher education be financed by sales tax funds. Under the present constitution only grade schools are supported by sales tax money. The result of this provision will be increased local property taxes to support schools and increased pressure on the Regents to raise tuition to meet the financial needs of the University. "I also doubt the wisdom of the provision which mandates the Governor to intervene during the fiscal year if anticipated revenue is in conflict with appropriations," Thurber maintains. A readjustment of the appropriation in mid-year would have an "extremely unsettling effect on faculty, students and the reputation of the University." Several Problems '''' i i;i - $i : > _- :,":; ; SEN. STANLEY G. THAYER to block bill other gives the Legislature the power to select a site for the pro- posed institution. Still absent too is the $50,000 state appropriatoin to get SVSC started, which was cut out by the education committee. Neverthless, if the bill survives the Senate, "I see no reason why SVSC couldn't begin operations this fall," Wurzel asserted. "It would be very easy for the Legis- lature to appropriate some money when we come back this fall." Chances Decline The chances for passage of the "piggy-back" plan-as well as the two Delta-University resolutions- have declined since Gov. George Romney announced that he wants no final action on the Thumb- area college until his "blue-rib- bon" committee studies the mat- ter in a statewide context. Wurzel noted that the piggy- back bill "is only permissive leg- islation-if the 'blue-ribbon' com- mittee comes up with some other plan, fine.". Police Prevent MIssissIPPI Voter March By JEAN TENANDER A second Negro voter registra- tion march in Greenwood, Miss., was broken up by local police yes- terday in an attempt to keep the city's civil rights struggle under control. The march of some 50 Negroes was led by Rev. D. L. Tucker of Greenwood. Tucker was bitten in the leg by one of the police dogs during the course of the demon- stration. Police Commissioner B. A. Hammond said the minister was definitely not bitten but Tucker said this was a lie. He was sent to the emergency ward of the Greenwood hospital and four or five stitches were taken in his leg. Claim Threat Claiming the marchers who were walking along on the sidewalks were a threat to normal traffic, the police dispersed the crowd. A group of sheriffs from surrounding counties met at the Greenwood police station Wednesday night and were briefed on procedures used in Jackson during the Free- dom Rides and marches in 1961, but a police spokesman said they were there as consultants rather than reinforcements. Despite the hostility in the morning a voter registration rally was held last night at the Turner Methodist Church in Greenwood. James Farmer, executive director of the Congress for Racial Equal- ity, was the chief speaker. According to Wiley Branton, a Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee worker, and one of the localpolicemen there was no trou- ble although police were placed on duty near the church. Prisoners Tried Earlier yesterday six of the elev- en men arrested were tried on dis- orderly conduct charges arising out of that day's demonstration. SNCC workers Robert Talbert and Curtis Hayes were released. Bran- ton said those still in jail, all of Body Allots New Building For WMU Make No Changes In Other Allocations; Await House Approval By GAIL EVANS The Senate passed the capital outlay bill early. yesterday morn- ing, making permanent the sub- stitution of Medical Science Unit II and the other University pro- jects in the Senate version of the bill. Before the measures cleared the Senate, the body added a science and technology building for West- ern Michigan University, Sen. Arthur Dehnel (R-Unionville) said last night. No changes were made in the University's allocation. Now the capital outlay bills must be approved in the House, but they have until April 24 to do so. Divy Up Sum The final "quick action" capital outlay planning bill includes a total of $1.11 million, and a list of projects. The building engineer- ing division of the administration department will divy up the lump sum once the House and the gov- ernor have approved the measure. All told the University received $625,000 for the University Hos- pital renovation, $750,000 to com- plete the remodeling of the heat- ing plant, $772,000 to complete the Psysic-Astronomy Bldg., $2.3 million to continue work on the new music school,-and $500,000 to begin the fluids engineering build- ing in the regular capital outlay bill. These projects total $4.9 million out of the $24.9 million bill. Plan Two Buildings In the "quick action" measure the University will receive an es- timated $180,000 for planning two buildings - the second medical science building and the proposed dental building. Originally the University had asked for funds for a new archi- tecture building. Funds' for this building were eclipsed when Med- ical Science Unit II was substitut- ed for it on Tuesday. The University has been trying to get funds for the medical build- ing for ten years. University Pres- ident Harlan Hatcher said yester- day that it was too bad that a important project like the archi- tecture building had to be scraped, but that it was a new project, while the medical building was a projecthwhich the University has long sought. Explains Substitution Sen. Stanley G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor) has offered an explana- tion as to why the medical build- ing was not originally included' either in Gov. George Romney's capital outlay recommendations or in the Senate Appropriations Committee's proposal. He claims that there was a "mix-up in the state controller's office and the building division thought that this project would put them over their budget." Major capital outlay provisions for planning or building at other schools were the following: Michigan State University, a conservation-forestry building and a new heating plant for the Oak- land campus; Wayne State Uni- versity, a law school building; Cen- tral Michigan University, a class- room building; Western Michigan University, a heating plant expan- sion; Eastern Michigan Univer- sity, a power building; Northern Michigan University, a science building; and Ferris Institute, a technical building. Refuses - Stand On Con-Cow. Incumbant Regent Eugene B. Power of Ann Arbor has taken no stand on the proposed state con- stitution. Tincoer+11f fhsraha haa Downgrading "Many texts subtly downgrade the Negi'oes in favor of the whites; he said. "Some . . . pro- claim Protestantism over Catholi- cism and Christiantity over Jud- aism by failing to describe the history of religious liberty in a fair way. "Teaching communism is be- coming a fad," Douglas contin- ued. ". . . moreover, the tendency has been to serve a political rather than an educational need. Those who travel in Communist lands know that a Communist re- gime is not all black, while we are all white . Is there enough cour- age and independence left to dis- close what features of the Soviet system are not evil?" Douglas, in his sharp criticism of American education, enumer- ated several cases of censorship by school boards of school libra- ries. He included the case of a California school board he said banned "a brochure 'The Rule of TLw in World Affairs' by a Jus- A Gomberg Man * ..~ ss